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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 41, Issue 2 / 1987
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Gen SATO1), Ichiro DOHI2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 93-115, 1987.

Japanese Article STATISTICAL OBSERVATIONS OF TOTAL ASTIGMATISM Report 3: A Study on Motormen and Conductors
Junnosuke IWATA, Tuneo CHONAN
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 116-122, 1987.

The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 123-130, 1987.

Japanese Article Practice (90) bone, joint scintigraphy with the radioisotope (RI)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 131-143, 1987.

Japanese Article The prospects to the 21st century of the chylopoietic disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 144-144, 1987.

Japanese Article The present situation of the heart transplant in the world
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 145-145, 1987.

Japanese Article The present situation of the endoscopic treatment in the gastrointestinal disease
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 146-147, 1987.

Japanese Article Term of the progress chairmanship of the diagnostic technique in the symposium cardiovascular disease domain
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 148-148, 1987.

Japanese Article (1) Holter monitoring
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 148-148, 1987.

Japanese Article (2) Exercise testing
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 149-149, 1987.

Japanese Article (3) Supersonic wave
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 149-149, 1987.

Japanese Article (4) Angiocardiography
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 150-150, 1987.

Japanese Article (5) RI
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 150-150, 1987.

Japanese Article (6) MRI
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 151-151, 1987.

Japanese Article 1. Trial (the second report) of the esophageal varices sclerotherapy
吉中正人1), 本井重博1), 木本邦彦1), 池内秀夫1), 井上穎樹2), 大見甫3), 楊初美4), 斉藤明彦4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 152-152, 1987.

Japanese Article 2. One case of the Zieve syndrome
長嶋淳三, 広田紀子, 根岸広明, 羽田哲也, 伊藤泰昭, 小林誠一, 上山洋, 寺野彰
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 152-152, 1987.

Japanese Article 3. One case of the huge hemangioma of liver
松本直樹, 羽田哲也, 伊藤泰昭, 小林誠一, 寺野彰
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 152-153, 1987.

Japanese Article 4. About experience case - of the abdominal MRI in our hospital particularly liver cavernous hemangioma -
羽田哲也1), 根岸広明1), 松本直樹1), 伊藤泰昭1), 小林誠一1), 寺野彰1), 今井康充2), 板井悠二3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 153-153, 1987.

Japanese Article 5. Vitamin K1 in patients with liver disease, change of the blood prealbumin level after the bile acid combination
飯島敏彦, 南部勝司
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 153-154, 1987.

Japanese Article 6. As compared with an examination - natural seroconversion case of kinds seroconversion therapy for the HBs antigen-positive carrier -
広田紀子1), 羽田哲也1), 伊藤泰昭1), 小林誠一1), 土屋正彦1), 寺野彰1), 今井康允2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 154-154, 1987.

Japanese Article 7. Trial of the administration in fine particles active carbon adsorption mitomycin C (MMC-CH) body cavity for patients with terminal cancer
本井重博1), 吉中正人1), 木本邦彦1), 池内秀夫1), 井上穎樹2), 大見甫3), 楊初美4), 斉藤明彦4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 154-154, 1987.

Japanese Article 8. One case of giant duodenum polyps which we were able to resect endoscopically
楊初美1), 斎藤明彦1), 本井重博2), 吉中正人2), 大見甫2), 井上穎樹2), 木本邦彦2), 池内秀夫2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 154-155, 1987.

Japanese Article 9. One case of the Exulceratio Simplex (Dieulafoy) ulcer
羽田哲也, 長嶋淳三, 土屋貴聖, 伊藤泰昭, 小林誠一, 寺野彰
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 155-155, 1987.

Japanese Article 10. Significance of the early endoscope
斎藤明彦1), 楊初美1), 本井重博2), 吉中正人2), 大見甫2), 井上穎樹2), 木本邦彦2), 池内秀夫2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 155-156, 1987.

Japanese Article 11. Examination of the psychosomatic medicine about the stomach duodenal ulcer
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 156-156, 1987.

Japanese Article 12. Two cases of the Crohn's disease that responded to ED therapy
八幡紀子1), 横山達司1), 国田俊郎1), 野村まり1), 毛利久夫2), 吉光千記2), 矢野美津子2), 藤川光一3), 山根浩介3), 中西正3), 岩本俊之4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 156-156, 1987.

