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Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

Volume 41, Issue 2 / 1997
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is examined the wire artifact in the MRI after Yamagata University-style cervical spinal cord expansion technique
尾鷲和也*, 林雅弘*, 伊藤友一*, 大島義彦*, 横田実**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 185-188, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the extended neck thoracic vertebra posterior longitudinal ligament osteosis that needed front decompression fixation postoperatively
武田明, 菊地臣一, 紺野慎一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 189-192, 1997.

Japanese Article Human trunk fixation therapy for the chest lumbar vertebrae transitional region compression fracture
石河紀之, 菅野裕雅, 大沼信一, 湯浅昭一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 193-196, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the cervical spine front fixation case given vertebral canal expansion technique for the recurrence of the symptom
宮腰尚久, 阿部栄二, 佐藤光三, 島田洋一, 村井肇, 安藤滋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 197-200, 1997.

Japanese Article MRI views of the infectious spondylitis early case
桃井義敬, 井川譲, 横田実, 松木達也, 古川孝志
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 201-203, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment experience of arthroscopic outside discoid meniscus : Comparison with the lateral meniscus alone damage
大谷晃司, 宮林宏, 猪股洋一郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 204-206, 1997.

Japanese Article 2 cases that was given anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and high tibial osteotomy at the same time
青木裕*, 一戸貞文*, 吉田昌明*, 阿部正隆*, 菊池達也**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 207-210, 1997.

Japanese Article Experience of high tibial osteotomy using the bioabsorbable (PLLA) screw
石橋恭之, 佐々木斉, 森川泰仁, 佐藤英樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 211-213, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the bloody treatment case of the clavicle fracture
松井俊明, 高木信博, 松田雅彦, 川路博之, 加藤博文
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 214-217, 1997.

Japanese Article About the bone union judgment method by the distortion quantity measurement of the wound external fixation device
石河紀之, 菅野裕雅, 大沼信一, 湯浅昭一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 218-221, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the radius neck bone fracture by the intramedullary fracture fixation
佐々木和広, 西川真史, 盛島利文, 山田史朗
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 222-224, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of olecranon fracture that an allergy to metal developed just after an operation more
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 225-228, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the Westhues strange law using Cannulated Screw for the calcaneus fracture
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 229-233, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture by Gamma nail
相馬裕, 森永伊昭, 樋口和東, 木村政一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 234-237, 1997.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture for a traumatic hip dislocation
楠美穂, 武田浩一郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 238-239, 1997.

Japanese Article One patient who showed the damage of the stem after artificial head replacement
土屋原, 斎藤昭
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 240-242, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the synovial chondromatosis associated with contracture of hip joint
和田誠之*, 松本健一*, 相澤治孝*, 佐藤達資**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 243-245, 1997.

Japanese Article It is walking ability and convalescence after the treatment of the super elderly people femoral neck fracture
神岡斗志夫*, 山崎健**, 嶋村正**, 本田恵**, 阿部正隆**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 246-249, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the femoral neck inside bone fracture without the clear injury
椙谷博也, 堂前洋一郎, 渡部和敏, 中台寛
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 250-253, 1997.

Japanese Article It is complaints and range of motion, association with the muscular strength after results ... operation after the operation of the rotator cuff tear
長谷川和重, 田畑四郎, 相澤利武, 木田浩, 高原光明, 山口栄, 関修弘, 金宮毅, 皆川英成, 中川智刀
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 254-257, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the rotator cuff tear that presented a specific symptom
松浦裕史, 井樋栄二, 渡部亘, 鈴木浩司, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 258-260, 1997.

Japanese Article Depressant action of the biceps brachii muscle for the upward shift of the head of humerus in the rotator cuff tear shoulder
木戸忠人, 井樋栄二, 今野則和, 佐野晃久, 浦山雅和, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 261-263, 1997.

Japanese Article The length of the axillary pouch in the rotator cuff tear shoulder : The measurement by MRI
浦山雅和, 井樋栄二, 今野則和, 木戸忠人, 佐野晃久, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 264-267, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the rotator cuff wide area tear given latissimus dorsi muscle and large circle muscle transfer
後藤康夫, 村成幸, 松田雅彦, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 268-271, 1997.

