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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 30, Issue 6 / 1976
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Approach to I body balance
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 393-402, 1976.

Japanese Article About the low back pain prevention in the II industry workplace
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 403-413, 1976.

Japanese Article Eyes lesion of the monkey carp dough JIS
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 414-420, 1976.

Japanese Article 1. About a lead sheath violence degree investigation in the lead handling work
室屋英幸, 塚本博康, 酒井恒美
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 421-421, 1976.

Japanese Article 2. Quantity - mercurial about a hospital, the mercury contamination in the medical office in the blood of quantity of inorganic mercury and the dentistry practitioner out of - air in particular
和光邦公*, 相良徹**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 421-422, 1976.

Japanese Article 3. Urinary chromic measurement by the atomic absorption
小幡輝隆*, 酒本良*, 古賀研一*, 岡田忠俊*, 及川恒武**, 片岡富夫**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 422-422, 1976.

Japanese Article 4. About environmental evaluation judging from a floating bacterial count
茂木俊次郎, 大橋誠, 近藤延弘, 細江正文, 梶原信彦, 佐藤清一, 神田栄茂, 天坂昌平
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 422-423, 1976.

Japanese Article 5. Problems of the pigment colorism of the gastroscopy
今井政治, 本谷宣彦, 斉藤昇, 塩田昭夫, 木住野皓, 数藤国光
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 423-423, 1976.

Japanese Article 6. The present situation of the endoscopic polypectomy in the senior Pope
木本征司, 青池晟, 大見甫, 井上頴樹, 小川博正, 鈴木進吾, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 423-423, 1976.

Japanese Article 7. Examination of the ampulla of duodenum lesion which we examined than an endoscope
時川万寿男*, 片山亀夫*, 諫山文彦**, 三浦省二***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 423-424, 1976.

Japanese Article 8. Examination (the first report) about the upper quadrant symptom case with the duodenal papillitis
小田嘉男*1, 和田正敏*1, 太田喜昭*2, 曽根敏明*2, 飯野四郎*3, 石部義孝*3, 宮本憲治*4, 宮嶋忠*5, 渡辺令*6
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 424-425, 1976.

Japanese Article 9. Experience of the direct cholangiography in the liver, the pancreatic disease
渡辺修, 菊地好男, 小橋一成, 高木正雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 425-425, 1976.

Japanese Article 10. Trial of pharmacoangiography for the chylopoietic disease
木住野皓, 今井政治, 塩田昭夫, 斉藤昇, 数藤国光
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 425-425, 1976.

Japanese Article 11. Non-surgical therapy for cancer of the esophagus
大塚俊通, 室田欣宏, 長田浩
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 425-426, 1976.

Japanese Article 12. Examination of the early gastric cancer case in the central railroad hospital
当銀正幸, 高木正雄, 森川綾子, 渡辺修, 菊地好男, 小橋一成
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 426-426, 1976.

Japanese Article 14. Examination 1 of the stomach duodenal ulcer surgery case in these 5 years. About surgery adaptation
泉外美, 田辺尚雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 427-427, 1976.

Japanese Article 15. Examination 2 of the stomach duodenal ulcer surgery case in these 5 years. After an operation about follow up study
泉外美, 田辺尚雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 427-428, 1976.

Japanese Article 16. Two cases of the double cancer
松山勉*1, 布施裕輔*1, 渋谷雄也*2, 佐久間昭直*3, 重岡宏一*4, 塩田昭夫*5
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 428-428, 1976.

Japanese Article 17. One case of appendicitis and the tumor of mesenterium which made it misdiagnose
黒坂真*, 鈴木則夫*, 倉繁徹昭**, 中野眼一**, 中村卓次**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 428-428, 1976.

Japanese Article 18. 1 case of ileal cancer and pathological examination
神部誠一*, 池内秀夫**, 井上頴樹**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 428-429, 1976.

Japanese Article 19. 2 cases of the familial colonic polyposis
大見甫*, 木本征司*, 青池晟*, 井上頴樹*, 小川博正*, 鈴木進吾*, 池内秀夫*, 玉利公正**, 田辺稔**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 429-429, 1976.

Japanese Article 20. 1 experience case of the ischemic enteritis complicated with rectal cancer
岩本俊之*, 橋本和正*, 野坂耕起**, 平野博司**, 市原昭夫**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 429-430, 1976.

Japanese Article 21. 1 surgery trial case of the examination / addition ulcerative colitis of five ulcerative colitis that we experienced recently
小橋一成*, 渡辺修*, 高木正雄*, 田辺尚雄**, 泉外美**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 430-430, 1976.

