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Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology

Volume 38, Issue / 2017
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Cells image - of cytodiagnosis - low grade B-cell lymphoma of the lymph node
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 1-4, 2017.

Japanese Article Fine needle aspiration cells image of the parotid gland epithelial myoepithelial carcinoma
佐々木健司, 加藤貴子, 相部晴香, 杉山佳代, 神田真規, 米原修治
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 5-7, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the vulva hidradenoma papilliferum
濱崎晶1, 熊谷正俊1, 川崎正憲1, 甲斐一華1, 大森由里子1, 中島祐美子1, 児玉美穂1, 上田克憲1, 内藤博之1, 多々野友美2, 大田絢子2, 佐藤梨紗2, 脇本真帆2, 西阪隆2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 9-13, 2017.

Japanese Article A case of Extranodal marginal zone mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (lymphoma of MALT) type occurring under the skin of the buttocks
在津潤一1, 倉岡和矢1,2, 谷山大樹1,2, 齊藤彰久1, 藤澤宏樹1, 菅亜里紗1, 安村奈緒子1, 吉田美帆1, 戸田環1,2, 谷山清己1
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 15-21, 2017.

Japanese Article Two cases of the malignant pleural mesothelioma that a cell block was useful in examination of the molecular pathology in the cytodiagnosis judgment
脇本真帆, 大田絢子, 佐々木里菜, 粟村尚史, 河本涼助, 佐藤梨紗, 多々野友美, 渡部八重子, 倉岡正嗣, 西阪隆
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 23-29, 2017.

Japanese Article Attempt of the epithelium growth growth factor receptor Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor mutation in the gene analysis using the cytologic specimen by the Quenching Probe method
安原眞由美1, 中村聖1, 井渕真美1, 清水丈明1, 佐々木美恵1, 安武美紀2, 稲田順也2, 餘家浩樹2, 中山宏文3
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 31-35, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the small cell carcinoma which occurred in breast
石田真悠, 有廣光司, 内畠由加里, 田岡知恵, 丸橋由加里, 田中祐菜, 清水智美, 金子佳恵, 石田克成, 高井チカ子, 尾田三世, 小川勝成, 織田麻琴, 城間紀之
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 37-41, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the inflammatory muscular fiber blastocystoma which occurred in the pancreas body
内畠由加里, 有廣光司, 石田真悠, 田岡知恵, 丸橋由加里, 田中祐菜, 清水智美, 金子佳恵, 石田克成, 高井チカ子, 尾田三世, 小川勝成, 織田麻琴, 城間紀之
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 43-49, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the cancer of endometrium which did not lead to a malignant diagnosis preoperatively
中前里香子1, 大下孝史1, 中西慶喜1, 永田郁子2, 井町海太2, 上國愛2, 岡本淳子2, 臺丸裕2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 51-55, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the undifferentiated endometrial sarcoma
高畑敬之1, 澤崎隆1, 綱掛恵1, 友野勝幸1, 本田裕1, 水之江知哉1, 菅亜里沙2, 藤澤宏樹2, 安村奈緒子2, 吉田美帆2, 在津潤一2, 谷山大樹2, 齋藤彰久2, 倉岡和矢2, 谷山清己2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 57-62, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of thyroidal hyalinizing strand form tumor that a glass-like substrate was not obtained in cytodiagnosis materials
中村聖1, 安原眞由美1, 清水丈明1, 佐々木美恵1, 井渕真美1, 矢野将嗣2, 中山宏文1,3
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 63-67, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of the pancreatic acinus basalioma which we diagnosed in ultrasonic endoscope lower aspiration biopsy cytology
山田貴之1, 秀坂恵1, 西田正則1, 高田知恵里1, 来米由梨1, 岩川梨帆1, 荻野恭平1, 植木亨2, 大野京太郎3, 重西邦浩3
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 69-75, 2017.

Japanese Article One case of papillosity renal cell carcinoma which was able to estimate a tissue type in spontaneous cytodiagnosis of urine
神田真規1, 加藤貴子1, 相部晴香1, 杉山佳代1, 佐々木健司1, 米原修治1, 森山浩之2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 77-82, 2017.

Japanese Article Attend the 16th Japan and Korea cytodiagnosis joint meeting
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 83-84, 2017.

English Article Malignant mesothelioma - importance of molecular pathological diagnosis using cell block for cytological diagnosis
Maho Wakimoto1), Ayako Ota1), Rina Sasaki1), Naofumi Awamura1), Ryosuke Komoto1), Risa Sato1), Tomomi Tadano1), Yaeko Watanabe1), Masatugu Kuraoka1), Takashi Nishisaka1), Kiyomi Taniyama2), Koji Arihiro3)
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 38: 85-85, 2017.