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Orthopedics & Traumatology

Volume 64, Issue 4 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article 2 cases that looked at the arthroscope in both rotator cuff of shoulder tear case, and looked at lower rotator cuff tear surgical repair and the arthroscope, and performed lower debridement
植木貴之*, 柴田陽三*, 城島宏*, 秋吉祐一郎*, 櫻井真*, 黒田大輔*, 瀧井穣*, 矢野真太郎*, 伊崎輝昌**, 篠田毅***, 三宅智**, 南川智彦**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 629-632, 2015.

Japanese Article One case that we regarded as a re-mirror after the biceps brachii muscle long head tenodesis in the rotator cuff tear
中江一朗*, 後藤昌史*, 白地功*, 光井康博*, 大川孝浩*, 樋口富士男*, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 633-635, 2015.

Japanese Article An example of the pigmented villonodular synovitis that formed two nodules in a knee joint
金城仁*, 新垣和伸*, 新城宏隆**, 金谷文則*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 636-639, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the complete partition-shaped patellar superior synovial membrane fold disorder
杉山健太郎*, 古市格*, 渡邉航之助*, 川口耕平*, 秋山隆行*, 井上拓馬*, 小河賢司*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 640-643, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of fabello-femoral osteoarthritis (fabella OA) which presented a rocking-like symptom
浦田泰弘*, 岡元信和*, 中村英一*, 西岡宏晃*, 唐杉樹*, 山部聡一郎*, 井手尾勝政*, 浦上勝*, 水田博志*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 644-647, 2015.

Japanese Article One case who had the ligamentum cruciatum posterius tibia hold fast avulsion fracture for Hoffa bone fracture in front
杉崇*, 西川正修*, 小島政廣*, 工藤啓久*, 永山盛隆*, 新垣晃*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 648-650, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the lateral condyle of femur baseball elbow with the outside discoid meniscus
水光正裕*, 崎村俊之*, 依田周*, 森圭介*, 根井吾郎*, 矢部嘉浩*, 北原博之**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 651-656, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the baseball elbow rapidly advanced in an episode of care of the outside discoid meniscus injury
松永大樹*, 花田弘文*, 藤原明*, 熊野貴史*, 山口史彦*, 原道也*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 657-661, 2015.

Japanese Article Two patients who underwent total hip replacement for the hip dislocation bone fracture with the head of femur bone fracture in one stage
廣田高志*, 尾上英俊*, 中村厚彦*, 河野大*, 大里恭平*, 柴田光史*, 内藤正俊**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 662-664, 2015.

Japanese Article One case that performed all artificial thighbone replacement as salvage surgery because a thighbone stem penetrated in a knee joint after four times of right total hip prosthesis reimplantation
松浦充洋*, 樋口富士男*, 吉光一浩*, 瓜生拓也*, 白地功*, 後藤昌史*, 大川孝浩*, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 665-669, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the fatal pulmonary thromboembolism that occurred during articular head prosthesis implantation for a femoral neck fracture
泉秀樹*, 大川孝*, 稲留辰郎*, 有永誠*, 横山正一**, 中原真明**, 矢成亮介**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 670-672, 2015.

Japanese Article One experience with suspected purulent ileosacral arthritis
内山迪子*, 中原信一*, 崎村幸一郎*, 衛藤正雄*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 673-676, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of Salmonella osteomyelitis that occurred in the thighbone greater trochanter part in adults
菅田耕*, 税所幸一郎*, 吉川教恵*, 帖佐悦男**, 濱田浩朗**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 677-680, 2015.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the necrotic soft tissue infection in Nagasaki University trauma center, the critical care center
杉原祐介*, 宮本俊之*, 福島達也*, 田口憲士*, 尾崎誠**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 681-684, 2015.

Japanese Article 46 examination ... in dog and cat bite - our hospital
富永冬樹*, 井上三四郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 685-689, 2015.

Japanese Article Example that we rebuilt by the Masquelet method for the bone defect after the thighbone compound fracture (Gustilo Type III c)
鬼塚俊宏*, 畑中均*, 高崎実*, 上田幸輝*, 糸満盛憲*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 690-693, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of both culves outside compartment syndrome due to the rhabdomyolysis
阿南敦子*, 生田拓也*, 北村歳男*, 西岡宏晃*, 田籠泰明*, 西野剛史*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 694-696, 2015.

Japanese Article Experience of the tendon reconstruction using the gastrocnemius muscle muscular fasciae for the Achilles' tendon old tear
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 697-699, 2015.

Japanese Article It is an example who had the achilles tendon rupture for a medial malleolus bone fracture
渡邊匡能*, 田行活視*, 羅本尚樹*, 佐藤元紀*, 竹内一哉*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 700-702, 2015.

Japanese Article An example of the calcaneal bone bill-formed bone fracture
田行活視*, 竹内一哉*, 佐藤元紀*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 703-704, 2015.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the extensor hallucis longus muscle singularity paralysis for proximal fibula bone fracture
田丸満智子*, 山中芳亮*, 善家雄吉*, 目貫邦隆*, 平澤英幸*, 樋高由久*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 705-707, 2015.

