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Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815)

Volume 33, Issue 5 / 1997
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Research about collection of, transmission, the offer of the drug information
Hideki Mizutani, Megumi Shimizu, Yasuo Kojima
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 33(5): 549-553, 1997.

Japanese Article Inhalational instruction by the inhalant residual quantity counting
金啓二, 土井啓子, 高見一恵子, 村本裕子, 濱崎恭子, 金明美
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 33(5): 555-559, 1997.

Japanese Article Analysis - of the instructions about the National Health Insurance fee-for-service examination (III)- "compounding of medicines" by the pharmacist and "a medical department medication"
Masayoshi Shirosaka, Takao Umezu, Kiyoto Edo
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 33(5): 561-564, 1997.

Japanese Article The property of the large-capacity double bag and mixing bag and functional evaluation
寺田淳*1, 町島浩*1, 伊藤幸博*1, 田中洋*1, 浜口和己*1, 小林輝明*1, 中田雅弘*2, 吉田勝美*3
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 33(5): 567-571, 1997.

Japanese Article About a trial, a notice at production (import) approval acquisition - pharmaceutical company, questionnaire results - to a medical institution
稲瀬實, 古泉幸直
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 33(5): 573-576, 1997.