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Host Defense

Volume 24, Issue / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Biophylaxis and active oxygen
Host Defense 24: 15-15, 2013.

Japanese Article Nucleic acid injury and biophylaxis
中別府雄作, 岡素雅子, 盛子敬, 土本大介, 作見邦彦
Host Defense 24: 17-17, 2013.

Japanese Article The prospects of the respiratory infection vaccine
Host Defense 24: 19-19, 2013.

Japanese Article Biophylaxis through nitric oxide which we found to S-I-1 yeast and the control structure
Host Defense 24: 21-21, 2013.

Japanese Article Function of the active oxygen in the biophylaxis of the S-I-2 bivalve
Host Defense 24: 22-22, 2013.

Japanese Article Natural immunity mechanism of the plant for the RNA silencing inhibition protein of the S-I-3 virus
中原健二1, 田恩眞1, 忠村一毅1, 村上泰基1
Host Defense 24: 23-23, 2013.

Japanese Article Active oxygen - Ca2+ signal network in the biophylaxis of the S-I-4 plant and the control
朽津和幸1, 来須孝光1,2, 北畑信隆1
Host Defense 24: 24-24, 2013.

Japanese Article Induction of immune response mechanism due to the disease-causing germs recognition receptor of the S-I-5 plant
川崎努1, 山口公志1, 山田健太1, 石川和也1, 吉村智美1, 吉村悠矢1
Host Defense 24: 25-25, 2013.

Japanese Article Control structure of the plant NADPH oxidase by the S-I-6 phosphorylation
吉岡博文1, 安達広明1, 白石佑太郎1, 中野孝明1, 宮川典子2, 浅井秀太3, 川崎努4, 吉岡美樹1
Host Defense 24: 26-26, 2013.

Japanese Article S-II-1 dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever
Host Defense 24: 27-27, 2013.

Japanese Article S-II-2 Helicobacter pylori and biophylaxis
Host Defense 24: 28-28, 2013.

Japanese Article The offense and defense of the invasiveness disease-causing germs in S-II-3 cells and the selective automatic fuzzy
Host Defense 24: 29-29, 2013.

Japanese Article Hepatocytes tumorigenic sthenia by the S-II-4 hepatitis C virus inductivity oxidative stress
Host Defense 24: 30-30, 2013.

English Article S-III-1 Suppression of NLRP3 inflammasome by nitric oxide[Machine Translation] (一酸化窒素によるNLRP3インフラマソームの抑制)
土屋晃介, Eduardo Hernandez-Cuellar, 原英樹, 方仁東, 酒井俊祐, 河村伊久雄, 光山正雄
Host Defense 24: 31-31, 2013.

Japanese Article IRF -3 - dependent NK - activating molecule controls activation of the natural killer cell in the S-III-2 living body
笠松純1, 押海裕之1, 海老原敬2, 松本美佐子1, 瀬谷司1
Host Defense 24: 32-32, 2013.

Japanese Article Inhibitory effect by participation and the thrombomodulin of HMGB1 in the S-III-3 ARDS
外山真彦1, 工藤大介2, 青柳哲史3, 石井恵子1, 久志本成樹2, 賀来満夫3, 川上和義1
Host Defense 24: 33-33, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of the automatic fuzzy in the biophylaxis of the S-III-4 rice
来須孝光1,2, 高橋章3, 佐谷南海子1, 安藤大智1, 花俣繁1, 小嶋美紀子4, 榊原均4, 二平耕太朗1, 北畑信隆1, 宮尾安藝雄5, 多田雄一2, 廣近洋彦3, 朽津和幸1
Host Defense 24: 34-34, 2013.

Japanese Article Maintenance mechanism of communication control and the gut flora of the intestinal epithelia with the S-III-5 bridging enzyme
柴田俊生1, 関原早苗2, 藤川匠2, 槇光輝2, 石原健1,2, 小柴琢己1,2, 川畑俊一郎1,2
Host Defense 24: 35-35, 2013.

