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The Journal of Transportation Medicine

Volume 76, Issue 1/2 / 2022
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The current situation of the pancreatic cancer surgical treatment
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 1-1, 2022.

Japanese Article - to look back on this new coronavirus infection - two years
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 2-2, 2022.

Japanese Article Mental health of the workplace
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 3-3, 2022.

Japanese Article From my experience as a physician and company-wide occupational health staff for health promotion in corporate hospitals
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 4-4, 2022.

Japanese Article Approach ... to nurse attempt - new face education and a manager of the health care for the healthcare worker
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 5-5, 2022.

Japanese Article The making of healthy smart smart workplace which focused on the resources of the workplace in the industrial health job
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 6-6, 2022.

Japanese Article Seven Fabry's disease ... point ... not to overlook it which hide behind in common practice
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 7-7, 2022.

Japanese Article 1. One patient who tried the oral intake continuation of the chain Stokes type breathing patients
摂食・嚥下障害看護認定看護師, 高橋菜穂
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 8-8, 2022.

Japanese Article 2. Difficult feeling of the nurse for the early ambulation after the artificial head replacement technique
高川奈月, 松下友香
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 8-8, 2022.

Japanese Article 3. It was seen from the hearing investigation of ... patients to examine the way of the visit before effective operation in the HCU ward
中野香, 梅田絵里, 原義和
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 9-9, 2022.

Japanese Article 4. Best consideration - from the service training that took in efforts - streaming for the improvement in patients satisfaction of the A Hospital for objection, the invention including the greetings campaign
蔭山潤子1), 西谷内由美1), 人見高史2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 9-9, 2022.

Japanese Article 5. It is efforts to becoming it the conference custom in the A ward
岡部美貴, 福山智美, 織間麻央, 野澤美保
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 10-10, 2022.

Japanese Article 6. Simulation learning introduction to a new face nurse
鈴木直子, 河合雅恵, 川原光央, 野澤美保
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 10-10, 2022.

Japanese Article 7. Training - not to dismiss upbringing - nursing assistant of the nursing assistant
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 11-11, 2022.

Japanese Article 8. Inspection of the anti-disaster measures manual by the simulation
岡本明子, 山口志啓夫, 田村恵子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 11-11, 2022.

Japanese Article 9. Efforts to the hand hygiene observance for the healthcare-associated infection prevention
箕浦愛, 小川藍, 廣永沙代, 野澤美保
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 12-12, 2022.

Japanese Article 10. Efforts report of an examination in measles, rubella, epidemic parotitis, chickenpox for antibody titers and the vaccination
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 12-12, 2022.

Japanese Article 11. Fact-finding of the medication management capability check enforcement
成田真知子, 大野美佳, 首藤真里
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 13-13, 2022.

Japanese Article 12. For the flowchart improvement about the judgment in the getting up sensor introduction
竹本優梨香, 松田彩紀, 小田菜津美
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 13-13, 2022.

Japanese Article 13. ... which clarifies stress by the diachronic investigation of ... three times about stress and the coping of the nurse who became the new coronavirus infection acceptance ward duty
横地亜紀子1), 氏家光都子2), 山本陽子2), 近藤楓2), 小野寺穂花2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 14-14, 2022.

Japanese Article 14. The current situation and problem of the A Hospital "fever outpatient department"
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 14-14, 2022.

Japanese Article 15. We compared the bolus quantity to result from the occlude cancellation in the infusion pump at the length of the tube
佐竹流星, 河合洋充
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 15-15, 2022.

Japanese Article 16. Response of the training institution for the clinical engineer duties expansion
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 15-15, 2022.

Japanese Article 17. Efforts for the hyperalimentation preparation in the pharmacy
正木拓陽, 上杉章紀, 浦江春菜, 腰澤美歩, 森川学, 杉内貴美, 田邉文明
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 16-16, 2022.

Japanese Article 18. Relation of the pharmacist of eye operations in our hospital
西原誠子, 二宮康史, 角岡みやび, 古川涼香, 岡井由美子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 16-16, 2022.

Japanese Article 19. Efforts of pharmacy pre-avoid report in our hospital
盛谷翔太, 小牟田豊, 八代哲也, 東海秀吉
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 17-17, 2022.

Japanese Article 20. Report of pre-avoid activity in our hospital
近澤佳南, 上吹越夕輝, 坂野昌志, 山田洋治
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 17-17, 2022.

Japanese Article 21. One case that received end-of-life care in being at home while morphine sustained hypodermic injection was provided in a heart failure relaxation purpose
森脇順子1), 宗岡美沙1), 土田紗綺2), 中澤千紗子2), 赤澤良太3), 寺川宏樹3), 岡井由美子1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 18-18, 2022.

Japanese Article 22. Example that Byakkokaninjinto succeeded for taste disturbance
小岩正二1), 羽田野翔太1), 加藤良治1), 桑原聖和2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 18-18, 2022.

Japanese Article 23. Questionary survey about the instruction contents for the injection timing at super quick effect type insulin preparation introduction
上杉章紀1), 河原陽介2), 突田壮平3), 加藤良治2), 田邉文明1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 19-19, 2022.