Japanese Article 22. One case of the example / addition ascending colon diverticulitis of the diverticula of colon illness
今川智香子*, 平賀顕*, 伊藤登一*, 田辺尚雄**, 泉外美**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 430-431, 1976.

Japanese Article 23. Examination of the ileus case in our hospital
後藤靖彦, 佐藤寿生, 重岡宏一, 三浦進
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 431-431, 1976.

Japanese Article 24. Colon, examination of rectal cancer
山村卓也, 安藤修, 松森英明, 亀山容, 萬田逸雄, 矢野寛敏, 星野智雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 431-431, 1976.

Japanese Article 25. Diagnosis, treatment of the Japanese National Railways liver disease study group, one-year observation results (present situation - second report of patients with liver disease in the Kanto District railroad hospital) of patients with liver disease by the degree of rest standard
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 431-432, 1976.

Japanese Article 26. The course of patients with HBs antigen continuation-positive liver disease
高木正雄, 森川綾子, 菊地好男, 渡辺修, 小橋一成, 当銀正幸
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 432-433, 1976.

Japanese Article 27. The actual situation (the second report) of the liver disease in the Hiroshima railroad hospital
小林昌樹*, 横山達司*, 長尾春江*, 川上正規*, 矢野昭雄**, 前藤千代子**, 岩本俊之***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 433-433, 1976.

Japanese Article 28. Experience of constitutional jaundice and the constitutional ICG excretion abnormality symptom
横山達司*, 小林昌樹*, 長尾春江*, 川上正規*, 岩本俊之**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 433-433, 1976.

Japanese Article 29. Study on hepatic blood flow change in the hepatocirrhosis
浅原朗*, 堀江重遠*, 立花享*, 本間芽文*, 上田英雄**, 高木正雄***, 森川綾子***, 菊地好男***, 渡辺修***, 小橋一成***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 433-434, 1976.

Japanese Article 30. About the statistics results by alcohol and liver disorder - particularly the interview list -
下出隆昭*1, 染川幸次郎*1, 佐久間昭直*1, 石井敬*2, 菅原正夫*3, 谷山寛造*4
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 434-434, 1976.

Japanese Article 31. About the correlation of the liver function test of the medium- and high-levels age person
橋本和正, 江藤徳文
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 435-435, 1976.

Japanese Article 32. About a liver disease and immunoglobulin - particularly chronic hepatitis, a hepatocirrhosis and immunoglobulin (IgG, IgA, IgM)
橋本和正, 江藤徳文
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 435-435, 1976.

Japanese Article 33. About the special stain in the liver aspiration biopsy tissue diagnosis and significance - particularly orcein stain -
岩本俊之*, 伊藤充*, 小林昌樹**, 横山達司**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 436-436, 1976.

Japanese Article 34. Clinical examination of the primary liver cancer and histologic discussion
青池晟, 木本征司, 大見甫, 井上頴樹, 小川博正, 鈴木進吾, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 436-437, 1976.

Japanese Article 36. Internal absorption of CO under the coexistence of the HCl
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 437-437, 1976.

Japanese Article 37. The effect that a routine magnetic field gives to growth in reproductive phase of the Mus musculus
中川正祥, 細谷実
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 437-438, 1976.

Japanese Article 38. Records consecutive for 24 hours of the heart rate at at the work with the cassette type super small size data recorder and life behavior
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 438-438, 1976.

Japanese Article 39. Report second about a blood circulation disorder case of the finger in the use of vibration tool workplace
高島久*, 細田裕*, 大武八郎*, 茂木俊次郎*, 佐藤和男**, 美濃部嶢***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 438-439, 1976.

Japanese Article 40. Problems (the first report) of the pycnic type judging from a health care side
芝野忍, 為重哲雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 439-439, 1976.

Japanese Article 41. About many items examination carried out in us
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 439-440, 1976.

Japanese Article 42. Electrocardiogram automatic solution fold in the group medical examination (the first report)
田中隆夫, 菅原香苗, 山田益子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 440-440, 1976.

Japanese Article 43. Mental health management (the eighth report) of the traffic workplace employee - About the healthy maintenance that included a staff family in -
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 440-441, 1976.

Japanese Article 44. About a brain cardiac event case of the staff of Hiroshima Railway Bureau (the second report)
河野肆尚, 田中豊広, 金子岩雄, 西忠之
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 441-441, 1976.

