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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 43, Issue 2 / 1989
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Toshie SATO1), Hideto MIYAGAWA1), Kiyoshi KAWASE1), Satoshi MORITA1), Tadayoshi RIKITA1), Toshiyuki IWAMOTO2), Etsuko FUJISHIRO2), Norifumi ETO2), Yukio NISHIMOTO3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 47-51, 1989.

Makoto ICHIKAWA, Tadayoshi RIKITA, Toshitake KURATA, Nobuo HIRAMATSU, Masahiro TATSUGAWA, Norimasa KAJITANI
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 52-55, 1989.

Japanese Article Practice (100) in vitro 3 with the radioisotope (RI)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 56-61, 1989.

Japanese Article Study on clinical application of CT Functional Imaging
市木敏夫1), 藤川光一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 64-64, 1989.

Japanese Article 1. From the situation of the labor science
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 65-65, 1989.

Japanese Article 2. From the situation of the industrial mental health
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 65-65, 1989.

Japanese Article 3. From the situation of the company
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 66-66, 1989.

Japanese Article The present conditions and the future of I atom bomb radiation injuries
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 68-68, 1989.

Japanese Article We think about a problem of the II geriatric medicine
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 69-69, 1989.

Japanese Article From recent progress - orthopedic viewpoint of III traffic injury treatment -
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 70-70, 1989.

Japanese Article The change of the IV valvular disease surgical treatment
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 71-71, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of PSS who had 1 pleurisy
山本秀也1), 川瀬清1), 高見俊輔1), 木ノ原伸久1), 西本幸男2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 72-72, 1989.

Japanese Article Clinical evaluations of the antiallergic agent chronic administration for patients with 2 bronchial asthma
高見俊輔1), 山本秀也1), 木ノ原伸久1), 西本幸男2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 72-72, 1989.

Japanese Article About an examination respiratory failure case of 3 miliary tuberculosis
小松孝, 仲岡裕右
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 73-73, 1989.

Japanese Article Three cases of the mycoplasmal pneumonia that presented 4 acute respiratory failure
武信秀史, 大宮一人, 深川正明, 天野裕子, 白石透
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 73-73, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the oxygen inhalation effect to give to a right heart function at the exercise load in patients with 5 chronic lung disease
仲岡裕右, 小松孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 74-74, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the gold pneumonitis with 6 Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia (BOOP)
天野裕子, 深川正明, 湯口恭利, 白石透
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 74-74, 1989.

Japanese Article Treatment follow up study of 7 thymomas
大塚俊通, 福田千文, 室田欣宏, 早川欽哉*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 75-75, 1989.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of 70 spontaneous pneumothorax in 8 Hiroshima railroad hospitals for the past 10 years
山本秀也1), 高見俊輔1), 木ノ原伸久1), 加藤良隆2), 清光六郎2), 岡本太郎2), 小出圭2), 西本幸男3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 75-75, 1989.

Japanese Article Pathological examination of 9 lung cancer autopsies case
関川進, 松永茂雄, 伊丹宏之, 津脇勝典, 仲岡裕右*, 小松孝*, 三谷新一郎**
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 76-76, 1989.

Japanese Article Epidemiological examination of 686 10 sarcoidosis
平賀洋明, 大道光秀, 平澤路生
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 76-76, 1989.

Japanese Article Study on diagnostic method of 11 sarcoidosis
大道光秀, 平賀洋明, 平澤路生
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 77-77, 1989.

Japanese Article Convalescence of the lesion in the thorax of 471 sarcoidosis that passed more than 12 five years
大道光秀, 平賀洋明, 平澤路生
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 77-77, 1989.

Japanese Article About a lesion in 13 sarcoidosis out of the thorax
平賀洋明, 大道光秀, 平澤路生
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 78-78, 1989.

Japanese Article Kazuharu omen case of 14 post MI mitral valve incompetence
室田欣宏1), 福田千文1), 安藤武士1), 大塚俊通1), 浅野献一1), 杉浦清了2), 田宮栄治2), 羽田勝征2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 78-78, 1989.

Japanese Article Synthetic vascular graft grafting for 15 aortitis syndromes
大内博1), 上沖修三1), 黒川良望1), 松井邦昭2), 菅原隆2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 79-79, 1989.

Japanese Article 16 abdominal aorta substituted postoperative CT
丹下勇1), 上沖修三2), 黒川良望2), 大内博2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 79-79, 1989.

