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Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research

Volume 13, Issue / 2010
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The change of the impotence sexual intercourse study and development of the RXR hypothesis
Toshihiro Horiguchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 25-25, 2010.

Japanese Article Future development of the laboratory animal higher brain function rating system
掛山正心, Chiharu Toyama
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 26-26, 2010.

Japanese Article Living body effect and epigenetic of the environmental chemical
Keiko Nohara, Yukiyo Tateishi, Takehiro Suzuki, Imperial carpenter Shota, Fumihiko Maekawa
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 27-27, 2010.

Japanese Article It is the relation with the environmental chemical the present conditions and the prospects of the world birth cohort study particularly
Reiko Kishi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 28-28, 2010.

English Article Toxicology Meets Developmental Biology: Genome-wide Analysis of Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Gene Targets
Alvaro Puga
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 31-31, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on nuclear receptor RORα/γ inverse agonist activity and immune system with the 1-B-1 pesticide
小島弘幸1, 武内伸治1, 高橋美妃2, 室本竜太2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 35-35, 2010.

Japanese Article Structure factor of the chemical binding to 1-B-2 retinoid receptor
Mountain of many hawks' nests Keitaro, 劉暁輝, Tomoki Sakai, Truth in Nishigaki, Mitsuhiro Nishikiori, 縄司奨, Ayami Matsushima, Takeshi Nose, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 36-36, 2010.

Japanese Article Establishment of the multi-profiling technique to detect 1-B-3 viviparity programming abnormality
Hiromi Akanuma 1, Reiko Nagano 1, Locus wave Hiroko 1, Seiichiro Osako 2, Hideko Sone 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 37-37, 2010.

Japanese Article Study on effect of the thalidomide using the neurodifferentiation system of the 1-B-4 human embryonic stem cell
Hideko Sone 1, Reiko Nagano 1, Hiromi Akanuma 1, Locus wave Hiroko 1, Seiichiro Osako 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 38-38, 2010.

Japanese Article Toxic effect evaluation of methylmercury in the neurodifferentiation culture system using 1-B-5 mouse and the human embryonic stem cell
Seiichiro Osako 1, Reiko Nagano 2, Any small light 1, Tetsu Imanishi 1, wisteria edge 3 to navigate, Hiromi Akanuma 2, Hideko Sone 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 39-39, 2010.

Japanese Article 1-B-6 The application of test methods (OECD TG229, TG230) to screen endocrine disrupting effects of chemicals using medaka
鑪迫典久, 齊藤和代, 岡知宏, 小塩正朗1, 井口泰泉2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 40-40, 2010.

Japanese Article Recent overseas regulation for the 1-F-1 environmental endocrine disrupter
Teruo Oshima
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 41-41, 2010.

Japanese Article Localization in the inner ear of 2-D-1 Aryl hydrocarbon receptor
Kazuhiko Kubo 1), Small sect Shizuo 2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 45-45, 2010.

Japanese Article Isobutyl paraben exposed to via 2-D-2 mother rat changes emotion, learning, social nature of the pup and eating behavior
川口真以子1, 今井秀樹2, 諸星佳織3, 平野顕宏1, 森田昌敏3, 4, 堀井康行5, 6, 渡辺元5, 6, 田谷一善5, 6, 近藤保彦7, 加藤進昌8, 氷見敏行1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 46-46, 2010.

Japanese Article Pregnancy, lactational exposure to 2-D-3 bisphenol A and confirmation (again) test results report with next-generation cognitive function effect - rat and mouse
Muneyuki Miyakawa, Kenichi Kobayashi, Rieko Hojo
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 47-47, 2010.

English Article 2-D-4 Transcriptional regulation of CYP1A genes in amphibians
Ken-ichi T.Suzuki, Hisato Iwata
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 48-48, 2010.

