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Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

Volume 43, Issue 1 / 1999
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The present situation of the treatment of the intractable pseudarthrosis
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 1-3, 1999.

Japanese Article Operative treatment for non-union fracture
川島寛之*, 石川誠一*, 野本努*, 由野和則*, 矢澤隆*, 傅田博司*, 柴田実**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 4-8, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment with the Ilizarov wound external fixation device for the culf pseudarthrosis
中井倫子, 藤哲, 坪健司, 保村昌宏, 中田善博, 成田伸治
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 9-13, 1999.

Japanese Article Treatment of non-unions with low intensity ultrasound stimulation
新田長生, 松田雅彦, 浜崎允
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 14-17, 1999.

Japanese Article Experience of the periosteal graft with the blood vessel pattern for the lower limbs pseudarthrosis
三輪仁*, 久保田茂夫*, 松崎浩徳*, 大森豪*, 柴田実**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 18-21, 1999.

Japanese Article Discussion abstract of the symposium "intractable pseudarthrosis"
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 22-22, 1999.

Japanese Article MRI of spinal cord tumor: differential diagnosis of neurinoma and meningioma
上原昌義*, 石井祐信*, 田中靖久*, 服部彰*, 小澤浩司**, 船山完一***, 国分正一****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 23-26, 1999.

Japanese Article Thoracic vertebra part myelopathy due to spondylosis
後藤伸一*, 石井祐信*, 山崎伸*, 瀬野幸治*, 小川真司*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 27-31, 1999.

Japanese Article About the sharp pain of the unstable type femoral neck fracture Gamma-nail lag screw implant part which occurred postoperatively
松井俊明, 湯浅勝則, 伊藤利江
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 32-34, 1999.

Japanese Article Two cases of tuberculous spondylitis with cold abscess
保坂登, 石川誠一, 高橋美徳, 野本努, 由野和則, 村井丈寛
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 35-40, 1999.

Japanese Article Two cases of the cysts-like lesion near the lumbar vertebrae intervertebral joint
高橋良正*, 笠間史夫*, 永沼亨*, 小島忠士*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 41-46, 1999.

Japanese Article Results of the re-fenestration operation for the case recurrent after lumbar herniated disk technique
庄子長保*, 瀬上正仁*, 大塚耕司*, 大井英毅*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 47-51, 1999.

Japanese Article Experience of the legal carpal tunnel open technique running out of double eyelid
吉田幹生, 古町克郎, 田島克己, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 52-55, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the iterative anterior shoulder dislocation with the detachment in the humeral hold fast of lower glenohumeral ligaments
松浦裕史, 井樋栄二, 渡部亘, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 56-59, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination for the diagnosis of occult primary cancer detected for metastases to bone
佐久間深雪, 齊藤宏一, 日下部明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 60-64, 1999.

Japanese Article View blood therapy for calcaneus fracture by Extended Lateral Approach
小池洋一, 今泉秀樹, 高橋永次, 松原吉宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 65-69, 1999.

Japanese Article Bilateral complete discoid medial menisci - Report of two cases -
恩田啓, 横村伸夫, 舟山正和
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 70-73, 1999.

Japanese Article Adamantinoma of the tibia: report of two cases
大塚寛, 東條猛, 高野祐, 田中隆明, 石坂真樹, 小林信也, 松葉敦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 74-77, 1999.

Japanese Article Two cases of the traumatic hip dislocation bone fracture that acetabular labrum became the reposition inhibitor
高橋永次, 今泉秀樹, 松原吉宏, 小池洋一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 78-80, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the femoral neck fracture case who had the hemiplegia
由野和則, 石川誠一, 野本努, 大川豊, 湯本聡, 川島寛之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 81-85, 1999.

Japanese Article A case with multiple pigmented villonodular synovitis in the hand
前田秀逸, 西田淳, 白石秀夫, 小成嘉誉, 嶋村正, 阿部正隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 86-89, 1999.

Japanese Article Aneurysmal one case that occurred after the blunt trauma to a shoulder
綿貫宗則*, 梅原寿太郎*, 両角直樹*, 石塚正人*, 徳永茂行*, 黒川博之**, 橋本学***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 90-93, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the granular cell myoblastoma which occurred in the first sacral cord nerve root
内山美和子, 林雅弘, 伊藤友一, 大類広, 笹木勇人, 天野秀久, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 94-97, 1999.

Japanese Article A case of trigger wrist due to anomalous lumbrical muscle in association with angiolipoma
成重知花, 中原慶亮, 成重崇, 毛糠優子, 有田忍, 塚田晴彦, 天野正文
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 98-101, 1999.

Japanese Article Irreducible dorsal dislocation of proximal interphalangeal joint of the fourth Toe: a case report
塚田晴彦, 天野正文, 中原慶亮, 毛糠優子, 有田忍, 宮崎義久, 佐藤衛
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 102-105, 1999.

Japanese Article 1 case that was given anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction for an old tibia intercondylar eminence bone fracture
望月充邦, 岡村良久, 秋元博之, 三戸明夫, 横山隆文, 平賀康晴
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 106-108, 1999.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the bone graft to the tibia bone defect part in the ACL reconstruction using the autologous patellar ligament
山崎義人, 大塚博徳, 石橋恭之, 小松尚, 津田英一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 109-111, 1999.