Japanese Article 13. 1 case of the primary jejunal cancer
野村まり1), 八幡紀子1), 國田俊郎1), 横山達司1), 三浦義夫2), 清光六郎2), 加藤良隆2), 岩本俊之3), 山根浩介4), 藤川光一4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 156-156, 1987.

Japanese Article 14. 1 autopsy case of the SLE that presented significant digestion malabsorption syndrome and osteoporosis
森田香代子1), 中山一朗1), 上村康二2), 川崎森郎2), 松山勉3), 斉藤昇4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 156-157, 1987.

Japanese Article 15. Echography (the first report) of the intestinal disease
大見甫1), 本井重博2), 吉中正人2), 木本邦彦2), 池内秀夫2), 井上穎樹3), 斉藤明彦4), 楊初美4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 157-157, 1987.

Japanese Article 16. About 2 surgery case of the chronic pancreatitis
櫻井幸一, 菅村充晃, 藤田光昭
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 157-157, 1987.

Japanese Article 17. One case of the transverse colon huge leiomyosarcoma
三浦義夫1), 加藤良隆1), 清光六郎1), 藤川光一2), 岩本俊之3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 157-157, 1987.

Japanese Article 18. It is diagnosed the recurrence after large intestine malignant disorder technique
河村允, 藤森千尋, 中江晟, 田中承男, 金田悌二郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 157-158, 1987.

Japanese Article 19. Metastases to brain of the gastric cancer which assumed abducent nerve paralysis presenting symptoms
滝澤利明1), 羽田哲也2), 寺野彰2), 早川欽哉3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 158-158, 1987.

Japanese Article 20. A peritoneal recurrence and the preventive measures against gastric cancer curative resection cases
田中承男, 河村允, 中江晟, 藤森千尋, 金田悌二郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 158-158, 1987.

Japanese Article 21. Examination of survivors long-term after biliary cancer technique
久保田和義, 福光正行, 上笹功, 田中潔, 田中弦, 丸岡義史, 田中礼子, 亀山容
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 158-159, 1987.

Japanese Article 23. One case of the diabetes insipidus due to the breast cancer metastasis
上沖修三1), 大内博2), 市来正隆1), 丹下勇3), 松井邦昭4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 159-159, 1987.

Japanese Article 24. Examination of patients with breast cancer in the Osaka railroad hospital surgery department
藤森千尋1), 田中承男1), 中江晟1), 河村允1), 金田悌二郎1), 関川進2), 松永茂雄2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 159-159, 1987.

Japanese Article 25. The face change that is in an injury form by the automobile accident
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 159-160, 1987.

Japanese Article 26. Cranial bone flap preservation and cranioplasty (magazine announcement) by the ethylene oxide
大井美行, 鈴木寿彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 160-160, 1987.

Japanese Article 27. About effect to give to Cancer bearing living body immunocompetence of the thymic hormone
尾崎祐吉, 堀井明範
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 160-160, 1987.

Japanese Article 28. Vulva injury by the motorcycle accident
山内昭正, 池上茂
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 161-162, 1987.

Japanese Article 29. Clinical examination of the elderly people open surgery in the urologic domain
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 161-161, 1987.

Japanese Article 30. Clinical results of percutaneous renal lithotripsy (PNL) by the supersonic wave
吉田正林, 川原元
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 161-161, 1987.

Japanese Article 31. About an effect to give to the living body of the outside the body shock wave and the Cancer bearing living body
堀井明範, 尾崎祐吉
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 161-162, 1987.

Japanese Article 32. 1 case of the malignant hyperpyrexia subtype
藤澤味代子1), 小島聖子1), 広川美代子1), 昇塚清臣1), 美濃部嶢1), 福成信博2), 上笹功3), 田中潔3), 福光正行3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 162-162, 1987.

Japanese Article 33. Anesthesia management in the YAG laser transpiration technique for the airway narrowing and examination of the monitor in the operation
美濃部嶢, 小島聖子, 広川美代子, 藤沢味代子, 昇塚清臣
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 162-163, 1987.