Japanese Article 45. Geriatric diseases measures second report (mainly on a liver disease) of the Okayama Railway Bureau intraluminal staff
栢菅昇*1, 青江肇*1, 狩谷哲*2, 山下治彦*2, 土屋大亡*3, 長谷川隆*4
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 441-442, 1976.

Japanese Article 46. Study on intermediate vision of the middle and old age person
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 442-442, 1976.

Japanese Article 47. Statistical observation of the serum uric acid level in the Japanese National Railways medium- and high-levels age person
草野史朗, 佐久間光史, 前田裕, 橋本勉, 実川浩, 長島晟, 山平正春
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 442-443, 1976.

Japanese Article 48. Akita District geriatric diseases prophylactic medical check-up (clinical survey) results (I)
高須靖夫*1, 安田倫子*2, 早川宏道*3, 渡辺弘美*4, 曽根孚之*4
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 443-443, 1976.

Japanese Article 49. About the course of the degree of corpulence in the clinical survey repetition testee
大川日出夫, 野口八郎, 原田歳久
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 443-444, 1976.

Japanese Article 50. About the foreign stomach examination in the Okayama railroad hospital
狩谷哲*, 山下治彦*, 栢菅昇**, 青江肇**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 444-444, 1976.

Japanese Article 51. About stomach examination investigation results
佐久間昭直, 染川幸次郎, 片岡富夫, 下出隆昭, 及川恒武
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 444-445, 1976.

Japanese Article 52. About the effect that disentangle it, and study - of Ethambutol Neuropathy by the fiber method particularly the liver damage gives -
宇佐美一彪, 柳沢佳代子, 原田三枝子, 早川欽哉, 高橋正宜
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 445-445, 1976.

Japanese Article 53. About serum lysozyme of bone marrow blood and the peripheral blood in various blood disorder
江藤正則*1, 浦野治男*1, 川口昭恵*1, 伊藤機一*1, 岡和田紀昭*2, 平井博子*3, 山岸厚子*4
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 445-446, 1976.

Japanese Article 54. Examination (2) of the α-Fetoprotein assay
川口昭恵, 伊藤機一, 高橋正宜
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 446-446, 1976.

Japanese Article 55. Blood plate IRI response in 50 g of GTT and change of lipid (NEFA)
松村健一*, 岩下哲郎**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 446-447, 1976.

Japanese Article 56. About results management of the urine qualitative testing using the commercial urine standard titrimetric substance
山口なみ, 伊藤機一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 447-447, 1976.

Japanese Article 57. Examination of the control serum for the commercial lipid
甲房枝, 植田寛, 柳谷真智子, 佐藤恭仁子, 加藤庸子, 寺戸政登, 伊藤機一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 447-448, 1976.

Japanese Article 58. Examination of the normal value by the Hoffmann method
丸尾博巳, 杉本保
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 448-448, 1976.

Japanese Article 59. Use experience of the whole body scintillation camera
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 448-449, 1976.

Japanese Article 60. About the findings such as side effects of medication (the third report)
鈴木計男*, 武藤寛司*, 白尾谷利彦**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 449-449, 1976.

Japanese Article 61. About residual quantity of the sulpyrine combined with various solutions
立山貢, 武藤寛司, 梶原謙介
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 449-450, 1976.

Japanese Article 62. 2, 3 examination about the measurement of lactate dehydrogenase in urine
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 450-450, 1976.

Japanese Article 63. Examination of spontaneous pneumothorax in Japanese National Railways
小松健司*1, 星野元昭*1, 副田俊三*2, 神津鉄平*3, 杉下孝久*3, 平賀洋明*4, 長谷部珪一*4, 菊地弘毅*4, 渋谷雄也*5, 森康*5, 近内康夫*6, 松本正治*6, 森田武子*6, 堀越裕一*6, 長田浩*7, 大塚俊通*7, 室田欣宏*7, 三谷新一郎*8, 湊忠雄*8, 南出進*8, 登田耕市*8, 玉利公正*9, 竹内覚*10
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 450-451, 1976.

Japanese Article 64. Three cases of the mediastinal emphysema relieved in short time
近内康夫*, 森田武子*, 堀越裕一*, 松本正治*, 古島芳男**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 451-451, 1976.

Japanese Article 66. Examination of Flew Volume Curve in the bronchial asthma
堀越裕一, 菱沼三平, 森田武子, 近内康夫, 松本正治
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 451-452, 1976.

