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Physiotherapy OSAKA

Volume 43, Issue / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Foreword "local inclusion care system and physical therapy" (person)
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 1-1, 2015.

Japanese Article Role ... of the physical therapist in medical - area inclusion care system
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 2-7, 2015.

Japanese Article Role ... of care - physical therapist
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 8-14, 2015.

Japanese Article Present conditions and problem ... of health, prophylactic - physical therapist
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 15-21, 2015.

Japanese Article Role ... of life support service - physical therapist
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 22-27, 2015.

Japanese Article Viewpoint and role ... which are demanded from house and house one - physical therapist
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 28-32, 2015.

Japanese Article The 28th Osaka physical therapist society arts and sciences prize for encouragement
大野博司1), 藪中良彦2)
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 33-33, 2015.

Japanese Article The effect that exercise instruction in being at home gives in body function and quality of life on patients with chronic renal failure
太田幸志1), 山田一貫2),3), 眞砂望2)
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 34-39, 2015.

Japanese Article Efforts and problem as the physical therapist in the local inclusion care ward
花崎太一1), 森憲一1), 三木睦子2), 田上真由美2), 豊倉真理3), 寺岡秀夫4)
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 40-44, 2015.

Japanese Article The 26th Osaka physical therapy arts and sciences meeting holding report
熊崎大輔1), 中村昌司2)
Physiotherapy OSAKA 43: 45-45, 2015.