Japanese Article Two cases of the inferior vena cava part block technique for the pulmonary embolism secondary to 17 deep venous thrombosis of leg
黒川良望, 大内博, 上沖修三
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 80-80, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the transdermal angioplasty case in 18 our hospital
永島計, 大森浩二, 中江晟, 河村允, 田中承男, 金田悌二郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 80-80, 1989.

Japanese Article Discussion - from example - coronarography views of patients with long-term untreated diabetes who had 19 Adams-Stokes syndrome and brain embolism
小島弘久, 前田孝雄, 播磨純子, 加藤俊夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 81-81, 1989.

Japanese Article One youth case of the myocarditis that it presented 20 complete atrioventricular block and was able to save by a temporary pacemaker
播磨純子, 前田孝雄, 小島弘久, 加藤俊夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 81-81, 1989.

Japanese Article Change of the left ventricle inflow change at the acute left ventricle pressure load in 21 old myocardial infarction
横手祐司, 木戸幸司, 西本幸男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 82-82, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination about the cell membrane Na transport property in patients with 22 essential high blood symptom
木戸幸司, 横手祐司, 西本幸男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 82-82, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of 23 primary pericardium mesotheliomas
武信秀史, 木下智雄, 杉浦清了, 田宮栄治, 羽田勝征, 早川欽哉*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 83-83, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of Fibrosarcoma which occurred than 24 pulmonary veins
木下智雄, 三須一彦, 武山博之, 松井浩, 田宮栄治, 羽田勝征, 室田欣宏*, 浅野献一*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 83-83, 1989.

Japanese Article It is one patient who had the constrictive pericarditis for 25 Fallot four symptoms disease
三須一彦, 武山博之, 杉浦清了, 田宮栄治, 羽田勝征
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 84-84, 1989.

Japanese Article About 26 JR Tokyo General Hospital ward order system - particularly improvement and expansion -
坂部長正, 中崎啓子, 添田孝, 稲富恵子*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 84-84, 1989.

Japanese Article Analysis - of 27 JR Tokyo General Hospital ward order system - prescription input time
中崎啓子, 添田孝, 坂部長正
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 85-85, 1989.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of the malignant brain tumor recurrence case 2 case given intraarterial injection therapy of the anticancer agent with 28 intracranial super selective catheters
米満勤, 滝澤利明
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 85-85, 1989.

Japanese Article Effect to give the somatosensory evoked potential of 29 voluntary movements
鴨下博, 竹谷虎雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 86-86, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the hydrocephalus that suddenly occurred by 30 cerebellar infarction
松葉剛, 鴨下博, 竹谷虎雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 86-86, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the multiple myeloma that they presented with spinal cord transversal lesion of the spinal cord with the mass in 31 thoracic cavities, and died
川崎森郎1), 上村康二1), 中山一朗2), 森田香代子2), 大道光秀3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 87-87, 1989.

Japanese Article One discussion - distant place employee to 32 diabetes management undergoes blood sugar Additional workup; and -
厚坊直子, 河下悦子, 奥平敦子, 福永純子, 種敬子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 87-87, 1989.

Japanese Article We think about health guidance of diabetes for 33 remote local employees
河下悦子, 奥平敦子, 厚坊直子, 福永純子, 種敬子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 88-88, 1989.

Japanese Article Comparison about the lifestyle of patients with 34 diabetes and nondiabetic patients and the dentistry health behavior
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 88-88, 1989.

Japanese Article Diabetes onset protective efficacy in BB/W rats with 36 W3/25-positive lymphocytes transfusion
中村直登1), 木俣智1), 山崎直子1), 高木秀一1), A.A.Rossini2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 89-89, 1989.

Japanese Article Effect of the physical activity to give it to heterogeneity of impaired glucose tolerance as prediabetic stage in 37 NIDDM
佐藤敏枝1), 宮川秀人1), 川瀬清1), 森田聡1), 力田忠義1), 岩本俊之2), 藤代悦子2), 江藤徳文2), 西本幸男3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 90-90, 1989.

Japanese Article Trial - of the LDL removal with 39 years old - Liposorber device which accepted coronary artery stenosis by 38 hyperlipidemia
前田孝雄, 小島弘久, 播磨純子, 加藤俊夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 90-90, 1989.

