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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 28, Issue 6 / 1974
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article A traffic disaster and psychosomatic disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 407-418, 1974.

Japanese Article A vehicle and inner ear function
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 419-426, 1974.

Japanese Article 1. Toxicity Railway Laver-Science Laboratory labor pathological laboratory of the combustion occurrence of kinds fiber gas judging from acute death by poisoning
塚本博康, 酒井恒美, 大橋誠
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 427-427, 1974.

Japanese Article 2. Trend of duties injury disease of the vehicle factory work hook for 3 years
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 427-427, 1974.

Japanese Article 3. From the aspect of problems - balance test of the Shinkansen driver aptitude test -
鈴木政昭, 藤井正憲, 志多英佐
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 427-428, 1974.

Japanese Article 4. Of the middle and old age person see; about a function (forecast)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 428-428, 1974.

Japanese Article 5. Mainly on clinical survey examination results - biochemical test that saw from a central laboratory -
橋本和正, 寺戸政登
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 428-428, 1974.

Japanese Article 6. Results of the short-term clinical survey for staff of Japanese National Railways
大川日出夫, 原田歳久
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 428-429, 1974.

Japanese Article 7. A clinical survey test result (the seventh report) (test result of the young groups 40 years old or less)
高須靖夫1), 飯野四郎1), 小田嘉男2), 太田喜昭3), 宮嶋忠4), 野村欽一5)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 429-430, 1974.

Japanese Article 8. It is tried the many items synthesis medical examination at constant age (together with 5 years old)
佐久間光史1), 大武八郎1), 福田安平1), 近藤審1), 前田裕1), 細田裕1), 栗原忠雄1), 木内達弥1), 長島晟1), 実川浩1), 高島久1), 小高稔1), 草野史朗1), 橋本勉1), 佐藤洋2), 森岡幹2), 佐藤良文3), 津田守道4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 430-431, 1974.

Japanese Article 9. About diabetes examination -Reflectance Meter trial in the local testing ground -
菅原正夫1), 下出隆昭2), 染川幸次郎2), 佐久間昭直2), 谷山寛造2), 石井敬3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 431-431, 1974.

Japanese Article 10. Comparison - hearing ability screening results - operation time and five years in the special medical examination later
木内達弥1), 細田裕1), 高島久1), 大武八郎1), 佐藤良文2), 金光浩治2), 河野肆尚3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 431-432, 1974.

Japanese Article 11. Mental health management (the sixth report) of the traffic workplace employee -About psychiatric health guidance -
浜名康爾1), 胡田憲俊2), 光畑義昭3), 金刺清3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 432-432, 1974.

Japanese Article 12. About the 1973 gastric mass survey in the Hiroshima railroad hospital
池田義治1), 池田謙作1), 中間昌博1), 梶山一雪1), 平賀顕2), 伊藤登一2), 胡田憲俊3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 432-433, 1974.

Japanese Article 13. From the present situation of problems - in the Japanese National Railways job area digestive organ examination particularly the Sapporo railroad hospital -
佐久間昭直1), 染川幸次郎1), 下出隆昭1), 菅原正夫1), 谷山寛造1), 石井敬1), 数藤国光2), 本居勝治3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 433-434, 1974.

Japanese Article 14. The actual situation (the second report) of the secondary hypertension in young people
辻見啓治1), 中沢英輔1), 大生定1), 藤瀬幸保2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 434-434, 1974.

Japanese Article 15. About participation of the serum lipid for classification method of clinical examination - hyperlipidemia about hyperlipidemia and the arteriosclerotic disease -
半田晃久, 金児克己, 中村真太郎, 坂本敦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 434-435, 1974.

Japanese Article 16. Blood adipose long-term observation in the arteriosclerotic disease
服部雅康, 吉中光男, 横山永, 鈴木修
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 435-435, 1974.

Japanese Article 17. Discussion about the coronal plane QRS mean electrical axis
金児克己, 中村真太郎, 半田晃久
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 435-436, 1974.

Japanese Article 18. Analysis of the cardiovascular disease death
山本久生, 平野和久, 滝昊一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 436-436, 1974.

Japanese Article 19. About the significance of the examination of contractile function in the oral gallbladder contrast examination
池田謙作, 池田義治, 中間昌博
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 436-437, 1974.

Japanese Article 20. About the one side method of stomach, the ampulla of duodenum routine X-rays presence diagnosis (the first report)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 437-438, 1974.