Japanese Article 67. Clinical experience of psittacosis pneumonia
金沢裕*, 堀祐久**, 馬場幹郎**, 長谷川善雄**, 三国竜彦***, 田沢和内***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 452-452, 1976.

Japanese Article 68. Necrosis and C type nodule - of pathology - sarcoid nodule of the monkey carp dough JIS
布施裕輔, 松山勉, 平賀洋明
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 452-453, 1976.

Japanese Article 69. The clinical practice of the pulmonary origin carotenoid case and pathological examination
室田欣宏*, 大塚俊通*, 長田浩*, 早川欽哉**, 高橋正宜**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 453-453, 1976.

Japanese Article 70. One case of the lung cancer (squamous cell carcinoma) that presented specific picture
長谷部珪一*, 平賀洋明*, 成田昭彦*, 布施裕輔**, 松山勉**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 453-454, 1976.

Japanese Article 71. Treatment result of the unresectable lung cancer case
長田浩, 大塚俊通, 室田欣宏
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 454-454, 1976.

Japanese Article 72. The actual situation of the passenger emergency care in the Nagoya Railroad Hospital internal medicine
飯野四郎*, 石部義孝*, 小田嘉男**, 和田正敏**, 太田喜昭***, 曽根敏明***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 454-455, 1976.

Japanese Article 73. Clinical discussion of the cerebrovascular disorder
山田彰夫*, 三浦義明*, 藤巻茂夫**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 455-455, 1976.

Japanese Article 74. Discussion about the effect measurement of the antinarrow feeling agent
亀井文雄*, 岡崎晟*, 羽生郁久*, 大友悦夫*, 小野寺敏勝**, 藤本覚**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 455-456, 1976.

Japanese Article 75. Electrocardiographic findings of Sick Sinus Syndrome seven
土肥一郎, 田中隆二, 成松幾代, 当銀正幸, 本内正雄, 金児克巳
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 456-456, 1976.

Japanese Article 76. Two cases of the WPW syndrome that occurred frequently by a tachycardia attack
田中隆二*, 中村真太郎*, 坂本敦*, 半田晃久*, 成松幾世*, 金児克巳*, 土肥一郎**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 456-457, 1976.

Japanese Article 77. About UCG views in the WPW syndrome
成松幾世, 田中隆二, 中村真太郎, 坂本敦, 半田晃久, 金児克巳
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 457-457, 1976.

Japanese Article 78. Examination of the high blood pressure by the UCG method
片山亀夫*, 時川万寿男*, 三浦省二*, 井上博**, 河合嘉穂***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 457-458, 1976.

Japanese Article 80. About relations of the size of "Spatial R peak time" and the left ventricle cavity
石沢一甫, 横山永, 岡田守仁
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 459-459, 1976.

Japanese Article 81. The carotid artery occlusion in the neck and constriction
山崎隆, 滝沢利明, 三浦のり子, 松本正久
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 459-459, 1976.

Japanese Article 82. Surgical treatment of the constrictive pericarditis
春谷重孝, 古島芳男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 459-460, 1976.

Japanese Article 83. About pericardium cysts which we experienced recently, for each one case of the pericardial diverticulum
南出進*, 三谷新一郎*, 登田耕市*, 湊忠雄*, 玉利公正**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 460-460, 1976.

Japanese Article 84. Selective coronary movie contrast examination
渋谷雄也*, 森康*, 木住野晧**, 伊原聖一***, 楠野雅実***, 小野清***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 460-461, 1976.

Japanese Article 85. Surgery results of varicose veins of lower extremities
古島芳男, 春谷重孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 461-461, 1976.

Japanese Article 86. Experience of pituitary gland outskirts disease (1) various functional decline diseases
岡野匡雄, 菱沼三平, 本内正雄, 楢崎正彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 461-461, 1976.

Japanese Article 87. Effect of the diet to give to an examination for in the shape of a helmet line 131I ingestion rate
武内恵輔*, 志村義高*, 川崎森郎**, 花井尚志**, 中山一朗**, 木戸隆***, 新健治***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 462-462, 1976.

Japanese Article 90. Electron microscope image of pancreatic islet endocrine cells
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 463-463, 1976.

Japanese Article 91. Examination - of the clinical -7 case of the chronic myelogenous leukemia
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 463-464, 1976.

Japanese Article 92. For last years about three cases of acute myeloid leukemia who had the mycosis
山岸厚子*, 平井博子**, 伊藤機一***, 高橋博行***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 464-464, 1976.

