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Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

Volume 24, Issue 2 / 1981
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 1 case of the lumbar spinal stenosis that presented a perineum disorder
鈴木信, 田島健, 高橋功, 山川浩司, 八子理, 坂本隆彦, 谷良久*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 91-93, 1981.

Japanese Article One case that hematomyelia was diagnosed by surgery
佐々木斉, 工藤修*, 天野正文, 坂田悍教, 塚原孝**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 94-97, 1981.

Japanese Article One case of Foramen magnum meningioma
林篤, 原田征行, 川岸利光, 近江洋一, 森山明夫, 中原慶亮, 山内正三*, 鈴木重晴**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 97-101, 1981.

Japanese Article One case of the high rank cervical cord intramedullary tumor which racked its brains about a diagnosis
小池正男, 大平信広, 小島忠士, 押田翠, 善積厚郎*, 吉本孝**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 102-105, 1981.

Japanese Article Three cases of the spinal arachnoid mater diverticulum which needed reoperation
宮林宏, 小野寺元, 作山洋三, 中村武, 堀川哲男, 新井実, 沢海明人*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 105-109, 1981.

Japanese Article One case of the aspergillosis spondylitis that had difficulty in diagnosis and treatment
牧裕, 林侃, 皆川泓義*, 八木和徳**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 110-111, 1981.

Japanese Article Bone change with pustulosis palmaris et plantaris
千葉勝実, 柳沢正信, 福田茂*, 渡辺秀樹**, 高橋若子, 渡部裕子***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 112-116, 1981.

Japanese Article Three cases of High-pressure injection injury
藤野圭司, 田島達也, 吉津孝衛, 渡辺政則*, 中屋愛作, 青山毅雄**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 117-119, 1981.

Japanese Article Examination of the pediatric condylar fracture 50 case out of the humerus
大谷和雄, 伊藤惣一郎, 堂前洋一郎, 高橋英人*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 120-124, 1981.

Japanese Article Three cases of the ischial tuberosity avulsion fracture
三浦良雄, 本田恵, 鎌田俊之*, 岡崎満雄**, 中川清光***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 124-131, 1981.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy for our lesion of menisci
小松満, 佐々木範道, 久米守, 岸谷雄三, 山本和英, 柿崎寛, 増岡昭生, 早川洋*, 木村政一**, 川島信二***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 131-136, 1981.

Japanese Article An example of the crus mascula (soleus) heterotopic bone formation that seemed to occur for a minimal injury
高橋義徳, 野沢雅彦, 末綱太, 一柳一朗*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 136-138, 1981.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the fracture-dislocation of ankle
原田斎, 奥田則雄, 林節*, 田沢睦夫, 和田俊夫**, 堀田英二***, 及川修次****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 139-145, 1981.

Japanese Article One case of the pigmented villonodular synovitis that occurred in glenohumeral joint
佐藤政悦, 松原統, 花岡司, 八木和徳, 堂前洋一郎, イソラマン・サッキャ*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 146-148, 1981.

Japanese Article Two cases of the primary hyperparathyroidism
友岡和彦, 須田昭男, 渡辺好博, 浜崎允, 村田紳悦*, 高橋真二**, 渡辺真, 藤原正敏***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 149-152, 1981.

Japanese Article Two cases of the osteochondromatosis that occurred in ankle
山崎健, 上徳善也*, 菅栄一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 153-157, 1981.

Japanese Article One case of thighbone osteoid osteoma
佐藤舜也, 田中稲実*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 157-160, 1981.

Japanese Article Experience of bone cystoma treatment with a cast filling method
太田吉雄, 小嶋伊三郎*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 161-164, 1981.

Japanese Article Two cases of multiple fungous arthritis
阿部正隆, 猪又義夫, 斉藤満, 江波清隆, 鎌田義夫*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 164-168, 1981.

Japanese Article Small experience of the pectoralis major muscle shift technique for the habitual dislocation of shoulder
山川浩司, 田島健, 高橋功, 八子理, 坂本隆彦, 谷良久, 鈴木信*, 高橋公**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 169-171, 1981.

Japanese Article An example of the ulnar tunnel syndrome
吉田茂樹, 岡亨, 堀川哲男, 紺野宣郎, 藤原正敏*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 171-174, 1981.

Japanese Article Use experience of the LAPOC artificial leg
高橋信英, 渡辺好博, 須田昭男*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 175-179, 1981.