Japanese Article We perform operations for the Larsen syndrome with the right hip dislocation and are had an experience both knees
秋田護*, 熊沢やすし*, 坪健司*, 藤井一晃*, 田中利弘*, 木村政一**, 西川真史***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 112-114, 1999.

Japanese Article Observation of sublabral recess in the dead body shoulder
浦山雅和*, 井樋栄二*, 木戸忠人*, 清水東吾*, 佐藤光三*, 佐志隆士**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 115-117, 1999.

Japanese Article A case report of rheumatoid arthritis presenting subacromial bursitis with many rice bodies
石塚隆二*, 広瀬一郎*, 浦川圭二*, 渡辺茂*, 田枝由羽子*, 松丸直人*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 118-121, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the proximal end of humerus bone fracture using the artificial bone
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 122-124, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of floating shoulder which a clavicle, scapular pseudarthrosis produced because we cured conservatively
佐藤毅, 片岡洋一, 千馬誠悦, 平野正史, 谷脇雅之, 飯田聖
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 125-127, 1999.

Japanese Article Trial of the tension measurement of the rotator cuff at rotator cuff tear restoration
菅原裕史, 後藤康夫, 村成幸, 松田雅彦, 桃井義敬, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 128-130, 1999.

Japanese Article Change of the coherence state of the Bankart injury part by the fixed position after the diaplasis
井樋栄二*, 清水東吾*, 浦山雅和*, 木戸忠人*, 佐藤光三*, 佐志隆士**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 131-134, 1999.

Japanese Article 1 trial case of multiple schwannoma
岩崎弘英, 原田征行, 植山和正, 新戸部泰輔, 岩谷道生, 菊池明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 135-138, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination for postoperative complications of Gamma nail
福田陽, 西川真史, 長沼慎二, 竹内和成, 和田簡一郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 139-143, 1999.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent bone fusion using band cerclage for the thighbone subtrochanteric fracture that occurred after artificial head replacement
和田簡一郎, 西川真史, 長沼慎二, 竹内和成, 福田陽
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 144-147, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-1. Long-term results of the acromioclavicular joint dislocation surgery example using a Tetron-tape
熊谷純*, 伊勢福修司*, 川又朋麿*, 国分正一*, 佐藤克巳**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 149-149, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the acromioclavicular jaw dislocation case with the 1-I-2. coronoid process bone fracture
檜森興, 相澤利武, 田畑四郎, 木田浩, 山口栄, 関修弘, 佐藤心一, 田中稔, 五十嵐章, 藤沢基之, 峯田光能
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 149-149, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-3 distal histories of treatment - clavicle edge resection and Dewar strange law - of the old acromioclavicular jaw dislocation.
小松田辰郎, 佐藤克巳, 成重崇, 小島忠士
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 149-150, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-4. The conservative therapy for clavicle distal end fracture
西堀靖広, 佐藤伸一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 150-150, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the proximal end of humerus bone fracture using the 1-I-5. artificial bone
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 150-150, 1999.

Japanese Article Treatment of the 1-I-6. children humerus supracondylar fracture
小倉健, 阿部義幸, 井上勇人, 鈴木康義
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 150-150, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-7. Treatment with Metaizeau method for radial neck fracture
三浦和知*, 佐々木斉*, 三浦一志*, 富田卓*, 森川泰仁**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 150-151, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the fracture of the distal radius by 1-I-8.intrafocal pinning
佐々木和広, 藤沢洋一, 工藤祐喜, 赤石孝一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 151-151, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the treatment result of the 1-I-9. chest lumbar vertebrae compression fracture
皆川英成, 猪股洋一郎, 大谷晃司, 土屋原, 宮林宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 151-151, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the bone mineral density (the DEXA method) in patients with traumatic spinal compression fracture with the 1-I-10. osteoporosis and femoral neck fracture
恩田啓, 斎藤昭, 管野伸樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 151-151, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the 1-I-11. femoral neck occult fracture
高山肇*, 泉山信兒*, 猪又義男*, 金田博史**, 菅義行***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 151-152, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of insufficiency fracture which occurred in 1-I-12. ala of ilium
門馬弘晶, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 森明彦, 渡辺克司, 今村格
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 152-152, 1999.

Japanese Article One case that produced avascular necrosis femoral head after the Kuntscher intramedullary nail fixation for the 1-I-13. shaft of femur bone fracture
山田晋, 渡部亘, 井樋栄二, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 152-152, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-14. Treatment experience of the femoral trochanter part, subtrochanteric fracture by Gamma nail
茂呂貴知, 鈴木幹夫, 長久保淳子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 152-152, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the Gamma Nail200 case for the 1-I-15. femoral neck outside bone fracture
高橋光浩, 佐野徳久, 鬼川温, 伊澤亮平
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 152-153, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination for the postoperative complications of the 1-I-16. gamma nail
福田陽, 西川真史, 長沼慎二, 竹内和成, 和田簡一郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 153-153, 1999.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of dynamization after the wide stopping intramedullary nail fixation for the 1-I-17. shaft of femur bone fracture
高橋新, 安倍吉則, 森明彦, 渡辺克司, 門馬弘晶, 今村格
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 153-153, 1999.

