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Volume 60, Issue / 2015
English Article Japanese Article
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Examination of the scan condition by the S level using FPD and the IP 石山隼人, 松橋忠昭, 平塚昌延, 畠山進 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 1-3, 2015. |
Examination of the premature infant room visiting hours whom mother hopes for 佐藤和子, 伊東加代子, 澤田誠子, 岩谷麻美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 4-5, 2015. |
Improvement of coordination system for short-term residency nursing care establishment and visiting nursing care 土橋優子, 佐藤詩絵子, 安達悦子, 田仲弘子, 渡邊美香子, 佐々木由美子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 6-10, 2015. |
The actual situation of the patients satisfaction judging from a free opinion 丸山裕子, 水野住恵, 菊地優子, 鈴木里香子, 星野由紀子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 11-13, 2015. |
Correspondence to corneal transplant, the eyeball donor in the Akita public welfare medical center 早川宏一, 神千佳子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 14-16, 2015. |
The present conditions of visual field tests in the Akita public welfare medical center ophthalmology 今野裕子, 伊藤こず恵, 伊藤聖子, 松橋朋子, 高橋里美, 神千佳子, 早川宏一 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 17-19, 2015. |
The present conditions of the nursing required amount of haemodialysis patients in the dialysis treatment center 入江智世, 菊地芳孝, 藤肥恵, 三浦信子, 坊良由可, 佐々木恵子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 20-23, 2015. |
The actual situation of the antimicrobial proper use judging from a use of injectable vancomycin case 加賀谷明日美*1, 国安美和*1, 太田寿孝*1, 鈴木なお子*2, 鈴木誠*2, 五十嵐孝*3, 佐々木重喜*3,4 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 24-27, 2015. |
Problems to surround aspiration pneumonia 中鉢明彦 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 29-29, 2015. |
From the situation of the respiratory internal medicine 木村啓二 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 29-29, 2015. |
From the situation of the nurse 長谷川香織 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 29-30, 2015. |
From the situation of nourishment management, the deglutition rehabilitation 長谷川香織 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 30-30, 2015. |
Examination of the transdermal endoscopic gastrostomosis in our hospital 工藤研二 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 30-30, 2015. |
From the situation of the medical management in the DPC Hospital 進藤卓哉 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 30-30, 2015. |
Elderly people medical care maintaining aspiration pneumonia at the end of life 中鉢明彦 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 30-31, 2015. |
Diagnosis of the noninvasive ductal carcinoma in Akita, collaborative investigation report about the treatment 島田友幸, 阿部薫, 黒沢幸, 田中麻季絵, 大山健一, 小松正代, 佐藤茉祐子, 木村愛彦, 渡辺正人, 小野静香, 杉田暁大, 佐藤友章, 齊藤真紀, 平賀雅樹, 須田公治, 佐藤司, 高橋さつき, 高橋雅之, 佐々木靖博, 高橋治生, 三浦由紀子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 31-31, 2015. |
1. ... which looks back on self from attitude survey - example study meeting for the service 小林誠子, 津谷久美子, 永井むつ子, 戸澤ひとみ AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 31-31, 2015. |
2. Effect - of the service instruction that took charge, and regarded consciousness change and behavior modification - first impression as the nurse as important 伊藤浩子, 湊谷美和子, 橋本直美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 31-32, 2015. |
3. Factor to disturb the service improvement in the psychopathic ward 工藤高博, 銭谷郁子, 吉田由美子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 32-32, 2015. |
4. Effect of the service workshop that we were able to see from free mention of the patients satisfaction investigation 丸山裕子, 水野住恵, 菊地優子, 鈴木里香子, 星野由紀子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 32-32, 2015. |
5. Efforts of the instruction to patient for the mental painful relaxation in the ophthalmology outpatient department waiting time 成田佳奈子, 小塚亮子, 近藤ひとみ, 金田メイ子, 成田かおり AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 32-33, 2015. |