Japanese Article 93. About OK-432 for the retroperitoneum malignant lymphoma (reticulosarcoma) which is huge and VEMP combination therapy
江上哲弘*, 白井純一*, 時川万寿男**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 464-465, 1976.

Japanese Article 94. Trial of the cryotherapy for the hemorrhoids disease
白井純一, 江上哲弘
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 465-465, 1976.

Japanese Article 95. Use experience of Teflon-mesh for the abdominal incisional hernia
金田悌二郎, 玉利公正, 中本毅, 松本甫, 登田耕市, 田辺稔
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 465-466, 1976.

Japanese Article 96. From 1959 about the experience of the pediatric case in the central railroad hospital surgery department for 1975
亀山容, 矢野寛敏, 万田逸雄, 松森英明, 安藤修, 山村卓也, 星野智雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 466-466, 1976.

Japanese Article 97. About the correlation with PAH concentrations range between the examination - movement venous blood of the simple effective renal plasma flow assay by PAH and the PSP, concentration test -
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 466-466, 1976.

Japanese Article 98. About a huge cystic kidney removal case under the haemodialysis
伴龍三郎*, 佐藤毅*, 佐竹成男**, 大西譲***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 466-467, 1976.

Japanese Article 99. Two or three discussion about the intravesical direct infusion of the anticancer medicine for the bladder tumor
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 467-467, 1976.

Japanese Article 100. Obesity and lumbar vertebrae X-ray image
東谷光郎, 樋口好文
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 467-468, 1976.

Japanese Article 101. 1 case of the omarthritis
数佐正邦, 平松広夫, 倉田利威, 隈部一, 力田忠義
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 468-468, 1976.

Japanese Article 102. Experience of the rehabilitation of the humeral head excision case
伊藤幸孝*, 石垣真**, 阿部靖***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 468-469, 1976.

Japanese Article 103. About the actual situation of the patients with gout practice in our hospital
隈部一, 力田忠義, 倉田利威, 平松広夫, 数佐正邦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 469-469, 1976.

Japanese Article 104. Than applied - basic experiment of Microvascular Surgery for the treatment of the skin exfoliation wound -
倉田利威, 力田忠義, 平松広夫, 数佐正邦, 平松伸夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 469-470, 1976.

Japanese Article 105. Significance of the rhytidectomy in the plastic surgery to the face
小島和彦, 柳橋亘
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 470-470, 1976.

Japanese Article 106. Cosmetic operation in the plastic operation around the eyelid
山田尚武, 柳橋亘, 小島和彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 470-471, 1976.

Japanese Article 107. Cosmetic operation in the plastic operation around the external nose
柳橋亘, 山田尚武, 小島和彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 471-471, 1976.

Japanese Article 108. Eyelid and the neighboring traumatic alien substances
平賀義雄, 坂東正士, 小原一則, 添田周吾, 福田修
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 471-471, 1976.

Japanese Article 110. One case of the reconstruction of shaping it for the face bone fracture by the traffic accident
小原一則*, 小島和彦*, 山田尚武*, 柳橋亘*, 宝住与一**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 472-472, 1976.

Japanese Article 111. High blood pressure and the obstetrics and gynecology department
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 472-473, 1976.

Japanese Article 112. Significance of the vaginal portion of cervix conization in the diagnosis of the early cervical cancer
佐藤肇, 長野正男, 雨宮定夫, 山本幸彦, 大橋浩文
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 473-473, 1976.

Japanese Article 113. About duration of labor
和田日出雄, 山口斌, 岡和田俊一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 473-474, 1976.

Japanese Article 114. The development of neonatal hyperbilirubinaemia prevention
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 474-474, 1976.

Japanese Article 115. Weight gain of infants judging from mother's milk excretory type
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 474-474, 1976.

Japanese Article 116. Two cases of the childhood Sydenham's chorea
新田敏雄, 鈴木脩二, 山本恵子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 474-475, 1976.

Japanese Article 117. One case of the children that orchitis and the pancreatitis were complicated for epidemic parotitis
菊田和子, 佐藤潤一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 475-475, 1976.

Japanese Article 118. 2 cases of the renal glycosuria
藤田悟, 坂野由美子, 高橋春美
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 475-475, 1976.

Japanese Article 119. CNV and latent time
一條貞雄*, 仁平義明**, 本田仁視***, 志賀令明***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 475-476, 1976.

Japanese Article 120. Two cases of the presenile dementia
竹谷虎雄, 土肥一郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 476-476, 1976.

Japanese Article 121. One estimate of the number of all psychiatry testees of the Japanese National Railways staff working around Tokyo
内藤俊之*, 藤谷豊*, 大武八郎*, 春原千秋**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 476-477, 1976.

