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Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA

Volume , Issue 19 / 2006
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Physical therapy of cerebrovascular disease
Takenoyama Toshio
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 7-12, 2006.

Japanese Article Sports dyskinesia in the knee, return from trauma
Kazuhiko Saeki
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 13-18, 2006.

Japanese Article Care preventive present conditions and problem
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 19-23, 2006.

Japanese Article Attitude survey about the unification of the bedside teaching scholastic evaluation list
Toshiro Ishibashi, Taiji Nagao, Masanori Tanaka, Koshin Yasuda, Atsushi Kimura
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 25-28, 2006.

Japanese Article Attitude survey of the new face physical therapist by the diamond ranking
Ryuji Yoshimoto *1, Shoji Morita *1, Kazuyo Shimizu *1, 宮崎至恵 *1, Shigeki Sakaguchi *1, Masami Nakahara *1, Watari life *1, Hidetaka Matsuzaki *1, Shigeo Murakami *1, Kotobuki, Yamaguchi *1, Seiichiro Takahashi *2
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 29-32, 2006.

Japanese Article Follow-up evaluation Effect of the learning therapy (R) to -6 effect measurement monthly cognitive aspect of learning therapy (R), activity side
Hikari Kunitake
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 33-36, 2006.

Japanese Article Relation - of PT in action - bionomics decrease prevention classroom for the fall prevention manual preparation
Seiichi Nakai, 小柳靖裕, Tomoko Okada
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 37-40, 2006.

Japanese Article The effect that exercise in the physical therapy gives to the blood volume of the brain
Takahide Uejima *1, Shinnichiro Takasugi *1, Ichiro Kawano *1, 禰占哲郎 *1, Akinori Zaitsu *2, Yukihide Iwamoto *3
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 41-45, 2006.

Japanese Article Revision - of change - critical path of the total knee replacement pass in this hospital
Inohara non-ear, Hidetoshi Hayashi, Masahiro Nakano, 高永康弘, Existence corner Kanako, Tomoe Kawahara, Noriaki Sato, Kozo Oshima
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 46-49, 2006.

Japanese Article To the deuteropathy prevention of the person with adult cerebral infantile palsy wrestle
Yukari Mizota, Takahiro Hamamoto
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 50-52, 2006.

Japanese Article Comparison between healthy subject and electromyogram at at the rest of contractural found subjects and exercise
Atsushi Kawakami *1, Takeshi Kumagai *2, Yoshiko Nishio *3, Miyamoto sincerity *4
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 53-56, 2006.

Japanese Article Analysis of the usual behavior of patients with cerebrovascular disease : Comparison of the height of the operation procedure and the step
須賀洋一朗, 玉利誠, 長野毅
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 57-61, 2006.

Japanese Article One case of improvement of gait showed mild right hemiparesis seen: Focusing on the trunk function in walking
安勇喜, 西浦健蔵
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 63-66, 2006.

Japanese Article Effect by the family instruction on chronic stage brain stem thromboembolism case that presented severe ADL disorder
Sasaki Masatomo
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 67-69, 2006.

Japanese Article One case of the Guillain-Barre syndrome that determined aggressive muscular strength reinforcement time in fatigue index
Tadashi Miyasaka
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 70-72, 2006.

Japanese Article Correspondence by the conservative treatment for the lumber vertebrae herniated disk
Journal of Physical Therapy FUKUOKA (19): 73-77, 2006.