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Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology

Volume 44, Issue 2 / 2000
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Tetraplegia after the spinal canal enlargement for cervical radiculomyelopathy; A case report
蓮池尚文, 山崎幸男, 成澤弘子, 岩渕泰宏, 佐藤剛, 松本宏史, 松原統
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 149-153, 2000.

Japanese Article Myelopathy resulting from the atlantodental osteoarthrites (three case reports)
佐藤公尊*, 笠間史夫*, 土肥修*, 永沼亨*, 善家雄吉*, 佐藤克巳*, 小松哲郎*, 小島忠士*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 154-157, 2000.

Japanese Article Examination of the purulent spondylitis in our hospital
菅原裕史, 山崎幸男, 成澤弘子, 岩渕泰宏, 竹前貴志, 松木宏, 松原統
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 158-161, 2000.

Japanese Article Two cases of the purulent ileosacral arthritis
岡田篤, 阿部義幸, 井上勇人, 高橋光浩
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 162-165, 2000.

Japanese Article One case of lumbar part ligamenta flava hematoma
田中利弘, 佐藤隆弘, 田澤浩司, 望月充邦, 佐々木和広
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 166-169, 2000.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the vertebral body aspiration biopsy of the transpedicle of vertebral arch
佐藤明弘, 村上享
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 170-174, 2000.

Japanese Article Surgery results of the Hattori-style cervical spine vertebral arch plastic surgery for the cervical spine posterior longitudinal ligament osteosis
富谷明人*, 八幡順一郎*, 宮田守雄*, 宗像孝佳*, 佐藤哲朗**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 175-177, 2000.

Japanese Article Grading for degeneration of the paravertebral muscle in the lumbar spine using CT
奥山幸一郎*, 鈴木哲哉*, 若林育子*, 鈴木均*, 小西奈津雄*, 鵜木栄樹*, 蝦名寿仁*, 千葉光穂, 星尚人**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 178-182, 2000.

Japanese Article It is the examination about five of the re-tear after an operation of the achilles tendon rupture
土屋原, 猪股洋一郎, 皆川英成, 萩野精太
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 183-186, 2000.

Japanese Article Examination of the old achilles tendon rupture case
入江太一, 岩井和夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 187-189, 2000.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the conservative therapy for the ankle fresh lateral ligament injury serious wound case
斎藤伸, 増田啓治, 高橋祐子, 鈴木康一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 190-192, 2000.

Japanese Article A case report of shoulder synovial osteochondromatosis observed for three years
佐々木聡*, 櫻場乾*, 井樋栄二**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 193-196, 2000.

Japanese Article Clavicular fracture accompanied with subclavian vein stenosis - A case report
桃井義敬*, 村成幸*, 荻野利彦*, 後藤康夫**, 松田雅彦***, 山川正紀****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 197-200, 2000.

Japanese Article Treatment with Metaizeau method for the radius neck bone fracture
三浦和知, 佐々木斉, 三浦一志, 富田卓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 201-203, 2000.

Japanese Article Treatment with intramedullary fracture fixation for the metacarpal bone bone fracture
三浦和知, 佐々木斉, 三浦一志, 富田卓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 204-206, 2000.

Japanese Article About the trigger finger in children
工藤悟*, 大溝昌章**, 対馬祥子**, 新井弘一*, 保村昌宏*, 藤哲*
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 207-210, 2000.

Japanese Article A child case of carpal fractures by run-over injury
菊池明, 藤哲, 保村昌宏, 新井弘一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 211-214, 2000.

Japanese Article Patterns of Metastases in Myxoid Liposarcoma
高野玲子, 生越章, 堀田哲夫, 山村倉一郎, 今泉聡, 塩谷善雄
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 215-218, 2000.

Japanese Article One case of the mass type muscular sarcoidosis
浦山雅和, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鵜木栄樹, 小西奈津雄, 石河紀之, 久保田均, 工藤宏次
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 219-221, 2000.

Japanese Article A case of internal fixation and total knee arthroplasty for femoral condyle pseudo arthrosis with osteonecrosis
佐藤光太朗*, 村上秀樹*, 近藤晃弘**, 一戸貞文***, 嶋村正***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 222-224, 2000.