Japanese Article 34. Periphery motor nerves block in the Pain clinic domain
美濃部嶢, 小島聖子, 広川美代子, 藤沢味代子, 昇塚清臣
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 163-163, 1987.

Japanese Article 35. Invention of the needle of the brachial plexus block by the axillary approach
昇塚清臣, 小島聖子, 広川美代子, 藤沢味代子, 美濃部嶢
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 163-164, 1987.

Japanese Article 36. It is a trial case of minor causalgia after an injury
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 164-164, 1987.

Japanese Article 37. One case of the hypertensive cardiomegaly that showed interesting histology
前田孝雄1), 小島弘久1), 加藤俊夫1), 関川進2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 164-164, 1987.

Japanese Article 38. 1 autopsy case of the systemic amyloidosis which presented with nephrotic syndrome, and died
加藤俊夫1), 小島弘久1), 前田孝雄1), 関川進2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 164-165, 1987.

Japanese Article 39. Histopathological examination of the idiopathic cardiomyopathy
関川進1), 松永茂雄1), 伊丹宏之1), 津脇勝典1), 小島弘久2), 前田孝雄2), 加藤俊夫2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 165-165, 1987.

Japanese Article 40. Significance of the exercise testing in the crown spastic angina
小島弘久, 前田孝雄, 加藤俊夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 165-165, 1987.

Japanese Article 41. One case of the left atrial myxoma that a diagnosis was obtained by MRI, and PVC disappeared after an operation
田宮栄治1), 山門悦子1), 坂本敦1), 福田千文2), 室田欣宏2), 大塚俊通2), 浅野献一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 165-165, 1987.

Japanese Article 42. Examination (the fourth report) by the Doppler method of the chronic atrial fibrillation
前田孝雄, 小島弘久, 加藤俊夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 165-166, 1987.

Japanese Article 43. Study on examination of LV masked Factor Analysis and diagnosis of the myocardial ischemia lesion range
浅原朗, 森豊, 渡辺靖, 佐々木功
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 166-166, 1987.

Japanese Article 44. Clinical examination about the case given lasting artificial cardiac pacemaker setting technique
小島弘久1), 前田孝雄1), 加藤俊夫1), 三谷新一郎2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 166-167, 1987.

Japanese Article 45. One case of the glomerulonephritis membranoproliferative that was thought to respond to gamma-globulin therapy in large quantities
加藤俊夫1), 小島弘久1), 前田孝雄1), 関川進2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 167-167, 1987.

Japanese Article 46. Than a nonpharmacological therapy for mild high blood pressure and the viewpoint of type A action pattern - "behavioral science of the obesity" -
高口眞一郎, 近藤千代, 佐々木叡子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 167-167, 1987.

Japanese Article 47. About a change of the health condition of the staff of Japanese National Railways
岡田守仁, 川本馨
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 167-168, 1987.

Japanese Article 48. Early diagnosis (the first report) of diabetic nephropathy - Comparison - of urine Microalbumin, NAG
畑雅之, 北川良裕
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 168-168, 1987.

Japanese Article 49. Significance of diagnosis of diabetes and the Fructosamine measurement as the index of the treatment
石井周一1), 竹谷虎雄1), 上山洋2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 168-168, 1987.

Japanese Article 50. Significance of the hormonal peptide in the functional regulation of the islet cell
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 168-169, 1987.

Japanese Article 51. About significance of the islet cell surface antibody (the first report)
北川良裕, 畑雅之, 木俣智
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 169-169, 1987.

Japanese Article 52. Associated factor of Macroangiopathy in diabetes
堀米賢, 蝦名弘子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 169-169, 1987.

Japanese Article 53. Than obesity, liver function, the action pattern others of nonpharmacological therapy for Type II diabetes mellitus and prophylactic - "diabetes (DM) + IGT" 30 -
高口真一郎, 近藤千代, 高木稔, 城明美
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 169-170, 1987.

Japanese Article 54. One case of the diabetes insipidus that presented with extremely extensive hydronephrosis, hydroureter because we left treatment for 25 years
武山博之1), 長嶋淳三1), 石井周一1), 鴨下博1), 竹谷虎雄1), 上山洋2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 170-170, 1987.