6. Investigation of the concrete dissatisfaction content for the waiting time of the outpatient 大塚聖子, 山崎智子, 佐藤智子, 松橋佳子, 斉藤美奈子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 33-33, 2015. |
7. Difficult feeling of the nurse practicing palliative care in a mixed ward 佐藤智美, 阿部みゆき, 冨樫佳苗 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 33-33, 2015. |
8. Invention - of the paper which described inflection - face scale of the pain evaluation list in the cancerous pain control 鈴木彩, 蓬田育実, 小川雅子, 永井洋子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 33-33, 2015. |
9. It is ... using a thought ... terminal care attitude scale list of the nurse concerned with terminal care in the A Hospital 加藤祥子, 佐藤久美子, 佐々木真貴子, 菅原一枝, 山中正子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 33-34, 2015. |
10. Comfortable positioning in the terminally ill patients 佐々木優子, 村上由紀子, 佐々木真弓, 阿部玲子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 34-34, 2015. |
11. Construction of the end-of-life care system with the short-term entrance life care establishment and temporary nursing at home 土橋優子, 佐藤詩絵子, 安達悦子, 田仲弘子, 渡邊美香子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 34-34, 2015. |
12. Comparison between fact-finding - outpatient and floor nurse ... of the work satisfaction of the nurse A Hospital outpatient 杉澤葉子, 阿部幸枝, 木村由美子, 米沢久子, 田口千鶴子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 34-34, 2015. |
13. Characteristic of the team which we saw from the nursing required amount of haemodialysis patients in the dialysis treatment center 入江智世, 菊地芳孝, 藤肥恵, 三浦信子, 坊良由可, 佐々木恵子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 34-35, 2015. |
14. The thyme management about the clean care in three sets of pairs 小玉彩夏, 五十嵐鐘子, 伊東恵美, 石井由美子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 35-35, 2015. |
15. The effect that drinking of the fruit juice with acetic acid gives to relieving fatigue of the nurse 戸堀千佳, 畑山佳寿美, 鈴木敬子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 35-35, 2015. |
16. Inflection method of the nursing room to think about from a viewpoint called the communication of the woman in childbed 高橋聖子, 佐藤美千子, 藤谷香菜子, 畠山昭子, 小笠原美由紀 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 35-36, 2015. |
17. The present conditions of the child care stress 戸舘弘恵, 関雅子, 刈谷さおり AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 36-36, 2015. |
18. Examination of the premature infant room visiting hours whom mother hopes for 岩谷麻美, 佐藤和子, 伊東加代子, 澤田誠子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 36-36, 2015. |
19. Support to the uneasiness of the unmarried woman who underwent enucleatic myomectomy in twenties 藤原博子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 36-36, 2015. |
20. Examination about the mode of delivery of the gemini in our hospital 針金永佳, 設楽明宏, 長尾大輔, 齋藤史子, 佐々木満枝, 木村菜桜子, 軽部彰宏 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 36-37, 2015. |
21. One case of the normalcy size ovarian cancer syndrome discovered in endometrial cytodiagnosis abnormality 設楽明宏, 針金永佳, 長尾大輔, 齋藤史子, 佐々木満枝, 木村菜桜子, 軽部彰宏 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 37-37, 2015. |
22. The present situation of the snow removing injury in the Yuzawa Ogachi area 国塚久法, 大塚聡郎 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 37-37, 2015. |
23. Examination from a cost side of the laparoscopic surgery 大山健一, 加藤久仁之, 石橋正久 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 37-37, 2015. |
24. Example that became heparin origin-related thrombocytopenia early in haemodialysis introduction 佐藤翔大, 森屋勝己, 佐々木杏純, 内藤恭子, 赤坂紀之, 佐々木和義, 安田直人, 藤嶋洋介, 野澤立, 近田龍一郎 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 37-38, 2015. |
25. For actual situation - discharge guidance of an everyday life change and the quality of life of home oxygen therapy patients - 照井千晶, 嘉藤久仁子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 38-38, 2015. |
