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Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone

Volume 21, Issue / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Present conditions and problem - of the cooperation that just saw why it was "cooperation" from - system aspect
Satoshi Masuyama
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 1-4, 2009.

Japanese Article From the situation of the acute phase
Satoshi Shimakura
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 5-6, 2009.

Japanese Article It is role ... of the rehabilitation ward from a convalescent viewpoint for ... convalescence
Ichiro Terada
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 7-8, 2009.

Japanese Article From the situation of the maintenance period (day care rehabilitation)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 9-10, 2009.

Japanese Article From the situation of the maintenance period (at-home rehabilitation)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 11-12, 2009.

Japanese Article From the situation of the physician
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 13-14, 2009.

Japanese Article Emcee impression
Akira Moriyama
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 15-15, 2009.

Japanese Article Finish the 14th Toyama physical therapy arts and sciences meeting
Tadahide Morita
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 16-16, 2009.

Japanese Article Efficacy and problem of the perioperative breathing rehabilitation in this hospital
Takuto Nakamura, 水口且久, Naoki Kawai, Akira Tsukamoto, 原拓央, Yutaka Nozawa, Kenji Omura, Yutaka Saito, Hideto Itokawa
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 17-20, 2009.

Japanese Article Try action ... fall follow-up of the house investigation in the ward for this hospital convalescence; and ...
Arbor will kernel, Hiroya Ikeda, Ship slope Hiroshi, History of Yoshimi Takeda
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 21-24, 2009.

Japanese Article 1 case that we returned to after construction of artificial anus at home
Shinobu Sasaki, Shizue Nogami, Ship slope Hiroshi, Keiko Ohara
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 25-27, 2009.

Japanese Article 1 case that an arch support was effective for the cruralgia at walk
Shizue Nogami, Ship slope Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 28-30, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience the physical therapy that adopted sustained expansion for ankle dorsiflexion restrictions
1000, Koya dawn, Ship slope Hiroshi, Hiroya Ikeda, Aiko Morita, Brook order size, Shizue Nogami
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 31-33, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience physical therapy after the achilles tendon rupture
Haruka Kuroda, Ship slope Hiroshi
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 34-36, 2009.

Japanese Article Experience ... which we paid our attention to 1 case - trunk myofunction that resulted in ataxy by multiple cerebral embolism and approached
History of Yoshimi Takeda, Hiroya Ikeda, Ship slope Hiroshi, Arbor will kernel
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 37-39, 2009.

Japanese Article The experienced short leg brace standing adopted type of hemiplegic patients
小川順大, 池田裕哉, 舟坂浩史, 森田愛子, 野上静恵, 西野大助
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 40-42, 2009.

Japanese Article Examination of life, the going out situation and the entrance structure using the homebound assessment in the daycare user
酒井美菜, 松見瑠美, 野村良子, 長森史絵
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 43-45, 2009.

Japanese Article ... which thinks about the cooperation with the ward through action ... case of the rehabilitation department of prevention of bedsore measures Committee in this hospital
Three pan Yuki
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 46-48, 2009.

Japanese Article A goddess of the good luck?
Anterior root Sawako
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 21: 53-53, 2009.