Japanese Article Comparison - of the implant sticking tendency on the long-term results - acetabular roof side and the thighbone side of the Charnley type Total Hip Arthroplasty
辻村良賢*, 森俊陽*, 川崎展*, 佐羽内研*, 塚本学*, 嶋津大輔*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 708-710, 2015.

Japanese Article Long-term results of the Charnley type Total Hip Arthroplasty for young people (50 years old or younger)
嶋津大輔*, 森俊陽*, 川崎展*, 佐羽内研*, 塚本学*, 辻村良賢*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 711-714, 2015.

Japanese Article About treatment result of the Metal-on-Metal THA in our hospital particularly ARMD
田村諭史*, 渡邉弘之*, 相良孝昭*, 瀬形建喜*, 畠邦晃*, 棚平健*, 清家一郎**, 赤崎幸二*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 715-717, 2015.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the metal on metal THA in our hospital
儀間朝太*, 仲宗根哲*, 山内貴敬*, 堀苑英寛*, 金谷文則*, 大湾一郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 718-720, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination about frequency of the primary Osteoarthritis of the hip and the bone form
末田麗真*, 藤井政徳*, 伊東良広*, 中村哲郎*, 原俊彦*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 721-724, 2015.

Japanese Article Trial of the Yuki program to enable evasion, postponement of the surgery of the Osteoarthritis of the hip patients
林和生*, 中庭大介**, 春口幸太郎**, 大谷内輝夫***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 725-729, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of leg shortening after the acetabulum turn osteotomy
棚平健*, 渡邉弘之*, 赤崎幸二*, 相良孝昭*, 瀬形建喜*, 畠邦晃*, 田村諭史*, 清家一郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 730-732, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the factor affecting the results of the acetabulum turn osteotomy in our hospital
渡邉弘之*, 赤崎幸二*, 相良孝昭*, 瀬形建喜*, 清家一郎**, 畠邦晃*, 田村諭史*, 棚平健*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 733-736, 2015.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the acetabulum fracture by Ilioinguinal approach
安樂喜久*, 西里徳重*, 堤康次郎*, 安藤卓*, 田原隼*, 大野貴史*, 福間裕子*, 白濱正博**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 737-741, 2015.

Japanese Article One case that received treatment with Rb after an injury for affected side DDH of the hemiplegia children patient from seven months after birth
久嶋史枝*, 池邉顕嗣朗*, 坂本公宣*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 742-744, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of bilateral time lag childhood suppuration-related coxarthritis that resulted from a difference for one week
曽根崎至超*, 岩崎達也*, 津村弘*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 745-749, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the childhood purulent ileosacral arthritis that observed Change over time by MRI
荒木貴士*, 池田倫太郎*, 飯岡隆*, 朝長匡*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 750-754, 2015.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the pediatric acromioclavicular jaw dislocation 2 case
草野雄貴*, 菊川憲志*, 高田興志*, 森田誠*, 橋本憲蔵*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 755-758, 2015.

Japanese Article Two cases of distal tibia edge triplane frature
平山雄大*, 中島三郎*, 井上哲二*, 宮崎信*, 沼田亨祐*, 酒本高志*, 寺本周平*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 759-761, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the childhood femoral neck fracture that occurred during a soccer exercise
小阪英智*, 竹山昭徳*, 亀川史武*, 野田大輔**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 762-765, 2015.

Japanese Article One patient who received Total Knee Arthroplasty for the gonarthrosis with the constancy patella dislocation
黒川壽久*, 長島賢二*, 蔵渕智和*, 鈴木誠之*, 宮山祐*, 岩本柾澄*, 山崎純司*, 渡辺公三*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 766-769, 2015.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent TKA for the Charcot-like joint which produced extensive valgus deformity
鎌田敬子*, 関万成*, 目昭仁*, 田口敏彦*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 770-772, 2015.

Japanese Article It is pain control after the Total Knee Arthroplasty with the periarticular multiple drug cocktail injection using the levobupivacaine
緒方宏臣*, 山下武士*, 岩本克也*, 米村憲輔*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 773-775, 2015.

Japanese Article The double plate for the thighbone supracondylar fracture is fixed after Total Knee Arthroplasty
永山盛隆*, 工藤啓久*, 長谷川太郎*, 小島政廣*, 高江洲美香*, 西川正修*, 杉崇*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 776-778, 2015.

Japanese Article Report - of 21 limbs which we treated using pediatric humeral supracondylar fracture - Posterior Intra-focal Pinnig
村岡辰彦*, 井上三四郎**, 菊池直士**, 阿久根広宣**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 779-782, 2015.

Japanese Article Olecranon fracture, external condyle bone fracture humeral for radial head dislocation, one case of the pediatric Monteggia similar injury with the ulna bone plastic deformation
梅崎哲矢*, 森治樹*, 三橋龍馬*, 山口洋一朗*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 783-787, 2015.

