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Medical Genetics Research

Volume 20, Issue 1/2 / 1998
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The direct effect on fetuses and generative function with the atom bomb and genetic effect for the A-bomb victim II
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 1-17, 1998.

Japanese Article Informed consent for amniocentesis
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 19-22, 1998.

Japanese Article Twenty years experience of genetic counseling at Gifu city central health center
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 23-29, 1998.

Japanese Article Characteristics of the craniofacial structure and a strategy of the orthodontic treatment for Cleidocranial dysplasia - a case report with 14years follow-up study -
Noriko MIIKEDA, Michiko TSUJI, Kimie OHYAMA, Takayuki KURODA
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 31-40, 1998.

Japanese Article Therapy for urea cycle disorders.
Shinichro ARASHIMA, Tetuo TAKAHASI, Hiraaki HYUGA, Masae TOMITA, Takeshi NISHIKAWA, Takako OKAYASU, Etuko HAGINO, Katumi MIYAZAKI, Takeshi KISHINO, Syutoku KORI
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 41-51, 1998.

Japanese Article Pilot study for facial image synthesis in congenital anomaly patients
Michiko Tsuji, Kimie OHYAMA, Noriko MIIKEDA, Takayuki KURODA
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 53-61, 1998.

Japanese Article Innovation and triple marker screening - in new choice - reproductive medicine in the genetic counselling
Saito relation way
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 63-63, 1998.

Japanese Article The atrioventricular septal defect that was complicated with a case of the autosomal recessive inheritance-related polycystic kidney
宮原晋一*, 辻浩一**, 斉藤仲道***
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 64-64, 1998.

Japanese Article About genetic counselling in the obstetrics and gynecology department - Nippon Steel Yawata memory hospital obstetrics and gynecology department genetic counselling foreign examination - of 3 years
Shunnya Takayama
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 65-65, 1998.

Japanese Article Gene therapy in adenosine deaminase deficiency
Yukio Sakiyama
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 66-66, 1998.

Japanese Article Genetic screening and gene therapy of the hypercholesterolemia
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 68-68, 1998.

Japanese Article An example of monosomy 10p that presented significant hypocalcemia
山中勗 *, Chiemi Hayakawa *, Futoshi Yoshida **, Iwao Kitayama straight ***, Ikuya Tsuge ****
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 69-69, 1998.

Japanese Article Fetal chromosome banding results for the subsequent pregnancy in mother who experienced pregnancy, delivery of the chromosome abnormal child
Hiroshi Suzuki *, Junko Fujiwara *, Junko Sato *, Yasuhiko Ohara *, Masaaki Watanabe *, Tadao Funato **, Tsuyoshi Sasaki **, Emiko Midorikawa ***, Hisako Suzuki ***, Shigeki Uehara ***, Satoru Yajima ***
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 70-70, 1998.

Japanese Article Cytogenetic discussion of the primary amenorrhea
Toru Maeda
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 70-70, 1998.

Japanese Article Examination about the chromosomal analysis results of the spontaneous abortion case in our department
Yukio Watanabe, Ryota Fujii, Toshiro Kaneko, Toshihiko Iura, Haruo Takabayashi, Pasture field intellect
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 71-71, 1998.

Japanese Article Maternal examination for serologic marker and amniotic fluid diagnosis
Junko Senoo 1, 2, Tamaoki (Hashimoto) Tomoko 1, 2, Hideaki Sawai 3, Akira Ida success 3, Yue Kanbara 2, Hiroko Mimura 2, Keiko Kawaguchi 4, Junichi Koyama 1, 2
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 71-71, 1998.

Japanese Article A diagnosis of 18trisomy by the supersonic wave and the handling
Hirafuki intellect male, Michiko Yamanaka
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 72-72, 1998.

Japanese Article Families analysis and genetic counselling of the fetuses with the marker chromosome detected by examination using ammiotic fluid
Hideaki Sawai 1, 2, Tamaoki (Hashimoto) Tomoko 2, 3, Yue Sugawara 2, Hiroko Mimura 2, Junko Senoo 2, 3, Makoto Sato period 4, Junichi Koyama 2, 3, Tsuyoshi Kitahara person 5, 繁口実 1, Koji Kayama 1
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 74-74, 1998.