26. Plant a pacemaker; is discharge guidance mainly on the everyday life of the patients after an operation 疋田妙子, 橋本祐美子, 小笠原美樹, 麻木せつ子, 小坂裕子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 38-38, 2015. |
27. The actual situation of the weight gain of patients with myocardial infarction that received smoking cessation instruction 佐々木絵理, 阿部尚子, 佐々木則子, 奥山絵里子, 飼田佳子, 佐藤祥子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 38-38, 2015. |
28. For the diet advice that the patients are effective after gastrectomy 三浦美香子, 日諸千春, 大高育美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 39-39, 2015. |
29. Effect by the discharge support plan sheet introduction in the orthopedics ward 佐藤美香, 武田吾子, 佐藤令子, 三浦奈月, 佐々木直子, 加藤菜奈子, 佐々木雅子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 39-39, 2015. |
30. - to feel the effective discharge support factor from interview after the discharge to discharge support - family of the at-home respirator wearing patients 佐藤茉莉, 佐々木千秋, 熊谷美紀子, 大沢美砂子, 高橋愛実, 齋藤裕実果 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 39-39, 2015. |
31. Effect of learning society and the mouth care check list introduction of the eating function therapy 齋藤福見, 石内美由紀, 檜森さちこ AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 39-40, 2015. |
32. Efforts for the improvement of the consciousness of the nurse for the mouth rehabilitation 矢口由紀子, 小松かづ子, 今野亜也子, 小松宝広, 齊藤みどり, 岡本淳子, 高橋秀子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 40-40, 2015. |
33. The effect that utilized a mouth care file to the patients who needed assistance of the mouth care 佐藤恵, 若松恵里, 小松瞳, 加藤友子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 40-40, 2015. |
34. Anchorage of the oxygen mask to prevent auricle injury 藤田陽子, 佐々木聖子, 佐藤睦美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 40-41, 2015. |
35. Examination of the lower limbs ice pack cover which maintains a cool effect, and facilitates fixation, putting on and taking off 三浦栄里子, 加藤奈央子, 畑中寿子, 堀内峰子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 41-41, 2015. |
36. Inspection of the effective chunk of ice anesthesia in the endoscopy upper gastrointestinal tract 佐々木清美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 41-41, 2015. |
37. Of the disaster occurrence role behavior in the parturient institution image it; report - action card making and utilization ... second for improvement 佐藤孝子, 越中清子, 門脇真澄, 工藤佐智子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 41-42, 2015. |
38. Effect of the disaster training that adopted simulation for three minutes in the obstetric institution 杉渕未夕紀, 鎌田志保子, 加藤千恵子, 伊藤悦子, 伊藤郁子, 佐々木幸子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 42-42, 2015. |
39. Utilize improvement - check list of the medical treatment environment that adopted 5S1K; and - 大塚由紀美, 木村文子, 若松郁恵, 小川綾香 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 42-42, 2015. |
40. Attitude survey of the ward staff for the environmental maintenance of the bedside 畠山稔章, 田中恵美, 花田美起子, 工藤喜美栄子, 成田幸子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 42-42, 2015. |
41. Try the inflection of the ... training list about the education system of the cardiovascular surgery nursing in the ICU; and ... 宮原靖明, 高橋涼子, 深沢麻里子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 42-43, 2015. |
42. Compare before and after change - manual introduction of the consciousness for the postural drainage of the ICU nurse; and - 八代歩 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 43-43, 2015. |
43. Analyze an evaluation of the validity of the in-hospital triage and a factor of future problem - under triage over triage; and ... 田口真由美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 43-43, 2015. |
44. Change of the dangerous foresight awareness of the nurse by the KYT practice 児玉知佳, 佐藤真由美, 中野有紀, 高山彩乃 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 43-43, 2015. |
45. Effect of settings intervention, the infection prophylaxis education at blood culture drawing blood 多田豊一 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 44-44, 2015. |
