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Orthopedics & Traumatology

Volume 72, Issue 1 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the articular head prosthesis implantation using the VLIAN stem for the femoral neck fracture of the Stove pipe type
宮坂悟*, 向井順哉*, 志田崇之*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 1-4, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the cementless artificial head replacement for the femoral neck fracture of super elderly people
長松晋太郎*, 中島圭*, 平井伸幸*, 浅山勲*, 白濱正博*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 5-7, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the regimen in the thighbone neck coronal plane shear fracture
野々上湧人*, 小河賢司*, 古市格*, 村田雅和*, 梅木雅史*, 中山宗男*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 8-10, 2023.

Japanese Article One case that a thighbone trochanter part bone fracture caused head of femur cartilage lower weakness bone fracture (SIF) postoperatively
畑直文*, 田原尚直*, 濱田賢治*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 11-14, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the Ceramic-on-Polyethylene THA which produced damage of the ceramic grit postoperatively
原野理沙*, 阿久根広宣*, 菊池直士*, 井上三四郎*, 増田圭吾*, 岩崎元気*, 藤井勇輝*, 中村良*, 鶴翔平*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 15-18, 2023.

Japanese Article Example that a ceramic slide aspect after the total hip replacement was damaged in 8 years after an operation
喜瀬真行*, 仲宗根哲*, 翁長正道*, 伊藝尚弘*, 與那嶺隆則*, 西田康太郎*, 石原昌人**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 19-23, 2023.

Japanese Article Does the age at results - surgery affect the long-term joint preservation rate for 20 years of the acetabulum movement technique for the acetabuloplasty imperfection? -
石橋正二郎*,**, 北村健二*, 山手智志*, 佐藤太志*, 川原慎也*, 池村聡*,***, 藤井政徳****, 濱井敏*, 本村悟朗*, 中島康晴*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 24-27, 2023.

Japanese Article The naked eye views of the condyle resected at total hip replacement
樋口富士男*, 吉光一浩*, 田中康嗣*, 山下明浩*, 山内豊明*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 28-32, 2023.

Japanese Article Characteristic and patient outcomes - of examination (the first report) - entrance institution of the convalescent rehabilitation for the institution proximal thighbone bone fracture which was entering it, and was injured
西村博行*, 浦上泰成**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 33-38, 2023.

Japanese Article 2 cases that resulted in bilateral ulna non-fixed form bone fractures
新庄慶大*, 岡野博史*, 福徳款章*, 高野祐護*, 田中孝幸*, 土井俊郎*, 有馬準一*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 39-43, 2023.

Japanese Article Two cases of tibial fragility fracture treated conservatively with romosozumab
小河賢司*, 古市格*, 村田雅和*, 梅木雅史*, 中山宗郎*, 野々上湧人*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 44-46, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination about the successive occurrence bone fracture after the proximal postmenopausal thighbone bone fracture
上田章貴*, 濱田賢治*, 清水建詞*, 大茂壽久*, 大友一*, 松永慶*, 長田宗大*, 畑直文*, 草場宣宏*, 瀬尾智史*, 田原尚直*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 47-50, 2023.

Japanese Article Experience with romosozumab in the treatment of osteoporosis
井上隆広*, 生田光*, 土居雄太*, 前田稔弘*, 坂本和也*, 北村貴弘*, 仙波英之*, 志田原哲*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 51-53, 2023.

Japanese Article It is histories of treatment of the preparation teriparatide in our hospital twice a week
竹内潤*, 山崎大輔*, 長谷亨*, 市川理一郎*, 水島正樹*, 松尾卓見*, 永吉隆作**, 村岡辰彦*, 鈴木勝*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 54-55, 2023.

Japanese Article One patient who presented with teres minor muscle tendon rupture postoperatively of the humeral proximal part bone fracture
赤嶺尚里*, 呉屋五十八**, 当真孝***, 山口浩****, 西田康太郎***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 56-57, 2023.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror by the suture bridge method for the musculus subscapularis tendon singularity tear; the outside anchor is de-one that made fall down after the lower rotator cuff surgical repair
土屋太志郎*, 唐杉樹*, 徳永琢也*, 宮本健史*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 58-61, 2023.

Japanese Article Look at the mirror for the rotator cuff of shoulder tear in our hospital; is the report about results after the operation of the lower rotator cuff surgical repair Triple-Row method
岸川準*, 太田浩二*, 山下彰久*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 62-65, 2023.

Japanese Article An example of the tennis player who produced a pain by the impingement symptom due to articulus humeri side acetabular labrum cysts
甲斐勇樹*,***, 佐保卓*,***, 海江田光祥*,***, 高野純*,***, 有島善也*,***, 東郷泰久*, 小倉雅*, 藤井康成**, 谷口昇***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 66-70, 2023.

Japanese Article Three cases of large leech sax injury and the iterative dislocation of shoulder with the extensive rotator cuff tear
当真孝*, 山口浩**, 呉屋五十八***, 森山朝裕****, 比嘉浩太郎*, 上原史成*, 東千夏*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 71-76, 2023.

Japanese Article Two cases that combined temporary joint arthrodesis with bloody dislocation plastic surgery for an old anterior shoulder dislocation bone fracture
津田宗一郎*, 青木龍克*, 梶山史郎*, 佐田潔**, 辻本律*, 松林昌平*, 尾崎誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 77-81, 2023.