Japanese Article 2-D-5 Effects of Fetal and Lactational Exposure to Bisphenol A on Learning and Memory Function in Mice.
北條理恵子, 久保田久代, 小林健一, 宮川宗之
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 49-49, 2010.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the bisphenol A pharmacokinetics using the 3-D-1 organ perfusion model
Hiroki Inoue 1), Nishikawa 2, Biu), Chie Sano 1), 太田有耶 1), Yasuki Sakurada 1), Iwano wisdom 2), Hiroshi Yokota 2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 53-53, 2010.

Japanese Article New search of the gestation period exposure to bisphenol A effect by the 3-D-2 metabolic syndrome loam analysis
Iwano wisdom 1, Nishikawa 1, Biu, Anna Morita 1, Risa Yanagisawa 1, Kiyoshi Tsushima person 1, Hiroki Inoue 2, Hiroshi Yokota 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 54-54, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on mouse prostate secretory function of the 3-D-3 low dose TCDD neonatal exposure
Shigeru Fujimoto light 1, Atsuya Takagi 2, Jun Sugano 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 55-55, 2010.

Japanese Article We have a function that the 3-D-4 fish lipoChinese quince binds to a foreign body (trybutyle tin and fugu poison) and excretes from body surface viscous liquid
Yuji Oshima
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 56-56, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect low dose-specific 3-D-5 embryo period, the effect that lactational low-dose dioxin exposure gives to an affect function: and dose-dependent effect
Haijima Asahi, 張艶, Toshihiro Endo, 掛山正心, Chiharu Toyama
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 57-57, 2010.

Japanese Article The toxicity expression system that is different from the dioxin exposure a murine emotional behavior change by the bisphenol A exposure for 3-D-6 embryo period
Ko Miyazaki, 木村栄輝, Ryota Hosaka, 孫鮮策, Toshihiro Endo, Haijima Asahi, 掛山正心, Chiharu Toyama
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 58-58, 2010.

English Article 4-C-1 Effects of endogenous and xenobiotic compounds on DNA binding and transactivation of the crustacean ecdysteroid receptor
Masashi Hirano1, Hiroshi Ishibashi1, Eun-Young Kim2, Koji Arizono3, Hisato Iwata1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 61-61, 2010.

English Article 4-C-2 Transactivation potencies of the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica) peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α by perfluoroalkyl carboxylates and sulfonates: Estimation of PFOA induction equivalency factors
Hiroshi Ishibashi1, Eun-Young Kim2, Hisato Iwata1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 62-62, 2010.

English Article 4-C-3 Characterization of the AHR/ARNT/AHRR-CYP1A Signaling Pathway in Avian Species
Hisato Iwata1, Jin-Seon Lee1, Eun-Young Kim2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 63-63, 2010.

Japanese Article Exposure to Australian river water evaluation using AhR yeast assay and the GC-MS screen analysis technique with the 4-A-1 passive sampler
アリンソン Mayumi 1, Fujio Shiraishi 2, Daisuke Nakajima 2, Ryo Kamata 2, Vincent Pettigrove1, Gavin Rose3, Graeme Allinson3
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 64-64, 2010.

English Article 4-A-2 Risk assessments of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls in barramundi seabass Lates calcarifer from Vietnam
Nguyen Phuc Cam Tu, Masahide Kawano, Muneaki Matsuda, Masatoshi Morita, Ichiro Takeuchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 65-65, 2010.

Japanese Article Measurement of the Br accumulation tissue of the sea slug (nudibranchiate) using 4-A-3 X-ray analysis microscope (XGT-5000)
Masaaki Yokoyama 1, Miyoko Irie 2, 3, The Yamazakis spring 4, 5, Katsu Irie 6
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 66-66, 2010.

Japanese Article Estimate of the paraben percutaneous absorption rate by the use of 5-E-1 personal care product
Sayaka Shirai 1, Kiyoshi Yoshinaga 1, Hiroaki Shiraishi 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 69-69, 2010.

