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Host Defense

Volume 22, Issue / 2011
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Hematopoietic stem cells control with interferon
Host Defense 22: 15-15, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-I-1] Double helical RNA recognition mechanism derived from the virus of the vertebrate and the evolution
押海裕之, 岡本将明, 河西隆宏, 松本美佐子, 瀬谷司
Host Defense 22: 17-17, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-I-2] Elucidation of fungal infection defense mechanisms by the C type lectin
Host Defense 22: 18-18, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-I-3] Automatic fuzzy instruction mechanism as the biophylaxis response to proliferative pathogen in cells
Host Defense 22: 19-19, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-I-4] Infection resistance strategy by the tolerance mechanism
Host Defense 22: 20-20, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-II-1] Clonal expansion of carp CD4+T cells in In vitro
山口卓哉, 片倉文彦, 森友忠昭, 中西照幸
Host Defense 22: 21-21, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-II-2] Importance of Tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2) in the T-cell reply to be associated with mycobacterial infection
小山田亜希子, 山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 22-22, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-II-3] Chemokines CCL19 and CCL21 increase the IL-23 production from dendritic cells and regulate Th17 cytodifferentiation
桑原卓, 石川文雄, 田中ゆり子, 岡田弥生, 近藤元就, 垣内史堂
Host Defense 22: 23-23, 2011.

Japanese Article [S-II-4] Elucidation of the role of the lymph node CD169-positive medulla macrophage in the biophylaxis response at bacterial infection
黒滝大翼1,2, 田村智彦1, 上出利光2
Host Defense 22: 24-24, 2011.

Japanese Article Identification of the nonself recognition receptor group for Agnatha
Host Defense 22: 25-25, 2011.

Japanese Article The role in the living body of IL-17-producing γ δ T cell and analysis of the ergonomy control structure
Host Defense 22: 26-26, 2011.

English Article 1 Amelioration of murine listeriosis in the absence of NK and NKT cells
Kaneko, M., Emoto Y., Emoto M.
Host Defense 22: 27-27, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of Natural Killer T cell and IFN-Y in 2 mouse skin healing of wound processes
丹野寛大1, 川上和義2, 立雅恵1, 菅野恵美3, 林殿聡1, 石井恵子2, 丸山良子3, 館正弘1
Host Defense 22: 28-28, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of NKT cell activation and pattern recognition down stream molecules due to 3 cryptococcus
笛未崎1), 阿部譲1), 山本秀樹1), 原博満2), 石井恵子1), 川上和義1)
Host Defense 22: 29-29, 2011.

Japanese Article Immunologic analysis in the disseminated candidiasis exacerbation of 4 glucide and lipid administration mouse
樽本憲人1, 金城雄樹1, 大川原明子1, 上野圭吾1,3, 篠崎稔2, 渋谷和俊3, 宮崎義継1
Host Defense 22: 30-30, 2011.

Japanese Article 5 Notch-Hes1 courses are necessary for naturally-occurring IL-17-producing γ δ T cell differentiation
柴田健輔, 山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 31-31, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of naturally-occurring IL-17-producing γ δ T cell function control structure with 6 IL-7
中村真隆, 柴田健輔, 山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 32-32, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of CD30 Ligand in 7 naturally-occurring IL-17-producing γ δ T cell activation
孫遜, 郭穎, 黄銀霞, 柴田健輔, 山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 33-33, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of naturally-occurring IL-17A-producing γ δ T cell in 8 Candida albicans phylaxis
出嶋卓, 柴田健輔, 山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 34-34, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of the IL-17 family in the phylaxis for 9 tubercle bacilli
梅村正幸1,2, 當山清悟1,2, 岡本祐子1,2, 矢作綾野1,2, 當眞奈海1,2, 中江進3, 岩倉洋一郎4, 松崎吾朗1,2
Host Defense 22: 35-35, 2011.

Japanese Article Effect of the Card9 gene defect in 10 Mycobacyerium bovis BCG infection
高橋友里恵1), 山本秀輝1), 中村優里1), 石井恵子1), 原博満2), 川上和義1)
Host Defense 22: 36-36, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of dectin-2 in 11 cryptococcus phylaxis and Card9
中村優里1, 山本秀輝1, 高橋友里恵1, 阿部譲1, 石井恵子1, 西城忍2,3, 岩倉洋一郎4, 原博満5, 山崎晶6, 川上和義1
Host Defense 22: 37-37, 2011.

Japanese Article Host protection-like role of IL-13 for pneumonia due to 12 habitual presence microbes and bloodstream infections
山本夏男1, 三浦里織1, 高橋実2, 藤田禎三2, 大花昇1, 今福裕司1, 細川裕之3, 中山俊憲3, 山本秀輝4, 川上和義4, 賀来満夫5, 金光敬二1
Host Defense 22: 38-38, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of type I interferon in 13 fatal influenza infection
有森陽二郎, 中村梨沙, 柴田健輔, 山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 39-39, 2011.

Japanese Article Develop-ment research of the treatment of the acute pulmonary disorder by influenza A viral infections that targeted 14 interleukin-15
中村梨沙1), 前田直良2), 柴田健輔1), 山田久方1), 加瀬哲男3), 樗木俊聡4), 吉開泰信1)
Host Defense 22: 40-40, 2011.

Japanese Article Influenza virus phylaxis effect of the black yeast Aureobasidium pullulans culture fluid containing 15 high density β glucan
村松大輔1,3, 内山博文1,3, 青木志保1,3, 数馬田美香1,3, 原田種展2,3, 中山洋佑3, 浅田祐弘2, 草野妃里2, 二川安弘1, 宮崎忠昭3
Host Defense 22: 41-41, 2011.

