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YPU Journal of Health Sciences

Volume 2, Issue / 2016
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Using examination - society association index (ISI) of the factor to influence the social association of the support elderly people in the K city A district required -
森本麻衣1), 佐藤悦子2), 小田切陽一2)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 1-12, 2016.

Japanese Article The Survey of Nurses' Smoking Habits in A Prefecture for Smoking Cessation Support
井川由貴1), 青山理2), 井出久美3), 外久保和紀4), 松田慶子5), 日原英子6), 小池吉美7)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 13-22, 2016.

Japanese Article Action Necessary to Support a Person with Dementia in the Whole Hospital Which Nurses in Regional Core Hospitals Think About: Based on Survey to Persons Who Complete "Lecture-Based Program to Improve the Ability to Deal with Dementia"
渡邊輝美1), 流石ゆり子1), 小山尚美1), 渡邊裕子1), 森田祐代2), 萩原理恵子2), 植田美由紀3), 飯野みゆき3), 雨宮麻美子3), 依田純子4), 狩野英美4), 伏見正江4), 中島朱美5), 久保田正春6)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 23-30, 2016.

Japanese Article The Effect of the Educational Practice on the Hand Lymph Massage about Hirameki ☆ Tokimeki Science
遠藤みどり1), 加藤淳也2), 前澤美代子1), 中込洋美3), 井川由貴1), 山本奈央1)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 31-40, 2016.

Japanese Article From the change of the subjective evaluation of effect - surgery ward nurse of the education training about the postoperative pain management -
山本奈央1), 遠藤みどり1), 井川由貴1), 志村ひろみ2), 鈴木慶子2), 飯窪利之2)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 41-52, 2016.

Japanese Article From the questionary survey to the participant who participated in a class of difficult feeling - postoperative pain management of the nurse in the postoperative pain management -
中込洋美1), 遠藤みどり2)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 53-62, 2016.

Japanese Article Elaboration on College Curriculum as Viewed from the Regional Diagnosis Practice Status of Newly Appointed Public Health Nurses
村松照美1), 小尾栄子1), 望月宗一郎1), 渡邊輝美1)
YPU Journal of Health Sciences 2: 63-72, 2016.