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The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629)

Volume 10, Issue 2 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article "Commu-phobic" tendency and friendship among contemporary college students
Tsutomu Okada
The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) 10(2): 69-84, 2002.

Japanese Article Personality characteristics of only child adolescents and perceived parental rearing attitudes in China
Gui Fang Hou
The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) 10(2): 85-97, 2002.

Japanese Article Effects of Positive and negative affectivity on interpersonal interaction: Mediating roles of outcome and efficacy expectations
Manabu Mizuko, Masaharu Terasaki, Yoshihiro Kanemitsu
The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) 10(2): 98-107, 2002.

Japanese Article Resiliency and long-term effects of being bullied
The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) 10(2): 108-109, 2002.

Japanese Article Examination of the incentive process that assumed social responsibility target of the child and friend relations, 1 allied) - friend relation of the achievement of studies mediation
Motoyuki Nakatani
The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) 10(2): 110-111, 2002.

Japanese Article Using two-facedness 1) - structural equation model of the effect that perfectionism gives to dejection
Osamu Kobori, Yoshihiko Tanno
The Japanese Journal of Personality (1345-3629) 10(2): 112-113, 2002.