Japanese Article 21. About the one side method of stomach, the ampulla of duodenum routine X-rays presence diagnosis (the second report)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 438-438, 1974.

Japanese Article 22. About the actual situation and the description method of the anterior wall of stomach lesion mainly on - particularly an anterior wall of stomach double contrast -
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 438-439, 1974.

Japanese Article 23. Examination - (mainly on biliary tract disease) of the nipple image in the hypotonic duodenography -
渡辺修, 石原清
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 439-439, 1974.

Japanese Article 24. About use experience of direct lateral vision conversion type fiberscope (FG-9R)
大見甫, 木本征司, 青池晟, 井上頴樹, 小川博正, 鈴木進吾, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 439-440, 1974.

Japanese Article 25. Follow-up of the anastomotic ulcer by PAN View Fiberscope
菊地好男, 高木正雄, 村上一雄, 森川綾子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 440-440, 1974.

Japanese Article 26. Examination (about the first report, lesion grasp by the endoscopy) for problems of the residual stomach
時川万寿男1), 片山亀夫2), 北原慶之助2), 河合嘉穂2), 石田静義2), 井上博3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 440-441, 1974.

Japanese Article 27. About the actual situation of the stomach group medical examination endoscopy in the Hiroshima railroad hospital test result - of the -5 year
伊藤登一1), 平賀顕1), 池田義治2), 池田謙作2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 441-441, 1974.

Japanese Article 28. CMI of patients with staff of follow-up (the second report) Japanese National Railways gastric ulcer of the gastric ulcer, examination about the Y-G test
太田喜昭1), 高須靖夫1), 小田嘉男1), 飯野四郎1), 野村欽一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 441-442, 1974.

Japanese Article 29. Examination of two disease of stomach that we experienced recently
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 442-442, 1974.

Japanese Article 30. One case of IIc on the greater curvature side
鈴木重夫, 北原修, 高橋克子, 菊地亮
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 442-442, 1974.

Japanese Article 31. About a case of the atypical mycobacterial disease
成子貞雄1), 沢田昊1), 中野善文1), 田辺精一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 442-443, 1974.

Japanese Article 32. Discussion of the pulmonary mycosis complicated with pulmonary tuberculosis
小松健司1), 神津鉄平2), 杉下孝久2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 443-444, 1974.

Japanese Article 33. About chrysotheraphy of the bronchial asthma
森田武子, 近内康夫, 松本正治
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 444-444, 1974.

Japanese Article 35. Bra after the pneumonectomy
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 445-445, 1974.

Japanese Article 36. Observation of change - Tokyo of the frequency of monkey carp dough JIS and the hilar lymphadenopathy example due to tuberculosis and neighboring district 30 years
小高稔1), 細田裕1), 栗原忠雄1), 実川浩1), 長島晟1), 前田裕1), 木内達弥1), 近藤審1), 佐久間光史1), 草野史郎1), 高島久1), 橋本勉1), 福田安平1), 大武八郎1), 長田浩2), 千葉保之2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 445-445, 1974.

Japanese Article 37. Relations with the clinical study (the thirteenth report) pathology histology and clinical examination of the monkey carp dough JIS
平賀洋明1), 菅優1), 布施裕輔2), 岩井邦夫3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 445-446, 1974.

Japanese Article 38. Permeation of the scar found in monkey carp dough JIS
久保縁1), 遠山与志雄2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 446-446, 1974.

Japanese Article 39. Histologic analysis - of 312 pathology - sarcoid lymph nodes of Sarcoidosis
布施裕輔1), 松山勉1), 平賀洋明2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 446-447, 1974.

Japanese Article 40. Examination of the primary lung cancer, curative operation case
長田浩, 大塚俊通, 室田欣宏
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 447-448, 1974.

Japanese Article 41. Metastases to lung of the gastric cancer
久住静代1), 小林昌樹1), 秋山清一郎1), 矢野昭雄2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 448-448, 1974.

Japanese Article 42. One autopsy case of the metastatic lung cancer (gastric cancer) which presented specific histology
松山勉1), 布施裕輔1), 平賀洋明2), 三浦進3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 448-449, 1974.

Japanese Article 43. Lung cancer and the cancer of the esophagus case which it is hard to differentiate
大塚俊通1), 長田浩1), 高橋正宜2), 佐々木憲一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 449-449, 1974.

