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Orthopedics & Traumatology

Volume 72, Issue 2 / 2023
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article One case of the rare mass which occurred in the left hand metacarpus
北城圭一郎*, 大久保宏貴*, 玉城智子**, 大中敬子*, 仲宗根素子*, 金城政樹*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 165-168, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination about the PIP wrist flexion contractures in the jerk finger case and the arthropathy-related change
梅木駿*, 橋本哲*, 山口雄一*, 伊藤恵理子*, 田島智徳*, 浅見昭彦*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 169-173, 2023.

Japanese Article A method of our arthroplasty for the purpose of the MP joint superextended correction for the big finger CM arthropathy and short-term results
峯博子*, 井上美帆*, 荻本晋作*, 井手衆哉*, 青柳孝彦*, 可徳三博*, 鶴田敏幸*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 174-178, 2023.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent the fixation between the tibia heel using a plate for the proximal end of humerus
蓑川創*, 高原真穂*, 野村智洋*, 坂本哲哉*, 小阪英智*, 柴田陽三*, 伊崎輝昌*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 179-182, 2023.

Japanese Article Tendon reconstruction using gastrocnemius fascia for old Achilles tendon tear
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 183-186, 2023.

Japanese Article An example of the superficial layer tear with the avulsion of the Achilles' tendon hold fast osteosis
石田彩乃*, 水城安尋*, 内村大輝*, 上田幸輝*, 伊東孝浩*, 千住隆博*, 青木勇樹*, 今井稜*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 187-190, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of seven calcaneal bone Achilles' tendon hold fast bone fractures
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 191-193, 2023.

Japanese Article Treatment results of ligament reinforcement using suture tape for lateral ankle ligament injury
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 194-196, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of necrotic soft tissue infection with G group hemolytic streptococci (NSTI)
植田博也*, 向田賢市**, 島田幸典***, 森田周作*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 197-200, 2023.

Japanese Article One case that infection calming was obtained without a correction loss for infection after the high tibial osteotomy by Staged management
中尾公勇*, 中添悠介**, 宮本俊之***, 田口憲士***, 米倉暁彦**, 岡崎成弘**, 尾崎誠**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 201-205, 2023.

Japanese Article Two cases of the cardiovascular infection associated with Native joint and bone infections
高橋洋平*, 武藤正記*, 藤澤武慶*, 片岡秀雄*, 山下陽輔*, 安部幸雄*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 206-208, 2023.

Japanese Article It is weighed the adductor canal block against the epidural anaesthesia as painkilling at the manipulation, the range of motion improvement purpose after the TKA technique
徳永修*, 島内卓*, 黒石聖*, 巣山みどり*, 高橋祐介*, 酒井隆士郎*, 野口康男*, 江口正雄*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 209-211, 2023.

Japanese Article The change of the patients background of TKA for the rheumatoid arthritis and the long-term patients standpoint evaluation
倉員太志*, 赤崎幸穂*, 池村聡*, 藤原稔史*, 津嶋秀俊*, 原大介*, 濱井敏*, 川原慎也*, 山田久方*, 中島康晴*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 212-214, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination bone morphogenetic after the operation by the difference in how to cut of the tibial tuberosity in Opening Wedge Tibial Osteotomy
森達哉*, 河野勤*, 田代泰隆*, 加治浩三*, 鬼塚俊宏*, 今村寿宏*, 松延知哉*, 花田麻須大*, 平本貴義*, 三浦裕正*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 215-217, 2023.

Japanese Article Pseudarthrosis after the childhood fracture of the distal radius
石原和明*, 川野啓介*, 木戸義隆*, 高橋巧*, 小薗敬洋*, 栗原典近*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 218-220, 2023.

Japanese Article A case of pediatric distal humerus T-condylar fracture
向井順哉*, 志田崇之*, 宮坂悟*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 221-224, 2023.

Japanese Article One case of the childhood Monteggia dislocation fracture with the radius acute plastic deformation
市川賢*, 中村厚彦*, 稲光秀明*, 秀島義章*, 重田幸一*, 大串美紗子*, 深川遼*, 尾上英俊*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 225-227, 2023.

Japanese Article An example of the Moeller-Barlow disease that had difficulty in differentiation with the bone tumor
澤園啓明*, 篠原直弘*, 増田裕介*, 西川拓朗**, 佐々木裕美*, 永野聡***, 谷口昇*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 228-231, 2023.

Japanese Article A Case of Forearm Compartment Syndrome Caused by Hub Bite Undergoing Emergency Fasciotomy
吉川誉士郎*, 仲宗根素子**, 小浜博太*, 高江洲美香*, 宮田佳英*, 西田康太郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 232-235, 2023.

Japanese Article Treatment result of double tension band wiring for olecranon fracture that articular surface sank
村岡智也*, 村田雅明*, 村上大気*, 山下尚寛*, 青木美帆*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 236-238, 2023.