Japanese Article Association between pyrethroids exposure and sperm findings in 5-E-2 Japanese men
Up Hiromu Shima group 1, Kiyoshi Yoshinaga 1, Mizumoto sentence 2 to congratulate, Hiroaki Shiraishi 3, Chie Onohara 4, Hatakeyama Shota 4, Susumu Tokuoka 4
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 70-70, 2010.

Japanese Article The effect on transcription to go through a thyroid hormone receptor by 5-E-3 4-Nonylphenol and effect on brain development
Toshiharu Iwasaki, Yu Xiong, Mizuki Haraguchi, Sho Osawa, Rony, Ming Xu, Kingsley Ibhazehiebo, Koibuchi Noriyuki
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 71-71, 2010.

English Article 5-E-4 Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) ameliorates the suppression of thyroid hormone-induced granule cell neurite extension by hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD).
Kingsley Ibhazehiebo, Toshiharu Iwasaki, Noriaki Shimokawa, Noriyuki Koibuchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 72-72, 2010.

Japanese Article Detection of the thyroid hormone active ingredient of the sewerage treatment water by PA-1 Effect-directed analysis
Masanori Terasaki, Fujio Shiraishi 1, Masakazu Makino
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 75-75, 2010.

English Article PA-2 Research on Endocrine Disruptors within Leachate and Treated water Generated from Land Fill Sites
Chung Seon-Yong1, Park Song-In1, Na Suk-Hyun1, Park Gyui-Hwan2, Kang Chang-min3, Saido Kstushiko4, Sato Hideto4
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 76-76, 2010.

Japanese Article Analysis of the environmental estrogen pollution in the PA-3 North Kyushu river
Aya Seto friend 1), Sachimi Koyanagi 1), 秦拓朗 2), Kazukiyo Araki 1), Kazuaki Nasu 1), Yuji Takao 2), Shinki Nagae 2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 77-77, 2010.

Japanese Article Chemical pollution and the toxicity to result from the resolution of PA-4 drifting, the drifting ashore plastic
Saido Katsuhiko 1a), Hideto Sato 1b), Okabe Akifumi 1b), Naoto Ogawa 2), Sen Cheng dragon 3), Tamotsu Kamaya will 2), 小暮一啓 4), Kusu well Takashi 5)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 78-78, 2010.

Japanese Article About the AR antagonist activity of the atmosphere dust using the PA-5 yeast assay and AhR and CAR agonist activity
Fujio Shiraishi, Daisuke Nakajima, Ryo Kamata, Shiho Kageyama, Miho Yamazaki, Hidetaka Takigami, Hiroaki Shiraishi, Noriyuki Suzuki
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 79-79, 2010.

Japanese Article Association between polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon concentration of compound and genotoxicity included in the PA-6 border violation atmosphere
Kuo snow pine 1, Tsuyoshi Ito 1, Junji Yamanaka 2, YU Tao2, Shinki Nagae 2, Takashi Kubo 3, Masaya Nishiyama 2, Jiro Okada 2, Kazuaki Kawamoto 2, Toshihiro Takatsuji 2, 武政剛弘 2, Yeo In-Kyu4, Lee Ki-Ho4, Le Young-Don4, Yuji Takao 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 80-80, 2010.

Japanese Article Elution of the nonylphenol from plastic associated with the PA-7 edible drinking
Chikako Aoki 1), Hideshige Takada 1), Takao Katase 2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 81-81, 2010.

Japanese Article Measurement of the Zn distribution in the pupation exuvia of Lepidoptera using PA-8 X-ray analysis microscope (XGT-5000)
Masaaki Yokoyama 1, Miyoko Irie 2, 3, The Yamazakis spring 4, 5, Katsu Irie 6, Masami Shimoda 7
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 82-82, 2010.

Japanese Article Secular variation of the organotin concentration of compound included in the PA-9 fishing port deposit
Shiori Yamashiro 1, Kazuko Kuwahara 2, Junji Yamanaka 2, Yu Tao2, 趙顕書 3, Shinki Nagae 2, 征矢野清 4, Koji Arizono 5, Yuji Takao 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 83-83, 2010.