Japanese Article Clinical study of simultaneous primary and contralateral revision total knee arthroplasty
針生光博, 福島重宣, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 225-228, 2000.

Japanese Article Examination - of the lag screw setting position by the treatment -Helical CT MPR imaging law for the unstable type thighbone trochanter part bone fracture using saliva CHS belonging to
嘉数太郎*, 立本仁*, 小圷知明*, 川村正典*, 渡辺一弘**, 佐々木康夫***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 229-233, 2000.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of AS (angle variableness type) hip screw
工藤正育, 岡村良久, 秋元博之, 平賀康晴, 斎藤啓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 234-237, 2000.

Japanese Article One case that produced a thighbone subcapital fracture after CHS implant removal
三浦一志, 坪健司, 桜田純人, 岩崎弘英
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 238-240, 2000.

Japanese Article One case of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris-related osteoarthritis
松丸直人, 広瀬一郎, 浦川圭二, 石塚隆二, 渡辺茂, 田枝由羽子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 241-243, 2000.

Japanese Article Prospective study of pulmonary thromboembolism after trauma surgeries
小池洋一, 八幡順一郎, 宮田守雄, 滝澤勇夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 244-246, 2000.

Japanese Article Two cases of gas gangrene in the lower limb - comparison of clostridial infection and non-clostridial infection -
立花利江*, 笹島功一*, 高野広之**, 鈴木康一**, 原内孝法***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 247-251, 2000.