Japanese Article Comparison with the bloody treatment result -Weaver strange law and Dewar strange law for the fresh acromioclavicular jaw dislocation
武居功*, 後藤康夫*, 村成幸*, 松田雅彦**, 荻野利彦*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 272-275, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases of the giant cell tumor of tendon sheath in the finger
富谷明人*, 鈴木隆*, 井上勇人*, 梅原寿太郎**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 276-279, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment experience of talus osteochondral fracture due to arthroscopic surgery
佐々木和広, 西川真史, 相澤治孝, 新井弘一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 280-283, 1997.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with flexor pollicis longus muscle tenonitis by Os trigonum
小川太郎*, 天野正文**, 中原慶亮**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 284-287, 1997.

Japanese Article Study of bone density in adolescence : Comparison of radial Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry and calcaneus ultrasonic method
佐々木資成*, 原田征行*, 熊沢やすし*, 三井博正*, 三田禮造**, 木田和幸**, 柘植光夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 288-291, 1997.

Japanese Article 1 symptom of the right hand joint part CPPD storage disease who had the finger extensor tendon tear
斎藤隆幸, 力丸暘, 松本不二夫, 田村則男
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 293-293, 1997.

Japanese Article An example of four or five third finger carpometacarpal joint dorsum dislocation
岡崎佳則, 田島克己, 白石秀夫, 双木慎, 古町克郎, 阿部正隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 293-293, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome complicated with bilateral Kienbock disease
佐藤直人, 古川浩三郎, 岩淵真澄, 武田明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 293-293, 1997.

Japanese Article Experience of the law (twin incision) running out of double eyelid for the carpal tunnel syndrome
吉田幹生, 古町克郎, 田島克己, 阿部正隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 294-294, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-6. Histories of treatment of the finger bone fracture using the butterfly rolling steel line cerclage
金内ゆみ子, 斉藤聡, 太田吉雄, 石井淳二, 尾山かおり, 山本博司
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 294-294, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-7. Conservative therapy using the new artificial wound dressing for the finger tip injury
高木信博, 尾山かおり, 針生光博, 井上林, 安田健一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 294-294, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the opening therapy for the hand person bite severe case
松本英裕, 天野正文, 中原慶亮, 工藤正育, 成重崇, 山田史朗, 岩崎哲也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 294-295, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases of the extensor digitorum muscle dislocation of tendon due to the minimal injury
遠藤威*, 古町克郎*, 阿部正隆*, 室岡孝信**, 宗像秀雄**, 斉野俊彦**, 菅栄一***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 295-295, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-10. One case of the biceps brachii muscle long head dislocation of tendon
川又朋麿, 佐野博高, 熊谷純, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 295-295, 1997.

Japanese Article Depressant action of the biceps brachii muscle for the upward shift of the head of humerus in the rotator cuff tear shoulder
木戸忠人, 井樋栄二, 今野則和, 佐野晃久, 浦山雅和, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 295-295, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-12. Ruptured tendon evaluation of rotator cuff small tear : Study using MRI
皆川洋至*, 西登美雄*, 大場雅史*, 井樋栄二**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 295-296, 1997.

Japanese Article Measurement by size - MRI of the armpit pouch in the rotator cuff tear shoulder
浦山雅和, 井樋栄二, 今野則和, 木戸忠人, 佐野晃久, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 296-296, 1997.

Japanese Article Manipulation for the rotator cuff of shoulder tear with contractures
相澤利武, 田畑四郎, 木田浩, 高原光明, 山口栄, 関修弘, 長谷川和重, 皆川英成, 渡辺伸彦, 田中正彦, 中川智刀
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 296-296, 1997.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror for the shoulder impingement syndrome; a treatment result of the lower acromial process lower decompression
岡村健司, 福島直, 堀田智伸, 瀧内敏朗, 関根将利, 桐田卓, 辻英樹, 石井清一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 296-297, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-16. Attempt of arthroscopic subacromial decompression surgery for shoulder rotator cuff tear : Short-term results
宍戸裕章, 吉田仁郎, 菊地臣一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 297-297, 1997.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror for the rotator cuff complete tear; choice of the lower acromial process lower decompression and the surgery results
福島直, 岡村健司, 青木光広, 木村明彦, 堀田知伸, 石井清一, 薄井正道
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 297-297, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-18. It is experienced the reconstruction using Teflon felt for a rotator cuff wide area tear
澤上公彦, 谷澤龍彦, 塩崎浩之, 小林辰次, 星野正, 横田文彦, 近良明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 297-297, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the rotator cuff wide area tear given latissimus dorsi muscle and large circle muscle transfer
後藤康夫, 村成幸, 松田雅彦, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 297-298, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the latissimus dorsi muscle shift technique for the rotator cuff of shoulder wide area tear
中川智刀, 相澤利武, 田畑四郎, 田中正彦, 茂呂貴知, 渡辺伸彦, 長谷川和重, 関修弘, 山口栄, 高原光明, 木田浩
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 298-298, 1997.

