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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 35, Issue 2 / 1981
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Koshi SAKUMA, Tadashi TAKAHARA, Yutaka MAEDA, Shiro KUSANO, Hiroshi JITSUKAWA, Yutaka HOSODA, Moto MORIOKA, Arata UEDA, Yoshi ICHINOSE, Tatsuya KIUCHI, Minoru ODAKA, Tadao KURIHARA, Nobuteru SAITO, Hisashi TAKASHIMA, Hachiro OHTAKE1), Masatake TAKAKI, Masaji NANBU2), Kanzo TANIYAMA3), Kunio OKUDA4), Makoto MAYUMI, Fumio TSUDA5)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 95-109, 1981.

Yoko OHTAKA, Toshiharu SHIMURA, Noriaki ANDO, Michiyo MUSHA, Hisashi NAGAO
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 110-118, 1981.

Chieko YAMANE*, Takashi MURAYAMA*, Shoko HORI*, Sadao AMAMIYA**, Tetuo FUJIYA**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 119-124, 1981.

Japanese Article Cardiac blood pool scanning by the practice (54) In vivo99mTc mark red blood cell method by the radiation isotope (RI)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 125-135, 1981.

Japanese Article Family Study of HBs antigen Carrier
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 136-139, 1981.

Japanese Article UIMC information
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 140-143, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Blood lipid of the factory painting workplace organic solvent handling worker, the measurement of the liver function
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 144-144, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Surgical treatment of the childhood portal hypertension
大内博, 木村道夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 144-144, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. The pancreatitis case that we experienced recently
藤本隆逸, 菊地恵子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 145-145, 1981.

Japanese Article 4. One case (Hokmes type) of the hereditary spinocerebellar degeneration
本田弘子, 板垣洋一, 池田淳, 大友悦夫, 岡崎晟, 亀井文雄, 藤本覚
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 145-145, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. 1 epidemiology / 2
菅原香苗1), 新田貴一2), 宮沢潤吉2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 145-145, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Complications a. Ophthalmologic problem
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 145-146, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Complications b. Urologic problem
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 146-146, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Diagnosis and treatment c. About class for diabetics
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 147-147, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. About measurements of urinary N-benzoylglycine of the Tadotsu factory organic solvent handler and the methyl N-benzoylglycine
保枝長英, 須那滋, 北村尚男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 148-148, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. The fifth reports sense of color (2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 148-148, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Approach to a diagnosis of the childhood whit erythrocyturia
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 148-148, 1981.

Japanese Article 4. About mechanocardiogram evidence of idiopathic cardiomyopathy
谷口哲三, 林紀美子, 西本哲雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 148-149, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Relations (Dose-response relationship) with vibration exposure quantity and the symptom onset in the Titan soft-headed worker
山崎至男, 松井稔
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 149-149, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Frequency of the hyperuricaemia of the young group and the examination (the second report)
服部雅康*, 川田一郎**, 川本馨***, 木下俊昭***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 149-150, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. About importance of the epidemiologic study of the essential hypertension
石沢一甫*, 横山永*, 岡田守仁*, 深堀肇**, 楠正和**, 湊忠雄**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 150-150, 1981.

Japanese Article 5. Use experience of the intestinal tract automatic anastomosis device (American style)
河村允, 中江晟, 矢島宏泰, 金田悌二郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 150-150, 1981.

Japanese Article 6. About pneumonia interstitial diffuse
小林正夫*, 山口希**, 南出進***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 150-151, 1981.

Japanese Article 7. Use experience of PFD
服部雅康*, 岡崎悟*, 大見甫**, 木本邦彦**, 赤荻照幸**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 151-151, 1981.

Japanese Article 8. The examination of the renal haemorrhage case for the past 5 years. About usefulness of the angiography in particular
杉本俊明*, 早原信行*, 前田盛正**, 山口三男**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 151-151, 1981.

Japanese Article 9. About a human scabies case of the staff of Japanese National Railways
下峠雅史, 高宮正
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 151-152, 1981.

Japanese Article 10. About various mitochondria inclusion bodies
町野満夫, 山口希, 竹内覚
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 152-152, 1981.

Japanese Article Four-dimensional diagnosis of the heart vascular disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 152-154, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. About an aortitis syndrome
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 155-155, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. About a diagnosis of the ischemic heart disease by master load UCG
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 155-157, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Surgical treatment - of one - idiopathic cardiomyopathy of the idiopathic cardiomyopathy that presented a pulmonary artery stenosis image
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 157-158, 1981.

Japanese Article 4. About frequency of the high blood pressure in Osaka
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 158-159, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 1.
池田淳, 亀井文雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 159-160, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 2.
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 160-161, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 3.
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 161-161, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 4.
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 161-162, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 5.
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 162-162, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 6.
谷口哲三, 林紀美子, 西本哲雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 162-163, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 7.
今川智香子, 津丸恭子, 平賀顕
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 163-164, 1981.

Japanese Article Idiopathic cardiomyopathy 8.
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 164-165, 1981.

Japanese Article 2) About the 1978 Chuubu District Japanese National Railways staff, the trend of the liver diseases person of the family
小田嘉男1), 森島正宏1), 宮嶋忠1), 橋本宏2), 森重清紀3), 津田進三3), 久保田輝夫4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 165-165, 1981.

Japanese Article 3) Association with the liver disease of the staff of Japanese National Railways which we looked at epidemiologically and biochemical test results
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 165-166, 1981.