Japanese Article 24. Search of the risk factor of the onset of proteinuria to fold into patients receiving Ramucirumab
遠藤亮佑1, 清水敦也1, 山佳織3, 佐藤秀紀3, 長谷川功1, 鶴間哲弘2
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 19-19, 2022.

Japanese Article 25. One case that ePRO was effective in the adverse event management of the colon cancer chemotherapy
清水敦也1), 秦里奈1), 遠藤亮佑1), 山佳織3), 佐藤秀紀3), 長谷川功1), 鶴間哲弘2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 20-20, 2022.

Japanese Article 26. The current situation of operation and the discharge drug information management instruction of the discharge summary based on medicine medicine cooperation
畝知己, 松原菜美, 前田和彦, 岡井由美子
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 20-20, 2022.

Japanese Article 27. About the pharmacist outpatient department inflection for digitizing and duties efficiency of hospitalization and release support center duties
津崎秀斗, 原田敦弘, 泉川博子, 若林紀子, 梅谷亮介, 盛谷翔太, 小牟田豊, 八代哲也, 東海秀吉
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 21-21, 2022.

Japanese Article 28. Pharmaceutical products management method and effect utilizing Cubixx system (R)
梅谷亮介, 小牟田豊, 原田敦弘, 八代哲也, 東海秀吉
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 21-21, 2022.

Japanese Article 29. For the disposal of pharmaceutical products reduction out of expiration date for use work; through - further improvement -
若林紀子, 盛谷翔太, 原田敦弘, 小牟田豊, 八代哲也, 東海秀吉
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article 30. One case that set the goal for a person with stroke according to time, and intervened
神谷敬, 堀本拓究, 上村洋充
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 22-22, 2022.

Japanese Article 31. One case of the acidophilic polyangiitis-related granulomatosis that setting of the exercise load was necessary for risk management
林澪花, 中本直子, 上村洋充
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article 32. One case of the haemodialysis patients that presented with a multiple lumbar vertebrae compression fracture, and suffered from the correspondence of the pain
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 23-23, 2022.

Japanese Article 33. Approach to precision in the knee joint side radiography and reproducible improvement
戸政達之, 山田峻大, 野田典孝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article 34. Initial clinical application of bone image by the MRI in our hospital
平岡祥幸1), 土屋一洋1), 立石秀勝1), 片瀬七朗1,2), 志賀久恵1,2), 川崎琢也1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 24-24, 2022.

Japanese Article 35. Image properties evaluation in the low dose CT using Deep Learning Reconstruction
矢藤聡1), 西畑朋貴1), 中村元俊2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article 36. Inspection about the measurement precision of blood vessel diameter at VAIVT, the blood vessel head
上田菜水, 中沢慈詠, 山田峻大, 野田典孝, 阿津地弘一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 25-25, 2022.

Japanese Article 37. About the optimization of the examination protocol in our hospital IVR
中沢慈詠, 上田菜水, 山田峻大, 野田典孝, 阿津地弘一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article 38. Comparison between diagnosis reference level and our hospital in the cardiac catheterization
川畑仁, 山口志啓夫, 弥栄将洋
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 26-26, 2022.

Japanese Article 39. Practice report - which is more than -2 age about the read confirmation of the pathological diagnosis report on the basis of the paper
中山宏文1)2), 矢口裕子1), 中村聖1), 井渕真美1), 清水丈明1), 川西なみ紀1), 長谷川三智江3)4), 田村恭子4)5), 古瀬奈津美6), 岡本有三7)8)9)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article 40. One case that PAFib was found in during CPAP management in reevaluation PSG
奥村望1), 守屋仁司1), 山本浩志2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 27-27, 2022.

Japanese Article 41. Efficiency of the echocardiography paper chase
内野義彦, 小倉美紀子, 緒方優香, 藤井和則, 池田桂子, 藤田幸二, 森島英和
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article 42. Approach to improvement in making of the collection of radiographic examination Q&A and recognition, understanding degree
阿津地弘一, 野田典孝, 戸政達之
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 28-28, 2022.

Japanese Article 43. Is radiographer possible from examination - physician of task shift/share of the breast sonography? -
泉陽美, 弥栄将洋
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article 44. Anastomosis in the colic body cavity in our hospital
畠山知也, 玉井秀政, 坂井利規, 小見山聡介, 大陽宏明, 荻野史朗, 赤見敏和, 上田祐二
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 29-29, 2022.

Japanese Article 45. Treatment result of surgical treatment, sacral nerve stimulation therapy (SNM) for the faecal incontinence
鶴間哲弘, 斉藤慶太, 田山慶子, 藤野紘貴, 平田公一
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 46. About an evaluation, management for thyroid gland, the parathyroid gland operations afterbleeding in our hospital and correspondence
稲熊凱, 小林宏暢
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 30-30, 2022.

Japanese Article 47. Short-term treatment result of the intervertebral disk endoenzyme infusion therapy for the lumbar herniated disk
松本明子, 田中信弘, 須賀紀文, 中村, 小林, 田島
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 48. One patient who underwent percutaneous vertebral body plastic surgery for an osteoporotic vertebral body bone fracture with the diffuse idiopathic hyperostosis
安田宏之, 小西定彦, 上村卓也, 山村一正, 寺川雅基
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 31-31, 2022.