Japanese Article Association between medical supplies included in the PA-10 river water and life-related material and discharge source except the sewage disposal plant
Yoshihito Miura 1, Shiori Yamashiro 1, Kazukiyo Araki 1, Yu Nakatani Takako 2, Kuo snow pine 1, Junji Yamanaka 2, 于弦 2, Takashi Kubo 3, Shinki Nagae 2, Koji Arizono 4, Yuji Takao 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 84-84, 2010.

Japanese Article Metabolic loam analysis of the male killifish exposed to PB-1 oestrone, triclosan, NDMA
Yuichi Kitamura 1, Yasushi Murayama tree 1, Mizuhiko Minamiyama 1, Minoru Suzuki 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 87-87, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the gene expression of PB-2 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and the bromine substitute
Hisadome door Ryoko 1), Takeshi Oura 2), Hiroyuki Sakakibara 3), Low rank Kayoko 3)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 88-88, 2010.

Japanese Article Evaluation of the compound effect of dioxin using the environmental water biomarker gene derived from PB-3 killifish and heavy metal
Half field Katsumasa 1), 2), Shoji Oda 2), Satoshi Mitani will 2), Yutaka Sugiyama 1)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 89-89, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect of Bisphenol A in the germ cell differentiation of the PB-4 mouse embryonic stem cell
Tomohiro Aoki, Tatsuyuki Takada
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 90-90, 2010.

Japanese Article Comparison between apoptotic conduction and in the cellular level estrogenic effect of the PB-5 internal secretion disturbance material
Harue Sasaya, Azumai Kazuya, Yuji Fukushima, Yosuke Nakatani, Kensuke Sugihara, Ship entering port Hiromi, Lower house Koji, Toshihiko Ikeuchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 91-91, 2010.

English Article PB-6 Evaluation of the Effects on Sperm Morphology in Rat administered with Dibromocloropropane, one of Endcrine Disrupter, by using Dark Field Images in the Computer-Assisted Sperm Analysis
Katsumi Ohtani11, Shigeru Yamazaki2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 92-92, 2010.

English Article PB-7 Consideration of Interaction between Calmodulin and Bisphenol A by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
Koichi Murayama
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 93-93, 2010.

Japanese Article Structure factor of the chemical working as PB-8 ER α agonist and ER β antagonist
下東康幸1, 劉暁輝1, 松島綾美1, 野瀬健1, 下東美樹2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 94-94, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on gene expression of BG2-c6 neuronal the strain by the PB-9 bisphenol A exposure
Lower Miki Azuma 1, Furukawa あや 1, Miho Sumiyoshi 1, Ayami Matsushima 2, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi 2, Hiroyuki Nakagawa 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 95-95, 2010.

Japanese Article Specific mutation of the many generations passage Drosophila activity rhythm by the PB-10 bisphenol A diet
Masayuki Nakamura 1, Fumika Matsuo 1, Miho Sumiyoshi 2, Keita Koga 1, Ayami Matsushima 1, Lower Miki Azuma 2, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 96-96, 2010.

Japanese Article A hatching rate drop and swimming behavior disorder by the bisphenol A exposure to PB-11 Ciona intestinalis
松島綾美1, Kerrianne Ryan2, Ian A.Meinertzhagen2, 下東康幸1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 97-97, 2010.

Japanese Article Activity enhancement mechanism through ERR of PB-12 bisphenol A/ERα
池田伸, 松島綾美, 下東康幸
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 98-98, 2010.

Japanese Article Structure factor analysis of estrogen receptor β that PB-13 bisphenol AF becomes the specific antagonist
劉暁輝1, 松島綾美1, 岡田浩幸1, 下東美樹2, 下東康幸1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 99-99, 2010.

