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Japanese Journal of Gerontology

Volume 31, Issue 3 / 2009
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The effect of directors' decision of implementation for the end-of-life care for frail elderly in welfare facilities for the elderly requiring care
Jung Nim Kim1), Takao Suzuki2), Yasuo Takagi3)
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 331-341, 2009.

Japanese Article Differences between subjective and objective appraisal of odor in elderly people
Rie Morita1), Hisao Osada2)
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 342-349, 2009.

Japanese Article Causes of elderly p eople leaving senior citizens human resource centers in Japan
Ken Harada1), Hidehiro Sugisawa2), Hiroshi Shibata2)
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 350-358, 2009.

Japanese Article Factors associated with long-term home care among severely disabled elders under the Public Long-term Care System
Takashi Ishizuki1), Junko Wake2), Hidetoshi Endo3)
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 359-365, 2009.

Japanese Article The structure of IKIGAI concept for retirees over 60 years old The difference between IKIGAI and Subjective Well-Being
Tadanori Imai1), Hisao Osada2), Yoshitsugu Nishimura3)
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 366-377, 2009.

Japanese Article Selection bias in a survey for children of the old-old and the data adjustment with propensity score
Erika Kobayashi1), Taro Fukaya1), Ikuko Sugawara2), Hiroko Akiyama2), Jersey Liang3)
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 378-389, 2009.

Japanese Article As for the foreign care worker, what is special?
Asato Kazuaki
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 390-396, 2009.

Japanese Article Increase of the elderly people crime
Koichi Hamai
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 397-412, 2009.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the formal care and informal care and future new relations
Yutaka Hiyamizu
Japanese Journal of Gerontology 31(3): 413-420, 2009.