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Orthopedics & Traumatology

Volume 70, Issue 2 / 2021
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the thoracic vertebra Chance bone fracture for caries-related cervical cord injury
高橋祐介*, 島内卓*, 黒石聖*, 巣山みどり*, 酒井隆士郎*, 野口康男*, 江口正雄*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 173-175, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of chest lumbar spine degeneration scoliosis who had the higher thoracic vertebra assimilation vertebra
河村一郎*, 冨永博之*, 八尋雄平*, 徳本寛人*, 俵積田裕紀*, 谷口昇*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 176-178, 2021.

Japanese Article Minimally invasive surgery for the lumbar vertebrae purulent spondylitis
吉留寛人*, 松山金寛*, 菊野竜一郎*, 川内健寛*, 眞田雅人*, 堀川良治*, 川畑直也*, 宮口文宏*, 谷口昇*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 179-181, 2021.

Japanese Article Three cases that used local antibiotic highly-concentrated administration (iMAP/iSAP) together for infection after the leg fracture technique, and were able to heal
赤瀬広弥*, 生田拓也*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 182-185, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of the malignant lymphoma which had the onset for pain of lower extremities, and suffered from differentiation with the lumbar spinal canal stenosis
櫻木彬一*, 大田秀樹**, 松本佳之**, 井口洋平**, 巽政人**, 田原健一**, 柴田達也**, 眞田京一**, 萩原秀祐**, 木田浩隆**, 竹光義治**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 186-189, 2021.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of three malignant lymphomas which invaded the vertebral body
柴田達也*, 大田秀樹*, 松本佳之*, 井口洋平*, 巽政人*, 田原健一*, 眞田京一*, 萩原秀祐*, 木田浩隆*, 竹光義治*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 190-194, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of the myelocele that presented the Brown-Sequard type paralysis
松本尊行*, 濱中秀昭*, 黒木修司*, 比嘉聖*, 永井琢哉*, 李徳哲*, 黒木智文*, 帖佐悦男*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 195-198, 2021.

Japanese Article Clinical significance of back skin lower edema found in MR imaging at osteoporotic spinal compression fracture injury
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 199-201, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of the usefulness of the electromyography by the nerve root stimulation during the operation in spinal operations
柳澤義和*, 梅崎遼平*, 竹本啓貴*, 江崎康隆*, 田中宏明*, 谷口良雄*, 松田和久*, 大賀正義*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 202-204, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] in patients with fragile bone fracture
内藤東一郎*, 石倉透*, 近藤秀臣*, 福原志東*, 赤星正二郎*, 有田忍*, 馬場賢治*, 塚本学**, 沖本信和***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 205-208, 2021.

English Article Atypical Femoral Fracture Occurring Within 2 Years of Denosumab Use
Eiji Suenaga, Yasuyuki Sumiyoshi, Masakazu Takata
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 209-214, 2021.

Japanese Article A case of incomplete femoral fractures on both sides 1 and a half years after resumption of administration after withdrawal of bisphosphonate preparation
田中稔一郎*, 吉光一浩*, 松浦充洋**, 白濱正博**, 諌山照刀*, 樋口富士男*, 志波直人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 215-217, 2021.

Japanese Article Experience of the artificial talar replacement for talar necrosis
松田倫明*, 吉野伸司*, 古賀公明*, 恒吉康弘*, 富村奈津子*, 川畑英之*, 前田昌隆*, 前之園健太*, 川内義久**, 中村俊介**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 218-221, 2021.

Japanese Article Talar necrotic two patients who underwent tibia subtalar joint fixation using an intramedullary nail
平本貴義*, 畑中均*, 鬼塚俊宏*, 今村寿宏*, 河野勤*, 松延知哉*, 加治浩三*, 神宮司誠也*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 222-225, 2021.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment due to the artificial ligament for the ankle tibia calf ligament injury
生田拓也*, 赤瀬広弥*, 沼田有生*, 小禄純平*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 226-228, 2021.

Japanese Article One case of the lateral process of talus bone fracture with the calcaneal bone talar shelf bone fracture
田代英慈*, 小澤慶一*, 江崎克樹*, 白石さくら*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 229-232, 2021.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the middle foot part bone fracture
高橋洋平*, 藤澤武慶*, 武藤正記*, 片岡秀雄*, 安部幸雄*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 233-235, 2021.

Japanese Article Cartilage pillar one case that we ported bone for Freiberg disease
小禄純平*, 坂口満*, 赤瀬広弥*, 沼田有生*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 236-238, 2021.