Japanese Article An example of the proximal relatively rare childhood radius epiphyseal line injury
溝上健次*, 坂井健介**, 中村英智*, 井上貴司*, 國武真史*, 志波直人***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 788-792, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the childhood purulent anconitis
須田博子*, 村岡智也*, 川口馨*, 村田雅明*, 山本哲章*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 793-796, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the advanced age onset rheumatoid arthritis to assume a knee joint initially occurring
中谷優子*, 山本哲章*, 村田雅明*, 村岡智也*, 川口馨*, 須田博子*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 797-801, 2015.

Japanese Article One case that was given arthrodesis for the finger transformation that occurred in multicentric reticulohistiocytosis
西紘太朗*, 宮本力*, 新見龍士*, 千葉恒*, 松林昌平*, 穂積晃*, 尾崎誠*, 辻本律**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 802-804, 2015.

Japanese Article About an association between sports dyskinesia in the student basketball player, traumatic real condition and human trunk functional decline
鬼木泰成*, 北村孝一*, 村上大輝*, 大橋浩太郎*, 山隈維昭*, 高木克公*, 知花尚徳*, 水野秀夫*, 鬼木泰博*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 805-808, 2015.

Japanese Article Attempt of rehabilitation for wheelchair patients using the Wii Fit (R) and Nottekon (R)
田中寿人*, 笠原貴紀*, 秋山菜奈絵*, 田中康博*, 井手将文**, 浅見豊子**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 809-812, 2015.

Japanese Article Effect of water exercise for the body functions of low back pain patients : Including the whole body, lumbar spine bone mineral density measurement
赤嶺卓哉*,**, 高田大*, 藤井康成**, 添嶋裕嗣*,**, 田口信教*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 813-816, 2015.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the 3D-CT evaluation for the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
宮平誉丸*, 新垣宜貞*, 砂川秀之*, 呉屋五十八*, 松田英敏*, 金城綾美*, 金城幸雄*, 仲宗根哲**, 金谷文則**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 817-819, 2015.

Japanese Article 2 cases that performed bone fusion for proximal thighbone bone fracture with the vertical breaking from the thighbone neck to the trochanter part
梅崎哲矢*, 森治樹*, 三橋龍馬*, 山口洋一朗*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 820-823, 2015.

Japanese Article Use experience of Targon FN for the femoral neck fracture and examination of the setting position
田原隼*, 安樂喜久*, 堤康次郎*, 西里徳重*, 安藤卓*, 大野貴史*, 福間裕子*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 824-829, 2015.

Japanese Article One cases using the Zip Tight for ankle dislocation fracture (AO classification 44-C2 type)
上杉勇貴*, 白倉祥晴*, 上田淳*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 830-832, 2015.

Japanese Article Experience of Pilon fractures (AO classification 43C3 Gustilo classification Type 2) were obtained treated with 4 stage operation
飯田健*, 田中尚洋*, 上戸康平*, 辻正二*, 野口雅夫*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 833-836, 2015.

Japanese Article Course case - long-term after two - operations of the Bosworth type fracture-dislocation of ankle
小島岳史*, 黒田宏*, 岡村龍*, 松岡篤*, 帖佐悦男**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 837-841, 2015.

Japanese Article One case of the Bosworth type fracture-dislocation of ankle
徳永敬介*, 宮本俊之*, 福島達也*, 田口憲士*, 鶴展寿*, 杉原祐介*, 尾崎誠**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 842-845, 2015.

Japanese Article We look at the mirror and are examined the postoperative pain in the dropping joint lateral ligament of temporomandibular joint surgical repair
野田昌宏*, 吉村一朗*, 金澤和貴*, 萩尾友宣*, 蓑川創*, 浅野圭*, 内藤正俊*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 846-849, 2015.

Japanese Article Two cases of the autologous bone cartilage pillar advanced Freiberg illness that we ported
中川剛*, 阿久根広宣*, 中川悟**, 外林晋作**, 有村慎吾**, 河野翔太**, 甲斐裕康**, 山下明人**, 吉村光平**, 石井隆大**, 中川晃**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 850-855, 2015.

Japanese Article Trial of the walk balance law to control a timing of the surgery of the Osteoarthritis of the hip
林和生*, 春口幸太郎**, 甲斐尚仁**, 中庭大介**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 856-859, 2015.

Japanese Article Two patients who presented with spinal cord injury with a fixed vertebral body after cervical vertebrae front fixation
石川貴晴*, 松下昌史*, 前田健*, 森英治*, 弓削至*, 河野修*, 高尾恒彰*, 坂井宏旭*, 益田宗彰*, 森下雄一郎*, 林哲生*, 植田尊善*, 芝啓一郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 860-864, 2015.

Japanese Article Examination of the delirium which occurred after Total Hip Arthroplasty
中島武馬*, 森本忠嗣*, 米倉豊*, 河野俊介*, 北島将*, 園畑素樹*, 馬渡正明*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 64(4): 865-868, 2015.