Japanese Article About a start pattern from the seat rank of the stroke hemiplegia patients
田中啓嗣*, 福田道隆*, 松本茂男, 末綱太*, 早川洋*, 伊勢紀久**, 目時弘文***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 179-181, 1981.

Japanese Article Hip joint of children with spina bifida
設楽正彰, 岩崎光茂, 奥寺良之, 岡村良久*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 182-191, 1981.

Japanese Article One case of the thighbone upper end epiphysiolysis
坪井純, 木村政一*, 山内正三**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 191-193, 1981.

Japanese Article About natural history of a quadriceps femoris muscle contraction and the contracture of gluteal muscle
新井実, 小林利男, 岩瀬育男*, 高橋公**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 193-197, 1981.

Japanese Article Examination of the patellar position and patellofemoral joint in the gonarthrosis
大島幸吉郎, 国松祥二*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 198-201, 1981.

Japanese Article Surgery experience of the spastic paralysis foot
乗松尋道, 黛正, 倉田久介*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 202-205, 1981.

Japanese Article 1) 2 cases of myelopathy by the thoracic vertebra ligamentum flavum ossification
樋口出*, 中村久*, 粟野昇*, 舟山正和**, 長谷川壮八**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 207-207, 1981.

Japanese Article 2) 1 case of the lumbar spinal stenosis that resulted in a perineum disorder
鈴木信, 田島健, 高橋功, 山川浩治, 八子理, 坂本隆彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 207-207, 1981.

Japanese Article 3) About sciatic scoliosis of the lumbar intervertebral disc herniation
阿部孝一, 田畑四郎, 木田浩, 佐々木仁行, 西平竹志
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 207-208, 1981.

Japanese Article 4) The examination of the lumbar herniated disk surgery case in our hospital and the follow up study
佐藤哲朗, 津久井俊行, 酒井克宣, 国分正一, 武田久雄, 黒沢大陸, 石井裕信, 瀬上正仁
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 208-208, 1981.

Japanese Article 5) About an O-lysis case younger than ten years
荻野正明, 荒井三千雄
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 208-209, 1981.

Japanese Article 6) One case of occipito-atlantal hypermobility with the congenital atlas chinquapin concrescence
近江洋一, 原田征行, 川岸利光, 森山明夫, 林篤, 中原慶亮, 山内正三, 末綱太
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 209-209, 1981.

Japanese Article 7) About laminectomy-style choice
本間隆夫, 蛯谷勉, 中村敬彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 209-209, 1981.

Japanese Article 8) Consideration about Harrington instrumentation for the chest lumbar part spinal cord injury
森山明夫*, 原田征行*, 川岸利光*, 近江洋一*, 林篤*, 山内正三*, 天野正文**, 塚原孝**, 工藤修**, 藤沢洋一***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 209-210, 1981.

Japanese Article 9) 1 case that hematomyelia was diagnosed by surgery
佐々木斉, 工藤修, 天野正文, 坂田悍教, 塚原孝
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 210-210, 1981.

Japanese Article 10) One case of Foramen magnum meningioma
林篤*, 原田征行*, 川岸利光*, 近江洋一*, 森山明夫*, 山内正三*, 中原慶亮*, 鈴木重晴**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 210-210, 1981.

Japanese Article 11) One case of the high rank neck intramedullary tumor which racked its brains about a diagnosis
小池正男*, 押田翠*, 善積厚郎*, 大平信広*, 吉本孝**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 210-211, 1981.

Japanese Article 12) Three cases of the spinal arachnoid mater diverticulum which needed reoperation
宮林宏, 小野寺元, 佐山洋三, 中村武, 堀川哲男, 新井実, 沢海明人
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 211-211, 1981.

Japanese Article 13) 1 case of the aspergillosis spondylitis that had difficulty in diagnosis and treatment
牧裕*, 林侃*, 皆川泓義*, 八木和徳**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 211-211, 1981.

Japanese Article 14) Bone change with the palmoplanar pustular eruption symptom
千葉勝実*, 柳沢正信*, 福田茂*, 渡辺秀樹**, 高橋若子***, 渡部裕子***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 211-212, 1981.

Japanese Article 15) Small experience of the thermography in the rachiopathy
山本正洋, 荒井三千雄, 森田勝
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 212-212, 1981.

Japanese Article 16) Spinal evoked potential views in the cervical myelopathy
近江洋一, 原田征行, 川岸利光, 森山明夫, 林篤, 中原慶亮, 山内正三, 中野恵介, 本田忠
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 212-212, 1981.