Japanese Article Video diagnosis of the distal thighbone cortex loss
伊勢福修司*, 保坂正美*, 羽鳥正仁*, 江原茂**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 298-298, 1997.

Japanese Article An example of the hip joint synovial chondromatosis that arthroscope was useful in a diagnosis
菊池明, 熊沢やすし, 秋元博之, 斎藤啓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 298-298, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases of the giant cell tumor of tendon sheath in the finger
富谷明人*, 鈴木隆*, 井上勇人*, 梅原寿太郎**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 298-299, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-24. Comparison between MRI and histopathological views of the giant cell tumor of tendon sheath
小山内俊久, 朝比奈一三, 大利昌宏, 笹木勇人, 高橋徹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 299-299, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-25. Four cases of the elastic fibroma which occurred in the infrascapular region
佐々木啓*, 渡辺惣兵衛*, 加藤浩*, 佐野徳久**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 299-299, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-26. An example of the benign fat blastoma
大類広*, 石川朗*, 荻野利彦*, 勝浦理彦**, 金沢千佳子**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 299-299, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-27. One case of liposarcoma which occurred in young people, and was associated with calcification
柳澤宏信, 岡田恭司, 斎藤晴樹, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 299-300, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases of the culf soft part malignant tumor which used Pasteurization together, and was treated
和田誠之, 松本健一, 岩谷道生
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 300-300, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the malignant neurilemmoma secondary to the neurofibromatosis
生越章*, 堀田哲夫*, 塩谷善雄*, 高橋栄明*, 守田哲郎**, 大塚寛**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 300-300, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the forearm soft tissue sarcoma which tried diseased limb preservation
堀田哲夫, 生越章, 山村倉一郎, 塩谷善雄
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 300-300, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the long bone adamantinoma
田子悟史, 村上享
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 300-301, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-32. One case of the secondary chondrosarcoma that occurred in the left ankle
保坂正美*, 羽鳥正仁*, 高松克哉*, 国分正一*, 伊藤克**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 301-301, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the progress gastric cancer which resulted in diffuse osteoplastic metastasis in bone marrow
武田明*, 古川浩三郎*, 長久保淳子*, 西堀靖弘*, 斎藤邦夫**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 301-301, 1997.

Japanese Article Clinicopathologic examination of osteosarcoma 30 years or older
渡辺慶, 生越章, 堀田哲夫, 塩谷善雄, 高橋栄明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 301-301, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the bone, soft tissue sarcoma case of the human trunk department generating which gave a surgical treatment
荒木信吾, 白石秀夫, 西田淳, 阿部正隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 301-302, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of five intraosseous differentiation type osteosarcomas
岡田恭司1)6), 守田哲郎2)6), 柿崎寛3)6), 石川朗4)6), 西田淳5)6)
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 302-302, 1997.

Japanese Article An example of Displasia epiphysealis hemimelica having the main lesion to a kneecap
柳沢道朗, 柿崎寛, 三束武司
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 302-302, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-38. One case of the Beals syndrome who had the significant high riding patella
清水東吾*, 坂本仁*, 石原芳人*, 小林孝*, 吉田能理子**, 遠藤博之***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 302-303, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of childhood patellar osteomyelitis
岩崎哲也, 天野正文, 中原慶亮, 工藤正育, 松本英裕, 成重崇, 山田史朗
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 303-303, 1997.

Japanese Article One case that underwent an operation running out of bone for the heteromorphic patella fracture that healed
田中正彦, 山口栄, 木田浩, 高原光明, 相澤利武, 関修弘, 長谷川和重, 中川智刀, 茂呂貴知, 田畑四郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 303-303, 1997.

Japanese Article Convalescence investigation after the patella fracture
金子昇, 鈴木幹夫, 恩田啓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 303-303, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of three tibial tuberosity avulsion fractures
中田善博, 藤沢洋一, 藤井一晃, 望月充邦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 303-304, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of insufficiency fracture in lower limbs
石井卓, 山田智晃, 横田文彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 304-304, 1997.