Japanese Article 122. About the eye test results of the certain switchyard Station CD man
金光浩治*, 柏木昭二**, 谷山寛造***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 477-477, 1976.

Japanese Article 123. Traffic ophthalmologic examination of the patients with incipient cataract eyesight
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 477-478, 1976.

Japanese Article 124. About sense of color the experimental development (2) of the (the fourth report) land
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 478-478, 1976.

Japanese Article 125. About the treatment result of 12 patients with strabismic amblyopia in the central railroad hospital
梶尾高根*, 片倉美邑*, 榎本利枝*, 柏木昭二**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 478-478, 1976.

Japanese Article 126. About the eye disorders of the Ethambutol remedy patients
岡和田紀昭, 梶尾高根, 長南常男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 478-479, 1976.

Japanese Article 127. Fundi views of the urine sugar-positive person
水野秀雄*, 藤村澄江*, 菅原香苗**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 479-479, 1976.

Japanese Article 128. Bacterial search in the conjunctival sac in the stye
田中幹人*, 畔上勇**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 479-480, 1976.

Japanese Article 129. Examination 1 of the outpatient specialized in glaucoma. Results of five years eight months in the central railroad hospital ophthalmology
小野弘光*, 長南常男**, 岡和田紀昭**, 梶尾高根**, 牧野道子**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 480-480, 1976.

Japanese Article 130. Statistical observation about the eye disease in the Japanese National Railways Omiya factory
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 480-480, 1976.

Japanese Article 131. One discussion that we saw than a form of the ciliary movement
大木稔文, 増田官太郎, 園浦利雄, 坂部長正
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 480-480, 1976.

Japanese Article 132. The epistaxis observations of patient that needed inpatient care
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 480-481, 1976.

Japanese Article 133. About the significance of snail Scarpa fluid potassium ion concentrations as the spasmodic deafness origin
志多享*, 阿部登*, 鈴木政昭*, 町野満夫**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 481-481, 1976.

Japanese Article 134. About the audiometric test results of the maintenance of tracks work-related noise and the employee
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 481-482, 1976.

Japanese Article 135. Examination about the quantitative style of the hearing ability in the Japanese National Railways noise workplace
菅野亨, 今井準, 竹上琢磨, 志多享
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 482-482, 1976.

Japanese Article 136. Trial manufacture of the automatic speech audiometry system
坂部長正, 大木稔文, 増田官太郎, 園浦利雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 482-483, 1976.

Japanese Article 137. Phone test result of the moderate ear hard to hear
後藤健, 鈴木道子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 483-483, 1976.

Japanese Article 138. One examination about the factor of motion sickness
志多英佐, 鈴木政昭, 藤井正憲, 阿部登
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 483-484, 1976.

Japanese Article 139. Balance test results of the Shinkansen and the old line crew
鈴木政昭, 志多英佐, 藤井正憲, 阿部登
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 484-484, 1976.

Japanese Article 140. The effect that tooth extraction gives to driving. Relations with the second report dental anesthesia
奥田謙一, 白壁幸夫, 川畑謙二, 枝川望, 岡田孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 484-485, 1976.

Japanese Article 141. An example of the recently transcancer of lower jaw to be able to try
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 485-485, 1976.

Japanese Article 142. The actual situation of the central railroad hospital oral surgery inpatient during past eight years
磯雅和, 矢崎宣利, 橋本朝子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 485-486, 1976.

Japanese Article 143. Regional distribution and age constitution of the dentistry testee
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 486-486, 1976.

Japanese Article 144. About enamel dysplasia due to the infant illness
飯田良治, 横山武子, 矢野嘉彦, 伴長敬, 岡田孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 486-487, 1976.

Japanese Article 145. About the 4.4 withdrawal method
山口秀晴, 山本義茂
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 487-487, 1976.

Japanese Article 146. About the scabies that broke out in a mass in a staff of Japanese National Railways
松井恒雄, 伊藤一成, 永島敬士, 渡辺靖
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 487-487, 1976.

Japanese Article 147. Around Acrosclerosis of scleroderma and -2 sex hormone
高島巌*, 岸山和敬*, 木住野皓**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 487-488, 1976.

Japanese Article 148. Human peripheral blood lymphocyte feebleness of the PHA by the steroid hormone of study on inhibition mechanism - nucleoprotein of becoming it quantitatively and is a change of writing it
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 30(6): 488-488, 1976.