Japanese Article Two cases of the Meckel syndrome
Hiroshi Watanabe, Noriyuki Inaba
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 75-75, 1998.

Japanese Article Effect on pregnancy mouse (the second report) that direct current magnetic field radiation gives to fetus
Kenichi Saito *, Katsushi Suzuki *, Shuichi Yokoyama **
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 77-77, 1998.

Japanese Article Brothers case of the X togetherness-related spastic paraplegia which accepted insertion of kernel formation site (NOR) in Xq11.2
Fence around a shrine Ayako *, Reiko Tomita *, Masaru Shibata **, Morichika Shogo **, 嶋緑倫 **, Akira Yoshioka **, Hiroki Kurahashi ***, 中村敏夫巳 ****, Motoaki Okumura ****, Wide Nobuhiro Hayashi ****
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 78-78, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 girl case regarded as Denys-Drash syndrome
Hiroshi Shimoyama exhibition 1, 3, Mitsuru Nakajima 1, Middle Hiroyuki 1, 朴永東 1, Moat Kensuke 2, Hajime Morikawa 2, Akira Yoshioka 1
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 79-79, 1998.

Japanese Article Twin diagnosis in the multiple pregnancy merger hydatidiform mole case by Finger print analysis
Hiroshi Sumitani, Water Makio, Masaki Inoue
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 80-80, 1998.

Japanese Article Action of the genetic counselling in the Shiga Prefectural child health medical center
Kumiko Takagi, Megumi Horikawa, Riding ground sentence, Relation Chiharu Azuma, Masatoshi Ito
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 82-82, 1998.

Japanese Article Study to perform of open for way of connecting of to the genetic counselling in the public health center
岩淵明美*, 菊池とも*, 田澤光正*, 中村義孝*, 中井博史**, 川村みや子***
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 82-82, 1998.

Japanese Article Recognition and understanding for the genetic counselling of the protector of the child with a disability (person) and the staff of institution
田島貞子*, 巽純子**, 藤田萬里子***, 小泉武宣****, 吉野くみこ****
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 83-83, 1998.

Japanese Article Trial of the genetic counselling on the homepage of the Internet
Seiji Mizuno
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 83-83, 1998.

Japanese Article 1 family of Fabry disease where mother was a proband
瀬戸俊之1, 田中あけみ1, 石村栄治2, 酒井真礼2, 川村智行1, 一色玄1
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 84-84, 1998.

Japanese Article Support to the at-home therapy for 18trisomy girls case
Mitsuyo Sasaki *, Tsukino Ryuichi **
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 86-86, 1998.

Japanese Article Through one discussion - 2 example about the environmental condition supporting a reception process and mother of the child with a disability -
Etsuko Takase *, Chatan Kuroshio current *, Tail Sakimori *, Hiroaki Takahashi *, Morigai treetop **, Akane Mori **, Ikuko ** between the chinquapin, Masako Miyazaki **
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 87-87, 1998.

Japanese Article Applied likelihood to the gene therapy of the ankyrine repeat protein cancer giraffe to overexpress for a cancer
East Hiroaki Tsuji, Katsuhiko Ito, Jun Fujita
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 89-89, 1998.

Japanese Article Family system of the Gitelman syndrome in acknowledgment of the point mutation in the TSC(thiazide-sensitive Na-Cl cotransporter) gene
Saigawa Tomoko *, Head family just one *, Half well Takayuki *, Katsumi Ishikawa *, Toshio Morise **
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 91-91, 1998.

Japanese Article Gene diagnosis and genetic counselling of the hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer
Yasukichi Sugano 1, Yukio Nomura 1, 4, Shin Fujita 2, Takayuki Akasu 2, 森谷宣皓 2, Kyosuke Ushio 3
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 92-92, 1998.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the prenatal diagnosis in Europe
Kodo Sato
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 93-93, 1998.

Japanese Article National fact-finding - Ministry of Health and Welfare psychosomatic disorder study genetic counselling study group allotment study - of the genetic counselling institution in the general hospital
Masae Ono
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 94-94, 1998.

Japanese Article An analysis and the future of the counselor heredity training
Tsukino Ryuichi *, Mitsuyo Sasaki **
Medical Genetics Research 20(1/2): 94-94, 1998.