Japanese Article Three cases of RA which accepted a huge bone cyst to a knee joint
吉田政史*, 吉田昌明*, 一戸貞文*, 鳥羽有*, 遠藤康二郎*, 阿部正隆*, 安藤貴信**, 三木治夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 304-304, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-45. An example of Steroid Arthropathy
小成嘉誉*, 一戸貞文*, 吉田昌明*, 阿部正隆*, 一戸克明**, 鈴木正弘***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 304-304, 1997.

Japanese Article Effect on PF joint by the difference in patera component in TKA
浅野多聞, 大畠信, 小松芳之, 針生光博, 平本典利, 石井政次, 武田陽公, 佐藤哲也, 人見裕, 土屋登嗣, 松木宏史, 浜崎允
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 305-305, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-I-47. Experience of the high tibial osteotomy using absorption Screw(PLLA)
石橋恭之, 佐々木斉, 森川泰仁, 佐藤英樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 305-305, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by the Endobutton method using a semitendinosus muscle tendon, the gracilis muscle tendon
松枝宗則, 大森豪, 古賀良生, 鈴木禎宏, 関敬弘, 菊池達哉, 高橋栄明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 305-305, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the pineal germinoma which occurred for a lumbar part hourglass tumor
渡辺克司*, 川村正典*, 立本仁*, 大竹高行*, 国分正一**, 川原央**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 306-306, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-2. One case of ambulatory cauda equina tumor
岩渕真澄, 古川浩三郎, 武田明, 佐藤直人
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 306-306, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-3. One case of the cauda equina schwannoma that was able to guess development time
高橋祐子*, 佐野徳久*, 鬼川温*, 早坂俊雄*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 306-306, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the syringomyelia with the endocranium ossification
村上秀樹, 嶋村正, 山崎健, 小成嘉誉, 阿部正隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 306-306, 1997.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the MR myelography for epidural cysts
中條悟, 佐藤哲朗, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 307-307, 1997.

Japanese Article One patient who suspected anterior spinal artery syndrome, and was able to undergo MRI over time
富田卓, 片野博, 山内正三, 小松尚, 武田裕介, 横山隆文, 佐々木知行
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 307-307, 1997.

Japanese Article Three cases of the infarction of spinal cord that we experienced in our hospital
木村善明, 楊国隆, 谷脇雅之, 石垣智, 田澤浩
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 307-307, 1997.

Japanese Article Small experience of six infarction of spinal cord
後藤文昭*, 水沼史彦*, 林雅弘**, 武井寛**, 橋本淳一**, 平本典利***, 太田吉雄****, 横田実*****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 308-308, 1997.

Japanese Article One case that we spinalized it in spinal cord intramedullary tumor (Astrocytoma) and extracted
永沼亨*, 笠間史夫*, 高橋良正*, 橋本道夫**, 今泉英樹***, 佐藤哲朗****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 308-308, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-10. Histories of treatment of both buttocks bedsore who had the myelomeningocele
小西奈津雄, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 黒田利樹, 鈴木哲哉, 蝦名寿仁, 粕川雄司
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 308-308, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination about the cervical spine alignment after the atlas chinquapin rear fixation
油川修一, 星忠行, 三戸明夫, 徳谷聡, 成田穂積
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 308-309, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the cervical myelopathy without the arms symptom
渡辺伸彦, 木田浩, 関修弘, 高原光明, 山口栄, 相澤利武, 長谷川和重, 皆川英成, 中川智刀, 田中正彦, 田畑四郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 309-309, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-13. Experience of the spinous process vertical structure type cervical spine vertebral canal expansion technique using T-saw
村井肇, 佐藤光三, 阿部栄二, 島田洋一, 宮腰尚久, 本郷道生, 安藤滋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 309-309, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the Kurokawa spinous process vertical structure method vertebral canal expansion technique for the cervical myelopathy with the cerebral palsy
星川健, 石井祐信, 山崎伸, 石橋賢太郎, 瀬野幸治, 田中庸二, 大泉晶, 佐久間深雪
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 309-309, 1997.