Japanese Article One case of the lower limbs transformation with the extended scars due to the burn
菅野敦子, 落合達宏, 佐藤一望, 須田英明, 諸根彬
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 252-255, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-1. One case that they presented with quadriplegia after OPLL surgery temporarily, and showed spinal cord swelling, T2 high brightness by MRI
長島太郎, 佐藤哲也, 大楽勝之, 草野千鶴子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 257-257, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-2. Histories of treatment of the juvenile one side muscle of the upper limbs atrophy (Hirayama illness)
村井肇, 阿部栄二, 島田洋一, 小林孝, 鈴木哲哉, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 257-257, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-3. Atlantoaxial joint block for the higher cervical spine disease with the occipital headache
徳永茂行, 石井祐信, 山崎伸, 加藤喜弘, 後藤伸一, 高城利江, 松原吉宏, 大竹高行
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 257-258, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-4. About Internal examination on autopsy and atlas chinquapin instability of the higher cervical spine ligament structure
越後谷直樹, 原田征行, 植山和正, 岡田晶博, 横山徹, 李勤
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 258-258, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-5. Surgical histories of treatment for the elderly people cervical myelopathy
秋田護, 末綱太, 藤井一晃, 佐藤英樹, 沼沢拓也
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 258-258, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-6. S-P shunt long-term results of the syringomyelia with Chiari deformity
横山徹, 原田征行, 植山和正, 岡田晶博, 越後谷直樹, 李勤
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 258-258, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-7. One cases of thoracic disc herniation accompanied by calcification
佐藤和宏, 白石秀夫, 山崎健, 加藤貞文, 鳥羽有, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 258-259, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-8. One example of many times took surgery multifocal spinal ligament ossification
中條悟, 佐藤哲朗, 田中靖久, 小澤浩司, 後藤均, 相沢俊峰, 石塚正人, 綿貫宗則, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 259-259, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-9. One case of the idiopathic thoracic spinal cord hernia
相澤俊峰, 佐藤哲朗, 田中靖久, 小澤浩司, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 259-259, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-10. One that lumbar vertebrae showed ligamenta flava ossification posterior longitudinal ligament ossification to cervical spine thoracic vertebra lumbar vertebrae, and underwent lumbar vertebrae surgery
小松哲郎, 小島忠士, 佐藤克巳, 笠間史夫, 信田信吾, 成重崇, 土肥修, 小松田辰郎, 佐久間深雪, 原清吾
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 259-260, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-11. One case of lumbar part ligamenta flava hematoma
菅野裕雅, 宮本誠也, 今野則和, 佐野晃久, 湯浅昭一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 260-260, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-12. One case of the lumbar vertebrae shear dislocation fracture
玄東林*, 蝦名寿仁*, 伊藤博紀*, 島田洋一**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 260-260, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-13. For removable trunk cast therapy of our hospital, which was performed on thoracolumbar transition compression fracture
富樫栄太, 山崎幸男, 成沢弘子, 岩渕泰宏, 竹前貴志, 香川好男, 菅原裕史, 松原統
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 260-260, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-14. Examination of the bloody treatment of the backbone chest waist transitional region bone fracture
佐藤英樹, 末綱太, 藤井一晃, 沼沢拓也, 秋田護
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 260-261, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-15. Results of the backward approach decompression fixation for the chest lumbar vertebrae burst fracture with the paralysis
松原吉宏, 山崎伸, 後藤伸一, 高城利江, 徳永茂行, 石井祐信
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 261-261, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-16. Fixation between the lumbar vertebrae vertebral body by the Threaded interbody cage singularity
長谷川和宏, 高野光, 渡辺慶, 平田泰治
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 261-261, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-17. Diagnosis of sacroiliac joint pain by One finger test
村上栄一, 魚住弘明, 鳥越暁
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 261-261, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-18. An example of the neck thoracic vertebra huge meningioma which was able to predict increase speed
魚住弘明*, 村上栄一*, 鳥越暁*, 早坂俊雄**, 佐藤哲朗***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 262-262, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-19. One case of the hips intradural dermoid cyst which became malignant
勝見尚子*, 長谷川和宏*, 生越章*, 堀田哲夫*, 渡辺慶*, 東條猛**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 262-262, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-20. One cases of paraganglioma that occurred cauda equina
鈴木哲哉*, 千葉光穂**, 奥山幸一郎**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 262-262, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-21. One case of the schwannoma that occurred in right second sacrum nerve root
田島史子*, 猪股洋一郎*, 西堀靖広*, 佐藤勝彦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 262-263, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-22. One case of hemangioblastoma which occurred in cervical spinal cord
