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Orthopedics & Traumatology

Volume 65, Issue 3 / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Effect of the jig ring for the joint preservation postoperative arthropathy for the Osteoarthritis of the hip
広松聖夫*, 木下斎**, 井上明生**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 389-395, 2016.

Japanese Article Trace ... of the treatment before treatment strategy - osteotomy for the arthropathy progress after acetabulum spherical osteotomy (SAO) reaching the artificial joint
中村嘉宏*, 帖佐悦男*, 坂本武郎*, 渡邊信二*, 関本朝久*, 池尻洋史*, 舩元太郎*, 日吉優*, 川野啓介*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 396-399, 2016.

Japanese Article Image study on the expansion of spinal canal and intervertebral foramen by minimally invasive lumbar lateral interbody fusion
矢野良平*, 山下彰久*, 渡邊哲也*, 原田岳*, 橋川和弘*, 千住隆博*, 上原慎平*, 嶋勇一郎*, 白澤建藏*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 400-404, 2016.

Japanese Article It is a result after an operation of the backbone endoscope (MED) surgery for the lumbar spinal canal stenosis for two years
片岡秀雄*, 富永俊克*, 舩場真裕*, 城戸研二*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 405-408, 2016.

Japanese Article Development from least invasive decompression endoscope lower laminectomy (MEL) of the lumbar spinal canal stenosis to percutaneous endoscopic lower laminectomy (PEL)
吉兼浩一*, 飯田圭一郎*, 大江健次郎*, 深川真吾*, 平田正伸*, 島田英二郎*, 西井章裕*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 409-411, 2016.

Japanese Article Balloon Kyphoplasty for osteoporotic vertebral fracture : Points to take to obtain maximum effect with minimal invasion
山下彰久*, 矢野良平*, 渡邊哲也*, 原田岳*, 橋川和弘*, 千住隆博*, 上原慎平*, 嶋勇一郎*, 白澤建藏*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 412-417, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the fixation between the lumbar vertebrae vertebral body using cortical bone trajectory in our hospital
比嘉勝一郎*, 屋良哲也*, 伊藝尚弘*, 仲宗根朝洋*, 勢理客久**, 金谷文則**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 418-422, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment strategy utilized MISt for the infectious spondylitis
千住隆博*, 山下彰久*, 嶋勇一郎*, 上原慎平*, 矢野良平*, 橋川和弘*, 渡邊哲也*, 原田岳*, 白澤建藏*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 423-428, 2016.

Japanese Article Backward fixation using affection chinquapin PPS for the purulent spondylitis
神保幸太郎*, 佐々木威治*, 田邉潤平*, 松浦充洋*, 塚本祐也*, 中村洋輔*, 江崎佑平*, 石橋千直*, 重留広輔*, 坂井健介*, 田中憲治*, 吉田健治*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 429-433, 2016.

Japanese Article Use experience of the Knee Align 2(R) navigation in the Total Knee Arthroplasty
清原悠太*, 宮崎信*, 沼田亨祐*, 楊拓也*, 棚平健*, 高田弘誠*, 中島三郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 434-436, 2016.

Japanese Article Comparison - with the effect on Total Knee Arthroplasty postoperative pain, rehabilitation - continuation epidural block method with the periarticular multiple drug cocktail injection
酒本高志*, 緒方宏臣*, 山下武士*, 岩本克也*, 川谷洋右*, 米村憲輔*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 437-439, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who received Total Knee Arthroplasty using an artificial endocrine pancreas
棚平健*, 宮崎信*, 中島三郎*, 沼田亨祐*, 楊拓也*, 清原悠太*, 高田弘誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 440-442, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that developed an allergy to metal after Total Knee Arthroplasty
栗之丸直朗*, 森俊陽*, 川崎展*, 佐羽内研*, 塚本学*, 酒井昭典*, 大西英生**, 名倉誠朗***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 443-446, 2016.

Japanese Article Four cases of the dislocation fracture of the fourth .5 carpometacarpal joint
高野純*, 伊集院俊郎*, 佐久間大輔*, 前田昌隆*, 東郷泰久*, 小倉雅*, 永野聡**, 瀬戸口啓夫**, 小宮節郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 447-450, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the purulent flexor tendon tenosynovitis treated using NPWT
永吉信介*, 善家雄吉*, 田島貴文*, 小杉健二*, 平澤英幸*, 目貫邦隆*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 451-455, 2016.

Japanese Article Purulent flexor tendon tenosynovitis due to the nontuberculous Mycobacterium
吉野孝博*, 土田徹*, 池田天史*, 宮崎真一*, 大山哲寛*, 川添泰弘*, 二山勝也*, 大野貴史*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 456-459, 2016.