Japanese Article It is one patient using the CCG band for the thighbone subtrochanteric fracture that occurred after 1-I-18. thighbone artificial head replacement
和田簡一郎, 西川真史, 長沼慎二, 竹内和成, 福田陽
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 153-153, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-19. Surgical treatment of experience with Pilon fracture
湯本聡, 石川誠一, 野本努, 大川豊, 由野和則, 川島寛之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 153-154, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-20. Patency ankle bone neck bone fracture, subtalar joint, talocrural articulation dislocation, one case of talonavicular joint subluxation
鶴田大作*, 尾山かおり*, 針生光博*, 後藤文昭*, 松木宏史*, 杉田誠*, 内海秀明*, 高木信博**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 154-154, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-21. One cases of both sides talus body sagittal plane fracture
武田光宏, 堂前洋一郎, 渡部和敏, 渡部憲一, 松葉敦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 154-154, 1999.

Japanese Article It is examined the pseudarthrosis surgery after 1-I-22. traumatic fracture
川島寛之, 石川誠一, 野本努, 由野和則, 矢澤隆, 伝田博司
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 154-154, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment with the Ilizarov wound external fixation device for the treatment culf pseudarthrosis of the 1-I-23. intractable pseudarthrosis
中井倫子, 藤哲, 坪健司, 保村昌宏, 中田善博, 成田伸治
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 154-154, 1999.

Japanese Article Use experience of SAFHS for the 1-I-24. intractable pseudarthrosis
新田長生, 清重佳朗, 浜崎允, 大畠信, 平本典利, 石井政次, 武田陽公, 松田雅彦, 小松芳之, 川路博之, 佐々木幹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 155-155, 1999.

Japanese Article Experience of the periosteal graft with the blood vessel pattern for the 1-I-25. pseudarthrosis
三輪仁*, 久保田茂夫*, 松崎浩徳*, 登石聡*, 大森豪*, 柴田実**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 155-155, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of synovial osteochodromatosis which occurred in the glenohumeral joint which we were able to observe the course of 1-I-26 .3 years in
佐々木聡*, 井樋栄二**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 155-155, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of acute clavicle osteomyelitis due to 1-I-27. anaerobes
二宮宗重, 谷澤龍彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 155-155, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-28. One cases of floating shoulder that caused the clavicle nonunion
佐藤毅, 片岡洋一, 千馬誠悦, 平野正史, 谷脇雅之, 飯田聖
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 156-156, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the subacromial bursitis with the corpora oryzoidea of a lot of 1-I-29.
見城知巳, 古川浩三郎, 近内泰伸, 北村拓也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 156-156, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-30. One case of the first issues was rheumatoid arthritis in a number of have a rice grain body was subacromial bursitis
石塚隆二, 広瀬一郎, 浦川圭二, 渡辺茂, 松丸直人
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 156-156, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-31. Fixed limb position suitable for the healing of Bankart lesion: Preliminary study using MRI in one case of traumatic anterior dislocation
井樋栄二*, 清水東吾*, 浦山雅和*, 木戸忠人*, 佐藤光三*, 佐志隆士**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 156-157, 1999.

Japanese Article Morphological observation of sublabral recess of the 1-I-32. glenoid fossa upper part
浦山雅和, 井樋栄二, 水戸忠人, 清水東吾, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 157-157, 1999.

Japanese Article In the differentiation of characteristic - upward acetabular labrum injury and rotator cuff articular surface tear of the science views of the 1-I-33. throw disorder shoulder -
川又朋麿*, 熊谷純*, 佐野博高*, 国分正一*, 佐藤克巳**, 小松田辰郎**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 157-157, 1999.

Japanese Article Trial of the tension measurement of the rotator cuff at the 1-I-34. rotator cuff tear restoration
菅原裕史*, 後藤康夫*, 村成幸*, 荻野利彦*, 松田雅彦**, 桃井義敬***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 157-157, 1999.

Japanese Article The examination that is in a tear form of 1-I-35. rotator cuff pinhole tear
相澤利武, 田畑四郎, 木田浩, 山口栄, 関修弘, 佐藤心一, 田中稔, 安永亨, 檜森興, 五十嵐章, 藤沢基之, 峯田光能
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 158-158, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-36. Postoperative results of arthroscopic auxiliary rotator cuff repair surgery for rotator cuff complete tear
田島史子, 川前恵一, 中山広明, 五十嵐環
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 158-158, 1999.

Japanese Article Deltoid function at the stretching up of arm in the 1-I-37. rotator cuff tear shoulder
木戸忠人, 井樋栄二, 浦山雅和, 清水東吾, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 158-158, 1999.

