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Orthopedics & Traumatology

Volume 70, Issue 1 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Osteoporosis treatment - characteristic - of the rheumatic patients
瀬戸哲也*, 谷泰宏*, Barbs Rayel*, 村松慶一*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 1-4, 2021.

Japanese Article Heteromorphic analysis after preoperation of DLO using TCVO
宮坂悟*, 米倉暁彦*, 中添悠介*, 岡崎成弘*, 千葉恒*, 尾崎誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 5-9, 2021.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the Total Knee Arthroplasty for the patients of the allergy to metal
山本俊策*, 二之宮謙一*, 合志光平*, 牟田口滋*, 佐々木大*, 坂本悠磨*, 福島庸介*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 10-11, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent TKA after the upper thighbone condyle external rotation, the varus osteotomy for gonarthrosis after thighbone, the tibia fracture malunion
加峯亮佑*, 森達哉*, 河野勤*, 田代泰隆*, 神宮司誠也*, 加治浩三*, 畑中均*, 今村寿宏*, 鬼塚俊宏*, 松延知哉*, 岩本幸英*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 12-14, 2021.

Japanese Article Comparison between three of antithrombotic drug internal use group and internal use discontinuation group and the non-internal use group in the perioperative period of the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture of our hospital
中谷公彦*, 井田敬大*, 千々岩芳朗*, ファン ジョージ*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 15-18, 2021.

Japanese Article Can you evaluate the reposition thighbone trochanter part bone fracture digit lateral projection exactly? - Pay the attention to intertrochanteric line; and -
大隈暁*, 畠山英嗣*, 花田修平*, 岡田宗大*, 朝長星哉*, 杉木暖*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 19-21, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of surgical consent form for patients with proximal femur fracture
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 22-25, 2021.

Japanese Article Short-term treatment result of Femoral Neck System (FNS) for the femoral neck fracture
池永仁*, 前原史朋*, 志田崇之*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 26-29, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent cementless total hip replacement for a collagen type 2 abnormality symptom
橋本雄太*, 石原昌人*, 仲宗根哲*, 翁長正道*, 平良啓之*, 東千夏*, 当真孝*, 上原史成*, 比嘉浩太郎*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 30-33, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of the Total Hip Arthroplasty using metal augment for the acetabulum bone defect: Usefulness of the 3D printer as the plan tool before operation
太田克樹*, 塚本学*, 川崎展*, 鈴木仁士*, 藤谷晃亮*, 鍋島貴行*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 34-37, 2021.

Japanese Article One case that produced anterior dislocation in gene locus after the total hip replacement
翁長正道*, 仲宗根哲*, 石原昌人*, 平良啓之*, 比嘉浩太郎*, 上原史成*, 当真孝*, 東千夏*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 38-41, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of the postoperative course of the Non-HA SL-PLUS MIA stem
久米慎一郎*, 原口敏昭*, 山木宏道*, 林田一友*, 後藤昌史*, 大川孝浩*, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 42-45, 2021.

Japanese Article Radiographic evaluation of the stem neighborhood bone response in the Direct anterior approach (DAA) cementless THA using BiCONTACT
刈谷彰吾*, 安樂喜久*, 立石慶和*, 安藤卓*, 上川将史*, 柳澤哲大*, 大野貴史*, 寺本周平*, 高田紘平*, 三浦渓*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 46-49, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of coxarthritis complicated for Kawasaki's disease sub-acute phase
原口敏昭*,**, 久米慎一郎*, 神保幸太郎**, 山木宏道*, 高田寛史***, 志波直人****, 大川孝浩*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 50-53, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of purulent coxarthritis and the adrenal insufficiency that needed differentiation
水田康平*, 高江洲美香*, 宮田佳英*, 仲宗根哲**, 石原昌人**, 翁長正道**, 平良啓之**, 東千夏**, 上原史成**, 比嘉浩太郎**, 西田康太郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 54-57, 2021.

English Article Golden Section in Plain Radiograms of the Hip and Pelvis
Fujio Higuchi, Akihiro Daisaku
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 58-64, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of the articulus humeri posterior fracture-dislocation
岡田宗大*, 大隈暁*, 朝長星哉*, 杉木暖**, 畠山英嗣*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 65-69, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent all reverse type artificial shoulder joint replacement for proximal end of humerus bone fracture malunion
柿添隼*, 竹内直英*, 小薗直哉*, 千住隆博*, 中島康晴*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 70-75, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent BIO-RSA for a bilateral degenerative articulus humeri symptom indicating the extensive thinning of the shoulder blade glenoid fossa
松原秀太*, 菊川憲志*, 田村諭史*, 小田勇一郎*, 白石大偉輔*, 浦田泰弘*, 荒木崇士*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 76-79, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of the effect of the navigation on screw fixation in Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
栫博則*, 海江田英泰**, 中村俊介**, 藤元祐介**, 今村勝行*, 廣津匡隆*, 藤井康成***, 谷口昇**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 80-82, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of the optimum length and angle of the lower screw of the Glenoid base plate
江口大介*, 竹内直英*, 小薗直哉*, 千住隆博*, 中島康晴*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 83-87, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination - of surgery medical treatment - initial solidity for the acromioclavicular jaw dislocation
瀬戸哲也*, Jason Arcinue*, 谷泰宏*, 村松慶一*, 木戸健司**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 88-91, 2021.