Japanese Article A clinical diagnosis standard and drug reactivity of 39 familial hypercholesterolemia
高田耕基, 大越裕章, 八幡紀子, 横山達司, 木戸幸司, 横手祐司, 西本幸男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 91-91, 1989.

Japanese Article Two cases of the subacute thyroiditis treated as beginning of 40 common cold
菊地匡, 松井邦昭, 尾股健, 菅原隆
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 91-91, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of ovarian cancer which showed 41 TBG deficiency and Low T3 syndrome
奥山洵子1), 尾股健2), 松井邦昭2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 92-92, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of Addison disease which had the onset for 42 hypoglycaemic attacks, and presented significant neurologic manifestation
堀内正浩, 大宮一人, 武山博之, 石井周一, 鴨下博, 竹谷虎雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 92-92, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the ADH dyschylia syndrome that became apparent after 43 head trauma (SIADH)
松井邦昭, 菅原隆, 菊弛匡
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 93-93, 1989.

Japanese Article Hydro-mineral metabolism abnormality in the surgery of 44 elderly people
鵜飼光雄1), 佐藤昌利2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 93-93, 1989.

Japanese Article Rectal recurrent case that was found after 45 breast cancer technique in the fifth year
河村允1), 永島計1), 大森浩二1), 中江晟1), 田中承男1), 金田悌二郎1), 関川進2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 94-94, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the primary breast cancer surgery case to be able to put in the past 10 years of 46 our hospital
田中弦, 福光正行, 上笹功, 田中潔, 千葉芳久, 野中誠, 神戸雅子, 内藤誠二
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 94-94, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the T0 breast cancer case in 47 our hospital
上沖修三, 大内博, 黒川良望
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 95-95, 1989.

Japanese Article Statistical examination (about anesthesia number of cases, age distribution, an anesthesia method) about 48 anesthesia cases for the past 8 years
片山知子, 仁王菊男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 95-95, 1989.

Japanese Article Correspondence to 49 anesthesia time elevated blood pressure
仁王菊男, 片山知子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 96-96, 1989.

Japanese Article Title point about the examination for PFD in 50 diabetes case
堀米賢, 大平千秋
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 96-96, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the lower digestive tract bleeding case in 51 our hospital
久津見弘, 本井重博, 大谷直子, 中川智正, 藤田剛, 上林由季子, 井上穎樹, 大見甫, 吉田俊一, 木本邦彦, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 97-97, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of 52 multiple small intestine constriction
藤田剛1), 吉田俊一1), 久津見弘1), 大谷直子1), 中川智正1), 上林由季子1), 本井重博1), 木本邦彦1), 池内秀夫1), 中江晟2), 田中承男2), 関川進3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 97-97, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination = 2L method .1L method = about the dosage 53 oral intestinal tract washings reduction
大越裕章, 横山達司, 八幡紀子, 高田耕基, 西本幸男
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 98-98, 1989.

Japanese Article Using conservative treatment - balloon catheter for 54 achalasia -
大谷直子, 吉田俊一, 久津見弘, 上林由季子, 藤田剛, 中川智正, 本井重博, 木本邦彦, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 98-98, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the huge intrahepatic calculosis that we were able to resect in 55 oral bile duct mirror Shimoden mind water pressure rubble method (PCS-EHL)
上林由季子, 吉田俊一, 久津見弘, 大谷直子, 藤田剛, 中川智正, 本井重博, 木本邦彦, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 99-99, 1989.

Japanese Article The nature of 56 HB vaccination effects, age-specific analysis
松葉剛1), 木下智雄1), 柳沢伸嘉1), 森隆1), 羽田哲也1), 伊藤泰昭1), 片本哲郎1), 片山勝利2), 三宅紀子2), 早川欽哉2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 99-99, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the primary liver cancer which resulted in obstructive jaundice by 57 intrabiliary growth
中川智正, 本井重博, 久津見弘, 上林由季子, 大谷直子, 藤田剛, 吉田俊一, 木本邦彦, 池内秀夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 100-100, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the hepatocellular carcinoma which we were able to resect after exploding after 58 delivery, and having stopped bleeding in TAE
小出圭1), 加藤良隆1), 清光六郎1), 岡本太郎1), 則行敏生1), 江川健士2), 山岡哲2), 市木敏夫3), 山根浩介3), 樫本和樹3), 三浦義雄4), 浅原利正4), 土肥雪彦4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 100-100, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of 59 cecum malignant lymphomas
三浦進1), 宇野賢1), 坂井希実子1), 佐々木真由美2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 101-101, 1989.