鈴木道博, 加藤貞文, 鳥羽有, 山崎健, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 263-263, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-23. Histories of treatment of three haemangioblastomas in the spinal cord marrow
渡辺慶*, 長谷川和宏*, 高野光*, 本間隆夫**, 内山政二***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 263-263, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-24. One cases of Intraspinal cyst (intervertebral disc and traffic)
天野秀久, 林雅弘, 伊藤友一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 263-264, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-25. One case of the pars sacralis frequent occurrence-related nerve theca of a water root species
山高弘義*, 青山和義*, 星秀逸*, 薄井知道*, 菅義行**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 264-264, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-26. Histology of lumbar vertebrae intervertebral joint cysts
石塚正人*, 佐藤哲朗*, 田中靖久*, 小澤浩司*, 相澤俊峰*, 中條悟*, 国分正一*, 日下部隆**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 264-264, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-27. Experience of the single-stage backward correction fixation for DMD scoliosis
山崎伸, 後藤伸一, 松原吉宏, 徳永茂行, 石井祐信
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 264-264, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-28. Lumbosacral spine pillar remodeling - removing one -Instrument who had the infection for the spinal column reconstruction with the spinal cord tumor
山口研*, 吉田仁郎*, 菊地臣一**, 佐藤勝彦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 264-265, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-29. Two cases that resulted in a rapidly paralyzed by spinal epidural abscess
原清吾, 笠間史夫, 日下部隆, 佐藤克巳, 小松哲郎, 信田進吾, 成重崇, 小松田辰郎, 佐久間深雪, 小島忠士
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 265-265, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-30. One cases of chronic expanding hematoma, which took the differentiate of the iliopsoas cold abscess
小林孝, 阿部栄二, 村井肇, 鈴木哲哉, 斎藤英知, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 265-265, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-31. The spinal column stenosis that developed in long-term patients on dialysis
高野光*, 長谷川和宏*, 渡辺慶*, 丸山弘樹**, 山本智章***, 谷澤龍彦***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 266-266, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-32. Histories of treatment of the funicular myelitis that developed in the RA patients
服部弘之, 大沼秀治, 齋藤宏一, 重盛英絵, 日下部明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 266-266, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-33. An example of the abdominal aorta obstruction that occurred for paraplegia
大井剛太, 鈴木幹夫, 横村伸夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 266-266, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-34. Experience of the subarachnoid phenol block for the lower limbs spasticity of patients with spinal paralysis
尾鷲和也*, 鈴木聡*, 佐本敏秋*, 石川和彦*, 林雅弘**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 267-267, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-35. One case that produced osteonecrosis to both head of humerus head of femur
二宮宗重*, 石井卓*, 横田文彦**, 平野徹**, 佐藤高久**, 五十嵐俊彦***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 267-267, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-36. Treatment result of the articulus humeri external rotation function reconstruction for the childhood Erb palsy
G.Ivan Vallejo*, 新井弘一*, 保村昌宏*, 藤哲*, 荒井久典**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 267-267, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-37. 2 cases that it seemed that it was special of upper glenohumeral ligaments
Rabindra L.Pradhan, 井樋栄二, 渡部亘, 山田晋, 永澤博幸, 石川慶紀, 若林育子, 清水東吾, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 267-268, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-38. Examination of the grit upper part ectopia to be found in a rotator cuff tear shoulder
清水東吾, 井樋栄二, 渡部亘, 山田晋, 若林育子, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 268-268, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-39. We evaluate it after the latissimus dorsi muscle shift technique for the rotator cuff wide area tear and an operation of the large circle muscle transfer
若林育子, 井樋栄二, 清水東吾, 湊貴至
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 268-268, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-40. Experience of coracoacromial desmotomy for the shoulder joint pain of hemodialysis patients
山本智章, 谷澤龍彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 268-269, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-41. Compare the -McLaughlin method and the patch method in the reconstitution process of the bone hold fast in the experimental supraspinalis muscle tendon repair; and -
佐野博高*, 熊谷純*, 国分正一*, 澤井高志**, 石井宏忠***, Guy Trudel****, Hans K.Uhthoff****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 269-269, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-42. Two cases of the old anterior shoulder dislocation treated invasively
小松田辰郎*, 佐藤克巳*, 成重崇*, 小島忠士*, 川村正典**, 熊谷純***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 269-269, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-43. Postoperative results of Bristow-Bankart method for recurrent shoulder joint dislocation
峯田光能, 相澤利武, 千葉武志, 田中稔, 田代茂義, 田畑四郎
