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Anthropological Science

Volume 108, Issue 3 / 2000
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

English Article The Evolutionary History of Humans in Australasia from an Environmental Perspective
Paul Storm
Anthropological Science 108(3): 225-259, 2000.

English Article Dental Size and Morphology of Precontact Marshall Islanders (Micronesia) Compared with Other Pacific Islanders
Daris R.Swindler 1, Marshall I.Weisler 2
Anthropological Science 108(3): 261-282, 2000.

English Article Polymorphism of the C1R Subcomponent of the First Complement Component in Indonesians, Bangladeshis, Tibetans, South Africa Blacks, South Africa Whites, and Samoans
Akira Kido 1, Rie Susukida 1, Masakazu Oya 1, Noboru Fujitani 2, Hiroshi Kimura 3, Masaaki Hara 4
Anthropological Science 108(3): 283-288, 2000.