Japanese Article Supraspinalis muscle in the 1-I-38. rotator cuff small tear shoulder, evaluation by the tear part of the infraspinatus muscle atrophy
清水東吾, 井樋栄二, 木戸忠人, 浦山雅和, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 158-159, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-39. Treatment of the elbow joint collateral ligament damage
阿部義幸, 井上勇人, 小倉健, 鈴木康義
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 159-159, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-I-40. Study of the long thumb extensor tendon subcutaneous rupture after distal radius fracture
鵜木栄樹, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 小西奈津雄, 蝦名寿仁, 鈴木哲哉, 若林育子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 159-159, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the extensor pollicis longus muscle tendon skin lower tear with the 1-I-41. ski
和田誠之*, 末綱太*, 牧野明男*, 毛糠英治*, 中井倫子*, 田名部誠悦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 159-159, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the nodular fasciitis that occurred in 1-I-42. finger
伊藤博紀, 岡田恭司, 斎藤晴樹, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 159-160, 1999.

Japanese Article One case who had the flexor tendon synovitis by the 1-I-43. radiale pseudarthrosis
佐藤和宏, 古町克郎, 田島克己, 西田淳, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 160-160, 1999.

Japanese Article It is experience of the bony callus extension for leaning to the left carpus shortening of multiple pyogenic arthritis aftereffects 1-I-44
日下部隆, 諸根彬, 落合達宏, 佐藤一望
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 160-160, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of lower limbs RSD after 1-II-1.PLIF
阪田重雄, 本間隆夫, 矢澤隆, 矢尻洋一, 内山政二
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 160-160, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the posterior longitudinal ligament cysts which needed differentiation with the 1-II-2. hips intervertebral disc herniation
小林志, 西登美雄, 皆川洋至, 三浦利哉
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 160-160, 1999.

Japanese Article Merger - of one - fifth waist radiculopathy and superficial fibular nerve strangulation characteristics disorder of 1-II-3.Double crush syndrome
高橋直人*, 菊地臣一*, 五十嵐環*, 渡辺栄一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 161-161, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-4. One cases of breast lumbar yellow ligament calcification
入江太一*, 斎藤宏一*, 田中稔*, 佐久間深雪*, 大沼秀治*, 服部弘之*, 日下部明*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 161-161, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-5. One cases of childhood scoliosis by osteoid osteoma
神岡斗志夫*, 小成嘉誉**, 加藤貞文**, 村上秀樹**, 山崎健**, 嶋村正**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 161-161, 1999.

Japanese Article One patient who gave a lesion in the marrow which showed T2 high brightness 1-II-6.MR T1 low brightness a diagnosis of cystic lesion by sonography
善家雄吉, 小松哲郎, 笠間史夫, 佐藤公尊, 小島忠士
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 161-162, 1999.

Japanese Article An example suggestive of the infarction of spinal cord that occurred during art of 1-II-7.
蓮池尚文, 山崎幸男, 成澤弘子, 岩渕泰宏, 佐藤剛, 松木宏史, 松原統
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 162-162, 1999.

Japanese Article About the low back pain of the 1-II-8. healthcare worker analysis - of - questionary survey
長島太郎, 宮川修一, 富樫栄太
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 162-162, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the 1-II-9. intradural escape hernia
若林育子, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 鵜木栄樹, 小西奈津雄, 蝦名寿仁, 鈴木哲哉
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 162-162, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of the lumbar herniated disk that presented 1-II-10. vertebral body dip
兵藤弘訓*, 妹尾和己**, 塩澤広重**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 162-163, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of radiculopathy in the distal 1-II-11. lumbar vertebrae intervertebral foramen (the intervertebral foramen outside)
五十嵐章, 関修弘, 木田浩, 山口栄, 相澤利武, 佐藤心一, 田中稔, 檜森興, 藤沢基之, 峯田光能, 田畑四郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 163-163, 1999.

Japanese Article 1 case of both sides of the lumbar nerve root outside failure
山口研, 佐藤日出夫, 岩田仁男, 村上和也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 163-163, 1999.

Japanese Article Satisfaction investigation of the patients after the 1-II-13. lumbar vertebrae laminectomy
佐瀬良浩*, 朝比奈一三*, 大利昌弘*, 小山内俊尚*, 湯浅勝則**, 平上健**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 163-163, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-14. The intervertebral braking effect by Graf surgery : X-ray Histological study
長谷川和宏, 平田泰治, 守田哲郎, 小林宏人, 生越章
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 163-164, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of the atlantoaxial subluxation by the 1-II-15. transverse ligament of atlas relaxation
大歳憲一, 渡辺栄一, 渡部徹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 164-164, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of 1-II-16.Atypical hangman's fracture
松永俊樹, 島田洋一, 佐藤光三, 阿部栄二, 村井肇, 小林孝, 櫻場乾
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 164-164, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the Kurokawa-style vertebral canal expansion technique posterior longitudinal ligament osteosis that restenosis occurred in postoperatively by the 1-II-17. bone graft
石塚正人*, 梅原寿太郎*, 石橋賢太郎*, 両角直樹**, 橋本禎敬***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 164-164, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-18. Three cases which resulted in a spinal cord disease caused by osteoarthritis of the upper cervical spine
佐藤公尊*, 笠間史夫*, 土肥修*, 永沼享*, 善家雄吉*, 佐藤克巳*, 小松哲郎*, 小島忠士*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 164-165, 1999.