46. Efforts for the establishment of the PPE wearing 松永絵美, 小松良子, 村上郁弥, 木村英里, 伊藤たまき, 佐々木あけみ, 須藤成子, 高橋律子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 44-44, 2015. |
47. Efforts of virus titration and the vaccination for personnels 五十嵐孝, 佐々木重喜* AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 44-44, 2015. |
48. Evaluation of a virus antibody titers assay and the vaccination rate described in bill of health at the accession 佐々木重喜 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 44-45, 2015. |
49. Case of the Helicobacter cinaedi bacteremia that we experienced in our hospital for the first time 鈴木誠, 鈴木なお子, 小松節子, 伊藤辰美, 藤田秀文 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 45-45, 2015. |
50. Urinary antigen-negative, but is one patient of clinical picture and the Legionnaires' pneumonia that is seropositive, and obtained a diagnosis more 大高いずみ, 加藤常充, 大高新, 長谷川幸保, 渋谷嘉美, 福井伸 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 45-45, 2015. |
51. The germ center extension-related dysplastic (PTGC) case that we initially occurred in the proximal thigh, and the differentiation with the malignant lymphoma was important 村田昇平, 西成民夫, 黒木淳, 猪又美佳, 郭永梅, 伊藤貢, 朝倉健一 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 45-46, 2015. |
52. One patient who presented with bronchitis by Bordetella bronchiseptica 近藤曉, 東條裕, 木村啓二 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 46-46, 2015. |
53. One patient who complicated DIC rapidly during the course of the cholecystitis 平松翔, 鈴木一郎 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 46-46, 2015. |
54. An example of the Williams syndrome with the mitral valve hypoplasia 濱崎亮, 伏見悦子, 深堀耕平, 相澤健太郎, 武田智, 高橋俊明, 堀口聡 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 46-46, 2015. |
55. An example of the purulent spondylitis that there were no clear abnormal findings in by MRI at initial diagnosis 佐藤千晶 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 46-47, 2015. |
56. One patient who obtained a good postoperative course using a nerve block by the local anesthesia at the above-knee amputation enforcement 絹川浩希, 嶌田泰之 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 47-47, 2015. |
57. One case of the gastric cancer given curative operation after hemostasis for the bleeding from a tumor in TAE 堀江美里, 小野文徳, 平賀雅樹, 大村範幸, 高野成久, 中山瞬, 佐藤英昭, 遠山慎吾, 小野地章一 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 47-47, 2015. |
58. One case of the rectal anaplastic carcinoma which occurred by multiple small intestinal perforation 牧野晃大, 小野文徳, 平賀雅樹, 大村範幸, 高野成久, 中山瞬, 佐藤英昭, 遠山慎吾, 小野地章一 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 47-47, 2015. |
59. Efforts and evaluation for the ward drug duties enforcement addition calculation in our hospital 今野慶一, 金木由希子, 中村美紀, 酒井良隆, 佐藤愛, 齋藤雅隆, 山田郁恵, 遠藤征裕, 打矢美好, 熊谷憲晃, 平泉達哉, 森川和夫 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 47-48, 2015. |
60. Analysis ... of the use of actual situation - vancomycin case of the antimicrobial proper use 加賀谷明日美, 国安美和, 太田寿孝, 五十嵐孝*1, 佐々木重喜*1*2 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 48-48, 2015. |
61. Attitude survey of the patients for the generic medicine change 藤田舞都花, 杉山綾美, 中野陽子, 成田大, 高橋茂 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 48-48, 2015. |
62. Radiation quality management (MU proofreading possible thing) of our hospital 伊藤浩, 金子大輔, 勝永祐康, 平塚昌延 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 48-49, 2015. |
63. Examination of the scan condition by the S level using FPD and the IP 石山隼人, 松橋忠昭, 畠山進, 平塚昌延 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 49-49, 2015. |
64. The acquisition of the water absorption dose of radioactivity proofreading fixed number and the Radiation quality Conversion factor using mutual proofreading and absorbed dose evaluation of the electron beam 菅原康紘, 藤澤幹寛, 佐藤仁志, 小林大輔, 福川直 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 49-49, 2015. |