Japanese Article 44. Clinical practice of the thyroid disease that we examined led by a staff of Japanese National Railways
楢崎正彦, 本内正雄, 岡野匡雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 449-450, 1974.

Japanese Article 45. The Basedow's disease that showed high heat
武内恵輔1), 志村義高1), 川崎森郎2), 花井尚志2), 中山一朗2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 450-450, 1974.

Japanese Article 46. Examination (the first report) about the course of the cirrhosis case and the convalescence
小田嘉男1), 高須靖夫2), 飯野四郎2), 太田喜昭3), 宮嶋忠4), 野村欽一5)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 450-451, 1974.

Japanese Article 47. One discussion about diabetes and the parasitic infection case
岡野匡雄, 本内正雄, 楢崎正彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 451-451, 1974.

Japanese Article 49. Clinical examination of the nephrotic syndrome
中村真太郎, 金児克己, 半田晃久, 坂本敦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 451-452, 1974.

Japanese Article 50. Three cases of Sjogren syndrome
坂上隆一1), 平井博子1), 岡和田紀昭2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 452-452, 1974.

Japanese Article 51. Three cases of the primary myelofibrosis
山岸厚子, 一瀬儀, 坂上隆一, 平井博子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 452-453, 1974.

Japanese Article 52. An example of nasopharynx origin lymphepithelioma (Lymphoepithelioma)
井上頴樹1), 神部誠一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 453-454, 1974.

Japanese Article 53. Experience of the amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in the central railroad hospital
竹谷虎雄, 本内正雄, 一瀬儀, 坂上隆一, 土肥一郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 454-454, 1974.

Japanese Article 54. Document retrieval by FACOM230-10
土肥一郎1), 本内正雄1), 竹谷虎雄1), 後藤晃2), 高田紀念2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 454-455, 1974.

Japanese Article 55. Catchment area of the Kanto District certain job area Hospital
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 455-455, 1974.

Japanese Article 56. About effect on myocardium of contrast media in the selective coronary arteriography
田口善作1), 渋谷雄也1), 数藤国光2), 木住野皓2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 455-456, 1974.

Japanese Article 57. About a person in charge of correlation of electrocardiogram selective coronary arteriography in the ischemic heart disease and myocardium scintigram views
渋谷雄也1), 田口善作1), 木住野晧2), 新健治3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 456-456, 1974.

Japanese Article 58. About prosthetic replacement for the valvular disease of the heart
古島芳男, 松沢秀郎, 室田欣宏
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 456-457, 1974.

Japanese Article 59. About anesthesia experience for the coronary angioplasty of the ischemic heart disease
岩井邦夫1), 渋谷雄也2), 田口善作2), 川村健3), 宮良善雄3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 457-457, 1974.

Japanese Article 60. Diagnosis of the abdominal pelvic mass by the Introduction sound wave dislocation method
塩田昭夫1), 木住野晧1), 斉藤昇1), 数藤国光1), 本谷宣彦1), 和田日出雄2), 後藤靖彦3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 457-457, 1974.

Japanese Article 61. Echography of the disease of breast
深松貞博, 江上哲弘, 栗原雄二郎, 坂田寛人, 白井純一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 457-458, 1974.

Japanese Article 62. Examination of 130 breast cancer
矢野寛敏, 星野智雄, 松森英明
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 458-458, 1974.

Japanese Article 63. Excision trial case of the hepatocellular carcinoma
白井純一, 深松貞博, 坂田寛人, 栗原雄二郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 458-459, 1974.

Japanese Article 64. Use experience of FT-207 for the malignant tumor
村上正固, 岩端大司, 林隆司
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 459-459, 1974.

Japanese Article 65. Than a change of postoperative blood in the stomach biliary tract surgery and the blood chemistry
松森英明, 室田欣宏, 山崎隆, 亀山容, 星野智雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 459-459, 1974.

Japanese Article 66. Clinical application of the transcenter intravenous hyperalimentation
佐野奠1), 菊池弘一1), 丹正義1), 西平哲郎1), 小野正昭2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 459-460, 1974.

Japanese Article 67. Two cases (Menetrier disease, gastric varices explosion) of the rare gastrectomy that we experienced recently
藤原徹1), 井上圭爾1), 伴龍三郎1), 荒木清重2), 佐竹成男3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 460-461, 1974.