Japanese Article Two cases that were treated using a wound external fixation device for the fracture of the distal radius that occurred in the shunts limb of patients on dialysis
大里恭平*, 竹山昭徳*, 河野大*, 亀川史武**, 小阪英智***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 460-462, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the traumatic forearm compartment syndrome
太田真悟*, 土居満*, 中添悠介*, 前原史朋*, 田口勝規*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 463-467, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the stem adduction setting case in the THA
浦上勝*, 渡邉弘之*, 相良孝昭*, 瀬形建喜*, 清家一郎**, 畠邦晃*, 寺本周平*, 緒方光次郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 468-470, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the distal S-ROM stem damage which occurred without precipitants
青木龍克*, 前田純一郎*, 千葉恒*, 穂積晃*, 宮本力*, 米倉暁彦*, 富田雅人*, 尾崎誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 471-473, 2016.

Japanese Article Evaluation on the cup side in the elderly people Total Hip Arthroplasty
千丈実香*, 渡邉弘之*, 相良孝昭*, 瀬形建喜*, 清家一郎**, 畠邦晃*, 寺本周平*, 緒方光次郎*, 浦上勝*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 474-476, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of treated four cases bloody for Vancouver classification type B2 stem neighborhood bone fracture
酒見勇太*, 池村聡*, 櫻井立太*, 井口貴裕*, 光安浩章*, 松井元*, 馬渡太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 477-480, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the Achilles tenostosis
守谷和樹*, 田島貴文*, 善家雄吉*, 沖本信和**, 吉岡徹**, 布施好史**, 目貫邦隆*, 平澤英幸*, 辻村良賢*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 481-484, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent correction fixation for the severe talipes equinovarus due to poliomyelitis aftereffects in one stage
木村岳弘*, 諸岡孝明*, 原田洋*, 橋本卓*, 増田祥男*, 諸岡正明*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 485-488, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the mycobacterium tuberculosis infection osteomyelitis that initially occurred in calcaneal bone
片山修浩*, 岡元信和*, 中村英一*, 佐藤広生*, 西岡宏晃*, 唐杉樹*, 山部聡一郎*, 水田博志*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 489-492, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the Maisonneuve bone fracture
真田京一*, 吉村一朗*, 金澤和貴*, 萩尾友宣*, 蓑川創*, 内藤正俊*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 493-496, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the shoulder blade glenoid fossa bone fracture that chose preservation medical treatment by arthroscope views
土井庸直*, 柴田陽三*, 伊崎輝昌**, 櫻井真*, 黒田大輔*, 三宅智**, 野口貴雄*, 中島圭*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 497-501, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the rotator cuff tear shoulder 2 case who had the deltoid subcutaneous tear
菊川憲志*, 高田興志*, 森田誠*, 橋本憲蔵*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 502-504, 2016.

Japanese Article 1 case that was given TSA for a degenerative articulus humeri symptom using Biomet Comprehensive Shoulder System
野口貴雄*, 柴田陽三*, 城島宏*, 秋吉祐一郎*, 櫻井真*, 黒田大輔*, 中島圭*, 土井庸直*, 伊崎輝昌**, 三宅智**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 505-508, 2016.

Japanese Article 3 cases that produced an acromial process bone fracture after the Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty enforcement
中島圭*, 柴田陽三*, 伊崎輝昌**, 城島宏*, 秋吉祐一郎*, 櫻井真*, 黒田大輔*, 三宅智**, 野口貴雄*, 土井庸直*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 509-511, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the thighbone proximal part bone fracture case that occurred during length of stay
小林恭介*, 安達耕一*, 森愛*, 瀬良敬祐*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 512-514, 2016.

Japanese Article Treatment of the proximal thighbone bone fracture in our hospital
竹内潤*, 宮本俊之*, 福島達也*, 田口憲士*, 水光正裕*, 米倉暁彦**, 富田雅人**, 尾崎誠**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 515-517, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the head of femur bone fracture
井手尾勝政*, 安樂喜久*, 堤康次郎*, 安藤卓*, 立石慶和*, 田原隼*, 松下紘三*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 518-522, 2016.

Japanese Article One case that produced an arterial injury by the lesser trochanter spicule of the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
柴田光史*, 尾上英俊*, 中村厚彦*, 亀川史武*, 野田昌宏*, 稲光秀明*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 523-525, 2016.

Japanese Article Investigation about the perioperative risk of the cardiovascular disease for the proximal thighbone bone fracture 80 years or older
梅崎哲矢*, 森治樹*, 三橋龍馬*, 山口洋一朗*, 今里浩之*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 526-528, 2016.

