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Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University

Volume , Issue 11 / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Social Work Practice Created by Non-expertness A Beginning Student's Experience through the Act of 'Giving in to Others'
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 1-13, 2013.

Japanese Article Than the analysis of the council for one consideration social security first report - eighth report in the viewpoint of the family social welfare study about the children abuse (double suicide case)
石川瞭子1), 西岡弥生2)
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 15-32, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination (1) for the childcare environment (material information environment) of the Christopher children garden by the action research
太田雅子*, 細田直哉*, 野方円*, 武田真理子**
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 33-44, 2013.

Japanese Article Exercise of children play along the growth development process
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 45-54, 2013.

Japanese Article Through the present conditions of early quitting a job - pulse-taking and graduate in a kindergarten, the child welfare institution -
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 55-64, 2013.

Japanese Article Focus on study on concept - care process of the care welfare; and -
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 65-77, 2013.

Japanese Article Impact on the local government in the decentralization and the city Social Welfare Council and District Council of Social Welfare in Nagano City
Bulletin of the School of Social Work Seirei Christopher University (11): 79-87, 2013.