Japanese Article Importance of aromatic ring recognition structure factor, the Leu-387 side chain of the binding ligand in PB-14 ER α
野瀬健, 村田聡史, 下東康幸
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 100-100, 2010.

Japanese Article The di-sec- butyl bisphenol A which specifically binds to PB-15 retinoid association orphan receptor RORs
Mitsuhiro Nishikiori, Takeshi Nose, Yasuyuki Shimohigashi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 101-101, 2010.

Japanese Article PB-16 retinoid X receptor (1): Structure factor of the chemical binding to alpha type (RXRα)
劉暁輝, 酒井大樹, 巣山慶太郎, 西垣内誠, 松島綾美, 野瀬健, 下東康幸
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 102-102, 2010.

Japanese Article PB-17 retinoid X receptor (2): Structure factor of the chemical binding to beta type (RXRβ)
巣山慶太郎, 劉暁輝, 酒井大樹, 西垣内誠, 松島綾美, 野瀬健, 下東康幸
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 103-103, 2010.

Japanese Article PB-18 retinoid X receptor (3): Structure factor of the chemical binding to gamma type (RXRγ)
西垣内誠, 劉暁輝, 酒井大樹, 巣山慶太郎, 松島綾美, 野瀬健, 下東康幸
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 104-104, 2010.

Japanese Article High sensitive reporter Gene assay of PB-19 environmental chemical thyroid hormone effects
Kana Matsubara 1, Shigeru Fujimoto light 2, 佐能正剛 3, Sugihara number beauty 4, Shigeyuki Kitamura 5, Shigeru Ota 3
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 105-105, 2010.

Japanese Article The allergic onset and metabolism of PB-20 food preservative paraben
Yuko Suzuki 1, 浦丸直人 1, 2, Toshio Inoue 1, Hideaki Shigematsu 1, Ozaki eyes 2, Sugihara number beauty 2, 3, Shigeru Ota 2, Shigeyuki Kitamura 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 106-106, 2010.

Japanese Article Toxic evaluation of the house dust using the PB-21 human skin model
Hidetaka Takigami, Hiroe Imai
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 107-107, 2010.

Japanese Article Change of reproduction properties of the PC-1 smooth dogfish from Tokyo Bay
朴正彩 1, 2, Masaaki Oyama 4, Keita Kodama 2, 李政勲 2, Yasuhiko Ota 3, Toshihiro Horiguchi 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 111-111, 2010.

Japanese Article Evaluation of internal secretion disturbance effects of the environmental water in consideration of PC-2 interspecific difference
Mitsuru Ono Michiko 1, Masaru Ihara 2, Shinichi Miyakawa 3, Taisen Iguchi 3, Hiroaki Tanaka 1, 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 112-112, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on organism accumulation of estradiol and the bisphenol A in the PC-3 Xenopus laevis and development
佐能正剛 1, Keiko Kashiwagi 2, Hideki Hanada 2, Nobuaki Furuno 2, Kana Matsubara 3, Akihiko Kashiwagi 4, Sugihara number beauty 5, Shigeyuki Kitamura 6, Shigeru Ota 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 113-113, 2010.

English Article PC-4 Transactivation potencies of the Baikal seal (Pusa sibirica) pregnane X receptor by persistent organic pollutants
Pham Thi Thanh Loan1, Hiroshi Ishibashi1, Masanori Kadota1, Eun-Young Kim2, Hisato Iwata1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 114-114, 2010.

English Article PC-5 Screening of environmental chemicals using a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) biosensor in combination with constitutive androstane receptor (CAR)
Pham Thi Dau1, Hiroshi Ishibashi1, Eun-Young Kim2, Hisato Iwata1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 115-115, 2010.

Japanese Article Detection of the estrogenic action of the industrial waste disposal ground exudation water using a gene transcription of PC-6 recombination yeast and the killifish
Ryo Kamata, Fujio Shiraishi, Daisuke Nakajima, Shiho Kageyama
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 116-116, 2010.

