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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 40, Issue 1 / 1986
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Akira TERANO1), Yasumichi IMAI1), Seiichi KOBAYASHI1), Ryuichi SAKITA1), Hiroshi UEYAMA2), Hideyuki HIRAISHI2), Schinichi OTA2), Junnji SHIGA3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 1-5, 1986.

Takashi NAGASHIMA1), Yusei ITOH1), Eiko MANO1), Shotaro MAEDA2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 6-13, 1986.

Japanese Article Practice (83) cardiovascular nuclear medicine (7) with the radioisotope (RI) - Factor Analysis
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 14-23, 1986.

Japanese Article Laboratory study results of patients with clinical test value statistics (the first report) acute myocardial infarction
玄番昭夫1), 早川欽哉1), 前田昭太郎2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 24-29, 1986.

Japanese Article Including clinical test value after laboratory study results - laparotomy of patients with clinical test value statistics (the second report) Hepatobiliary diseases -
玄番昭夫1), 早川欽哉1), 山口恭仁子1), 前田昭太郎2), 福光正行3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 30-40, 1986.

Japanese Article Epidemiologic study - with pleural thickening views - indirect film seen in a person of asbestos exposure
長島晟, 斉藤宣照
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 41-44, 1986.

Japanese Article Epidemiology of cancer
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 45-53, 1986.

Japanese Article Progress of gastrointestinal carcinoma treatment
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 54-59, 1986.

Japanese Article 1. It is one patient of Cellophane maculopathy secondary to Sarcoidosis of initially occurring at 54 years old
矢地通子*1, 市村貴美子*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 60-60, 1986.

Japanese Article 2. 41 cases of the monkey carp dough JIS which we discovered newly in 1984
山本朝子, 菊地弘毅, 平賀洋明
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 60-60, 1986.

Japanese Article 3. 9 cases of the pulmonary tuberculosis that developed from the staff of Sapporo Railway Bureau newly in 1984
平賀洋明*1, 山本朝子*1, 菊地弘毅*1, 佐久間昭直*2, 大西正臣*2, 原渕泉*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 60-61, 1986.

Japanese Article 5. CT evidence of mediastinum tumor which we experienced in our hospital
菊地弘毅, 平賀洋明, 山本朝子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 61-61, 1986.

Japanese Article 6. One case of the pulmonary embolism relieved by surgery
藤本隆逸*1, 三浦正雄*1, 大内博*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 61-61, 1986.

Japanese Article 7. One case of the bronchoplasty enforcement lung cancer
福田千文*1, 室田欣宏*1, 大塚俊通*1, 早川欽哉*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 61-62, 1986.

Japanese Article 8. 1 case of the chronic bronchitis that caused exacerbation by beta lactamase-producing Haemophilus influenzae
三浦正雄, 藤本隆逸
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 62-62, 1986.

Japanese Article 9. 3 cases that presented the diffuse pulmonary shadow which we experienced recently
仲岡裕右, 堀千恵, 小松孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 62-62, 1986.

Japanese Article The present conditions and direction of the asbestos health care in the U.K.
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 62-63, 1986.

Japanese Article 1. About the microbial contamination of pharmaceutical products (the first report)
梶原謙介*1, 古田庄一*1, 立山貢*1, 武藤寛司*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 64-64, 1986.

Japanese Article 2. About a demand for linear chain reaction legal pharmaceutical products prediction
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 64-64, 1986.

Japanese Article 4. Use experience of the local styptic alginate sodium solution (Al Lloyd (R))
大坂道敏*1, 泉外美*1, 今井美知子*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 64-64, 1986.

Japanese Article 1. Bacterial fixed-quantity with the spectrophotometer
北代達彦, 古田庄一, 小野田俶
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 65-65, 1986.

Japanese Article 2. One case of mural Leiomyosarcoma of the stomach which it was hard to distinguish from a splenic tumor
広瀬慎一*1, 市井吉三郎*1, 大坂道敏*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 65-65, 1986.

Japanese Article 3. 1 case of the acute leukemia that formed a mass to lumbosacral area extradural space
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 65-66, 1986.

Japanese Article 4. Examination of the acute appendicitis case in our hospital
大坂道敏, 泉外美
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 66-66, 1986.

Japanese Article 5. Summary of the 1984 medical examination
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 66-67, 1986.

Japanese Article 1. About the drug design of pyridonecarboxylic acid-based antibiotics
相田孝, 加納稔
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 67-67, 1986.

Japanese Article 2. Generation of the nitrite ion of drinking water by the germicidal lamp irradiation
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 67-67, 1986.

Japanese Article 3. Examination about absorbency and the Breakthrough time of the canister for the organic gas
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 67-68, 1986.

Japanese Article 4. Prolactin and hemianopsia
野崎尚志*1, 鵜飼光雄*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 68-68, 1986.

Japanese Article 5. About a characteristic from head to foot hemodynamic after the operation of the cirrhosis merger case
原田明生*1, 鵜飼光雄*1, 野浪敏明*2, 高木弘*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 68-68, 1986.

Japanese Article 6. M protein blood symptom - M-proteins - benign monoclonal gammopathy - benign monoclonal gammopathy (B.M.G.)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 68-68, 1986.

Japanese Article 7. About the cryopreservation of the red blood cell
海川盛生, 杉本満敏, 壁屋良則
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 68-69, 1986.

Japanese Article 8. Trial manufacture of the arrhythmia generator for CCU education
飯野四郎, 舘敏雄, 太田喜昭, 杉原康弘, 森島正宏
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 69-69, 1986.

Japanese Article 9. Renovation knowledge in the chest radiographic appearance
小林敏雄*1, 大畑武夫*1, 花岡宏行*2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 40(1): 69-69, 1986.