Japanese Article Is the headache after the endocranium incision in spinal operations a thing due to the low marrow pressure encephalopathy?
深瀬昌悟*, 島袋孝尚*, 金城英雄*, 山川慶*, 大城裕理*, 當銘保則*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 239-241, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the nervous disease that needed the differentiation with the locomotorium disease: For improvement in diagnosis process
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 242-246, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that locked a sliding of the rug screw during an operation for a thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
倉光正憲*, 井田敬大*, ファン・ジョージ*, 森本浩之*, 山崎慎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 247-251, 2023.

Japanese Article Is postoperative subtype N acceptable for unstable femoral trochanteric fracture? - From the perspective of sliding amount -
古谷武大*, 河野裕介*, 中村哲郎*, 岩崎賢優*, 土持兼信*, 畑中敬之*, 松口俊央*, 清原壮登*, 大森裕己*, 土屋邦喜*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 252-255, 2023.

Japanese Article Short-term results of the cement combination TFNA bone fusion for the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture
兼田慎太郎*, 原田岳*, 渡邊哲也*, 橋川和弘*, 太田浩二*, 大崎佑一郎*, 江崎克樹*, 岸川準*, 木戸麻理子*, 井上逸人*, 山下彰久*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 256-261, 2023.

Japanese Article The effect that direct reposition gives for maintenance of the reposition rank after the operation in the thighbone trochanter part bone fracture with the posterolateral spicule
陣林秀紀*, 宇都宮健*, 小宮山敬祐*, 美浦辰彦*, 園田和彦*, 藤村謙次郎*, 浜崎晶彦*, 名取孝弘*, 樺山寛光*, 稲員千穂*, 原俊彦*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 262-265, 2023.

Japanese Article Usefulness of the plate spacer unification system in the cervical spine front decompression fixation
高橋建吾*, 領木良浩*, 湯浅伸也*, 小宮節郎*, 新門裕三*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 266-270, 2023.

Japanese Article One patient who underwent total hip replacement after the spinal column correction for Hip-Spine Syndrome
仲宗根哲*, 山川慶*, 翁長正道*, 島袋孝尚*, 金城英雄*, 伊藝尚弘*, 與那嶺隆則*, 西田康太郎*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 271-274, 2023.

Japanese Article One patient who performed a posterior arch resection in idiopathic dens rear pseudotumor
當山全哉*, 勢理客久*, 比嘉勝一郎*, 屋良哲也*, 西田康太郎**
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 275-279, 2023.

Japanese Article Surgery results of the fixation (PLIF/TLIF) between the lumbar vertebrae vertebral body of patients on dialysis in our hospital
畠邦晃*, 水溜正也*, 井上哲二*, 川谷洋右*, 吉野孝博*, 中西浩一朗*, 佐々木一駿*, 阿部靖之*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 280-283, 2023.

Japanese Article About the association according to the age group of the electrophysiological disease severity and patients standpoint degree measure in patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome
山口雄一*, 浅見昭彦*, 橋本哲*, 田島智徳*, 伊藤恵里子*, 梅木駿*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 284-286, 2023.

Japanese Article A case of implant fracture after posterior fusion surgery for spondylitis caused by non-tuberculous mycobacteria associated with HIV infection
神保幸太郎*, 古森元崇*, 牧悠之*, 西村大幹*, 高見諒太*, 二見俊人*, 中島帆奈美*, 戸次将史*, 井手洋平*, 川崎優二*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 287-291, 2023.

Japanese Article Comparison between examination Fit-and-fill stem and Taper wedge stem about the stem subsidence in the THA for Dorr type C
金海光祐*, 池村聡*, 本村悟朗*, 濱井敏*, 藤井政徳*, 川原慎也*, 佐藤太志*, 塩本喬平*, 中島康晴*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 292-294, 2023.

Japanese Article A report on the therapeutic effect of intradiscal administration of condoliase performed at the Spinal Injuries Center.
岸川準*,**, 幸博和**, 久保田健介*, 小早川和*,**, 飯田圭一郎**, 川口謙一**, 松本嘉寛**, 坂井宏旭*, 河野修*, 中島康晴**, 前田健*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 295-298, 2023.

Japanese Article Examination of the case that skin loss after the malignant soft part tumor excision was treated with full thickness skin graft and local negative pressure closed treatment
福島俊*, 松延知哉**, 前川啓**, 岩本幸英***
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 299-303, 2023.

Japanese Article One patient who received infection prophylaxis for the patellar compound fracture with the severe soft tissue injury around the knee joint using CLAP
正木久美*, 中村憲明*, 山本慎太郎*, 都甲渓*, 丸山夏希*, 武藤亮*, 大城朋之*
Orthopedics & Traumatology 72(2): 304-309, 2023.