Japanese Article 68. Histories of treatment of the anal stenosis by the Schley dengue skin graft
坂田寛人, 栗原雄二郎, 深松貞博, 白井純一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 461-461, 1974.

Japanese Article 69. Traumatic occiput trigeminal nerve syndrome
滝沢利明, 山崎隆, 松本正久, 三浦のり子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 461-462, 1974.

Japanese Article 70. 2 abdominal traumatic trials case by the duties disaster
泉外美, 田辺尚雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 462-462, 1974.

Japanese Article 71. Examination of the bloody therapy of the achilles tendon rupture
平松広夫, 力田忠義, 隈部一, 倉田利威
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 462-463, 1974.

Japanese Article 72. About a gastrocnemius muscle tear
樋口好文, 東谷光郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 463-463, 1974.

Japanese Article 73. Lumbar vertebrae disaggregation, problems of the backward fixation for the sliding symptom
金井市郎, 川村次郎, 十市欣一, 服部博幸, 柳橋亘
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 463-464, 1974.

Japanese Article 74. One case of the benign osteoblastoma
柳橋亘, 川村次郎, 十市欣一, 金井市郎, 服部博幸
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 464-464, 1974.

Japanese Article 75. Histories of treatment of the pelvic bone cytomegaly
力田忠義1), 隈部一1), 倉田利威1), 平松広夫1), 池田義治2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 464-464, 1974.

Japanese Article 76. About the treatment of the nasal bones fold
山田尚武, 小島和彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 464-465, 1974.

Japanese Article 77. Reflection of sole part corns calositas treatment
小島和彦, 山田尚武
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 465-465, 1974.

Japanese Article 78. The rebuilding of the acquired auricle loss
平賀義雄, 福田修, 添田周吾
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 465-465, 1974.

Japanese Article 79. Statistical observation of the scar by the traffic accident
小原一則, 福田修, 添田周吾, 新井克志, 中山凱男, 西山真一郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 465-466, 1974.

Japanese Article 80. One discussion - about the way of the sex education in sex education - home as part of the family health
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 466-466, 1974.

Japanese Article 81. IgM level of neonates and CRP
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 466-467, 1974.

Japanese Article 82. Diagnostic value for applied (the second report) threatened abortion of the two dimensional echography in the obstetrics and gynecology department domain
山本幸彦, 大橋浩文, 雨宮定夫, 佐藤肇, 長野正男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 467-467, 1974.

Japanese Article 83. GM1 gangliosidosis (diagnostic significance of the picture course in 1 girl case) without the hepatosplenomegaly
片山伸一, 荻原京子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 467-468, 1974.

Japanese Article 84. One case of childhood cholelithiasis
佐藤潤一, 菊田和子, 山田益子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 468-468, 1974.

Japanese Article 85. One case of the diabetes in children
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 468-468, 1974.

Japanese Article 86. Clinical experience of the MCLS (childhood acute febrile mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome) in the Sapporo railroad hospital pediatrics
新田敏雄, 鈴木脩二, 山本恵子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 468-469, 1974.

Japanese Article 87. Examination of Ganglioneuroblastoma, neuroblastoma in situ case and neuroblastoma group tumor
神部誠一1), 湊忠雄2), 三谷新一郎2), 登田耕市2), 南出進2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 469-469, 1974.

Japanese Article 89. Comparison of the hepatogram by the colloidal difference (198Au, 99mTc colloid) and the hepatic scintigram
浅原朗1), 上田英雄1), 堀江重遠1), 立花享2), 本間芳文2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 470-470, 1974.

Japanese Article 90. Association of pancreas scintigram and the pancreas angiogram
新健治1), 楠野雅実1), 伊原聖一1), 秋林典幸1), 木戸隆1), 木住野皓2), 塩田昭夫2), 本谷宣雄2), 数藤国光2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 470-471, 1974.

Japanese Article 91. Examination of the dislocation myocardium scintigram
木住野晧1), 塩田昭夫1), 本谷宣雄1), 数藤国光1), 渋谷雄也2), 新健治3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 471-471, 1974.

Japanese Article 92. 131I massive dose therapy for thyroid cancer and the metastatic focus
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 471-472, 1974.

Japanese Article 93. About the dizziness test result of the healthy subject
後藤健, 鈴木道子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 472-472, 1974.

Japanese Article 94. About an equilibrium dysfunction case without the dizziness
志多英佐, 藤井正憲, 鈴木政昭
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 472-472, 1974.