Japanese Article The international conjugation investigation that assumed mullet subjects of survey organism actual situation elucidation of the environmental estrogenic pollution in PC-7 Japan and the Chinese coast
板敷祥昌 1, Junnya Aoki 2, Chang-Beom Park3, Meiqin Wu4, Juesheng Zhong4, 征矢野清 5
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 117-117, 2010.

Japanese Article PC-8 The Respiration method: Proposal for the realtime monitoring method
高坂憲彰1, 小菅和也2, 入江美代子3, 武田健3, 入江克4
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 118-118, 2010.

Japanese Article Study on toxic effect of the chemical out of the cross-border atmosphere in the East Asia using the PC-9 water flea
Hiroshi Tsuchiya 1, Tsuyoshi Ito 1, Kuo snow pine 1, Yuji Takao 2, Takashi Kubo 2, Jiro Okada 2, Kazuaki Kawamoto 2, Toshihiro Takatsuji 2, Masaya Nishiyama 2, 武政剛弘 2, In-kyu Yeo3, Ki-Ho Lee3, Young-Don Lee3, Shinki Nagae 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 119-119, 2010.

Japanese Article Property decision by the reporter Gene assay methods using the PD-1 Thais clavigera shellfish new RXR gene
Urushitani Hiroshi 1, Katsuyoshi direct 2, Yasuhiko Ota 3, Taisen Iguchi 4, Hiroaki Shiraishi 1, Toshihiro Horiguchi 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 123-123, 2010.

Japanese Article The effect that PD-2 bisphenol A exposure gives to behavior and intracerebral monoamine
Keisuke Takahashi 1, Aya Kageyama 2, Hidehiko Yokogoshi 2, Miho Murayama 3, Hideaki Abe 3, Hiroaki Takeuchi 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 124-124, 2010.

English Article PD-3 Histology and gene expression analysis in testis of medaka exposed by ethinylestradiol
Ikumi Hirakawa1, 2, 3, Yoshihiro Kagami2, Norihisa Tatarazako4, Tohru Kobayashi6, Teruhiko Kusano2, Yukiko Ogino3, Yasuhiko Ohta1, 5, Shinichi Miyagawa3, Taisen Iguchi3
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 125-125, 2010.

Japanese Article Rapid decrease in steroid hormone out of the PD-4 Diethylstilbestrol administration male rat organ
Naoyuki Maeda 1), 2), Kanako Okumura 1), Taku Miyasho 1), Hiroshi Yokota 1)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 126-126, 2010.

Japanese Article Neurodifferentiation control in the brain cortex formation induced by fetal exposure to PD-5 low dose bisphenol A is abnormal
守井見奈 1, Michi Matsuki branch 2, Chiaki Isono 2, Yasuko Asai 2, 駒田致和 3, Tetsuji Nagao 1, 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 127-127, 2010.

Japanese Article The effect that PD-6 low dose methomyl exposure gives for rat brain acetylcholine metabolism
Nitta exhibition size, Shinichi Sakamoto, 國分丈治, Riyoko Asai, Gold pine Tomoyuki
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 128-128, 2010.

Japanese Article Mainly on effect - amino acids, monoamines, the Colin transmitter to give neurotransmitter quantity in the rat brain postnatal PD-7 fetal period, lactational bisphenol A exposure -
Shinichi Sakamoto, Nitta exhibition size, 國分丈治, Gold pine Tomoyuki
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 129-129, 2010.

Japanese Article Expression analysis of the Wnt family gene with the exposed mouse maturity vagina of estrogen synthetic for PD-8 neogenesis time and the estrogen receptor alpha-specific ligand
Takeshi Nakamura, 勝義直, Hajime Watanabe, Kenichiro Morohashi *, Yasuhiko Ota **, Taisen Iguchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 130-130, 2010.

Japanese Article The effect that the long-term exposure to sewage treat water from PD-9 larva period gives to female killifish
澤井淳1, 北村友一4, 岡安祐司4, 北村清明2, 小森行也4, 鈴木穣3
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 131-131, 2010.

