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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 33, Issue 1 / 1979
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Akira ASAHARA, Yoshifumi HONMA, Yuuichi OOASA, Susumu TACHIBANA
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 1-10, 1979.

Yoshimasa FUKUDA1), Kohzi HAMANA2), Toshiyuki IWAMOTO3), Ume SAKAOKA4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 11-15, 1979.

Shiro YUASA1), Noboru KAYASUGA1), Wataru OHTA2), Tetsu KARIYA2), Hikaru TAKETA3), Kazuo TOBE3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 16-21, 1979.

Ryoichi HASHIGUCHI1), Etsuo OTOMO1), Hitoshi KANDA1), Akira OKAZAKI1), Fumio KAMEI1), Satoru FUJIMOTO2), Toshikatsu ONODERA2), Makoto ISHIGAKI3), Yukitaka ITO3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 22-25, 1979.

Japanese Article The observation method of the Nuclear medicine of the portal vein short circuit in the practice (41) hepatocirrhosis with the radioisotope (RI)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 26-33, 1979.

Japanese Article Transportation problem simulation - Shinkansen transport model - by the system dynamics model
中村健二郎, 福田久治
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 34-34, 1979.

Japanese Article About some of the living body effect of the magnetic field that a magnetic field saw as eating behavior of the animal and effect - stressor to give urinary electrolyte output -
中川正祥, 細谷実, 塚本博康
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 34-34, 1979.

Japanese Article Linear combination and common factor analysis (1) of category data
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 34-34, 1979.

Japanese Article The workplace management target as the rule factor of the leadership behavior of the manager and the setting opportunity
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 34-35, 1979.

Japanese Article Non-linear structure of the Uchida Uchida-Kraepelin's test
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 35-35, 1979.

Japanese Article The effectiveness of the HR 100-120 method as the simple fitness test
遠藤敏夫, 飯山雄次
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 35-35, 1979.

Japanese Article Adaptation study in the clinical practice
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 35-35, 1979.

Japanese Article Study on systematization (1) of the duties information management - One trial - about the laboratory equipment management for the study
宇賀神博, 山口雅章, 武井敏一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 35-36, 1979.

Japanese Article The prospects of general regression models
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 36-36, 1979.

Japanese Article Study (4) of preventive measures against grade crossing accidents - Consciousness (1) of the driver for the railroad crossing -
池田敏久, 武井敏一, 大嶽ヒサ
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 36-36, 1979.

Japanese Article Safety assessment - of one discussion - driving preservation system for the incidence of human error
原口建之, 丸山康則, 大橋辰男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 36-37, 1979.

Japanese Article Use of the arrow for guiding it
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 37-37, 1979.

Japanese Article Substantial study on factor to have an influence on the unfair feeling in the salary
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 37-37, 1979.

Japanese Article Discussion of the social psychology about a group and the individual in the company tissue
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 37-37, 1979.

Japanese Article It is (1) about the change of the psychology function by the age change
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 37-37, 1979.

Japanese Article Experimental study about the brightness (brightness) of the indication light
柳川邦雄, 工藤盈, 山内一泰
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 37-37, 1979.

Japanese Article Surgical mission
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 38-42, 1979.

Japanese Article Ultraspeed and sense of color
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 43-46, 1979.

Japanese Article Clinical practice of the monkey carp dough JIS
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 47-48, 1979.

Japanese Article Clinical practice of the chronic pancreatic disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 49-51, 1979.

Japanese Article 1. Vibration disorder test result
村野昭治, 白土八郎, 石田夏雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 52-52, 1979.

Japanese Article 2. Epidemiological investigation of HBs-Ag in the medical institution staff and HBs-Ab
下出隆昭, 染川幸次郎, 片岡富夫, 佐久間昭直
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 52-52, 1979.

Japanese Article 3. Local injection therapy of patients with chronic pain in the surgical outpatient
白土八郎, 山内昌尚, 玉田睦生*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 52-53, 1979.

Japanese Article 4. Surgical treatment of internal hemorrhoids
三浦進, 重岡宏一, 後藤靖彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 53-53, 1979.

Japanese Article 5. One case of the diffuse peritonitis by stomach, the jejunum anastomotic ulcer perforation
後藤靖彦, 重岡宏一, 三浦進, 本谷宣彦*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 53-53, 1979.

Japanese Article 6. About the anesthesia of the cesarean operation comparison between - general anesthesia and epidural anaesthesia -
三浦正次, 浅利正明, 岩井邦夫, 小坂義弘*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 53-53, 1979.

Japanese Article 7. Two cases of the anencephalic monster
和田日出雄, 山口斌, 松山勉*, 矢吹泰行*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 53-54, 1979.