Japanese Article Participation of the mastocyte in the pathologic aggravation due to 16 dengue viral infections
渡邊直煕1, Murao LA2, Lan NTP3, Huy NT2, Huong VTQ3, Thuy TT4, Tham VD5, Nga CTP5, Ha TTN2, 菊池三穂子2, 森田公一2, 安波道郎2, 平山謙二2, 古田隆久6
Host Defense 22: 42-42, 2011.

English Article 17 Induction of ssDNA-binding autoantibody secreting B cell immunity during murine malaria infection is a critical part of the protective immune responses
Changchun Li1, Mannoor Kaiissar2, Hisami Watanabe3
Host Defense 22: 43-43, 2011.

Japanese Article Analysis of the phylaxis ability for malaria in 18 low zinc feed feeding mice
稲嶺由羽1, 李長春1, 稲福征志2, 渡部久実1
Host Defense 22: 44-44, 2011.

Japanese Article RNA interference by the antisense RNA found in 19 Schistosoma japonicum
熊谷貴, 関丈典, 下河原理江子, 太田伸生
Host Defense 22: 45-45, 2011.

Japanese Article Aberrant form prion protein uptake in 20 early age period mouse small intestine and relations with the scrapie onset
高野樹里1, 田代明子1, 黒田弥乃梨1, 佐藤雪太1, 横山隆2, 小野寺節3, 湯川眞嘉1
Host Defense 22: 46-46, 2011.

Japanese Article Importance of the RD1 gene domain in the interleukin-1α production of 21 tubercle bacillus infection macrophage
河村伊久雄, 酒井俊祐, 土屋晃介, 原英樹, 光山正雄
Host Defense 22: 47-47, 2011.

Japanese Article Activated mechanism of mouse marrow dendritic cells with 22 Cryptococcus neoformans DNA
石井恵子, 田中三鈴, 川上和義
Host Defense 22: 48-48, 2011.

Japanese Article The effect that 23 Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing molecules N-3-Oxododecanoyl-homoserine lactone gives for a healing of wound process and wound part inflammatory response
菅野恵美1, 川上和義2, 乙丸礼乃1, 石井恵子2, 丹野寛大3, 林殿聡3, 丸山良子1, 館正弘3
Host Defense 22: 49-49, 2011.

Japanese Article About an active oxygen generation active control area of 24 phagocytes and non-phagocyte NADPH oxidase
宮野佳, 住本英樹
Host Defense 22: 50-50, 2011.

Japanese Article It is activation and the endotoxin shock condition of a patient through becoming it S-guanyl of cGMP-dependent protein kinase G by 25 NO
小野勝彦1, Ahmed Khandaker Ahtesham1, 岡本竜哉1, 藤井重元1, 澤智裕1, Philip Eaton2, 赤池孝章1
Host Defense 22: 51-51, 2011.

Japanese Article Course of MIP-2 production from macrophage by 26 Extracellular ATP stimulation and the inflammatory aggravation
川村宏樹, 川村俊彦, 神田泰洋, 安保徹
Host Defense 22: 52-52, 2011.

Japanese Article Search of the factor about IL-12p40-producing instruction activity of 27 lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum L-137 strains
藤木崇, 広瀬義隆, 山本佳弘, 室崎伸二
Host Defense 22: 53-53, 2011.

Japanese Article Importance of the lipoteichoic acid in the IL-12-producing instruction activity of 28 lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus plantarum L-137 strains
広瀬義隆1, 藤木崇1, 大塚治2, 山下光雄2, 山本佳弘1, 室崎伸二1
Host Defense 22: 54-54, 2011.

Japanese Article Inhibitory effect of the EB virus infection by 29 EM, X GOLD
西連寺剛1,2, 新谷正樹1, 田中勇悦2, 足立哲也2, 田中礼子2, 奥本秀一1, 安里勝之1, 比嘉照夫3
Host Defense 22: 55-55, 2011.

Japanese Article Examination of the CD4T cells subset in 30 humans rheumatoid arthritis
山田久方, 吉開泰信
Host Defense 22: 56-56, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of IL-2 in the clonal expansion of 31 antigen-specific Th17 cells
藤村謙次郎, 櫻庭康司, 小山田亜希子, 吉開泰信, 山田久方
Host Defense 22: 57-57, 2011.

Japanese Article Characteristic of memory type PD-1-positive CD8T cells with 32 immunoregulation effects
櫻庭康司, 小山田亜希子, 藤村謙次郎, 吉開泰信, 山田久方
Host Defense 22: 58-58, 2011.

Japanese Article The immune response for the soluble antigen is induced in 33 CCL19, CCL21-Ser loss mice (plt mouse)
田中ゆり子1, 桑原卓1, 石川文雄1, 岡田弥生1, 近藤元就1, 垣内史堂1,2
Host Defense 22: 59-59, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of Dectin-2 in recognition and the phylaxis of 34 pneumococcus
赤堀ゆきこ1, 青柳哲史2, 八田益充2, 石井恵子1, 西城忍3,4, 岩倉洋一郎5, 山崎晶6, 賀来満夫2, 川上和義1
Host Defense 22: 60-60, 2011.

Japanese Article Role of osteopontin in 35 human T-cell leukemia virus type I infection cell infiltration, metastasis and the integrin receptor
前田直良1,2, 大橋貴3, 藤井雅寛4, 服部俊夫5, 上出利光1
Host Defense 22: 61-61, 2011.

Japanese Article Identification of new antigen receptor Variable lymphocyte receptor C of 36 Agnatha
笠松純1, 須藤洋一2, 笠原正典2
Host Defense 22: 62-62, 2011.

Japanese Article Correlation of structure and antimycotic activity of the chitinase affecting the biophylaxis of 37 plants
Host Defense 22: 63-63, 2011.