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 269-270, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-44. Two cases that produced reluxation after Bristow strange art of practicing law
檜森興, 熊谷純, 佐野博高, 川又朋麿, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 270-270, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-45. One patient who presented with avascular necrosis femoral head after a thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
岡田篤, 阿部義幸, 井上勇人, 高橋光浩
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 270-270, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-46. One case that produced a femoral neck fracture after Compression Hip Screw implant removal
三浦一志, 坪健司, 桜田純人, 岩崎弘英
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 270-271, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-47. One case of lumbar spine degeneration kyphosis that showed bilateral head of femur front subluxations in standing position
山田晋, 渡部亘, 井樋栄二, 石川慶紀, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 271-271, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-48. Recent treatment of congenital dislocation of the hip in our hospital
白倉義博*, 本田恵*, 一戸貞文**, 北川由佳**, 吉村文孝**, 福井元**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 271-271, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-49. About participation of the granulation tissue in the rapidly destructive coxarthropathy
渡部亘, 佐藤光三, 井樋栄二, 山田晋
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 271-271, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-50. Treatment result of the total hip replacement of the second using the wound external fixation device for the one side high rank dislocation-related coxarthropathy
大川豊*, 遠藤直人*, 徳永邦彦*, 小川大志*, 堂前洋一郎**, 祖父江牟婁人***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 271-272, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-51. One case that fever persisted after total hip replacement
福井元*, 北川由佳*, 一戸貞文*, 嶋村正*, 白倉義博**, 本田恵**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 272-272, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-52. Problem of a cup grit option and the impinge of THR
藤井玄二, 小川真司, 大泉晶, 黒沢宏行, 土肥千里
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 272-272, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-53. About usefulness of the Dynamic MRI for the femoral neck fracture
森戸伸吾*, 今泉秀樹*, 関谷元彦*, 北純**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 272-273, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-54. Histories of treatment of the AS hips screw (angle variableness type)
工藤正育, 岡村良久, 秋元博之, 平賀康晴, 斎藤啓
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 273-273, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-I-55. Use experience of the CHY-nail60 case for the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
山田哲史, 佐藤政悦, 桑添裕光, 鳥居伸行, 寒河江正明, 小関和彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 273-273, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-1. An example of parosteal lipoma which occurred in humeral proximal part
室岡玄洋*, 西田淳*, 白石秀夫*, 鈴木道博*, 嶋村正*, 佐藤孝**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 273-274, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-2. One case of the right sole alien substance which presented bone cyst-like views in X-rays
大井英毅, 吉井祥二, 佐羽内研, 入江太一, 岩井一夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 274-274, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-3. One case of the enchondroma which occurred in a clavicle
斉藤英知, 岡田恭司, 吉田澄子, 佐藤光三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 274-274, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-4. 2 cases that presented bone consolidation to pubic bones
今村格, 安倍吉則, 高橋新, 門馬弘晶, 高橋徳明, 柴田常博
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 274-274, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-5. One case of chronic recurrent multiple osteomyelitis (CRMO) which needed differentiation with the bone tumor
浅野多聞, 小山内俊久, 高橋徹, 朝比奈一三, 大利昌宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 274-275, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-6. One case of the alveolar soft part sarcoma which occurred in ilium
幸田久男, 生越章, 堀田哲夫, 渡辺聡, 遠藤直人
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 275-275, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-7. An example of the chondrosarcoma of the left tibia which resulted for enchondromatosis (Ollier disease)
阿部博, 大類広, 石川朗, 土屋登嗣, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 275-275, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-8. Usefulness of the vertebral body aspiration biopsy of the transdermal transpedicle of vertebral arch
佐藤明弘, 村上享
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 275-275, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-9. Four cases of the bursitis that occurred between a thorax and shoulder blades
小倉健, 羽鳥正仁, 保坂正美, 土肥修, 国分正一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 275-276, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-10. One case of the bowel shame bursitis that presented femoral nerve palsy
熊谷芳樹, 青柳耐佐, 亀井重郎, 菊池俊彦, 長谷川朗彦, 飯田聖
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 276-276, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-11. One case of the limited-stage villonodular synovitis that became the loose body in knee
成田淳, 井川譲, 横田実, 豊島定美
