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Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences

Volume 4, Issue 1 / 1993
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article Western Bioethics and the Post-Modern World: Applying the Principles of Bioethics in the Face of Moral Diversity
H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 1-12, 1993.

English Article Ethical Dilemmas in Health and Development
Harvey V.Fineberg
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 13-21, 1993.

English Article The Takemi Philosophy and International Health Research
Lincoln C.Chen
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 23-34, 1993.

Japanese Article Seeking a New Economics of Positive Health -A history and development of research in Seizon and Life Sciences-
Sadao Tamura
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 35-55, 1993.

Japanese Article Japan's International Cooperation in Health
Takashi Wagatsuma
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 57-74, 1993.

Japanese Article For the Development of Ethical Considerations in the Allocation of Medical Resources: An Analysis through Differences of Ethics in Japan and the U.S.
Kazuhiko Moji
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 75-83, 1993.

English Article Economic Situation and Retirement Benefits of the Japanese Elderly
Tetsuo Fukawa
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 85-96, 1993.

Japanese Article -Biothanatology-
Kenzaburo Tsuchiya
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 97-105, 1993.

Japanese Article Humankind as a creature form of civilization and danger faced by our modern age
Kiyoshi Inokuchi
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 107-123, 1993.

Japanese Article Tohoku Project Report
Tadashi Umezono
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 125-131, 1993.

Japanese Article The Fifth Takemi Symposium on International Health "Ethical Dilemma in Health and Development"
Shyosaku Nakayama
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 133-135, 1993.

Japanese Article The Institute of Seizon and Life Sciences, The Symposium of Western Japan in 1992, "Toward the Healthy City of Osaka in the 21st Century-Health Policy for Urbanization"
Shyosaku Nakayama
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 137-140, 1993.

Japanese Article Situation of Sri Lankan Survivorship
Kyo Hanada
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 141-143, 1993.

Japanese Article Some Differences in Public Health between the United States and Japan
Tohru Yoshida
Journal of Seizon and Life Sciences 4(1): 145-148, 1993.