Japanese Article 49. About physical checkup manual (tentative name) (trial manufacture plan) of the powered vehicle vehicle driver and future examination, and the like
神奈川芳行1,2, 川島正敏1,3, 福石大1,2, 笠原悦夫1,2, 山本尚寿1,2, 遠田和彦3, 金子弘史1,3, 北川良裕1,4, 藤田智子1,4, 西澤依小1,4, 浅海洋1,5, 関谷祐之1,6, 伊藤克人1,7, 長友禎子1,8, 松原正男1,9
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 50. Summary of investigation examination Committee about the physical checkup (hearing ability, hearing aid) of the powered vehicle vehicle driver
山本尚寿1・2, 福石大1・2, 神奈川芳行1・2, 笠原悦夫1・2, 川島正敏1・3, 関谷祐之1・4, 長友禎子1・5, 石本晋一1・6, 室伏利久1・7, 松原正男1・8
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 32-32, 2022.

Japanese Article 51. Summary of the basic investigation review meeting about the physical checkup (hearing ability) of the 2021 powered vehicle vehicle driver
福石大1・2, 山本尚寿1・2, 川島正敏1・3, 関谷祐之1・4, 長友禎子1・5, 神奈川芳行1・2, 笠原悦夫1・2, 水上直樹1・6, 鈴木浩明1・6, 室伏利久1・7, 松原正男1・8
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 52. Correspondence to the crew whom dysphonia developed in
石原光, 浅海洋
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 33-33, 2022.

Japanese Article 53. An example of the male conductor who Stanford type B descending aorta dissociation developed, and was not able to do boarding return
葛山巧, 山明日美, 神奈川芳行, 笠原悦夫
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article 54. Comparison - of the use situation of environmental hygiene monitoring - limited express vehicle by the microbiotic formation analysis
吉江幸子, 京谷隆, 潮木知良, 川崎たまみ, 志村稔, 池畑政輝
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 34-34, 2022.

Japanese Article 55. Efforts for work environmental measurement introduction by the personal sampling method
藏品良祐1), 山崎貢2), 干鯛健介1), 浅井佑太1), 菊池浩史1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article 56. An improvement point of the weld fume work that measured it, and was understood and future development
金岡裕子, 三好一成, 澤田知弥, 大本喜正
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 35-35, 2022.

Japanese Article 57. An example of the railroad event holding in the corona evil
渡邉健雄1), 常井寛2), 櫻井夏輝2), 中村聡馬2), 福山久恵3), 山本麻路1), 松井真希1), 新野徹1), 手島一陽1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article 58. A station by the disabled correspondence and efforts of the medical institution cooperation
渡邉健雄1), 常井寛2), 櫻井夏輝2), 中村聡馬2), 秋山真奈見1), 山本麻路1), 松井真希1), 柿本光1), 松谷毅1), 新野徹1), 手島一陽1)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 36-36, 2022.

Japanese Article 59. The high-risk pneumothorax case that managed to reach home discharge somehow
鈴木啓史, 小林澄, 畠山知也, 坂井利規, 小見山聡介, 荻野史朗, 玉井秀政, 赤見敏和, 上田祐二
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article 60. One case of the active pulmonary tuberculosis that showed a ground glass shadow in both lung field
菅野貴世史, 鈴木雄造, 突田壮平, 尾崎泰, 村越秀行, 佐野直樹, 佐藤博
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 37-37, 2022.

Japanese Article 61. One case of type 2 diabetes that pernicious anemia was manifested by metformin internal use
突田壮平, 鈴木雄造, 佐野直樹, 村越秀行, 菅野貴世史, 尾崎泰, 佐藤博
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article 62. One case of the chronic neutropenia that racked its brains about the differentiation with the drug-related neutropenia
鈴木雄造1), 尾崎泰1), 突田壮平1), 菅野貴世史1), 村越秀行1), 佐野直樹1), 佐藤博1), 鶴谷喜昭2), 沼田功2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 38-38, 2022.

Japanese Article 63. One patient who showed an asymptomatic ureter wall and a wall of urinary bladder thickening during going to hospital for eosinophilic gastroenteritis
鱸成隆1), 中村元俊1), 小濱祐樹2)
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article 64. Examination of the peptic ulcer hemorrhage case in the new corona infection season
岡本真, 本庄一樹, 松本留美衣, 宮田涼平, 吉川剛史, 毛利大, 大前知也, 赤松雅俊
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 39-39, 2022.

Japanese Article 65. One case that Apple Watch was useful for discovery of the asymptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation
湊谷豊, 福地満正
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 40-40, 2022.

Japanese Article 66. One case of the pseudo aldosteronism that occurred in white coat patients with hypertension
村越秀行, 佐野直樹, 突田壮平, 菅野貴世史, 鈴木雄造, 尾崎泰, 佐藤博
The Journal of Transportation Medicine 76(1/2): 40-40, 2022.