Japanese Article 6) Comparison between clinical diagnosis and biopsy diagnosis before biopsy of the liver disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 166-166, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. From Gianotti disease - hepatitis B virus infection pattern examination -
毛利久夫*, 浜本和子*, 藤井佳子*, 伊藤充**, 江藤徳文**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 167-167, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Use of infection prevention - HBIG experience case - between hepatitis B virus mother children
毛利久夫*, 浜本和子*, 藤井佳子*, 島田勝信**, 森田聡**, 伊藤充***, 江藤徳文***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 167-167, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. About HBs antigen, an antibody in the older staff out of Japanese National Railways, the five years later change of general liver function test results and short-term observation convalescence
佐久間光史1), 高原義1), 前田裕1), 実川浩1), 木内達弥1), 草野史朗1), 上田新1), 森岡幹1), 一瀬儀1), 真弓忠2), 津田文男2), 高木正雄3), 南部勝司3), 奥田邦雄4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 167-168, 1981.

Japanese Article 4. Examination about the course of patients with Chuubu District Japanese National Railways chronic liver disease of 3 years
小田嘉男*, 宮嶋忠*, 森重清紀**, 津田進三**, 久保田輝夫***
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 168-168, 1981.

Japanese Article 5. Examination (the second report) of the factors which give it to the course of patients with chronic liver disease - Course pursuit results - of 3 years
今井康允1), 上山洋1), 南部勝司1), 上田英雄1), 実川浩2), 佐久間光史2), 高原義2), 中村真太郎3), 石原博4), 池内秀夫5), 狩谷哲6), 柴田穣7), 浪久利彦8)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 168-169, 1981.

Japanese Article 6. About the experience of the tissue diagnosis of the Alcoholic liver disease
岩本俊之*, 横山達司**, 石田邦夫**, 八幡紀子**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 169-169, 1981.

Japanese Article 7. Clinical examination for the liver abscess 3 case that we experienced recently
吉田俊一, 木本邦彦, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 169-169, 1981.

Japanese Article Characteristic of the capillary wall of the liver
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 169-172, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Two cases of the acoustic trauma
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 173-174, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. A diagnosis and treatment of the diagnosis of the low back pain
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 174-174, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the malignant hyperpyrexia using Dantrolene
本郷晃, 片山知子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 174-174, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the malignant lymphoma which assumed duodenal stricture cardinal symptom, and had difficulty in preoperation diagnosis
八幡紀子1), 野村まり1), 石田邦夫1), 横山達司1), 平昭浩司2), 加藤良隆2), 福岡たか子3), 岩本俊之4), 末永健二5)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 174-175, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Recent topic of orthopedics, the plastic surgery
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 175-175, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Experience of the body CT scanning
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 175-175, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. For movie "aphasia" - patients and the family -
倉田利威, 安藤百枝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 176-176, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. 1 case thought to be late cortical cerebellar atrophy symptom late cortical cereballar atrophy
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 176-176, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. About residual stomach first early cancer
平昭浩司*, 加藤良隆*, 横山達司**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 176-176, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. An accident and relief
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 176-176, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Development of the automatic speech audiometry device
坂部長正*, 大木稔文*, 佐藤和男**, 山岸美寿恵**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 177-177, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. About tumor-specific (MLTC) in the primary lung cancer regional lymph node and nonspecific immunocompetence (Phacon A, PWA)
室田欣宏, 関根久幸, 大塚俊通, 長田浩
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 177-177, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. About the ultrastructure of the nasal mucosa epithelium of the chronic rhinitis
大木稔文*, 増田官太郎*, 園浦利雄*, 坂部長正*, 石本奈緒子**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 178-178, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Relations with adaptation of the DIC and contrasting ability and the liver function of limit - DIC
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 178-178, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Clinical practice of the spasmodic deafness for the past 10 years
坂部長正, 大木稔文, 増田官太郎, 園浦利雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 178-179, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Childhood tics, hyperventilation syndrome, effect of bronchodilator and β blocker in the malaise
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 179-179, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Cough and "Fast alumnus "
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 179-179, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. family study of HBs antigen carrier
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 179-180, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Study on hand rough weather - winter season three months use study - of the detergent for the kitchen
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 180-180, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Experience of brain CT two years in the neurology
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 180-180, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Comparison with HBs antigen, the antibody-positive rate other medical facilities practitioner of the central railroad hospital personnel
玄番昭夫, 片山勝利, 笹井利夫, 元吉正己
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 180-181, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. 1 trial case of esophageal varices due to the schistosomiasis due to schistosoma japonicum
桜井武男*, 上田千加子**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 181-181, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. It is thrombocytosis and thrombosis after splenectomy
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 182-182, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. About pericardium cysts
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 182-182, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Study on uterine cancer treatment individualization
長野正男*, 佐藤肇*, 雨宮定夫*, 山本幸彦*, 大橋浩文*, 早川欽哉**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 182-183, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the lung cancer hospitalized with a chief complaint of anti-paralysis
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 183-183, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Analysis of DNA in the small cell lung cancer
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 183-183, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. CT image of the childhood convulsive disorder
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 183-184, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Experience of the brain blood circulation long time block
松本正久, 三浦のり子, 滝沢利明, 山崎隆
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 184-184, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Automation system of the audiometric test
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 184-184, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. One case of the pancreatic cyst which showed diagnostically interesting views
小林誠一*, 南部勝司*, 横田和彦**, 福光正行**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 185-185, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. About carbon dioxide laser therapy for the phakomatosis
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 185-185, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. About the present situation of the organ transplantation
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 185-186, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. Attend at the third medical care information science international conference (MEDINFO-80)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 186-186, 1981.

Japanese Article 1. Effect by biological property and cyclic AMP of culture lung cancer cells
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 186-186, 1981.

Japanese Article 2. Renal-artery stenosis, one case of livedo racemosa who had the coronary artery stenosis
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 186-186, 1981.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the nonorganic deafness
宮下善和*, 坂部長正*, 山岸美寿恵**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 35(2): 187-187, 1981.