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Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research

Volume 31, Issue / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Relations with the dynamic hyperinflation of lung and respiratory pattern, expiration Flow-volume curve shape in patients with old COPD
野添匡史1), 間瀬教史1), 村上茂史2), 岡田誠2), 荻野智之2), 松下和弘2), 和田智弘2), 眞渕敏3), 内山侑紀4), 福田能啓4), 道免和久5)
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 1-4, 2014.

Japanese Article Effect - by the difference between quantity of muscle of leg activity rate - load and knee joint angle at low load leg extension movement in Closed Kinetic Chain
小野瞬1), 相馬俊雄2)
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 5-8, 2014.

Japanese Article Association of the change time for most sitting cross-legged extension muscular strength and knee joint exercise after the anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
山内智之, 富樫俊文, 垣見修平, 脇田洋平
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 9-11, 2014.

Japanese Article The muscular strength ratio of the hamstring muscles for the quadriceps femoris muscle after all total hip replacement
横川翔平1), 神戸晃男1), 川原正好1), 牛山和樹1), 川原誓子1), 栗岩和彦1), 影近謙治2), 兼氏歩3)
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 13-16, 2014.

Japanese Article The lower limbs motor function in patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy and association with preoperation complications
毛利奨吾, 内昌之, 池田和史, 大国生幸
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 17-19, 2014.

Japanese Article Social skill in the university student of the physical therapist training course and analysis - from - lifestyle of the self-efficacy concerned
日岡明美, 平野康之, 畠中泰司, 鶯春夫, 田頭勝之, 岡崎大資, 平島賢一, 近藤慶承, 小嶋裕
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 21-24, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor prescribing distance walked for six minutes at discharge of patients with chronic cardiac insufficiency
野崎康平1), 木村雅彦2), 神谷健太郎3), 野田千春4), 東條美奈子2), 増田卓1),2), 松永篤彦1),2)
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 25-29, 2014.

Japanese Article One case of patients with spastic paraplegia that used botulinal toxin (BTX) therapy together, and tried weight relief treadmill ambulatory exercise under wearing for the robot suit HAL (R) welfare
生田雄1), 佐藤久友1), 鶴谷梨恵1), 大野博司1), 佐浦隆一2)
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 31-34, 2014.

Japanese Article Win society prize for encouragement
Journal of Clinical Physical Therapy and Research 31: 35-35, 2014.