Japanese Article Three patients who presented with cervical myelopathy by the bone genital ridge of the 1-II-19. atlas epistropheus
亀井陽一, 加藤貞文, 小成嘉誉, 村上秀樹, 山崎健, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 165-165, 1999.

Japanese Article It is myelopathy with degenerative cervical spine scoliosis 1-II-20
後藤伸一, 石井祐信, 山崎伸, 瀬野幸治, 小川真司, 高城利江, 松原吉宏, 徳永茂行, 大竹高行
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 165-165, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the higher cervical spine injury in the 1-II-21. our hospital
毛糠英治, 末綱太, 戸館克彦, 牧野明男, 和田誠之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 165-165, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the 1-II-22. Candida-related spondylitis
萩原嘉広, 五味渕聡志, 本田雅人, 藤城裕一, 大谷博, 中島俊則
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 165-166, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-23. One cases of tuberculous spondylitis that was able to confirm the MR images of the disease early
服部弘之*, 佐藤哲朗*, 古泉豊*, 国分正一*, 佐野徳久**, 池田理一郎***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 166-166, 1999.

Japanese Article It is an example of multiple brains, spinal nerves tumors 1-II-24
櫻場乾, 島田洋一, 佐藤光三, 阿部栄二, 村井肇, 小林孝, 松永俊樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 166-166, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of the parabackbone rhabdomyosarcoma that needed 1-II-25. backbone complete removal technique
斎藤毅, 佐藤哲朗, 相澤俊峰, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 166-166, 1999.

Japanese Article Small experience of the use of ilium screw for the 1-II-26. lumbosacral spine disease
小林孝, 島田洋一, 佐藤光三, 阿部栄二, 村井肇, 松永俊樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 166-167, 1999.

Japanese Article Two cases of the dumbbell type schwannoma with the 1-II-27. 5th lumbar vertebra vertebral body erosion
吉田渡, 山崎健, 加藤貞文, 村上秀樹, 小成嘉誉, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 167-167, 1999.

Japanese Article Long-term surgery results of the huge cauda equina enucleation of tumor case that was not given the reconstruction of the 1-II-28. spinal column
森武人*, 佐藤哲朗*, 後藤均*, 加藤喜弘*, 川又朋麿*, 国分正一*, 石井祐信**, 瀬野幸治**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 167-167, 1999.

Japanese Article 1 case that 1-II-29 performed anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in for an old tibia intercondylar eminence bone fracture
望月充邦, 岡村良久, 三戸明夫, 横山隆文, 平賀康晴
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 167-167, 1999.

Japanese Article Use experience of bioabsorbable interference screw in the 1-II-30. knee anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
木村善明, 楊国隆, 石垣智, 本郷道生, 工藤宏次
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 167-168, 1999.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the bone graft to the tibia bone defect part in the ACL reconstruction using the 1-II-31. autologous patellar ligament
山崎義人, 大塚博徳, 石橋恭之, 小松尚, 津田英一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 168-168, 1999.

Japanese Article About the knee grasp that is in medial meniscus injury form by the 1-II-32. MRI
齊藤宏一*, 大沼秀治*, 入江太一*, 服部弘之*, 日下部明*, 大串雅俊**, 田中稔***, 佐久間深雪****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 168-168, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-33. An example of a meniscal cyst which is continuous with the inner-lateral meniscus the previous section section
近内泰伸, 古川浩三郎, 見城知巳, 北村拓也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 168-168, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment for the 1-II-34. knee posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) tibia hold fast avulsion fracture
赤石孝一, 藤沢洋一, 工藤祐喜, 佐々木和広
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 169-169, 1999.

Japanese Article About the bone contusion, occult fracture around the 1-II-35. knee joint
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 169-169, 1999.

Japanese Article Results (after an operation more than four years the examination of the course) of the Genesis-I artificial knee joint replacement for the 1-II-36. gonarthrosis
劉浩江*, 大森豪*, 瀬川博之*, 松枝宗則*, 富田茂*, 祖父江展*, 高橋栄明*, 古賀良生**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 169-169, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-37. 3 cases of the experience of the artificial knee joint re-replacement surgery, which was accompanied by a high degree of bone defect
山田哲史, 福島重宣, 浅野多聞, 高田明子, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 169-170, 1999.

Japanese Article 1-II-38. One cases of Oxford Knee it took to re-replaced by HDP bearing de-rolling
泉山信兒*, 高山肇*, 猪又義男*, 小川隆史**, 双木慎***, 一戸貞文***, 嶋村正***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 170-170, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the Total Knee Arthroplasty which patients with 1-II-39. HIV infection merger hemophilia received
富樫栄太, 宮川修一, 長島太郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 170-170, 1999.

Japanese Article One case that produced damage of meniscal bearing after 1-II-40. artificial knee joint replacement
伊藤崇*, 一戸貞文*, 嶋村正*, 本田恵**, 北川由佳**, 田島吾郎***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 170-170, 1999.