Japanese Article Three cases of the non-fixed form ulna fracture accompanied with the long-term bisphosphonate preparation internal use
豊島嵩正*, 山中芳亮*, 田島貴文*, 辻村良賢*, 清水太一*, 善家雄吉*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 92-95, 2021.

Japanese Article A case of humeral trunk nonunion with anterograde intramedullary nail replacement by trans-elbow head guide pin insertion method
村岡智也*, 村田雅明*, 川口馨*, 築谷康人*, 金谷治尚*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 96-100, 2021.

Japanese Article One case that we restored anatomical for the triceps brachii muscle skin lower tear with the olecranon detachment spicule by the Suture bridge method
倉光正憲*, 下河邉久雄*, 大茂壽久*, 古子剛*, 濱田賢治*, 大友一*, 清水建詞*, 田原尚直*, 山本卓明**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 101-104, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent mobilization for traumatic elbow joint contractures with the heterotopic bone formation early
小倉友介*, 吉田健治*, 白石絵里子*, 井上貴司*, 中村英智*, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 105-110, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of bilateral idiopathic big finger button hole deformities
山城正一郎*, 金城政樹*, 金城忠克*, 仲宗根素子*, 大久保宏貴*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 111-114, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of the capitate bone singularity bone fracture protraction concrescence
赤須優希*, 大茂壽久*, 宮良俊*, 清水建詞*, 西野剛史*, 古子剛*, 蒲地康人*, 濱田賢治*, 大友一*, 田原尚直*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 115-118, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent detachment technique between the microscope lower nerve fascicle for the idiopathic posterior interosseous nerve paralysis
千丈実香*, 田嶋光**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 119-120, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of the anterior interosseous nerve paralysis that developed tumor in the neck thoracic vertebra transitional region endocranium out of the marrow postoperatively
鶴居亮輔*, 竹内直英*, 小薗直哉*, 幸博和*, 千住隆博*, 中島康晴*, 花田麻須大**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 121-124, 2021.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the radiale pseudarthrosis in our hospital
桑畑健太郎*, 小倉雅*, 東郷泰久*, 有島善也*, 海江田光祥*, 音羽学*, 三重岳*, 佐々木裕美**, 谷口昇**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 125-126, 2021.

Japanese Article Two cases of the traumatic thigh quadriceps tendon skin lower tear
下永吉洋平*, 鳥越雄史*, 高橋良輔*, 佐保明*, 荒川大亮*, 相良学*, 小西宏昭*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 127-130, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent the intramedullary nail fixation that used correction osteotomy together for shaft of femur bone fracture with the severe curvature
水田康平*, 高江洲美香*, 宮田佳英*, 仲宗根哲**, 西田康太郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 131-136, 2021.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the mild culf compound fracture in our hospital
糸瀬賢*, 宮本俊之*, 森圭介*, 西野雄一朗*, 土居満*, 田口憲士*, 尾崎誠**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 137-140, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination (the first report) - hospital transfer time of the acute disease that required changing hospital treatment in the convalescent rehabilitation for the locomotorium disease and hospital transfer causative disease -
西村博行*, 浦上泰成**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 141-148, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of the in-hospital death and change department case
關千尋*, 中村哲郎*, 白崎圭伍*, 瀬戸山優*, 中川剛*, 伊藤田慶*, 進悟史*, 河野裕介*, 土持兼信*, 岩崎賢優*, 土屋邦喜*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 149-151, 2021.

Japanese Article Attitude survey (analysis of the tendency to implant removal to be able to put according to parts) about the forming injury postoperative implant removal technique
清水太一*, 田島貴文*, 善家雄吉*, 大隈佳世子*, 岡田祥明*, 山中芳亮*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 152-155, 2021.

Japanese Article A case of deformity correction using Eight-plate for X-leg deformity of mucopolysaccharidosis type I (Hurler syndrome)
川岸正周*, 岩崎達也**, 津村弘**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 156-159, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who was operated on for patients with severe chest injury that presented a flail chest, and was under the medical treatment
山崎大輔*, 徳丸哲平**, 倉田秀明**, 松尾卓見*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 160-163, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of the clavicle fracture that a plate broke it and was forced to reoperation by
井上隆広*, 井上三四郎*, 菊池直士*, 増田圭吾*, 岩崎元気*, 田中宏毅*, 中村良*, 川本浩大*, 泊健太*, 阿久根広宣*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 164-165, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of the idiopathic spinal cord extradural haematoma treated as cerebrovascular disorder early in the onset for right hemiplegia of the sudden onset
高木寛* **, 武藤和彦**, 宮崎眞一**, 大山哲寛**, 土田徹**, 川添泰弘**, 二山勝也**, 坂本佳菜子**, 池田天史**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(1): 166-171, 2021.