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Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815)

Volume 50, Issue 4 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Comparison between tablet crush product and formulations loss rate with the powders product and packeted error of the warfarin potassium
矢野春奈, 石丸由衣, 飛鷹範明, 立川登美子, 松岡綾, 田中亮裕, 田中守, 荒木博陽
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 461-465, 2014.

Japanese Article Investigation of the change situation from precedent opioid for the purpose of the adequacy of the sharp pain medical treatment to attaching type fentanyl daily preparation (fen toss (R) tape)
角山政之, 木村康浩, 木平健治
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 467-472, 2014.

Japanese Article Good use of symptom check sheet in the side effect monitoring of the cancer chemotherapy
野村香織1, 林高弘1,2, 牧原俊康1, 矢野裕章3, 山田成樹1, 亀井浩行2, 吉田勉2
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 473-477, 2014.

Japanese Article About a 1 increase 2 decrease system by an action of reduction of the adoption medicine number of articles and the adoption promotion of the generic medicine and evaluation - deletion medicine questionnaire and pharmacist leadership -
一木裕子1,2, 小林大介1, 窪田敏夫1, 島添隆雄1
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 479-484, 2014.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the ward drug duties enforcement addition acquisition in Rousaibyoins of the whole country
冨岡謙二1, 竹田克明2, 高橋浩子3, 川嵜英二4, 濱野晃至5, 松田俊之4, 伊藤功治6, 松原史典7, 前田頼伸2
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 485-490, 2014.

Japanese Article Use fact-finding and discussion of lamotrigine for patients with bipolar disorder
吉川明良1,4, 北村佳久4, 和田健2, 森田幸孝2, 岩本崇志2, 合葉哲也3, 開浩一1, 千堂年昭4
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 491-494, 2014.

Japanese Article Inspection of the dose warning system in the pediatrics
加藤隆1, 清原鋼二2, 宮田理英2, 谷口聡3
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 495-498, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the risk factor in the carrying germ of the vancomycin resistant enterococcus
後藤志典1,2, 林幹也1,2, 赤崎淳子1, 伊藤美登里2, 山元紀世子2, 佐和章弘3, 城甲啓治2
Journal of Japanese Society of Hospital Pharmacists (1341-8815) 50(4): 499-502, 2014.