Japanese Article 55. One case of significant hydronephrosis, ureteric dilatation and hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus that presented megacystis
松井邦昭1), 黒沢昌也2), 大内博3), 今井克忠4), 木村時久5)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 170-171, 1987.

Japanese Article 56. Application to a testing pathognomy (1) serum protein fraction by the triangular drawing
猪瀬光宏, 野末三沙子, 玄番昭夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 171-171, 1987.

Japanese Article 57. One case of the bronchioalveolar carcinoma which presented hypoxemia
仲岡裕右1), 小松孝1), 関川進2), 松永茂雄2), 津脇勝典2), 堀千恵3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 171-172, 1987.

Japanese Article 58. Mainly on -58 examination of the primary lung cancer in our hospital -
天野裕子1), 近内康夫1), 白石透1), 福田千文2), 室田欣宏2), 大塚俊通2), 早川欽哉3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 172-172, 1987.

Japanese Article 59. One case of the lung cancer complicated with sarcoidosis
平賀洋明1), 菊地弘毅1), 山本朝子1), 小野弘光2), 松山勉3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 172-172, 1987.

Japanese Article 60. One case of the rheumatoid arthritis that complicated a brain abscess and exudative pleurisy
佐藤敏枝, 沢井洋征
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 172-173, 1987.

Japanese Article 61. Clinical examination of the diffuse lung disease that received our hospital
小松孝1), 仲岡裕右1), 堀千恵2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 173-173, 1987.

Japanese Article 63. About endoscopic Nd-YAG laser surgery for the trachea, the bronchus
室田欣宏1), 福田千文1), 大塚俊道1), 浅野献一1), 天野裕子2), 白石透2), 早川欽哉3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 173-174, 1987.

Japanese Article 64. About three cases of the pulmonary embolism
大内博, 上沖修三, 市来正隆
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 174-174, 1987.

Japanese Article 65. Clinical examination of the malignant thymoma
大塚俊通1), 福田千文1), 室田欣宏1), 浅野献一1), 早川欽哉2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 174-174, 1987.

Japanese Article 66. Cardiovascular surgery experience in this year
福田千文1), 室田欣宏1), 大塚俊通1), 浅野献一1), 田宮栄治2), 田中潔3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 174-175, 1987.

Japanese Article 67. The basics of digital image processing for the medicine
古瀬司1), 平賀洋明2), 菊地弘毅2), 山本朝子2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 175-175, 1987.

Japanese Article 68. Response - of comparison between Iopamidol and Diatrizoate - CT subjects
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 175-176, 1987.

Japanese Article 69. Histories of treatment of the epicondylus medialis humeri bone fracture due to the sports injury
市川誠, 力田忠義, 倉田利威, 山中威彦, 立川昌宏
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 176-176, 1987.

Japanese Article 70. The use of the bone cement for the thighbone neck outside bone fracture
立川昌宏, 力田忠義, 倉田利威, 山中威彦, 市川誠
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 176-176, 1987.

Japanese Article 71. Surgery results on the acetabular roof side for the coxarthrosis
深沢雅則, 引野講二
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 176-176, 1987.

Japanese Article 72. We look at arthroscope in our hospital and the mirror and are experienced the lower surgery
永田善郎, 松本悟, 卞盛勝, 宮永豊
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 176-176, 1987.

Japanese Article 73. Look at the mirror after the childhood knee disk-formed menisci subtotal excision; views
引野講二, 深沢雅則
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 176-176, 1987.

Japanese Article 74. One patient who presented with the locking-like symptom of the knee by a ceramic pin after an operation
引野講二, 深沢雅則
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 177-177, 1987.

Japanese Article 75. Examination (the first report) of the rehabilitation effect of treatment in our hospital - Training contents for the past 7 years, reflection - of the training method
山崎裕功, 十市欣一, 山北雅一, 本巣晶弘, 高田治実, 中村岳雪, 木ノ瀬隆, 細本雅代, 小川節子, 西井健一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 177-177, 1987.

Japanese Article 76. One case of the moyamoya disease
長嶋淳三1), 武山博之1), 鴨下博1), 竹谷虎雄1), 滝澤利明2), 森豊3), 浅原朗3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 177-178, 1987.