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 276-276, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-12. One case of the synovium-related osteochondromatosis that occurred inside and outside the ankle
千本英一, 渡辺惣兵衛, 山田登, 加藤浩
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 276-276, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-13. One case of chronic expanding hamatoma which occurred in a femoral region after an operation after a long term
三浦利哉*, 皆川洋至*, 西登美雄*, 小林志**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 277-277, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-14. Two cases of the lung cancer skeletal muscle metastasis with the cystic change
高橋徹, 小山内俊久, 浅野多聞, 大利昌宏, 朝比奈一三
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 277-277, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-15. The malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumour which was complicated with neurofibromatosis-related scoliosis
生越章*, 堀田哲夫*, 長谷川和宏*, 遠藤直人*, 内山政二**, 高橋栄明***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 277-277, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-16. One case of the ankle bone synostosis
伊藤博紀*, 玄東林*, 蝦名寿仁*, 坂本仁**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 278-278, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-17. An example of the talar body aseptic necrosis that occurred in a junior high school boy
北純*, 船山完一*, 中村泰裕*, 田中正彦*, 安島雄二*, 星秀夫**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 278-278, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-18. One case of the hallux sesamoid bone disorder that infection seemed to be a cause
佐々木幹, 石垣大介, 柏英雄, 金内ゆみ子, 荻野利彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 278-278, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-19. A surgical case with respect to the total toe severe valgus deformation associated with hallux valgus
大谷博*, 本田雅人*, 藤城裕一*, 萩原嘉廣*, 高橋永次*, 中島俊則*, 吉津孝衛**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 279-279, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-20. One case of the second Koehler's disease that occurred in a 5th toe
双木慎, 戸貞文, 北川由佳, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 279-279, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-21. One case of the lower limbs transformation with the extended cicatricial contracture due to the burn
菅野敦子, 須田英明, 落合達宏, 佐藤一望, 諸根彬
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 279-279, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-22. Conservative therapy and invention of our hospital for the Achilles' tendon skin lower tear
菅野伸樹, 佐藤伸一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 279-280, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-23. Examination of the surgery case of the ankle outskirts bone fracture of children
朝熊英也, 村上和也, 山内一矢, 岩田仁男
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 280-280, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-24. Short-term results of the conservative therapy for the ankle fresh ligament injury serious wound case
斎藤伸, 増田啓治, 高橋祐子, 鈴木康一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 280-280, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-25. Histories of treatment of the ankle lateral ligament injury
阿部義幸, 井上勇人, 高橋光浩, 岡田篤
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 280-280, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-26. Histories of treatment of tarsal tunnel syndrome due to the ganglion
川路幸仁*, 佐々木健*, 佐藤克巳**, 小松哲郎**, 信田進吾**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 280-281, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-27. Examination of the tarsal bone ossification nucleus in the clubfoot surgery case
田村康樹*, 坂本仁*, 堤祥浩*, 吉田能理子*, 石原芳人*, 遠藤博之**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 281-281, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-28. An example of the purulent gonitis of infants
後藤昌子, 佐藤純
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 281-281, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-29. One case of calcaneal bone blood circulation-related osteomyelitis which occurred in children
谷貴行, 森田裕己, 石澤暢浩, 永澤雄
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 281-281, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-30. One case of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris-related osteoarthritis
松丸直人, 廣瀬一郎, 石塚隆二, 浦川圭二, 渡辺茂, 田枝由羽子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 281-282, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-31. The case that complicated bowel psoas abscess, purulent spondylitis for purulent coxarthritis
森武人, 妹尾和己, 佐藤公尊
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 282-282, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-32. Example that we corrected by a wound external fixation device for the lower limbs transformation that occurred after pyogenic arthritis
須田英明, 諸根彬, 佐藤一望, 落合達宏, 菅野敦子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 282-282, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-33. One case of the necrotising fasciitis that needed hip disarticulation
大竹高行*, 大出武彦*, 佐藤隆司*, 大泉晶**, 羽鳥正仁***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 282-282, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-34. Two cases (comparison between clostridium characteristics and non-clostridial infection) of the lower limbs gas gangrene