Japanese Article It is a Kazuharu omen case of multiple schwannoma 2-I-1
岩崎弘英, 原田征行, 植山和正, 新戸部泰輔, 岩谷道生, 菊池明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 170-171, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the granular cell myoblastoma which occurred in 2-I-2. first sacral cord nerve root
内山美和子, 林雅弘, 伊藤友一, 笹木勇人, 天野秀久, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 171-171, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-I-3. One example of a near-osseous lipoma that occurred to the foot back
斎藤一*, 根岸元二*, 岡田恭司**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 171-171, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of Extra-abdominal desmoid around 2-I-4. sciatic nerve
黒澤宏行*, 小圷知明*, 大泉晶*, 西平竹志*, 土肥千里*, 森明徳**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 171-171, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of the buttocks malignant fibrous histiocytoma which we rebuilt using 2-I-5.Inferior gluteal thigh flap
仲野春樹, 柏英雄, 石川朗, 土田浩之, 大類広, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 171-172, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-I-6. elastic fibromatous two cases
佐藤明弘*, 村上享*, 本田雅人**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 172-172, 1999.

Japanese Article Differential diagnosis of tumor which occurred in 2-I-7. peripheral nerve
生越章*, 守田哲郎*, 小林宏人*, 長谷川和宏*, 平田泰治*, 堀田哲夫**, 山村倉一郎**, 今泉聡**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 172-172, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the 2-I-8. chondroblastoma
白石秀夫*, 西田淳*, 嶋村正*, 宗像秀樹**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 172-172, 1999.

Japanese Article Ewing sarcoma which was treated without doing 2-I-9. surgery, three cases of PNET
山下晴義, 堀田哲夫, 山村倉一郎, 今泉聡, 近藤直樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 172-173, 1999.

Japanese Article An example of the mesenchyma system chondrosarcoma that occurred in 2-I-10. head of femur
山田登, 岩井和夫, 柴田常博
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 173-173, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the leiomyosarcoma which occurred in 2-I-11. thighbone
三浦啓己, 山田則一, 保坂正美, 田子悟史, 羽鳥正, 仁国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 173-173, 1999.

Japanese Article Image evidence of 2-I-12. aneurysmal bone cyst
後藤昌子, 伊勢福修司, 保坂正美, 羽鳥正仁, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 173-173, 1999.

Japanese Article Experience of the pamidronate therapy for patients with 2-I-13. cancer metastases to bone
小山内俊久, 朝比奈一三, 大利昌宏, 佐瀬良浩
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 173-174, 1999.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the 2-I-14. osteosarcoma metastases to lung case
今泉聡*, 堀田哲夫*, 山村倉一郎*, 畠野宏史*, 近藤直樹*, 山下晴義*, 生越章**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 174-174, 1999.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the artificial joint infection case for 2-I-15. lower limbs tumor
山村倉一郎*, 堀田哲夫*, 今泉聡*, 畠野宏史
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 174-174, 1999.

Japanese Article Short-term results of Physio Hinge Total Knee System Type III for the distal 2-I-16. thighbone bone tumor
守田哲郎, 大塚寛, 生越章, 平田泰治, 小林宏人, 長谷川和宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 174-174, 1999.

Japanese Article About the thymic quantitative alteration in the 2-I-17. childhood malignant solid tumor case
大塚寛*, 守田哲郎**, 生越章**, 浅見恵子***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 175-175, 1999.

Japanese Article Four cases of congenital myopathy that needed treatment with outlook on 2-I-18. blood
堤祥浩*, 石原芳人*, 坂本仁*, 吉田能理子**, 遠藤博之***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 175-175, 1999.

Japanese Article Brothers case of the Werner syndrome with the 2-I-19. congenital elbow dislocation
秋元博之, 佐々木知行
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 175-175, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the Cushing's syndrome discovered with 2-I-20. lumbar vertebrae compression fracture
大垣守, 持田裕史
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 175-176, 1999.

Japanese Article It is both knees, surgery experience for the Larsen syndrome with the right hip dislocation 2-I-21
秋田護*, 熊沢やすし*, 坪健司*, 藤井一晃*, 田中利弘*, 木村政一**, 西川真史***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 176-176, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-I-22. 2 cases of non-clostridial gas gangrene, which was due to diabetes
菅野伸樹, 斎藤昭, 恩田啓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 176-176, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-1. One cases of femoral head sliding disease that caused the femoral neck fracture after In situ pinning disconnect nail
高橋祐子*, 佐野徳久**, 鬼川温**, 高橋光浩**, 船山完一***, 北純***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 176-176, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the young terminal coxarthrosis that presented with atypical grit transformation 2-II-2
湊貴至, 渡部亘, 佐藤光三, 井樋栄二, 山田晋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 176-177, 1999.

Japanese Article 1 cases of congenital hip dislocation that reduction failure could be clearly visualized by the reduction position MR image
後藤昌子, 岡田篤, 大沼正宏, 千葉武志, 前田慎吾, 大津進, 藤井玄二, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 177-177, 1999.