Japanese Article 8. About a preoperation diagnosis of ovarian cancer
山口斌1), 和田日出雄1), 木住野皓2), 新健治3), 伊原康之3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 54-54, 1979.

Japanese Article 9. Basic study of the large field type scintillation camera based on IEC advice
新健治, 小野清, 楠野雅実, 伊原聖一, 秋林典幸, 木戸隆, 木住野皓*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 54-55, 1979.

Japanese Article 10. About the evaluation of the case diagnosed by cerebral arteriogram in these 3 years
木住野皓, 本谷宣彦, 斉藤昇, 数藤国光
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 55-55, 1979.

Japanese Article 11. It is two patients of crown arteriovenous aneurysm without the cardiac murmur really
渋谷雄也1), 木住野晧2), 武内恵輔3), 伊原聖一4), 木戸隆4), 楠野雄実4), 秋林典幸4), 伊原康二4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 55-55, 1979.

Japanese Article 12. About oral cholecystography
武内恵輔1), 志村義高1), 河口義憲2), 川崎森郎2), 花井尚志2), 中山一朗2), 小野清3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 55-55, 1979.

Japanese Article 13. Change of the lung cancer in the respiratory internal medicine
菊地弘毅, 中橋勝, 平賀洋明
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 55-56, 1979.

Japanese Article 14. Frequency of the male type hair loss in the Japanese
高島巌, 伊集操
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 56-56, 1979.

Japanese Article 15. One case of Anterior ischemic optic neuropathy
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 56-56, 1979.

Japanese Article 1. Clinical practice of the thyroid disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 57-57, 1979.

Japanese Article 2. Exploring of the exercise of patients with ischemic heart disease maximum permissible level setting
久保田輝夫, 宮沢和久
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 57-57, 1979.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the SLE that assumed pericarditis cardinal symptom
飯野四郎1), 石部義孝1), 小田嘉男2), 森島正宏2), 太田喜昭3), 中江次郎3), 津荷龍生4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 57-57, 1979.

Japanese Article 4. About 1 trial case of the extensively severe burn
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 57-58, 1979.

Japanese Article 5. 3 cases of the ipsilateral femur fracture complicated with B-K amputation
樋口好文, 東谷光郎*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 58-58, 1979.

Japanese Article 6. Count of the corneal foreign body in the Nagoya Railroad Hospital for the past 3 years
矢地通子, 野崎尚志
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 58-58, 1979.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the monkey carp dough JIS
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 58-58, 1979.

Japanese Article 2. 2 cases of the Werner syndrome
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 58-59, 1979.

Japanese Article 3. About noise level of the Awa Folk Dance musical accompaniment with instruments
保枝長英, 清水正路, 須那滋
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 59-59, 1979.

Japanese Article 4. About the cardiac activity of haemodialysis patients
大西譲, 田中収
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 59-59, 1979.

Japanese Article Greetings of the fourth Japanese National Railways heart meeting for the study opening of a meeting
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 60-60, 1979.

Japanese Article (I) Clinical study by the myocardial imaging
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 60-62, 1979.

Japanese Article (II) Myocardial imaging by 201Tl
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 62-64, 1979.

Japanese Article (III) One viewpoint about the ischemic change
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 64-65, 1979.

Japanese Article Surgical treatment of the valvular disease of the heart
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 65-67, 1979.

Japanese Article About interventricular septum, an evaluation in the normal manhood of the posterior wall of left ventricle motion
大友悦夫*1, 亀井文雄*1, 山田彰夫*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 67-68, 1979.

Japanese Article The arrhythmic echocardiogram with the block.
坂本敦*1, 飯野四郎*2, 横山永*3, 大西譲*4, 平賀顕*5, 片山亀夫*6
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 68-78, 1979.

Japanese Article The fourth Japanese National Railways heart meeting for the study case conference (meeting not to understand)
飯野四郎1), 山口愛二2), 宮沢和久3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 78-79, 1979.

Japanese Article About immunotherapy for cancer - particularly Transfer Factor
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 80-80, 1979.

Japanese Article 1. In holding
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 80-80, 1979.

Japanese Article 2. A schedule and generalization
宍戸包房, 河又国士, 伊藤機一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 80-81, 1979.

Japanese Article 3. Training and lecture about the HB antigen detection
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 81-81, 1979.

Japanese Article 4. Training and lecture about the alpha-fetoprotein measurement
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 81-82, 1979.

Japanese Article 5. About hepatitis B
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 82-83, 1979.

Japanese Article 6. About alpha-fetoprotein
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 84-85, 1979.

Japanese Article 7. About director special lecture record - hepatic disease and the testing -
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 33(1): 85-87, 1979.