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Kokyukea to goenkea

Volume 8, Issue 1 / 2015
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article First page Introduction
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 4-4, 2015.

Japanese Article "Formation of a system to respiratory care and aspiration care"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 6-9, 2015.

Japanese Article "Breathing rehabilitation and - for the construction of formation - area inclusion care system of the breathing care system"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 10-16, 2015.

Japanese Article "Local breathing rehabilitation in treatment at home cooperation "team Morioka" and efforts of the aspiration care"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 17-19, 2015.

Japanese Article "Regional planning to think through food support - From children to caregiving, Necessity of Oral Administration -"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 20-24, 2015.

Japanese Article "One initiative aiming to unify regional meal"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 25-27, 2015.

Japanese Article "An example of the systems construction in being at home of the seriously disabled child"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 28-29, 2015.

Japanese Article "One case that we swallowed it for the dislocation of jaw prevention and trained"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 30-32, 2015.

Japanese Article The 7th 1. Let's recognize the form of the rib cage!
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 39-42, 2015.

Japanese Article The 7th My mutter - What would you do at this times? - A visiting physical therapist's struggle
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 43-45, 2015.

Japanese Article Meeting for the study, subcommittee, study session report each department introduction
井上登太1), 松田孝二郎2), 村木文彦3), 羽場美穂4), 酒井直樹5), 川合祐貴6), 小泉智美7), 鈴木真由8), 久米明美9), 大西恵美子10), 高橋猛11)
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 49-52, 2015.

Japanese Article "Participate in an eating deglutition rehabilitation congress in Japan"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 53-53, 2015.

Japanese Article "Attend a lecture for the beginner's class breathing care authorized official approval"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 54-55, 2015.

Japanese Article "Lung disease society"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 56-56, 2015.

Japanese Article "The diseased meeting of the lungs"
Kokyukea to goenkea 8(1): 56-57, 2015.