Japanese Article Sulfur in stress adaptation, the maladjustment of the S-IV-1 heart-modified role
西田基宏1, 外山喬士1,2, 北島直幸1, 冨田拓郎1, 熊谷嘉人2, 居原秀3, 澤智裕4, 赤池孝章4
Host Defense 24: 37-37, 2013.

English Article S-IV-2 Novel detection methods for redox signaling molecules
Ming Xian
Host Defense 24: 38-38, 2013.

Japanese Article Active sulfur molecules controlling hazardousness of the electrophile in the S-IV-3 environment
Host Defense 24: 39-39, 2013.

Japanese Article Redox control and platelet function in the S-IV-4 blood megakaryocyte
藤田理恵1, 高山昌理子1, 木村桃子1, 山本雅之1, 本橋ほづみ2
Host Defense 24: 40-40, 2013.

Japanese Article Biophylaxis with the S-IV-5 natural antibody
Host Defense 24: 41-41, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis of the role of γ δ T cell in the society prize for encouragement -1 plasmodia infections defense
Host Defense 24: 43-43, 2013.

Japanese Article Elucidation of society prize for encouragement -2 tissue habitual presence-related macrophage and a monocytic function and the differentiation mechanism
Host Defense 24: 44-44, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of type 1 interferon in the general -1 Cryptococcus neoformans phylaxis
佐藤光, 山本秀輝, 石井恵子, 川上和義
Host Defense 24: 45-45, 2013.

Japanese Article Interaction with general -2 Cryptococcus neoformans and C - type lectin receptors
松村香菜1,2, 中村優里1, 山本秀輝1, 佐藤光1, 石井恵子1, 山崎晶3, 原博満4, 安達禎之5, 大野尚仁5, 館正弘2, 川上和義1
Host Defense 24: 46-46, 2013.

Japanese Article Participation of NKT cells in the fungal infection exacerbation in the general -3 bacteria, Candida coinfection model
金城雄樹1, 樽本憲人2, 北野尚樹1, 笹井大督3, 大川原明子1, 上野圭吾1, 井澤由衣奈1,4, 篠崎稔5, 竹山春子4, 前崎繁文2, 渋谷和俊3, 宮崎義継1
Host Defense 24: 47-47, 2013.

English Article 一般-4 Murine listeriosis is ameliorated by Polyinosinic polycytidylic acid (Poly I : C)
Yu-ju Kanayama, Yoshiko Emoto, Masakazu Kaneko, Masato Tago, Masashi Emoto
Host Defense 24: 48-48, 2013.

English Article 一般-5 Murine listeriosis is ameliorated in the absence of NK cells and NKT cells
Masakazu Kaneko, Yoshiko Emoto, Masashi Emoto
Host Defense 24: 49-49, 2013.

English Article 一般-6 Acquired resistance of Listeria monocytogenes in and escaped from liver parenchymal cells to gentamicin is caused by being coated with their plasma membrane
Masato Tago, Masakazu Kaneko, Yu-ju Kanayama, Yoshiko Emoto, Masashi Emoto
Host Defense 24: 50-50, 2013.

Japanese Article The identification of IL - 17F producing cells in the general -7 mycobacterial infection lungs and the locality
梅村正幸1,2, 當山清悟1, 福井雅之1, 福井知穂1, 中江進3, 岩倉洋一郎4, 松崎吾朗1,2
Host Defense 24: 51-51, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of the N-terminal function domain in the activation of general -8 active oxygen producing enzyme NADPH oxidase 5 (Nox5)
宮野佳, 住本英樹
Host Defense 24: 52-52, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis of the MIP -2 overproduction mechanism of general -9 myeloperoxidase loss neutrophils
荒谷康昭1, 舘野奈央1, 松本典子1, 本脇献浩1, 鈴木和男2
Host Defense 24: 53-53, 2013.

