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Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi

Volume 2, Issue / 1989
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article (1) About a physical therapist estimated necessary number under Toyama (the first report) about - medical facilities
Ichiro Terada *, Akira Fukue **, Mayumi Sugibayashi ***
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 3-3, 1989.

Japanese Article (2) PT demand survey in Toyama
Masaki Nagase
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 3-3, 1989.

Japanese Article (3) 1 case of the hemiplegia that presented Moter Impersistence
Mihoko Murata
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 3-3, 1989.

Japanese Article (4) The summary of the cerebellar stroke in this hospital for 4 years
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 3-3, 1989.

Japanese Article (5) "Long-term healing of cervical cord injury (abortive) experience"
Miyoko Oshima
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 4-4, 1989.

Japanese Article One case that became the competition return possibility for here and there second ligament injury, a repair early postoperative period in (6)
Yuki Shimizu husband, 番谷巌, Turn Yumiko Tani
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 4-4, 1989.

Japanese Article (8) The change of blood pressure, the pulse in the training in standing up after the lumbar vertebrae surgery
Kiyomi Sugitani
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 4-4, 1989.

Japanese Article (1) A purpose and the method of the evaluation
Tomoyuki Kido
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 7-7, 1989.

Japanese Article (2) Is (1) as a result of questionary survey
Mayumi Yamazaki
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 7-7, 1989.

Japanese Article Suggestion of the evaluation system using the chart
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 8-9, 1989.

Japanese Article About POS
Hisahiro Ogishima
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 10-10, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. Age-related metergasia - musculoskeletal system ...
Kiyomi Sugitani
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 13-13, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. Age-related metergasia of the heart and the lungs system
Tree Tsutomu Hayashi
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 13-14, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. Metergasia with the neurologic aging
The Yuki Nishijima world
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 14-14, 1989.

Japanese Article 4. About "dementia"
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 15-15, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. The function dissection of the foot part
Yuki Shimizu husband
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 19-19, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. A calcaneus fracture
Eriko Oura
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 19-19, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. Achilles tendon rupture
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 20-20, 1989.

Japanese Article 5. An ankle torsion locus, an ankle fracture
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 21-21, 1989.

Japanese Article Taping
Toyama physical therapist society
Toyamaken Rigaku Ryohoshikai Gakujutushi 2: 25-25, 1989.