Japanese Article 77. One case of the locked-in syndrome which finished the generalised tonic-clonic seizure as the beginning after having presented with Foville-Millard-Gubler syndrome temporarily
長嶋淳三, 松本直樹, 広田紀子, 武山博之, 鴨下博, 竹谷虎雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 178-178, 1987.

Japanese Article 78. Gel strike man symptomes complices and corpus callosum
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 178-178, 1987.

Japanese Article 79. Rehabilitation (the fifth report) of the mental disorder staff - Examination - of the group behavior using the pedometer
鈴木ふみ代1), 坂田紀代子1), 浜名康爾2), 村田思良2), 鎌田穣2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 178-179, 1987.

Japanese Article 80. Clinical study -2 of the psychological testing for the depression. Classification - in the drawing test
三沢直子1), 村主雅子1), 内藤俊之1), 市川珠理2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 179-179, 1987.

Japanese Article 81. Problems of the use of drug multiple drug for the atypical psychosis case
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 179-180, 1987.

Japanese Article 82. Neurology domain disease and stress
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 180-180, 1987.

Japanese Article 83. In staff of statistical observation - Hiroshima station of the depression standard -
瀬川芳久, 淀川良夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 180-180, 1987.

Japanese Article 84. Examination - from one - medicine aptitude side of the bus driver with narcolepsy
桜井豊1), 内藤俊之1), 藤谷豊2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 180-180, 1987.

Japanese Article 85. Through an example of trial - paranoid type schizophrenia of the cooperation activity in the mental health management -
内藤俊之, 桜井豊
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 180-181, 1987.

Japanese Article 86. About mental health management of the staff from practice of the -4 year -
藤井保男, 村田思良, 川本馨
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 181-181, 1987.

Japanese Article 87. Psychologic factors of the drive dozing and external conditions
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 181-181, 1987.

Japanese Article 88. The effect that impacted ear wax wearing under the noise gives to hearing of the sound information
倉又哲夫, 柏村進一郎, 塚本博康, 中川正祥
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 181-182, 1987.

Japanese Article 89. Physiologic response at use of holdings power tool
柏村進一郎, 倉又哲夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 182-182, 1987.

Japanese Article 90. About the investigation of the atmospheric pressure change at train passage in the Shinkansen tall and stout tunnel
田中清嗣, 神山成久, 小林一朗
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 182-183, 1987.

Japanese Article 91. Trial of the air-conditioning system check with carbon dioxide concentration as an index in the car
塚本博康, 柏村進一郎, 倉又哲夫, 中川正祥
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 183-183, 1987.

Japanese Article 92. About dust at work with the rail cut original car and the measures to pitch a camp-proof
寺井文廣, 片山政昭, 上杉晃, 中島博文
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 183-184, 1987.

Japanese Article 93. About precision of the mass concentrations Conversion factor (K-value) (the second report) - About K-value at low volume and use of high volume air sampler -
三浦秀行, 梅津昭雄, 後藤尚和
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 184-184, 1987.

Japanese Article 94. About a report making program of the work environment
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 184-184, 1987.

Japanese Article 95. 1 discussion for the adhesion bacteria of the prescription
村中宏一1), 広田恭三1), 吉尾誠一1), 関川進2), 藪田昭行2), 林光江2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 184-184, 1987.

Japanese Article 96. Experimental study about the tissue transitivity of the antibiotic of TC origin
宮本茂昭, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 184-185, 1987.

Japanese Article 97. Experimental study about biologically active peptide and the DNS method
松田寿男, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 185-185, 1987.

Japanese Article 98. About income and expenditure management judging from medicine management data in the drug department (report 1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 185-185, 1987.

Japanese Article 99. Development of the ward order ring system
坂部長正1), 石井周一1), 松平文朗1), 中崎啓子1), 添田孝1), 井崎美也子2), 竹本敬子2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 185-186, 1987.

Japanese Article 100. Application of the chip card in the hospital
中崎啓子1), 坂部長正1), 石井周一1), 松平文朗1), 添田孝1), 井崎美也子2), 竹本敬子2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 186-186, 1987.

Japanese Article 101. The L/S ratio measurement out of the amniotic fluid using the high performance liquid chromatography and the clinical significance
榊原繁樹1), 三宅秀夫1), 千葉喜英2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 186-186, 1987.