Japanese Article Treatment of the recurrent gastric cancer in 60 our hospital surgery
田中承男, 永島計, 大森浩二, 中江晟, 河村充, 金田悌二郎
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 101-101, 1989.

Japanese Article About intraperitoneal administration of CDDP for a large quantity of ascitic fluid of 61 cancerous peritonitis
木下智雄, 松葉剛, 羽田哲也, 森隆, 柳沢伸嘉, 伊藤泰昭, 片本哲朗
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 102-102, 1989.

Japanese Article Low anterior resection for rectal cancer using 62 automatic suture instruments (EEA, TA)
田中潔, 上笹功, 田中弦, 千葉芳久, 野中誠, 神戸雅子, 福光正行
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 102-102, 1989.

Japanese Article 63 4 surgery cases of the abdominal bulky disease discovered accidentally
野中誠, 福光正行, 上笹功, 田中潔, 田中弦, 千葉芳久, 神戸雅子, 早川欽哉, 青柳和彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 103-103, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of 64 acute abdomen 23 that was urgently given CT
樫本和樹, 市木敏夫, 山根浩介, 加藤良隆*, 清光六郎*1, 岡本太郎*1, 小出圭*1, 横山達司**2, 八幡紀子**2, 高田耕基**2, 大越裕章**2, 江川健士*3, 山岡哲*3, 岩本俊之*4, 藤川光一*5
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 103-103, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the hydrops fetalis not due to isoimmunization which tried 65 fetal blood transfusion
劉雪美, 安達国雄
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 104-104, 1989.

Japanese Article About 66 uterine tube narrows part pregnancy non-explosion case
玉川昌子1), 山口斌1), 佐々木真由美2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 104-104, 1989.

Japanese Article Two cases of the precocious puberty that accepted the effectiveness for 67 Cyproterone acetate treatment
山根知英子, 村山隆志, 中島正樹
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 105-105, 1989.

Japanese Article Two cases of the disease of diaphragm that repeated 68 respiratory organs infections
吉光千記1), 毛利久夫1), 樫本和樹2), 山根浩介2), 市木敏夫2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 105-105, 1989.

Japanese Article An example (example that EB virus infection seemed to become the triggering of the onset) of the herpes zoster of 69 5 years old boy
畑江泰子1), 山本恵子1), 小林衣子2), 高島巖2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 106-106, 1989.

Japanese Article Study of 70 Acne vulgaris
高島巖, 小林衣子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 106-106, 1989.

Japanese Article 71 gluteus maximus dermal flaps, rebuilding of the intractable buttocks pressure sore with the gluteus maximus valve
瀬在由美子1), 原喜久子1), 永島敬士1), 小島和彦2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 107-107, 1989.

Japanese Article Dietary IgE-RAST of 72 adults atopy dermatitis
永島敬士, 瀬在由美子, 原喜久子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 107-107, 1989.

Japanese Article One case of the non-clostridial gas gangrene complicated with 73 pars sacralis pressure sores
津村公子1), 江川政昭1), 木ノ原伸久2), 鬼村賢太郎3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 108-108, 1989.

Japanese Article About abnormality of the constitution of the fibrous protein of hairs of head found in the patients of 74 Hypotrichosis with Keratosis pilaris
出来尾哲1), 永島敬士2), 渡辺靖3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 108-108, 1989.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of 75 compact ESWL (Direx tripter X2)
吉田正林, 長谷川倫男, 町田豊平*, 鈴木英訓*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 109-109, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of 76 interstitial cystitis
長谷川倫男, 吉田正林, 鈴木英訓*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 109-109, 1989.

Japanese Article Underlying and clinical examination - of 77 bladder tumors and BRM - first report Sizofilan
堀井明範, 尾崎祐吉
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 110-110, 1989.

Japanese Article Cochlear functional morphological change by 78 hypoxia load
白根誠1), 原田康夫2), R.V.Harrison3)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 110-110, 1989.

Japanese Article 1 case of 79 cancer of maxilla sarcomas
岡田博文, 大橋一博, 今井準, 関川進*, 松永茂雄*, 伊丹宏之*
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 111-111, 1989.

Japanese Article Treatment of the mimetic convulsion with 80 botulinum toxins
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 111-111, 1989.