Japanese Article 96. Inner ear electrical phenomena particularly about mutual relations with Endocochlear Potential and Cochlear Microphonics
菅野亨, 今井準, 志多享
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 473-473, 1974.

Japanese Article 97. Association between phone hearing ability and pure tone audible threshold in so-called perceptive deafness ear
山村晃太郎1), 梅田千弘2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 473-473, 1974.

Japanese Article 98. About ultrastructure of the nasal cavity mucosal epithelium particularly cilia
大木稔文, 増田官太郎, 園浦利雄, 坂部長正, 平井靖人
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 473-474, 1974.

Japanese Article 99. About nervous dysosmia
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 474-474, 1974.

Japanese Article 100. One case of the Groenblad-strandberg syndrome
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 474-475, 1974.

Japanese Article 101. About eyes clinical picture of Sarcoidosis in the central railroad hospital
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 475-475, 1974.

Japanese Article 103. About sense of color the experimental development (1) of the (the fourth report) land
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 476-476, 1974.

Japanese Article 104. About examination of water results and the improvement measures of the workplace water supply institution (in the case of Hiroshima railroad school Nishitakaya branch office driving school)
河戸祥至, 副島重彦, 奥迫信治
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 476-476, 1974.

Japanese Article 105. About effect on drug metabolism of CO and P-450
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 476-477, 1974.

Japanese Article 106. About the findings such as side effects of medication (the first report)
堀田正二, 古田庄一, 立山貢, 大島秀之, 松本弘松, 白尾谷利彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 477-477, 1974.

Japanese Article 107. About onset of hyperlipidemia under the physical condition addition in the rabbit and effect of the lipid metabolism improvement agent administration (the first report)
目置敦1), 稲垣三郎1), 亀田達人1), 杉山勉1), 神田栄造1), 半田晃久2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 477-478, 1974.

Japanese Article 108. Crown width diameter of the person with malocclusion, study on dental arch
山本義茂1), 山口秀晴1), 青木淳1), 和光邦公2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 478-478, 1974.

Japanese Article 109. Discussion (the second report) about the molimen in the oral surgery practice
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 478-479, 1974.

Japanese Article 110. Case of leukoplakia given middle class dermatoplasty after excision
磯雅和1), 矢崎宣利1), 高橋庄二郎2), 斉藤力2), 枝重夫3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 479-479, 1974.

Japanese Article 111. About 2 surgery cases of the mandibular giantism
小杉二朗1), 和光邦公1), 黒沢正二1), 林一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 479-480, 1974.

Japanese Article 112. About dental treatment of the people experiencing disability (children)
伏見浩1), 佐藤憲太郎2), 一条貞雄3), 佐治玄4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 480-480, 1974.

Japanese Article 113. Examination of the dentistry general anesthesia
佐藤憲太郎1), 伏見浩2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 480-481, 1974.

Japanese Article 115. Tooth extraction surgery (movie) by the anesthesia by acupuncture in China
伏見浩, 和田克治, 佐々木憲郎, 武者美千代, 植草みち子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 481-481, 1974.

Japanese Article 116. Statistical observation of the third molar
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 481-482, 1974.

Japanese Article 117. Examination about the separation identification of the Haemophilus influenzae
西田二郎, 松永清輝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 482-482, 1974.

Japanese Article 118. Application of the supravital fluorescence stain of the urinary sediment
山口なみ, 伊藤機一, 高橋正宜, 浦部幹雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 482-483, 1974.

Japanese Article 119. Observation of myeloma cells by the fluorescein antibody technique
川口昭恵, 伊藤機一, 高橋正宜
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 483-483, 1974.

Japanese Article 120. Assume the NBT reduction study in various diseases the center; about the correlation of the sumi grain poverty food ability testing and lymph blast transformation rate
江藤正則, 伊藤機一, 高橋正宜
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 483-484, 1974.

Japanese Article 121. About clinical significance - of the serum MAO measurement particularly the usability for the liver disease diagnosis -
橋本和正, 寺戸政登
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 484-485, 1974.

Japanese Article 122. About the serum lipid compartmentation with the synchronized graph
植田寛1), 山田孝治1), 伊藤機一1), 手嶋豊彦2), 狩野元成2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 485-485, 1974.

Japanese Article 124. Examination about the recent autopsy case
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 28(6): 486-486, 1974.