Japanese Article The histories of treatment that we corrected heteromorphic for the hallux varus which occurred with an injury using Fiber Tape
佐保卓*, 中村俊介*, 廣津匡隆*, 谷口昇*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 239-241, 2021.

Japanese Article A case of schwannoma diagnosed by MRI but hemangioma by pathological diagnosis
本川哲比古*, 富田雅人*, 野村賢太郎*, 神崎衣里*, 尾崎誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 242-245, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of the viscous liquid inflammation-related fibroblasts sarcoma of young adults
吉見洋平*, 田島貴文*, 山中芳亮*, 善家雄吉*, 酒井昭典*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 246-249, 2021.

Japanese Article An example of G-CSF-producing soft part tumor which occurred in a femoral region
神崎衣里*, 富田雅人*, 野村賢太郎*, 本川哲比古*, 尾崎誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 250-254, 2021.

Japanese Article One patient who received Total Knee Arthroplasty for the thighbone medial condyle crush weakness bone fracture of elderly people
佐々木宏介*, 荒武佑至*, 北村健二*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 255-259, 2021.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had knee meniscocapsular separation for an ankle bone fracture
佐々木宏介*, 荒武佑至*, 筒井知明*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 260-264, 2021.

Japanese Article 3 cases difficult to treat due to abnormal bleeding -Importance of coagulation factor 13 measurement-
鶴居亮輔*, 山下彰久*, 野村裕*, 原田岳*, 渡邊哲也*, 橋川和弘*, 藤井勇輝*, 杉修造*, 古川寛*, 白澤建藏*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 265-269, 2021.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the calcaneal bone dislocation fracture
鶴居亮輔*, 山下彰久*, 野村裕*, 原田岳*, 渡邊哲也*, 橋川和弘*, 藤井勇輝*, 杉修造*, 古川寛*, 白澤建藏*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 270-274, 2021.

Japanese Article A case of scoliosis correction associated with Turner syndrome
膳所大亮*, 宮崎正志*, 石原俊信*, 阿部徹太郎*, 津村弘*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 275-277, 2021.

Japanese Article Relations of the serum vitamin D level of staffing in the spinal operations case and the bone metabolism marker
野々上湧人*, 森本忠嗣*, 平田寛人*, 白木誠*, 園畑素樹*, 馬渡正明*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 278-283, 2021.

Japanese Article One case that presented airway narrowing by cervical spine anterior longitudinal ligament ossification
島ノ江研斗*, 河村一郎*, 冨永博之*, 八尋雄平*, 俵積田裕紀*, 谷口昇*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 284-286, 2021.

Japanese Article Usefulness of a covered casting system for lumbar vertebral body fractures in remote island practice
高橋建吾*, 伊集院俊郎*, 小倉拓馬*, 谷口昇**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 287-291, 2021.

Japanese Article It is the examination about the infection case after the artificial joint replacement treated with our hospital
柴原啓吾*, 岡本重敏*, 中家一寿*, 吉田裕俊*, 福元真一*, 松原弘和*, 吉武孝次郎*, 名取孝弘*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 292-295, 2021.

Japanese Article Example that presented a nerve root symptom by the huge gas which occupied the vertebral canal
高橋建吾*, 小倉拓馬*, 谷口昇**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 296-300, 2021.

Japanese Article Examination of the top, leg fracture simultaneous injury case
赤瀬広弥*, 北村歳男*, 生田拓也*, 沼田有生*, 小禄純平*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 301-303, 2021.

Japanese Article Effective - of the pain control - operation the next day additional cocktail injection after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
徳丸達也*, 城戸秀彦*, 金江剛*, 杉修造*, 城戸聡*, 加茂健太*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 304-307, 2021.

Japanese Article One case that presented an MTX-related lymphoproliferative disorder of the composite lymphoma suspicion to the right culf
福島庸介*, 佐々木大*, 合志光平*, 牟田口滋*, 山本俊策*, 坂本悠磨*, 二之宮謙一*, 有馬文統**, 薛宇孝***, 山田裕一****, 伊東良広****
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 308-312, 2021.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror for a purulent knee and the omarthritis; a treatment result of the lower debridement
黒石聖*, 佐々木宏介*, 藤井勇輝*, 森本辰紀*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 313-318, 2021.

Japanese Article Two cases of the acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) that occurred from the multiple bone, arthralgia of children
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 319-322, 2021.

Japanese Article Treatment results of lomosozumab for osteoporosis with vertebral body fracture
野村裕*, 野村茂治*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 70(2): 323-325, 2021.