Japanese Article PD-10 newborn period deca; the effect that bromodiphenyl ether administration gives to mouse testes
宮宗秀伸 1), Yoshiharu Matsuno 1), 2), 3), Masatoshi Komiyama 1), Shin Ochiai five 1), 井越有香 1), Chisato Mori 1), 2), 3)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 132-132, 2010.

English Article PD-11 Effects of Juvenile Hormone Agonists for Embryonic Development of Daphnia magna
Kenji Toyota1, 2, Yasuhiko Kato3, Shinichi Miyagawa1, 2, Yukiko Ogino1, 2, Kaoru Kobayashi1, Shigeto Oda4, Hajime Watanabe3, Norihisa Tatarazako4, Taisen Iguchi1, 2
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 133-133, 2010.

Japanese Article The perinatal exposure to PD-12 bisphenol A decreases the hippocampal neuron synapse of the adult beast
Yoshino Nichinan child, Tetsuya Kimoto, Shuji Ao, Suguru Kawato
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 134-134, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect of estrogen and hormone-disrupting chemicals on Xenopus tropicalis testis after the PD-13 metamorphosis
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 135-135, 2010.

English Article PD-14 Indispensable role of estrogen receptor α for induction of persistent vaginal change by neonatal androgen exposure
Shinichi Miyagawa, Taisen Iguchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 136-136, 2010.

Japanese Article Study on effect that microinjection in the hippocampus of the PD-15 bisphenol A gives to masculine rat learning memory
Susumu Kawaguchi Ichiro 1), Kuwahara plum Kei 1), Former stake quantity 1), 山下樹三裕 1), 2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 137-137, 2010.

Japanese Article DNA methylation analysis in the vagina of the PD-16 neonate period estrogen exposure mouse
Masaru Sato, Shinichi Miyakawa, Taisen Iguchi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 138-138, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on protein expression of rat hippocampal neuron cells with the PD-17 DES administration
Yoshioka truth Yuko 1), Kanako Okumura 1), Taku Miyasho 1), Yoshiro Kawamura 2), Naoyuki Maeda 3), Hiroyuki Taniyama 2), Hiroshi Yokota 1)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 139-139, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect to give to the Vtg, Cfg gene expression of PD-18 screw phenols
Akemi Yamaguchi 1, Koji Arizono 2, Nobuaki Tominaga 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 140-140, 2010.

Japanese Article Circadian rhythm with the liver of the DNA transmethylase mRNA expression about PD-19 environment reply
Fumihiko Maekawa, Sum of money given as a reward flower, Keiko Nohara
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 141-141, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect of flutamide which gives it to PD-20 rat mesometrium adenogenesis
洞田知嗣 1, Aya Kimoto beauty 1, Yasuhiko Ota 1, Rev. Takashi Takeuchi 1, 朴正彩 2, Yasunaga Yohei 2, Ikumi Hirakawa 2, Shinichi Miyakawa 3, Taisen Iguchi 3
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 142-142, 2010.

Japanese Article Absorption and metabolism of the bisphenol A in the mouse sky ileum using the PD-21 turning over intestinal tract
Yasuki Sakurada, Chie Sano, Hiroki Inoue
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 143-143, 2010.

Japanese Article The gestation period of the bisphenol A dynamics using the PD-22 mouse liver perfusion model and non-gestation period comparison
Chie Sano, 太田有耶, Hiroki Inoue
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 144-144, 2010.

Japanese Article Sex comparison of the BPA metabolism dynamics in the PD-23 mouse liver
太田有耶, Chie Sano, Hiroki Inoue
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 145-145, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on metabolic loam analysis - folate metabolism system of the fetal brain by the PD-24 gestation period bisphenol A exposure
Nishikawa 1, Biu), Iwano wisdom 1), Anna Morita 1), Risa Yanagisawa 1), Kiyoshi Tsushima person 1), Hiroki Inoue 2), Hiroshi Yokota 1)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 146-146, 2010.