Japanese Article Progression of 2-II-4. spastic hip dislocation degree classification by the MRI
落合達宏, 日下部隆, 佐藤一望, 諸根彬, 手塚主夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 177-177, 1999.

Japanese Article Femoral neck lesion of the 2-II-5. idiopathic necrosis of femoral head symptom
安倍吉則, 高橋新, 森明彦, 渡辺克司, 門馬弘晶, 今村格
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 177-177, 1999.

Japanese Article Examination of the poor case of the 2-II-6. acetabulum turn osteotomy
大山正瑞*, 藤井玄二*, 前田慎吾*, 千葉武志*, 山田則一*, 国分正一*, 船山完一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 177-178, 1999.

Japanese Article Setting ... of bleeding and the measures - pre-operative autologous blood donation target (after preserved blood quantity, preserved blood a Hb level) in the 2-II-7. hip joint surgery
高橋康明*, 佐藤良*, 船山完一**, 北純**, 中村泰裕**, 安島雄二**, 田中正彦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 178-178, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-8. Experience using cement pressing jig in artificial bone head replacement
安田健一, 所澤徹, 桃井義敬
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 178-178, 1999.

Japanese Article A setting position and crotch stability of the cup stem in the 2-II-9. total hip prosthesis
藤井玄二, 大山正瑞, 前田慎吾, 山田則一, 千葉武志, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 178-178, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-10. X-ray Histological study of the stem side of the PROFILE type cementless hip prosthesis
渡辺慶, 湯朝信博, 伊藤拓緯, 高野裕一, 関真人
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 178-179, 1999.

Japanese Article Two cases of the total hip prosthesis which caused 2-II-11.HGP cup damage
西登美雄, 皆川洋至, 三浦利哉, 小林志
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 179-179, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-12. 3 cases of artificial bone head stem and the cup re-replacement surgery using allogenic bone
成田淳*, 井田英雄*, 高木理彰*, 山川正紀*, 佐藤哲也*, 荻野利彦*, 石井政次**, 川路博之**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 179-179, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-13. Three cases of using the restoration gap Acetabular shell for Charnley THA image Cup loosening
高城利江, 大出武彦, 山崎伸, 瀬野幸治, 後藤伸一, 小川真司, 徳永茂行, 松原吉宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 179-180, 1999.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the Wilson strange law for the hallux valgus in the 2-II-14. our hospital
北村拓也, 近内泰伸, 見城知巳, 古川浩三郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 180-180, 1999.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the ankle lateral ligament reconstruction by the 2-II-15. storehouse method
安島雄二, 北純, 田中正彦, 中村泰裕, 船山完一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 180-180, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-16. Treatment experience of posterior tibial tendon dislocation
石澤暢浩, 森田裕己, 永澤雄, 阿部利樹
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 180-180, 1999.

Japanese Article It is an example of the traumatic posterior tibial muscle tendon dislocation 2-II-17
田西信睦, 今井久一, 岡部聡, 田中幸一, 伊藤知之
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 180-181, 1999.

Japanese Article One case of the 4th toe PIP joint dorsum dislocation that required outlook on 2-II-18. blood enemy reposition
塚田晴彦, 天野正文, 中原慶亮, 毛糠優子, 有田忍, 宮崎義久, 佐藤衛
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 181-181, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-19. One case of rheumatoid arthritis presenting with both sides in the anti-big toe deformation
吉田知史, 吉田昌明, 加藤貞文, 西田淳, 一戸貞文, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 181-181, 1999.

Japanese Article 2-II-20. One case of congenital varus hallux by delta bone MRI was useful in preoperative diagnosis
高野満夫*, 石垣大介*, 土田浩之*, 柏英雄*, 高柳誠*, 荻野利彦*, 清重佳郎**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 181-182, 1999.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the bilateral neuropathic articulus humeri symptom with suspected syringomyelia
越後谷直樹*, 荒井久典*, 植山和正**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 183-183, 1999.

Japanese Article 2. An example of epidermoid cyst which is huge with the destruction of the vertebral arch
小野田五月*, 相澤俊峰*, 田中靖久*, 佐藤哲朗*, 国分正一*, 阿部博男**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 183-183, 1999.

Japanese Article 3.Two cases of ganglion cyst in the lumbar vertebral canal
日下部隆, 張哲守, 岩井和夫, 山田登, 小松田辰郎, 久木田裕史, 大平信廣
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 183-183, 1999.

Japanese Article 4.Five examination of the atlantoaxial joint backward dislocation
小川真司, 石井祐信, 山崎伸, 石橋賢太郎, 瀬野幸治, 田中庸二, 後藤伸一, 大泉晶
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 183-184, 1999.

Japanese Article 5.Two cases of the lumbar vertebrae chordoma given backbone complete removal technique
村井肇*, 佐藤光三*, 阿部栄二*, 島田洋一*, 宮腰尚久*, 本郷道生*, 工藤卓弥*, 森田裕己**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 184-184, 1999.

Japanese Article 6.One case of the spinal cord malignant lymphoma which resulted in the complete both lower extremities paralysis in the idiopathic nature
保坂登, 本間隆夫, 内山政二, 佐藤慎二, 野村真船, 米山建
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 184-184, 1999.

