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Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress

Volume 18, Issue 1 / 2020
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About "overstepping" in the war
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 3-11, 2020.

Japanese Article The Bridge between Developmental Disorders and Trauma-Related Disorders : Focus on Developmental Disorders
Yasuo Tanaka
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 15-21, 2020.

Japanese Article Autism Spectrum Disorders and Trauma-Treatment
Tomoko R. Haramaki
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 22-29, 2020.

Japanese Article The Important Perspectives in Supporting Juvenile Delinquents are the Developmental and the Traumatic Ones
Jirou Masuya
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 30-37, 2020.

Japanese Article The Actual Condition of the Complex Issues of Child Trauma and Development Revealed in the Long Term after the Great Disaster
Junko Yagi
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 38-46, 2020.

Japanese Article Examination of Psychosocial Factors Affecting Adaptive and Non-adaptive Posttraumatic Growth (PTG) Consideration Based on Two Component Model
Yuki Kubo*1, Hiroshi Ono*2, Daisuke Ito*2
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 47-55, 2020.

Japanese Article Revision of Criminal Law Relating to Sexual Offences
Miwa Kojimoto
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 57-63, 2020.

Japanese Article Criminal Code Amendment concerning Sex Crime Law : From the View of Psychiatry
Takako Konishi
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 64-70, 2020.

Japanese Article Toward the Understanding of the Psychosocial Effect of COVID-19 Pandemic
Jun Shigemura*1, Sho Takahashi*2,3, Misari Oe*4, Mie Kurosawa*5
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 71-79, 2020.

Japanese Article Nonprofit foundation Miyagi victim support center
佐々木健太, 遠藤和子
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 80-82, 2020.

Japanese Article From the viewpoint of approach - trauma to harmful act in the restitution center -
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 88-91, 2020.

Japanese Article (35) Cooperation interview (cooperative interview)
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 100-100, 2020.

Japanese Article Tokyo child guidance center
Japanese Journal of Traumatic Stress 18(1): 107-107, 2020.