立花利江*, 笹島功一*, 高野広之*, 原内孝法**, 鈴木康一***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 282-283, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-35. Experience of the artificial radial head replacement for the radial head comminuted fracture
河野輝生, 西川真史, 長沼慎二, 小野睦, 佐々木資成, 成田伸治
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 283-283, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-36. Examination of the surgery case for the radial head fracture
今野則和, 菅野裕雅, 宮本誠也, 佐野晃久
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 283-283, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-37. One case of the distal radius shaft fracture who had the closed reduction distal impossible ulna epiphysiolysis
青山和義*, 星秀逸*, 山高弘義*, 薄井知道*, 星光彦**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 283-283, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-38. Use experience of ACE symmetry plate and the Distal radius plate (π plate) for the instability fracture of the distal radius
安倍吉則, 高橋新, 門馬弘晶, 高橋徳明, 今村格, 柴田常博
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 283-284, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-39. Treatment of childhood humerus supracondylar fracture : Study of poor results example
関谷元彦, 今泉秀樹, 森戸伸吾
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 284-284, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-40. One case that ulna dorsum dislocation left childhood Galeazzi bone fracture undone postoperatively
三浦啓己*, 成田雅治*, 後藤均**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 284-284, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-41. One case of the paralysis of ulnar nerve by the inside and outside elbow transformation
小野勝彦*, 古川浩三郎*, 小澤喜洋*, 見城知巳**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 284-284, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-42. An example of the rheumatoid arthritis that resulted in olecranon fracture by a bone cyst
吉田渡, 吉田昌明, 一戸貞文, 西田淳, 田島克己, 山崎健, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 285-285, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-43. Small experience of the arthroplasty due to the hinge type person mechanic elbow joint for the rheumatic elbow outskirts bone fracture
村井丈寛*, 羽生忠正*, 荒井勝光*, 幸田久男*, 山本智章**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 285-285, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-44. An example of calcinosis that occurred frequently in finger wrist, and repeated a recurrence
小野木俊, 常盤聡, 藤原正敏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 285-285, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-45. Long-term results out of one of lunar bone excision for the Kienbock disease (four) and tendon ball grafting
作左部昇, 西登美雄, 皆川洋至, 三浦利哉
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 285-286, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-46. One case of the childhood carpal fracture by Run-over injury
菊池明, 藤哲, 保村昌宏, 新井弘一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 286-286, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-47. Histories of treatment of the 5th metacarpal bone neck bone fracture in our hospital
吉岡徹, 天野正文, 中原慶亮, 武田裕介, 山田史朗, 福田陽, 宮崎義久
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 286-286, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-48. One case that presented a big finger MP joint instability symptom
吉田知史, 古町克郎, 田島克己, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 286-286, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-49. One case of the little finger phalanx proximalis grit bone fracture that presented rotary transposition
伊藤崇, 田島克己, 古町克郎, 白石秀夫, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 287-287, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-50. About the trigger finger in children
工藤悟*, 新井弘一*, 保村昌宏*, 藤哲*, 大溝昌章**, 対馬祥子**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 287-287, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-51. Examination of the Ishiguro sermon line case for the mallet finger
福田陽, 天野正文, 中原慶亮, 武田裕介, 山田史朗, 吉岡徹, 宮崎義久
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 287-287, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-52. One case of histories of treatment of Membranous lipodystrophy
小山隆男*, 熊沢やすし*, 中村吉秀*, 岡田弘之*, 新戸部泰輔**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 288-288, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-53. Two cases of the mamushi bite
仲野春樹, 後藤康夫, 尾山かおり, 後藤文昭, 内海秀明, 鶴田大作
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 288-288, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-54. Experience of the pre-operative autologous blood donation from artery
尾鷲和也, 鈴木聡, 佐本敏秋, 石川和彦
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 288-288, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-55. Orthopedics surgery of the anticoagulation patients
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 288-288, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-56. It is frequency of the pulmonary thromboembolism after an injury
小池洋一, 八幡順一郎, 宮田守雄, 滝沢勇夫
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 288-289, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-57. One case that produced pulmonary infarction after artificial joint replacement
重盛英絵, 齋藤宏一, 大沼秀治, 服部弘之, 日下部明
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 289-289, 2000.