Japanese Article Three cases of the sarcoidosis that formed neovascularity on 81 optic discs
小野弘光1), 平賀洋明2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 112-112, 1989.

Japanese Article Eye manifestation to seem according to 82 disinfection with ultraviolet beam devices
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 112-112, 1989.

Japanese Article About the campimetry with 83 automated perimeters about (2) blood vessel-related disease
野崎尚志1), 飯野四郎2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 113-113, 1989.

Japanese Article Clinical examination of the uveal flame patients in 84 Osaka railroad hospital ophthalmology
水野薫, 駒井嘉美
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 113-113, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of the intraocular implant grafting in 85 Osaka railroad hospital ophthalmology
駒井嘉美, 水野薫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 114-114, 1989.

Japanese Article 86 cervical spine vertebral canals extended one patient who presented with central retinal artery occlusion postoperatively
加川明彦, 横山裕志, 大田寛
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 114-114, 1989.

Japanese Article 2 cases of the L2 comminuted fracture by 87 sports
大西英夫, 引野講二
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 115-115, 1989.

Japanese Article Use experience of the Compression Hip Screw method for 88 thighbone neck inside bone fractures
梶谷典正, 力田忠義, 倉田利威, 平松伸夫, 市川誠
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 115-115, 1989.

Japanese Article Histories of treatment of 89 ankle fractures
平松伸夫, 力田忠義, 倉田利威, 市川誠, 梶谷正典
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 116-116, 1989.

Japanese Article Arthroscope analysis of 104 90 acute traumatic knee joint hematomas
引野講二, 大西英夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 116-116, 1989.

Japanese Article Use experience of the high concentration fibrinogen (Tisseel(R)) in 91 plastic surgery domains
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 117-117, 1989.

Japanese Article About a change for the treatment that occurred after 92 private shifts and the qualitative alteration on the rehabilitation medical care side
山崎裕功, 山北雅一, 本巣昌弘
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 117-117, 1989.

Japanese Article Comparison between 93 JR employees and physical strength with the person of body training group
佐々木久登, 利根川恒雄, 佐藤正子, 西井由紀子, 山口徹二, 倉田利威
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 118-118, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the chewing malfunction with the transformation of 95 mandibular bones
大高要子1), 手島貞一2), 越後成志2), 幸地省子2), 佐藤敦2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 119-119, 1989.

Japanese Article An example of the denture which corrected 96 height of the bite in an outer cap
遠藤康裕, 大高要子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 119-119, 1989.

Japanese Article About the interesting cyst in 97 oral cavity domains
高田嘉津子1), 岡田孝1), 関川進2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 120-120, 1989.

Japanese Article 1 case of squamous cell carcinoma which arose primarily than 98 maxillary gingiva
神林由美子1), 松平文朗1), 小杉二朗1), 小林武夫2), 浅原朗3), 青木秀啓4), 兼平千裕5)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 120-120, 1989.

Japanese Article Clinical application of 99 bone substitute material hydroxy apatite
小杉二朗1), 神林由美子1), 松平文朗1), 青木秀啓2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 121-121, 1989.

Japanese Article About 100 digestion ductal carcinoma, DNA distribution and zinc, iron in thyroid cancer, copper concentrations
三宅紀子1), 早川欽哉1), 木村晃二1), 猪瀬光宏1), 溝口敏一1), 大塚俊通2), 福光正行3), 玄番昭夫4)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 121-121, 1989.

Japanese Article Examination of 101 M protein blood symptoms which we detected in the past 3 years
秋山弘, 江藤徳文, 重広佳枝, 伊藤充, 徳永隆則, 橋本洋, 藤代悦子, 岩本俊之
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 122-122, 1989.

Japanese Article One case that pericardium malignant mesothelioma was suspected in 102 cytodiagnosis
宇佐美一彪, 深井光一郎, 今野久美子, 副島興二郎, 三宅紀子, 早川欽哉, 武信秀史1), 羽田勝征1), 大塚俊通2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 122-122, 1989.

Japanese Article Mainly on example - - cytodiagnosis evidence of double cancer that a chordoma was complicated with 103 bladders non-papillary transitional cell carcinoma - -
梶岡みゆき1), 羽原富夫1), 万代須美1), 安原真由美1), 鵜飼弘子1), 徳永隆則1), 岩本俊之1), 鵜飼麟三2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 123-123, 1989.