Japanese Article Three cases of the cervical line dissection, spinous process vertical structure method vertebral arch plastic surgery for the cervical myelopathy with the athetoid type of cerebral palsy
尾鷲和也, 鈴木聡, 佐本敏秋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 309-310, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the case given vertebral canal expansion technique after cervical spine front fixation
宮腰尚久, 阿部栄二, 佐藤光三, 島田洋一, 村井肇, 安藤滋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 310-310, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-17. Reoperation case after the front decompression fixation for the cervical myelopathy
山崎伸*, 石井祐信*, 石橋賢太郎*, 瀬野幸治*, 星川建*, 田中庸二*, 大泉晶*, 国分正一**, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 310-310, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the cervical myelopathy in long-term patients on dialysis
鈴木宗明*, 関雅之*, 加藤隆三**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 310-311, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the vertebral canal extended postoperative C5 neuroparalysis
鈴木浩司, 森田裕己, 石澤暢浩, 永澤雄
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 311-311, 1997.

Japanese Article Surgery results of the acetabulum turn osteotomy in our hospital
前田慎吾*, 藤井玄二*, 中山明里*, 関雅之*, 国分正一*, 船山完一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 311-311, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-21. It is a result after an operation of the Chiari pelvic osteotomy
千葉武志*, 藤井玄二*, 前田慎吾*, 中山明里*, 関雅之*, 国分正一*, 船山完一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 311-311, 1997.

Japanese Article Comparison between Bombelli osteotomy and acetabuloplasty combination
外山秀樹*, 遠藤直人*, 祖父江牟婁人**, 堂前洋一郎***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 311-312, 1997.

Japanese Article Results of the trochanteric shift technique in our hospital
佐藤哲也, 石井政次, 浜崎允, 大畠信, 平本典利, 武田陽公, 針生光博, 人見裕, 浅野多聞
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 312-312, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-24. Degenerative disease of the lumbar spine, which merged in osteoarthritis of the hip's (subluxation resistance)
中村泰裕*, 山田則一*, 高橋康明*, 北純*, 船山完一*, 藤井玄二**, 鈴木隆***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 312-312, 1997.

Japanese Article Three cases of the coxarthrosis found in lumbar spine degeneration kyphosis
渡部亘*, 佐藤光三*, 小玉弘之**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 312-312, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-26. Femoral head coating rate at the single stepladder rank in the spasticity type diplegia
落合達宏, 後藤昌子, 佐藤一望, 諸根彬, 手塚主夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 312-313, 1997.

Japanese Article Association with the bone response and femoral region ache of the stem thighbone interface of the cementless total hip prosthesis
高橋康明*, 山田則一*, 中村泰裕*, 北純*, 船山完一*, 藤井玄二**, 大山正瑞***, 星秀夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 313-313, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the Perthes disease' in our garden
小林孝*, 石原芳人*, 坂本仁*, 清水東吾*, 吉田能理子**, 遠藤博之***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 313-313, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases of the head of femur sliding symptom that occurred youth later
双木慎*, 本田恵*, 宍戸博*, 宗像孝佳*, 阿部正隆*, 宗像秀樹**, 田島育郎**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 313-314, 1997.

Japanese Article Sonography for the adult coxalgia in our hospital
宍戸博*, 白石秀夫*, 双木慎*, 伊藤浩司*, 青木裕*, 荒木信吾*, 嶋村正*, 阿部正隆*, 本田恵**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 314-314, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the rare idiopathic transient thighbone cranial bones atrophy
土屋原, 中村武
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 314-314, 1997.

Japanese Article Four cases of purulent coxarthritis
松原吉宏, 今泉秀樹, 小池洋一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 314-314, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases of Pubic osteolysis
石川有之, 森倫夫, 天野秀久, 新田長生
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 314-315, 1997.

Japanese Article It is one patient of both hip joints extended position bony ankylosis after neck loss left more than 20 years
鈴木聡, 佐本敏秋, 尾鷲和也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 315-315, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the fracture of the distal radius by the Fixano external fixator
毛糠英治, 末綱太, 戸館克彦, 盛島利文, 湯川昌広
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 315-315, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-36. Examination of the ulna shortening osteotomy for Ulno-carpal abutment syndrome
Iswar M. Shakya, 古月顕宗, 原孝, 高須誠, 神薗豊, 坂本和陽, 鈴木裕, 大槻健郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 315-315, 1997.