Japanese Article 17) One case of the tetanus that assumed a waist, pain of lower extremities main complaint
高津政臣, 斎藤禎量, 中村泰行, 佐々木泰夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 212-212, 1981.

Japanese Article 18) Three cases of High-pressure in jection injury
藤野圭司*, 田島達也*, 吉津孝衛*, 渡辺政則*, 浅井忍*, 青山毅雄**, 中屋愛作**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 212-213, 1981.

Japanese Article 19) Examination of the pediatric condylar fracture 50 case out of the humerus
大谷和雄, 伊藤惣一郎, 堂前洋一郎, 高橋英人
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 213-213, 1981.

Japanese Article 20) Mainly on examination - cave-in-shaped therapy for distal radius comminuted fracture case -
柴田実*, 斎藤英彦*, 五味渕文雄*, 内山政二*, 藤野圭司**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 213-213, 1981.

Japanese Article 21) Trial case of the traumatic hip dislocation who had the grit bone fracture
中島清隆*, 永田善之*, 大村和久*, 松尾一久**, 藤巻悦夫**, 上村正吉**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 213-214, 1981.

Japanese Article 22) Grit necrosis after the traumatic hip dislocation
鈴木隆*, 橋本昌美*, 大内郁夫*, 船山完一*, 小島忠士**, 押田翠**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 214-214, 1981.

Japanese Article 23) Radiographic appearance of the thighbone neck inside bone fracture
橋本昌美, 若松英吉
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 214-214, 1981.

Japanese Article 24) Histories of treatment of the Ender nail for the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
高橋秀次, 大平信広, 小島忠士, 善積厚郎, 押田翠, 洞口充, 荘振豊, 小池正男
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 214-215, 1981.

Japanese Article 25) Two cases of the ischial tuberosity avulsion fracture
三浦良雄*, 本田恵*, 鎌田俊之*, 岡崎満雄**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 215-215, 1981.

Japanese Article 26) Treatment strategy for our lesion of menisci
小松満*, 佐々木範道*, 岸谷雄三*, 久米守*, 山本和英*, 柿崎寛*, 増岡昭生*, 早川洋*, 木村政一**, 川島信二***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 215-215, 1981.

Japanese Article 27) One case of the tibial tuberosity singularity avulsion fracture who had Anterior compartment syndrome
渡辺栄一, 古川浩三郎, 星野亮一, 白沢栄嗣
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 215-216, 1981.

Japanese Article 28) One case of the crus mascula (soleus) heterotopic bone formation that seemed to occur for a minimal injury
高橋義徳, 一柳一朗, 末綱太, 野沢雅彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 216-216, 1981.

Japanese Article 29) Histories of treatment of the fracture-dislocation of ankle
原田斎, 奥田則雄, 林節
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 216-216, 1981.

Japanese Article 30) 1 case of the pigmented villonodular synovitis that occurred in glenohumeral joint
佐藤政悦, 松原統, 花岡司, 八木和徳, 堂前洋一郎, イソラマン・サッキャ
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 216-216, 1981.

Japanese Article 31) Four cases of the pigmented villonodular synovitis
長澤敏明, 岡田行生
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 217-217, 1981.

Japanese Article 32) sarcoidosis of a bone and the muscle
守田哲郎*, 遠藤直人*, 田中秀城*, 内間荘六**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 217-217, 1981.

Japanese Article 33) Two cases of the primary hyperparathyroidism
友岡和彦*, 須田昭男*, 渡辺好博*, 浜崎允*, 村田紳悦*, 藤原正敏**, 柳沢正信**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 217-218, 1981.

Japanese Article 34) One case of fibrous dysplasia which occurred in thoracic vertebra
松本哲夫, 三浦孝雄, 佐藤文秀, 植山和正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 218-218, 1981.

Japanese Article 35) Case thought to be Disappearing
丹藤幸作*, 高橋公*, 柳沢正信**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 218-218, 1981.

Japanese Article 36) 2 cases of the desmoid tumor
根本忠信, 須田昭男, 渡辺好博, 大島義彦, 佐本敏秋, 三浦競郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 218-218, 1981.

Japanese Article 37) Two cases of the osteochondromatosis that occurred in ankle
山崎健*, 上徳善也*, 菅栄一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 218-219, 1981.