Japanese Article About examination of the medication method of 104 nifedipine preparation
伊藤実和子, 澤田知弥, 西原誠子, 松若寿男, 宮本茂昭, 武末玲子, 加塩孝次, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 123-123, 1989.

Japanese Article About the correlation of a principal ingredient of 105 poultices and the-related medicine to evaporate
澤田知弥, 伊藤実和子, 西原誠子, 松若寿男, 宮本茂昭, 武末玲子, 加塩孝次, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 124-124, 1989.

Japanese Article Discussion (oral first report iron medicine) about the change in the living body of the drug for 106 medication counseling from literatures
山田洋次, 相田孝, 中村桂, 片山政昭
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 124-124, 1989.

Japanese Article About the change of the coloring agent to look at to 107 pharmaceutical products
松若寿男, 伊藤実和子, 澤田知弥, 西原誠子, 宮本茂昭, 武末玲子, 加塩孝次, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 125-125, 1989.

Japanese Article Problems about drug remedy, the dissolution of 108 infants
伊藤実和子, 澤田知弥, 西原誠子, 松若寿男, 宮本茂昭, 武末玲子, 加塩孝次, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 125-125, 1989.

Japanese Article One discussion about the characteristic as the basis in the bladder infusion therapy of 109 Hydroxy propylcellulose (HPC)
坂部憲一1), 村中宏一1), 高見芳樹1), 波多野博1), 伊東一彦1), 広田恭三1), 尾崎祐吉2), 堀井明範2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 126-126, 1989.

Japanese Article Pharmaceutic study about the fusion time of 110 bougies
宮本茂昭, 伊藤実和子, 澤田知弥, 西原誠子, 松若寿男, 武末玲子, 加塩孝次, 田川一彦
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 126-126, 1989.

Japanese Article About the rorschach response of 111 demented old men comparison between - dementia-related old man group and control old man group -
眞砂美紀, 浜名康爾
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 127-127, 1989.

Japanese Article It is ... from a viewpoint of the administration of rehabilitation (the seventh report) - these days of 112 mental disorder employees
浜名康爾1), 眞砂美紀1), 鈴木ふみ代2), 坂田紀代子2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 127-127, 1989.

Japanese Article Trial (1) of examination - standardization of the electroencephalographic reading method by 113 electroencephalogram basics activity analysis system ("easy")
松岡俊樹1), 内藤俊之1), 豊嶋良一2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 128-128, 1989.

Japanese Article Trial (the third report) of the cooperation activity in 114 mental health management - About a relation to alcoholism -
内藤俊之, 松岡俊樹, 神田孝子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 128-128, 1989.

Japanese Article About recent middle and old age person behavior judging from 115 accidents using - traffic environment index (τ-index) -
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 129-129, 1989.

Japanese Article Development (1) of 116 stress rating systems - Trial - of the psychological measure making of the state of stress
渡辺忠1), 塚本博康1), 谷沢平八郎2), 草野史朗2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 129-129, 1989.

Japanese Article Development (2) of 117 stress rating systems - Characteristic - of the stress type distinguished using urinary biochemistry material and psychological measure
塚本博康1), 渡辺忠1), 谷沢平八郎2), 草野史朗2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 130-130, 1989.

Japanese Article Study on physiological burden of the train driving of 118 limited express trains and local train
池田守利, 佐藤清
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 130-130, 1989.

Japanese Article Enforcement of the decision situation of the environmental management first report management category based on 121 work environmental measurement results and the environmental improvement
寺井文廣, 上杉晃, 中島博文, 桐山敏幸
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 132-132, 1989.

Japanese Article Environmental improvement with 122 perpendicular equality style exhaust
末広佳久, 林竹治, 安達博文, 藤村直敏
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 132-132, 1989.

Japanese Article Clean degree check of 123 operating rooms
菅野泰行, 梶原信彦, 菅野正裕
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 133-133, 1989.

Japanese Article About the effect of the vacuum-type dust removing device in 124 car maintenance work
吉尾誠一, 奥村悟, 神山成久
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 133-133, 1989.

Japanese Article Performance (sampling efficiency) of the gas mask for the organic gas for 125 paint mists
糸岐良三, 奥迫信治, 藤原嗣典, 二宮康史
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 134-134, 1989.

Japanese Article About the analysis of the chromic compound included in 126 paint
大道祐司, 本庄嘉明, 田中清嗣
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 43(2): 134-134, 1989.