Japanese Article Bloody histories of treatment for the antebrachial bone shaft fracture
大沼信一, 菅野裕雅, 石河紀之, 湯浅昭一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 315-315, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the adult humeral distal part bone fracture
阿部義幸, 安島雄二, 小倉健
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 316-316, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-39. One case of olecranon fracture that the allergy to metal developed just after an operation more
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 316-316, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the humeral condylar fracture of the snowboarding injury
関谷元彦, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 渡辺茂, 大江桂成, 門馬弘晶
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 316-316, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-41. Two cases of RA which accepted a major bone cyst-formed change to elbow joint
金内ゆみ子*, 斉藤聡*, 佐藤隆司**, 石川朗**, 大類広**, 須田昭男**, 荻野利彦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 316-317, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-42. Histories of treatment of the tibia canopy bone fracture in our hospital
安島雄二, 阿部義幸, 小倉健
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 317-317, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the ankle malleolar fracture in our hospital
小倉健, 阿部義幸, 安島雄二
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 317-317, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-44. Trial of the subtalar joint mirror in the calcaneus fracture
相澤治孝, 西川真史, 新井弘一, 佐々木和広
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 317-317, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the Westhues strange law using Cannulated Screw for the calcaneus fracture
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 317-318, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-46. Treatment result of the distal crus bone bone fracture by May anatomical bone plate
岸本光司, 橋本禎敬, 両角直樹, 後藤伸一, 徳永茂行
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 318-318, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-47. One case of the allogeneic JK membrane plastic surgery for the ankylosis ankle after the pyogenic arthritis
菊池達哉*, 古賀良生**, 大森豪***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 318-318, 1997.

Japanese Article 1-II-48. Treatment experience of talus osteochondritis dissecans by arthroscopic surgery
佐々木和広, 西川真史, 相澤治孝, 新井弘一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 318-318, 1997.

Japanese Article Four examination that broke the other side after femoral neck fracture treatment
岩井裕司, 井上貞宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 318-319, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-2. Bone fracture type of the elderly people femoral neck fracture
大江桂成, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 渡辺茂, 関谷元彦, 門馬弘晶
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 319-319, 1997.

Japanese Article Convalescence examination of the ender method for the femoral neck outside bone fracture of elderly people
恩田啓, 鈴木幹夫, 金子昇
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 319-319, 1997.

Japanese Article Radiographic examination of the cementless articular head prosthesis stem
北原洋, 湯朝信博, 河路洋一, 高野裕一, 関真人, 後藤真一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 319-319, 1997.

Japanese Article Problems of a diagnosis and the treatment of femoral neck spontaneous fracture
千葉克司, 島垣斎, 山崎幸男, 成沢弘子, 坪川直人, 笛木敬介, 生沼武男, 松原統
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 319-319, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of bilateral femoral neck spontaneous fractures due to the postgastrectomy osteoporosis
大垣守, 斎藤昭
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 320-320, 1997.

Japanese Article Use experience of Long Gamma Nail in the femur fracture
吉井祥二, 佐藤克巳, 井上尚美, 土肥修, 小松哲郎, 小島忠士
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 320-320, 1997.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the pelvic fracture in our hospital
岩渕勝雄*, 上原俊郎*, 千葉伸一*, 斎藤禎量*, 小熊信**, 和田晶史**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 320-320, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the hip joint obturator foramen dislocation found in a high school rugby player
富田卓, 原田征行, 熊沢やすし, 秋元博之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 320-321, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-10. Study of bone density in puberty : Comparison of radial DEXA method and calcaneus ultrasonic method
佐々木資成*, 原田征行*, 熊沢やすし*, 三井博正*, 三田禮造**, 木田和幸**, 柘植光夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 321-321, 1997.

Japanese Article About the calcaneal bone bone evaluation level measurement by the ultrasonography
三井博正*, 原田征行*, 熊沢やすし*, 佐々木資成*, 三田禮造**, 木田和幸**, 柘植光夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 321-321, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-12. Examination of the orthopedic complications of long-term patients on dialysis (more than 20 years)
山本智章*, 張柳**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 321-321, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-13. Experience of the erythropoietin combination autotransfusion in our hospital
安藤滋, 島田洋一, 村井肇, 宮腰尚久, 松浦裕史, 柳沢宏信, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 321-322, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-14. One case of Bennett lesion
石橋弘二*, 佐藤克巳*, 小島忠士*, 熊谷純**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 322-322, 1997.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the examination of air CT arthrogram in the upward acetabular labrum injury
廣瀬聰明, 岡村健司, 加賀谷圭子, 福島直, 薄井正道, 石井清一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 322-322, 1997.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror for the articulus humeri upper part acetabular labrum injury; a treatment result of the lower surgical repair
大塚博徳, 岡村良久
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 322-322, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-17. One case of the iterative anterior shoulder dislocation with the detachment in the humeral hold fast of lower glenohumeral ligaments
松浦裕史, 井樋栄二, 渡部亘, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 322-323, 1997.