Japanese Article 1-II-58. Change of the bone mineral density with the long-term lying in bed
高橋一朗, 斎藤昭
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 289-289, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-1. After having rebuilt anterior cruciate ligament using LAD; two cases with suspected PVS
吉村文孝, 一戸貞文, 吉田昌明, 遠藤威, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 289-290, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-2. Two cases of the unidentifiable thighbone condyle part osteonecrosis symptom
善積祐介, 杉田健彦, 川又朋麿, 大沼正宏
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 290-290, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-3. Two patients who underwent anterior transfer of tibial tuberosity and periosteal implantation for a patellofemoral joint symptom
遠藤威*, 一戸貞文*, 吉田昌明*, 北川由佳*, 吉村文孝*, 嶋村正*, 白倉義博**, 本田惠**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 290-290, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-4. The disk-formed half moon which was familial, and was found
北川由佳, 一戸貞文, 吉田昌明, 遠藤威, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 290-290, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-5. The dominant hand in patients with ACL injury, study of the work leg
田代茂義, 安永亨, 田畑四郎, 木田浩, 相澤利武, 関修弘, 田中稔, 千葉武志, 城石達光, 川上亮一, 峯田光能
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 290-291, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-6. Lower limbs alignment 3 dimensional analysis (revision of the clinical parameter using the CT information) by the bidirectional radiography
菊池達哉*, 古賀良生*, 大森豪**, 寺島和浩***, 長島浩爾***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 291-291, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-7. One patient who presented with acute popliteal artery atresia after Total Knee Arthroplasty
横田雅宏*, 沼崎邦浩*, 長谷川壮八*, 渡辺正明**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 291-291, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-8. One case of knee joint hematoma idiopathic after artificial knee joint replacement
瀬川博之*, 大森豪*, 松枝宗則*, 島垣斎**, 竹前貴志***, 古賀良生****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 291-292, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-9. An example of the backward dislocation of the Insall-Burstein type II total knee prosthesis
佐羽内研, 井上尚美, 大井英毅, 岩井一夫, 大平信廣
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 292-292, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-10. One case that LCS artificial knee joint replacement produced de-change of meniscal bearing postoperatively
大内直久, 吉田昌明, 一戸貞文, 嶋村正
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 292-292, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-11. One case that produced damage and osteolysis of the polyethylene after artificial joint substitution
佐藤光太朗*, 村上秀樹*, 一戸貞文**, 嶋村正人**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 292-293, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-1-12. It is examined the meta low cis case after TKR in our hospital
小西奈津雄, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 鵜木栄樹, 石河紀之, 久保田均, 浦山雅和, 工藤宏次
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 293-293, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-13. Three cases that produced heterotopic bone formation after artificial knee joint replacement
大森豪*, 瀬川博之*, 松枝宗則*, 古賀良生**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 293-293, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-14. One patient who underwent artificial knee joint replacement for gonarthrosis with the thigh varus deformity
山田登, 渡辺惣兵衛, 加藤浩, 千本英一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 293-293, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-I-15. Long-term results of cementless TKA for the rheumatoid arthritis
駒ケ嶺正隆*, 菊池正知**, 星光彦**, 長沢敏明***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 294-294, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-1. One case of the proximal clavicle edge bone fracture
鵜木栄樹, 千葉光穂, 奥山幸一郎, 小西奈津雄, 石河紀之, 久保田均, 浦山雅和, 工藤宏次
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 294-294, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-2. An example of the rare humeral head bone fracture that resulted from extorsion traction
藤野英俊*, 樋口和東*, 田中庸二*, 岩渕勝雄*, 千葉伸一*, 斎藤禎量*, 熊谷純**
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 294-294, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-3. Histories of treatment of the tibia condyle part comminuted fracture using the Orthofix wound external fixation device
二瓶治幸, 伊藤克
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 294-295, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-4. A diagnosis and treatment of the tibia condylar fracture serious wound case
高野広之, 立花利江, 笹島功一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 295-295, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-5. Examination of persistence cave-in transformation and the treatment result after the open reduction fixation for the outside cave-in type tibial plateau fracture
高橋新, 安倍吉則, 門馬弘晶, 高橋徳明, 今村格, 柴田常博
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 295-295, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-6. Histories of treatment of the ipsilateral thighbone crus bone bone fracture (floating knee)
高橋光浩, 阿部義幸, 井上勇人, 岡田篤
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 295-296, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-7. Experience of supersonic wave bone fracture treatment for the protraction concrescence after the osteotomy
高野満夫, 石井政次, 小松芳之, 川路博之, 浜崎允
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 296-296, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-8. Use experience of the supersonic wave bone fracture treatment container for the intractable crus bone bone fracture
大楽勝之, 長島太郎, 佐藤哲也, 草野千鶴子
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 296-296, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-9. With free vascularized for congenital tibia false arthropathy fibula transplantation : 1 case reported
鳥越均, 菊地臣一
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 296-296, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-10. One case of the pelvic composite fracture who had the ureteric stenosis
飯田聖*, 青柳耐佐*, 亀井重郎*, 菊池俊彦*, 長谷川朗彦*, 熊谷芳樹*, 渡部亘**, 成田裕一郎***, 北島正一****
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 296-297, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-11. An example of the clavicle fracture with subclavian vein stenosis
桃井義敬*, 村成幸*, 荻野利彦*, 後藤康夫**, 松田雅彦***
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 297-297, 2000.

Japanese Article 2-II-12. Convalescence of the femoral neck fracture of elderly people
黒澤宏行, 小川真司, 大泉晶, 石橋賢太郎, 藤井玄二, 土肥千里
Tohoku Archives of Orthopaedic Surgery & Traumatology 44(2): 297-297, 2000.