Japanese Article Three experience of the proximal thighbone bone fracture which conducted balloon aortic valvuloplasty in preoperation
萩尾聡*, 松崎尚志*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 529-531, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the elderly people ring fracture case in our hospital
中江一朗*, 秋吉寿*, 石橋千直*, 野田明生*, 川崎優二*, 吉田史郎*, 仲摩憲次郎*, 松垣亨*, 白濱正博*, 志波直人*, 坂本照夫**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 532-535, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the inner fixation using backbone instrumentation for the ring fracture of elderly people
冨田哲也*, 高野祐護*, 田中孝幸*, 野村裕*, 柳澤義和*, 福徳款章*, 渡辺恵理*, 山本典子*, 有馬準一*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 536-540, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the pars sacralis intervertebral joint cysts which needed differentiation
西亜紀*, 崎村俊之*, 依田周*, 野口智恵子*, 矢部嘉浩*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 541-544, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the implant precision of the early period of percutaneous pedicle of vertebral arch screw introduction
田畑聖吾*, 中野哲雄*, 越智龍弥*, 山内達朗*, 稲葉大輔*, 安岡寛理*, 中原潤之輔*, 福間裕子*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 545-547, 2016.

Japanese Article Results of BKP for the osteoporotic vertebral body bone fracture with the extensive kyphos transformation
嶋勇一郎*, 山下彰久*, 渡邊哲也*, 原田岳*, 橋川和弘*, 千住隆博*, 矢野良平*, 上原慎平*, 白澤建藏*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 548-551, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of the surgery treatment result for the chest lumbar vertebrae burst fracture
細川浩*, 岡田二郎**, 城下卓也*, 岡村直樹*, 井本光次郎**, 岡野博史***, 林田洋一**, 宮本和彦**, 本多一宏**, 佐久間克彦**, 中島伸一**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 552-556, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination about the diagnosis process of six vertebral body bone fractures with Ankylosing spinal disorders
甲斐一広*, 増田圭吾*, 櫻木高秀*, 富永冬樹*, 北村貴弘*, 仙波英之*, 生田光*, 志田原哲*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 557-560, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who resected the retroperitoneal tumor which invaded the iliopsoas muscle under real-time MEP monitoring
平川雄介*, 帖佐悦男*, 濱中秀昭*, 猪俣尚規*, 黒木修司*, 比嘉聖*, 永井琢哉*, 李徳哲*, 横江琢示*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 561-564, 2016.

Japanese Article Four cases that the wound sprayed vancomycin powder on for infection after spinal fusion
濱田大志*, 中村英一郎*, 山根宏敏*, 邑本哲平*, 竹内慶法*, 江副賢生*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 565-568, 2016.

Japanese Article One patient who conducted skin lump excision and coccygectomy for Coccygeal pad
木下栄*, 信藤真理*, 白地仁*, 田中潤*, 内藤正俊*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 569-571, 2016.

Japanese Article Five cases of traumatic postpharyngeal crack hematoma
桑野洋輔*, 古市格*, 井上拓馬*, 小河賢司*, 秋山隆行*, 渡邉航之助*, 荒木貴士*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 572-576, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the four extremities chief editor arterial injury
大野貴史*, 池田天史*, 宮崎真一*, 大山哲寛*, 土田徹*, 川添泰弘*, 二山勝也*, 吉野孝博*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 577-580, 2016.

Japanese Article Use results investigation of the denosumab in our hospital
高山剛*, 嶋崎貴文*, 松浦恵里子*, 中島武馬*, 松村陽介*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 581-584, 2016.

Japanese Article Gonarthrosis and bone metabolism
原口和史*, 日野敏明**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 585-587, 2016.

Japanese Article Association between sarcopenia and osteoporosis in the outpatient
原口和史*, 川口雅之*, 木村敦*, 日野敏明**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 588-590, 2016.

Japanese Article We cure after Balloon Kyphoplasty technique for one year and evaluate it
密川守*, 副島修*, 毛利正弦*, ファン・ジョージ*, 清田光一*, 村岡邦秀*, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 591-594, 2016.

Japanese Article Examination of problems in the early diagnosis of the axon-related spondarthritis
首藤敏秀*, 小薗敬洋*, 鈴木周一*, 和氣聡*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 595-598, 2016.

Japanese Article Three cases of the psoriatic arthritis
原口和史*, 原武譲二**, 佐伯千恵子***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 599-602, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the thighbone subtrochanteric fracture with the osteopetrosis
松下優*, 前隆男*, 佛坂俊輔*, 加藤剛*, 塚本伸章*, 小宮紀宏*, 清水大樹*, 戸田慎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 603-606, 2016.

Japanese Article One case of the pyknosis dysostosis given intramedullary nail fixation for bilateral shaft of femur bone fractures
福間裕子*, 中野哲雄*, 山内達朗*, 越智龍弥*, 稲葉大輔*, 安岡寛理*, 田畑聖吾*, 中原潤之輔*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 607-610, 2016.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the childhood iliopsoas muscle abscess
加藤田倫宏*, 川崎由美子*, 浅山勲*, 平井伸幸*, 上野明菜*, 稗田寛*, 井上英豪**, 山田圭**, 吉川英一郎**, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 611-615, 2016.

Japanese Article A primary diagnosis and treatment strategy of the acute inflammatory joint pain
Orthopedics & Traumatology 65(3): 616-620, 2016.