65. Efficiency of one's own demand system and work for own expense unpaid gold 石沢古都子, 東海林敏夫, 小野雅彦, 高橋慶伸, 伊藤弘子, 高橋朝美, 和泉圭子, 寿松木友香, 飛澤一司, 内藤雅博 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 49-50, 2015. |
66. The distance out of a suffering of the psychiatry daycare that "never finds whether you think about that person, what" to a comeback to normal life 簾内真梨恵, 伊藤紀子, 澤田尚子, 野澤宏二 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 50-50, 2015. |
67. Pay the attention to occupational therapy - life movement for patients with femoral neck fracture; and ... 照井希実, 村井肇, 堀井ナオ子, 吉田幸惠, 加賀谷由美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 50-50, 2015. |
68. Examination about the cancer rehabilitation in our hospital 根本剛士, 三浦麻里, 小林明子, 寺尾崇, 菅原亜希子, 進藤侑, 高橋大輔, 米沢将和, 佐藤由紀美, 進藤智美, 倉田昌一, 大前智也, 後藤伸一, 秋山博実* AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 50-51, 2015. |
69. Experience the rehabilitation of patients with carpus condylar fracture in the left 菊地翼, 佐々木麻里, 根本剛士, 三浦麻里, 小林明子, 寺尾崇, 高橋敏子, 倉田昌一, 大前智也, 後藤伸一, 佐藤心一* AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 51-51, 2015. |
70. Experience of the traumatic carpal instability postoperative occupational therapy 鈴木菜穂子, 藤谷淳, 加藤健太郎, 小野元靖, 坂田徳隆, 浦山雅和* AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 51-51, 2015. |
71. About the long-term change of clinical survey results in the Hiraka General Hospital 佐々木司郎, 高橋俊明, 平山克 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 51-52, 2015. |
72. About JA Akita oldness and agricultural cooperative farm village health promotion business medical examination change - of the test value of the -25 year 清水志, 佐々木司郎, 長澤邦雄, 今野谷美名子, 高橋俊明, 平山克, 荻原忠* AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 52-52, 2015. |
73. Examination about the health guidance after the smoking cessation 桐原優子, 清水志, 工藤優寛, 南部美由紀, 佐々木英行, 月澤恵子, 今野谷美名子, 長澤邦雄, 佐々木司郎, 高橋俊明, 平山克 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 52-52, 2015. |
74. Results of the prostate cancer examination in our hospital for 6 years 工藤優寛, 清水志, 南部美由紀, 佐々木英行, 桐原優子, 月澤恵子, 今野谷美名子, 長澤邦雄, 佐々木司郎, 高橋俊明, 佐藤一成 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 52-53, 2015. |
75. Attitude survey for the nurse's record of the K hospital nurse 安保明日美, 木村陽子, 安保智恵子, 大森真由美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 53-53, 2015. |
76. The use situation and problems of the clinical path in the 4A ward (orthopedics) 高橋清佳, 金谷恵利子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 53-53, 2015. |
77. It is ... for present conditions and problem - clinical path spread of our hospital clinical path Committee activities 高橋幸, 伊藤博紀, 高山勝子, 小川菜穂子, 荒木誠 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 53-53, 2015. |
78. Problem of the surgery ward for the deep vein thrombosis prevention to the patients who underwent surgery by general anesthesia 猪股えり, 大友聡子, 斉藤智子, 青木悦子, 飯尾美和子, 大場玲 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 53-54, 2015. |
79. Of the skin trouble by the elastic stockings wearing, actually 高橋愛奈, 安保百合子, 高橋敏子, 兎澤忍, 瀬川裕子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 54-54, 2015. |
80. It is the effect using the alette pillow for pain relief at the change of position of the patients in thighbone trochanter part bone fracture preoperation 大庭裕子, 横井和子, 阿部優子, 高橋多貴子 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 54-54, 2015. |
81. It is efforts to the consciousness improvement of the nurse for the delirium after an operation 小笠原静香, 高堰智美, 成田洋子, 永澤由香, 長崎有夏 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 54-54, 2015. |
82. Qualitative evaluation of the health band wearing after the surgical open surgery and the postoperative recovery 谷藤かおり, 佐藤誠子, 遠藤優美 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 54-55, 2015. |
"And a gathering to think about the health in the 55th farm village has just begun in now of the treatment at home" 秋田県農村医学会 AKITA JOURNAL OF RURAL MEDICINE 60: 57-85, 2015. |