Japanese Article 38) Two cases of intraosseous ganglion
相原忠彦*, 望月一男**, 河路渡**, 太田道夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 219-219, 1981.

Japanese Article 39) One case of thighbone osteoid osteoma
佐藤舜也, 田中稲実
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 219-219, 1981.

Japanese Article 40) Experience of bone cyst treatment by the plaster cast plombage
太田吉雄, 小嶋伊三郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 219-219, 1981.

Japanese Article 41) Occur for a long term in the proximal end of humerus part following up; a case of chondromyxoid fibroma
片岡洋一*, 服部彰*, 荻野正明*, 遠藤博之**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 219-220, 1981.

Japanese Article 42) Operative stress for the myeloma
小林邦作*, 蒲原宏*, 堀田利雄, 平田泰治*, 清水陽人*, 村川英三**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 220-220, 1981.

Japanese Article 43) The bone origin malignant tumor which occurred in an embarrassing pelvis for measures
成田雅治, 佐藤隆俊, 本間哲夫, 大内郁夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 220-220, 1981.

Japanese Article 44) One case of alveolar soft part sarcoma which occurred in pelvic part
川上純範*, 秋本毅*, 井出博*, 山下和夫*, 内藤真**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 220-221, 1981.

Japanese Article 45) Two cases of multiple fungous arthritis
阿部正隆, 猪又義夫, 斉藤満, 江波清隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 221-221, 1981.

Japanese Article 46) Small experience of the pectoralis major muscle shift technique for the habitual dislocation of shoulder
山川浩司*, 田島健*, 高橋功*, 八子理*, 坂本隆彦*, 谷良久*, 鈴木信*, 高橋公**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 221-221, 1981.

Japanese Article 47) About a shoulder for the brachial plexus palsy, the function reconstruction of the elbow joint
小竹英義, 神尾一彦, 藤井玄二, 前田郁雄, 桜井実
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 221-222, 1981.

Japanese Article 48) One case of the ulnar tunnel syndrome
吉田茂樹, 岡亨, 堀川哲男, 紺野宣郎, 藤原正敏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 222-222, 1981.

Japanese Article 49) Use experience of the LAPOC artificial leg
高橋信英, 須田昭男, 渡辺好博
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 222-222, 1981.

Japanese Article 50) About a start pattern from the seat rank of the stroke hemiplegia patients
田中啓嗣*, 福田道隆*, 松本茂男*, 末網太*, 早川洋*, 伊勢紀久**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 223-223, 1981.

Japanese Article 51) Case of the Perthes disease' that occurred in identical twins
斎藤晴樹*, 荒井三千雄*, 高浜正人*, 遠藤博之**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 223-223, 1981.

Japanese Article 52) Osteopetrotic one case with the coxarthropathy
鈴木堅二*, 水谷羊一*, 佐々木義憲*, 稲葉斉*, 北原博**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 223-223, 1981.

Japanese Article 53) Hip joint of children with spina bifida
設楽正彰, 岩崎光茂, 奥寺良之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 223-224, 1981.

Japanese Article 54) One case of the thighbone epiphysiolysis
坪井純*, 木村政一*, 山内正三**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 224-224, 1981.

Japanese Article 55) Examination on the non-surgery side of the one side THR enforcement case for the bilateral coxarthrosis
瀬上正仁, 津久井俊行, 武田久雄, 酒井克宜, 国分正一, 黒沢大陸, 佐藤哲朗, 石井祐信
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 224-224, 1981.

Japanese Article 56) About the successive change of the quadriceps femoris muscle contraction (than fact-finding in Niigata)
東條猛*, 田島達也*, 羽生忠正*, 長野純二*, 中山剛男*, 木島秀人*, 大島義彦**, 斉藤英彦***, 黛正****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 225-225, 1981.

Japanese Article 57) About the natural history of the quadriceps femoris muscle contraction (interim report)
小林利男*, 新井実*, 岩瀬育男*, 高橋公**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 225-225, 1981.

Japanese Article 58) Examination of the patellar position and patellofemoral joint in the gonarthrosis
大島幸吉郎, 国松祥二
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 225-226, 1981.

Japanese Article 59) Two cases of Painful bipartite patellae
大出武彦*, 長谷川清**, 若松英吉**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 226-226, 1981.

Japanese Article 60) Surgery experience of the spastic paralysis foot
乗松尋道, 黛正, 倉田久介
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 24(2): 226-227, 1981.