Japanese Article Three cases of the humeral throw bone fracture
加藤聡, 高濱正人, 塩川光一, 三澤晶子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 323-323, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-19. Examination of the bloody treatment for the proximal end of humerus bone fracture
佐藤英樹, 佐々木斉, 森川泰仁, 石橋恭之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 323-323, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-I-20. The invasive treatment results for the fresh acromioclavicular joint dislocation : Comparison with Weaver variant and Dewar variant
武居功*, 後藤康夫*, 村成幸*, 萩野利彦*, 松田雅彦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 323-323, 1997.

Japanese Article One case of the bony outgrowth which is the huge which occurred in cervical spine
粕川雄司, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 黒田利樹, 小西奈津雄, 鈴木哲哉, 蝦名寿仁
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 323-324, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-II-2. Histories of treatment of two hemangiomas which occurred in thoracic vertebra
橋本淳一*, 林雅弘*, 武井寛*, 村成幸*, 斉藤聡**, 太田吉雄**, 横田実***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 324-324, 1997.

Japanese Article Experience of the spinal CT guide bottom percutaneous bone biopsy
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 324-324, 1997.

Japanese Article MRI views of the infectious spondylitis early case
桃井義敬, 横田実, 井川譲, 松木達也, 古川孝志
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 324-324, 1997.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the spondylarthrocace given PLIF
島田洋一, 佐藤光三, 阿部栄二, 村井肇, 宮腰尚久, 安藤滋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 324-324, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-II-6. Two cases of the Pott's disease discovered for an atypical symptom
保坂登, 石川誠一, 野本努, 高橋美徳, 由野和則, 村井丈寛
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 325-325, 1997.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of Extraforaminal lumbar disc herniation
小松田辰郎, 張哲守, 岩井和夫, 松本真一, 山田登, 西田茂喜, 日下部隆, 大平信廣
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 325-325, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-II-8. Examination of the lumbar herniated disk reoperation case
川原央, 田中靖久, 佐藤哲朗, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 325-325, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-II-9. Examination of the surgery case for the lumbar herniated disk recurrence case
庄子長保, 瀬上正仁, 大塚耕司, 大井英毅
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 325-326, 1997.

Japanese Article Examination of the reoperation case in the lumbar spinal canal stenosis
井上勇人*, 鈴木隆*, 富谷明人*, 佐藤哲朗**, 田中靖久**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 326-326, 1997.

Japanese Article About the lumbar vertebrae surgery of elderly people judging from the satisfaction of the patients
土屋原, 中村武
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 326-326, 1997.

Japanese Article Clinical picture of Tight filum terminale
後藤昌子, 落合達宏, 佐藤一望, 諸根彬, 手塚主夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 326-326, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-II-14. One case of the osteoporotic spinal compression fracture that presented both lower extremities paresis
日下部隆, 張哲守, 岩井和夫, 松本真一, 山田登, 小松田辰郎, 西田茂喜, 大平信廣
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 326-327, 1997.

Japanese Article Experience of the chest lumbar vertebrae front fixation for vertebral body crush injury osteonecrosis
千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 黒田利樹, 小西奈津雄, 鈴木哲哉, 蝦名寿仁, 粕川雄司
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 327-327, 1997.

Japanese Article An example of the fat emboli syndrome which presented quadriplegia
関口泰史, 持田裕史, 谷牧夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 327-327, 1997.

Japanese Article 2-II-17. Examination of the spinal operations case of Achondroplasia
中澤重信, 原田征行, 植山和正, 伊藤淳二, 新戸部泰輔
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 327-328, 1997.

Japanese Article Two cases that cysts-like lesion was seen in to lumbar vertebrae ligamenta flava
高橋良正*, 笠間史夫*, 永沼亨*, 小島忠士*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 41(2): 328-328, 1997.