Japanese Article Than an investigation in conservative therapy - Okinawa of the humeral proximal part bone fracture -
呉屋五十八*, 山口浩**, 当真孝***, 津覇雄一***, 赤嶺尚里****, 金城英樹*****, 森山朝裕******, 西田康太郎***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 82-86, 2023.

Japanese Article Relationship between JKOM 1 year after total knee arthroplasty and preoperative central sensitization
上田幸輝*, 伊東孝浩*, 伊藤輝*, 山本雅俊*, 亀山みどり*, 千住隆博*, 内村大輝*, 水城安尋*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 87-89, 2023.

Japanese Article An example of the pseudogout attack that occurred after the Total Knee Arthroplasty
福永幹*, 神谷俊樹*, 北堀貴史*, 池尻洋史*, 森治樹*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 90-92, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the extensive knock-knee which went hybrid closed wedge distal femoral osteotomy
土持兼信*, 畑中敬之*, 岩崎賢優*, 河野裕介*, 大森裕己*, 土屋邦喜*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 93-97, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the short-term treatment result of the distal thighbone adduction closed system anesthesia osteotomy for the outside type gonarthrosis in our hospital
大島由貴子*, 花田弘文*, 石松哲郎**, 野村耕平*, 阿南亨弥*, 千々岩芳朗*, 藤原絃*, 山口史彦*, 久保勝裕*, 藤原明***, 原道也*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 98-100, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of correction loss in open wedge high tibial osteotomy
白石さくら*, 諸岡孝明*, 島田哲郎*, 木村岳弘*, 後藤久貴*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 101-105, 2023.

Japanese Article Use experience of the hypochlorous acid for the severe bone soft tissue infection
古市格*, 小河賢司*, 村田雅和*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 106-111, 2023.

Japanese Article Three cases that formed the intractable ulcer by the octopus bite
島袋晃一*, 金城政樹**, 白瀬統星*, 大中敬子**, 仲宗根素子**, 大久保宏貴**, 赤嶺良幸*, 西田康太郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 112-114, 2023.

Japanese Article Cervical vertebrae postoperative course of patients on dialysis
佐々木一駿*, 水溜正也*, 吉野孝博*, 畠邦晃*, 井上哲二*, 川谷洋右*, 阿部靖之*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 115-117, 2023.

Japanese Article Report about short-term results of Vertebral Body Stenting (VBS) for the osteoporotic vertebral body bone fracture
岸川準*, 渡邊哲也*, 太田浩二*, 山下彰久*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 118-122, 2023.

Japanese Article The experience that used freeze same kind preserved bone implantation to spinal fusion
金城英雄*, 島袋孝尚*, 山川慶*, 深瀬昌悟*, 大城裕理*, 當銘保則*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 123-127, 2023.

Japanese Article One case that hematocephalus increased after the spinal fusion for the thoracic vertebra dislocation fracture who had the traumatic hematocephalus
河野通仁*, 籾井健太*, 木原大護*, 田丸哲弥*, 牧盾*, 小早川和**, 川口謙一**, 赤星朋比古*, 中島康晴**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 128-131, 2023.

Japanese Article One case that was treated with the Masquelet method for the infectious pseudarthrosis after the proximal tibiofibula edge bone fracture obese highly
鈴木湧貴*, 末永賢也*, 金海光祐*, 川口雅之*, 平田正伸*, 藤田秀一*, 田山尚久*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 132-135, 2023.

Japanese Article One case that the help limb was able to make a single leg avoiding the settings dismember (field amputation) of the both legs in the heavy rain earth and sand disaster
名取孝弘*, 小宮山敬祐*, 美浦辰彦*, 陣林秀紀*, 樺山寛光*, 宇都宮健*, 酒見勇太*, 園田和彦*, 藤村謙次郎*, 浜崎晶彦*, 原俊彦*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 136-138, 2023.

Japanese Article Small experience of the Nitinol staple in our hospital
井上三四郎*, 菊池直士*, 増田圭吾*, 岩崎元気*, 藤井勇輝*, 中村良*, 鶴翔平*, 原野理沙*, 川越亮*, 阿久根広宣*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 139-140, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the BCOR abnormality of the genes sarcoma which occurred in the abdominal wall
水田康平*,**, 當銘保則*, 大城裕理*, 津覇雄一*, 熱海恵理子***, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 141-144, 2023.

Japanese Article Treatment result of huge malignancy soft part tumor
岩永隆太*, 三原惇史*, 坂井孝司*, 村松慶一**, 伊原公一郎***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 145-149, 2023.

Japanese Article Treatment result of the preoperative chemotherapy using adriamycin and Ifomide
富田雅人*, 野村賢太郎*, 尾崎誠*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 150-152, 2023.

Japanese Article Two cases of the neurofibromatosis that was under the medical treatment in our hospital
井上三四郎*, 中川亮*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 153-156, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the left hand metacarpus hemangioma (ISSVA classification: venous malformation)
松浦充洋*, 吉田史郎*, 高田寛史*, 小倉友介*, 平岡弘二*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 157-159, 2023.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the lipoma (Intraneural Lipoma) which developed from the median nerve in the carpal tunnel
古賀陽一*, 樋高由久*, 元嶋尉士*, 西田智*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(1): 160-163, 2023.