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Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone

Volume 23, Issue / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article We learn the dynamics
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 1-4, 2011.

Japanese Article About core conditioning : Introduction of core stabilization exercise
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 5-10, 2011.

Japanese Article After artificial knee joint replacement about a recovery process of the walking ability in the early stage
石吾亘, Rumi Okamoto, Eri Sakashita, Takayoshi Ishida, Mihoko Sakata, Manami Morishita
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 11-13, 2011.

Japanese Article About early ROM training after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Sasagawa still
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 14-16, 2011.

Japanese Article An action and effect to early detection of the sports dyskinesia and a general medical science support project (sports medical science check) for disorder prevention
Yu Iwaki 1), Nagasaki Naruyoshi 2), Koichi Imada 3)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 17-19, 2011.

Japanese Article One case that was given kinesitherapy being conscious of an inner and outer muscle
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 20-23, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that difference in stretching intensity gives to H wave amplitude
Yutaka Tokuda 1), Hiroshi Ide rare 2), A well Saint 3)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 24-27, 2011.

Japanese Article About relations of single stepladder rank balance ability and the toes muscular strength in the badminton player
Takuto Nakamura 1), Akira Tsukamoto 1), Indoor hawk-training sign deferred 2), Hideto Itokawa 3)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 28-31, 2011.

Japanese Article About the quality of life investigation to the patients during lung cancer chemotherapy
Kenji Yamamoto 1), Satoshi Shimakura 1), Bank of a river Yuki man 2), Osamu Yoshino 3)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 32-34, 2011.

Japanese Article From the charge experience of the children who left the hospital by - respirator management about the relation of the physical therapist in the NICU at home -
Takashi Nakajima interest
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 35-38, 2011.

Japanese Article Of the rehabilitation for patients with old progressive nephrocyte cancer with multiple metastases to bone, actually
藤吉健史, 高田尚美
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 39-43, 2011.

Japanese Article Comparison of the postoperative respiratory complications incidence in the gastric cancer resection case of this hospital
水口且久 1), Masaaki Shimura 1), Takuto Nakamura 1), Naoki Kawai 1), Akira Tsukamoto 1), 原拓央 2), Toshiyuki Okuda 2), Kenji Omura 2), Hideto Itokawa 3), Michiko Yamashita 4)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 44-47, 2011.

Japanese Article Communication - with a body and the bearing in chair mawashi - transfer
Jin Nakagawa
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 48-53, 2011.

Japanese Article Problems of the heart rehabilitation for the double person with a disability
Yosuke Oda 1), Takahisa Noto 2)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 54-56, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of the thighbone neck / trochanter part fracture regional alliances pass of this hospital
Masaki Takita, The Yuki Takebayashi world, Hitomi Kawahara, Anterior root Shoichi, Love ground Tomoe
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 57-60, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor enabling the home discharge of staying alone elderly people
Mayumi Ejiri, 満保紀子
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 61-63, 2011.

Japanese Article Escape - from effect - bedridden of the maintenance phase rehabilitation
Megumi Yamamoto, Kazuhiro Takeyama
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 64-65, 2011.

Japanese Article About the approach that paid its attention to one case - sensory input that presented with truncal ataxia after cerebellar infarction, and became the home rehabilitation possibility -
Masaru Masuda
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 66-69, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience treatment for the supportive improvement, inhibition of spasticity
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 70-74, 2011.

Japanese Article One case that algetic reduction was obtained by the approach to a hip joint for a popliteal region ache at walk
柴田麻衣子, 小川順大, 野上静恵, 舟坂浩史
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 75-77, 2011.

Japanese Article NET EXCEPTION Err: Could not connect to host
山口拓也1), 杉本侑子1), 酒井美菜2), 尾山明日香3)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 78-81, 2011.

Japanese Article Introduce action -APS-AFO of the harness therapy in this hospital; and -
大村直央, Makoto Takenaka
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 82-84, 2011.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of lower extremity orthosis repair, the making in the visit rehabilitation
Mika Maekawa 1), Kaoru Yamamoto 1), Koichi Kotani 1), 村井眞須美 2)
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 85-87, 2011.

Japanese Article Experience physical therapy for the tibialis anterior muscle tendon rupture
野上静恵, 舟坂浩史
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 88-91, 2011.

Japanese Article About postapoplectic autonomic work
Masaaki Shimura, Takuto Nakamura, Ichiro Terada, Akira Tsukamoto
Journal of Physical Therapy for Everyone 23: 92-94, 2011.