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Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone

Volume 19, Issue / 2008
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is the care prevention and the network with the area through a short play
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 1-3, 2008.

Japanese Article Action to heart great vessels disease rehabilitation
Praise a money valley; purely, Yasushi Osaki sincerity, Tsukamoto shadow, Hideto Itokawa
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 4-8, 2008.

Japanese Article Activity introduction of the physiotherapy meeting for the study
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 9-10, 2008.

Japanese Article Experience the physical therapy after the rotator cuff tear
Ship slope Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 11-12, 2008.

Japanese Article Utility - pain of the arch support for the gonarthrosis pays its attention to the knee axis rotation of one case that disappeared; and ...
朝日信裕, Saori Nakaya, Akira Umeno
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 13-15, 2008.

Japanese Article About the effect that lower limbs local bath gives for popliteal artery bloodstream
畠平絵梨1)2), 石黒幸次2), 宮原謙一郎2), 牧野有里子2), 森菜摘2), 奥田直也2), 村上学2), 徳田裕2)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 16-17, 2008.

Japanese Article Effect to give to ventilation efficiency at rest and a thoracic expansion difference of the elderly posture controlling it kyphosis patients of the lower trunk with the locus
正保哲, New Kiyohiro, Masaki Mizukami, 三浦健洋, Kiyomitsu solstice
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 18-20, 2008.

Japanese Article Action of the Toyama physical therapist society breathing care meeting for the study
Masaki Takita
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 21-23, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... based on the questionary survey to surgical preoperative postoperative rehabilitation - physician, nurse in this hospital
Takuto Nakamura, Naoki Kawai, Akira Tsukamoto, Hideto Itokawa
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 24-26, 2008.

Japanese Article About 1 case of metapneumonic disuse atrophy of the common custom drinker
History of Yoshimi Takeda, Miki Yoshida, Hiroya Ikeda, Ship slope Hiroshi, Upper moat Haruka, Tomohiro Saito
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 27-29, 2008.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment for the person with left hemiplegia that passed from the onset for one year
Jin Nakagawa
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 30-34, 2008.

Japanese Article As a result of long-term team approach to a global aphasia person
示野美希, 斎藤理恵
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 35-36, 2008.

Japanese Article It is ... using examination - Berg Balance Scale of the fall predicted value in the care health center for the elderly
Hataya Emi 1), Hideo Konishi 2)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 37-39, 2008.

Japanese Article "Join the fall prevention classroom": That can be a physical therapist in the area
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 40-41, 2008.

Japanese Article Efforts by the care prevention ambulatory rehabilitation in our hospital
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 42-43, 2008.

Japanese Article Role of PT in the short stay
Asami Hatakeyama
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 44-45, 2008.

Japanese Article Questionary survey ... for need - care manager of the visit rehabilitation in the area
森川亜紀1), 金川善洋2), 幡谷恵美1)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 46-48, 2008.

Japanese Article Life investigation of the daycare user
Rumi Matsumi, Shie Nagamori
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 19: 49-52, 2008.