Japanese Article 7.One case of the thoracic spinal cord arachnoidal cysts which caused thoracic myelopathy
毛糠英治, 末綱太, 戸館克彦, 牧野明男, 猪狩勝則
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 184-184, 1999.

Japanese Article 8.Examination of the thoracic vertebra part spinal cord schwannoma
平川均, 原田征行, 植山和正, 新戸部泰輔, 岩谷道生
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 184-185, 1999.

Japanese Article 9.Five cases of the primary spinal cord tumor which produced thoracic vertebra part myelopathy
西登美雄, 大場雅史, 皆川洋至, 松浦裕史
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 185-185, 1999.

Japanese Article 10.Histories of treatment of the thoracic spinal cord part meningioma
岩谷道生, 原田征行, 植山和正, 新戸部泰輔, 平川均
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 185-185, 1999.

Japanese Article 11.Small experience of the surgery for the thoracic vertebra dislocation fracture
蝦名寿仁, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 黒田利樹, 小西奈津雄, 鈴木哲哉, 柳澤宏信
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 185-185, 1999.

Japanese Article 12.An example of the thoracic vertebra part hypertrophy-related pachymeningitis which suffered from a diagnosis
下田晴華*, 山崎昭義*, 渡部憲一*, 本間隆夫**, 勝見裕***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 185-186, 1999.

Japanese Article 13. One case of the anteroposterior parabone tumors of the spine which en bloc was able to resect in approach at the same time
長谷川和宏, 生越章, 小林宏人, 守田哲郎, 平田泰治
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 186-186, 1999.

Japanese Article 14.intralesional total spondylectomy from the rear for thoracic vertebra tumor
野村真船, 本間隆夫, 内山政二, 保坂登, 米山建, 小林信也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 186-186, 1999.

Japanese Article 15.Clinical manifestations of metastatic thoracic vertebra tumor, examination of surgery results
村上享, 佐藤明弘
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 186-186, 1999.

Japanese Article 16.Three cases of the chest myelopathy that assumed an ataxic gait cardinal symptom
長谷川和重, 木田浩, 関修弘
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 186-187, 1999.

Japanese Article 17. Two cases of the thoracic spine degeneration sliding symptom
石橋賢太郎, 石井祐信, 山崎伸, 瀬野幸治, 田中庸二, 後藤伸一, 大泉晶, 小川真司
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 187-187, 1999.

Japanese Article 18.Examination of the lower thoracic vertebra part myelopathy who had the lumbar vertebrae disease
富谷明人*, 八幡順一郎*, 宮田守雄*, 宗像孝佳*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 187-187, 1999.

Japanese Article 19.Significance of the walk endurance test for the chest myelopathy
渡辺栄一, 菊地臣一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 187-187, 1999.

Japanese Article 20.An example of the thoracic vertebra intervertebral disc herniation that occurred between three chinquapin
檜森興, 木田浩, 関修弘, 長谷川和重
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 187-188, 1999.

Japanese Article 21.One case of the thoracic vertebra intervertebral disc herniation that occurred between higher adjacent chinquapin of the block vertebra due to the spondylarthrocace
武田裕介*, 片野博*, 工藤正育*, 岡田晶博*, 原田征行**, 植山和正**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 188-188, 1999.

Japanese Article 22.It is a result after an operation of the thoracic vertebra intervertebral disc herniation
後藤文昭1), 林雅弘1), 伊藤友一1), 平本典利2), 武田陽公2), 笹木勇人3), 室岡久爾夫4), 小林真司5)
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 188-188, 1999.

Japanese Article 23.Thoracic vertebra part myelopathy due to spondylosis
後藤伸一*, 石井祐信*, 山崎伸*, 石橋賢太郎*, 瀬野幸治*, 田中庸二*, 大泉晶*, 小川真司*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 188-188, 1999.

Japanese Article 24.Clinical examination of the thoracic vertebra posterior longitudinal ligament osteosis surgery case
新戸部泰輔, 原田征行, 植山和正, 岩谷道生, 平川均
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 188-189, 1999.

Japanese Article 25.Relations with the denaturation of thoracic vertebra ligamenta flava ossification and the intervertebral joint
岸本光司, 相澤俊峰, 古泉豊, 田中靖久, 佐藤哲朗, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 189-189, 1999.

Japanese Article 26. Surgery results of the bulging type thoracic vertebra ligamenta flava osteosis
島田洋一, 佐藤光三, 阿部栄二, 村井肇, 宮腰尚久, 本郷道生, 工藤宏次, 若林育子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 189-189, 1999.

Japanese Article 27.Examination of the thoracic vertebra ligamenta flava ossification case that presented thoracic myelopathy
小西奈津雄, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鈴木均, 黒田利樹, 鈴木哲哉, 蝦名寿仁, 柳沢宏信
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 189-189, 1999.

Japanese Article 28. Examination of the surgery case of the ligamenta flava osteosis that resulted in thoracic myelopathy
加藤貞文, 嶋村正, 山崎健, 村上秀樹, 小成嘉誉, 阿部正隆
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 43(1): 189-190, 1999.