Japanese Article 102. Examination of the Chlamydia trachomatis infection in the obstetrics and gynecology department domain
伊豆田誠人1), 古山佳文1), 佐藤肇1), 佐久間雅子2), 結束幸雄2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 186-186, 1987.

Japanese Article 103. About the congenital anomalies that was able to diagnose by two dimensional echography for a fetal period (the second report)
山口斌1), 深澤けい子1), 和田日出雄1), 松山勉2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 186-187, 1987.

Japanese Article 105. One case of seriously ill IRDS which shifted to BPD (chronic bronchopulmonary dysplasia)
山根知英子, 堀祥子, 村山隆志
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 187-187, 1987.

Japanese Article 106. 3 cases of the purulent inflammation of the meninges
吉光千記, 毛利久夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 187-188, 1987.

Japanese Article 107. About the relations with 1 children splenectomy case - platelet arrociated immunoglobulin and platelet of the idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura -
山本恵子1), 牧瀬好雄1), 畑江泰子1), 三浦進2), 宇野賢2), 川端誠2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 188-188, 1987.

Japanese Article 108. About neonates disease admitted to the central railroad hospital pediatrics in the past 7 years
堀祥子, 山根知英子, 村山隆志
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 188-188, 1987.

Japanese Article 109. About the actual situation of the febrile convulsion case in our hospital pediatrics
村山隆志, 山根知英子, 堀祥子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 188-189, 1987.

Japanese Article 110. Two cases of Pseudocyst of the auricle
土井尚, 水野正晴
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 189-189, 1987.

Japanese Article 111. 1 surgery case of the buttocks chronic pyoderma
水野正晴, 土井尚
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 189-189, 1987.

Japanese Article 112. Chickenpox and rubella of the adults in the central railroad hospital
永島敬士1), 瀬在由美子1), 野末未沙子2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 189-190, 1987.

Japanese Article 113. Cutaneous symptom of the sarcoidosis
高島巌, 小林衣子, 国分純
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 190-190, 1987.

Japanese Article 114. About inpatient care of the medullary retinopathy (macula part disease)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 190-190, 1987.

Japanese Article 115. One case of the traumatic essential ophthalmomalacia that we were able to observe for a long term
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 190-191, 1987.

Japanese Article 116. Trial manufacture of the applanation tonometer using the pressure sensor
藤田邦彦1), 坪田一男2), 野村昌弘3), 小松謙治4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 191-191, 1987.

Japanese Article 117. 1 case of the fissural cyst
阿部和也1), 小林武夫1), 松平文朗2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 191-191, 1987.

Japanese Article 118. Facial nerve clinical problems
小林武夫, 阿部和也
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 191-192, 1987.

Japanese Article 119. Hearing loss of elderly people
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 192-192, 1987.

Japanese Article 120. Basic study - electrophysiological examination - of the noise-induced deafness
妙中啓子, 大橋一博, 今井準, 菅野亨
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 192-192, 1987.

Japanese Article 121. Basic study - electron microscopic study - of the noise-induced deafness
大橋一博, 妙中啓子, 菅野亨, 今井準
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 192-193, 1987.

Japanese Article 122. Clinical examination for the inpatient in Hiroshima railroad hospital oral surgery
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 193-193, 1987.

Japanese Article 123. Clinical statistical observation of the inpatient in Sendai railroad hospital oral surgery in these 5 years
大村武平, 大高要子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 193-193, 1987.

Japanese Article 125. Clinical application of artificial bone filling materials hydroxyapatite ceramics
神林由美子, 勝木百恵, 松平文朗, 小杉二朗
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 193-194, 1987.

Japanese Article 126. A recent tendency of the extensive jaw inflammation and the clinical discussion
高田嘉津子, 犬飼尚樹, 岡田孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 194-194, 1987.

Japanese Article 127. Mainly on abdominal supersonic wave examination - gallstones in the clinical survey and gallbladder polyps - (magazine announcement)
宮永實1), 平川茂1), 松田孝1), 黒川三郎1), 山口弓子1), 松永栄1), 山本泰司1), 東あかね2), 渡辺能行2), 林恭平2), 青池晟2), 川井啓市2), 木本邦彦3), 池内秀夫3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 41(2): 194-194, 1987.