Japanese Article Differentiation of the Th1 cells subset varying in general -10, role of Tyk2 in the function
橋口智光, 小山田亜希子, 櫻庭康司, 吉開泰信, 山田久方
Host Defense 24: 54-54, 2013.

Japanese Article The effect that general -11 Pseudomonas aeruginosa quorum sensing molecules N-butanoyl-L-homoserine lactone gives for a healing of wound process and wound part inflammatory response
鈴木愛子1, 菅野恵美2, 川上和義3, 宮入伸一4, 丹野寛大1, 石井恵子3, 丸山良子2, 館正弘1
Host Defense 24: 55-55, 2013.

Japanese Article Defense effect of protein, the glucide and lipid combination vaccine on general -12 pneumococcal infection
井澤由衣奈1,2, 大川原明子1, 朴貞玉3, 金子幸弘1, 川上和義4, 竹山春子2, 大石和徳5, 金城雄樹1
Host Defense 24: 56-56, 2013.

Japanese Article Role of the HPA axis in the general -13 sepsis condition of a patient
笠原恵美子1, 関山敦生2, 堀美香2, 千田大3, 北川誠一1
Host Defense 24: 57-57, 2013.

Japanese Article Antimicrobial activity of α 1 - acidity glycoprotein (AGP) to get by general -14 S - nitrosation
異島優1,2, 渡辺佳織1, 赤池孝章3, 澤智裕3, 黒田照夫4, 小川和加野4, 渡邊博志1,2, 甲斐俊哉5, 小田切優樹6,7, 丸山徹1,2
Host Defense 24: 58-58, 2013.

Japanese Article Analysis of the automatic fuzzy change in the biophylaxis reply process of general -15 cigarette cultured cell BY -2
花俣繁1, 岡田全朗1, 来須孝光1,2, 朽津和幸1
Host Defense 24: 59-59, 2013.

Japanese Article It is control by bacterial infection defense mechanisms and the hydrogen sulfide through becoming it general -16 protein S - guanyl
藤井重元1, Khan Shahzada1, 松永哲郎1,2, 小野勝彦1, 井田智章1,2, 澤智裕1,2, 赤池孝章1,2
Host Defense 24: 60-60, 2013.

Japanese Article Control of the parasitism infection Th2 reply by the general -17 B7 - DC
渡辺直煕1, 石渡賢治2, Tahiro Shin3
Host Defense 24: 61-61, 2013.

Japanese Article Functional analysis of IL -33 / ST2 in the general -18 Plasmodium chabaudi infection
関丈典1, 二宮・小畑一茂2, 荒井俊夫1, 熊谷貴1, 太田伸生1
Host Defense 24: 62-62, 2013.

Japanese Article Repertoire analysis of spleen γ δ T cell acting on general -19 plasmodia infections defense
井上信一, 新倉保, 井上愛美, 峯尾松一郎, 小林富美惠
Host Defense 24: 63-63, 2013.

Japanese Article Leishmania casualties effect of the macrophage which does not depend on general -20 nitric oxide
綱嶋るみ, 杉浦勝明, 松本安喜
Host Defense 24: 64-64, 2013.

Japanese Article Relation of general -21 humans neutrophils and inflammatory myelo id cell receptor TREM -1
祖母井庸之, 斧康雄
Host Defense 24: 65-65, 2013.

Japanese Article Macrophage active form vitamin D3-related genetic expression analysis derived from a differentiated human monocyte by general -22 M - CSF and GM - CSF to be able to put
櫻田紳策1, Panadda Dehpakson2, 赤川清子3, 山崎利雄4, 慶長直人5
Host Defense 24: 66-66, 2013.

Japanese Article General -23 transcription factor IRF8 inhibits a function of C / EBPα in monocytic - dendritic cells progenitor cells and results in the loss of the neutrophilic differentiation ability
黒滝大翼1, 山本道雄1, 宇野和宏1, 西山晃1, 中林潤1, 中澤正年2, Herbert C. Morse III3, Keiko Ozato4, 田村智彦1
Host Defense 24: 67-67, 2013.