Japanese Article Effect on metabolic loam analysis - nucleic acid synthetic pathway of the fetal brain by the PD-25 gestation period bisphenol A exposure
Anna Morita 1), Iwano wisdom 1), Nishikawa 1, Biu), Risa Yanagisawa 1), Kiyoshi Tsushima person 1), Hiroki Inoue 2), Hiroshi Yokota 1)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 147-147, 2010.

Japanese Article About the intraplacental pitavastatin infusion experiment of PD-26 culture rat fetuses
横山篤(1), 秋田正治(2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 148-148, 2010.

Japanese Article About the intraplacental atorvastatin infusion experiment of PD-27 culture rat fetuses
Atsushi Yokoyama (1), Shoji Akita (2)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 149-149, 2010.

Japanese Article Elucidation of the AhR-mediated sex differentiation control structure of the chemical in the environment in the PD-28 midbrain development
Danjo Megumi 1), Takeshi Tasaka 1), Sudani Motomi 1), Kyoko Ishikawa 1), History of Shun Yokoyama 1), Hidekazu Akaboshi 2), Mitsuko Sugano 2), Hiroshi Kitagawa 1), Star Nobuhiko 1)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 150-150, 2010.

Japanese Article Participation of the retinoic acid signal in anagenesis of the PD-29 mollusk
Yuji Takahashi, Nagasawa incense good luck, Hiroaki Watanabe, Aya Saiga, Kaoru Mizukami, Haruo Nakano, Mariko Umemura, Shigeru Takahashi
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 151-151, 2010.

Japanese Article Association between phthalate esters exposure and sperm parameter of PE-1 Japanese men
Yayoi Suzuki 1, Up Hiromu Shima group 1, Kiyoshi Yoshinaga 1, Mizumoto sentence 2 to congratulate, Hiroaki Shiraishi 3, Chie Onohara 4, Hatakeyama Shota 4, Susumu Tokuoka 4
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 155-155, 2010.

Japanese Article About a bromine-based fire retardant (polybrominated diphenyl ethers:PBDEs) in the PE-2 umbilical cord and the correlation of persistent organic pollutant concentrations (persistent organic pollutants:POPs), heavy metal concentrations
井越有香 1, Shin Ochiai five 1, Emiko Todaka 2, Yoshiharu Matsuno 2, Chisato Mori 1, 2, 3
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 156-156, 2010.

Japanese Article Phthalate di(2-ethyl hexyl) in PE-3 umbilical cord serum, amniotic fluid and caseous vernix and analysis (the second report) of phthalate mono(2-ethyl hexyl)
Satoshi Takatori 1, Kazuhiko Akutsu 1, Sumie original size 2, Sugino method wide 2, Hiroyuki Nakazawa 3, Tsunehisa Makino 4
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 157-157, 2010.

Japanese Article The PE-4 penetration pesticide neo-Nico Chino id has an influence of the nicotinic resemblance on the mammalian nerve cells
Kimura - Junko Kuroda, Yoichiro Kuroda, Jin Kawano
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 158-158, 2010.

Japanese Article Fact-finding (the second report) of the chlorination dioxin included in the PE-5 health food
Tomoaki Tsutsumi 1, 高附巧 1, 福沢栄太 2, Willow Toshihiko 2, Yoichi Kawano 2, Koichi Nomura 2, 渡邉敬浩 1, Rieko Matsuda 1
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 159-159, 2010.

Japanese Article About the extraction rates from the mother of the human in the analogue of PE-6 PCB and hydroxylated PCB to fetuses
Kenkichi Fujisaki 1), Emiko Todaka 1), 2), Hiroko Nakaoka 1), 3), Hanazato truth way 3), 4), Michiko Shimoda 3), Chisato Mori 1), 3)
Proceedings of Japan Society of Endocrine Disrupters Research 13: 160-160, 2010.