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Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology

Volume 40, Issue / 2019
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article About the main point and report style, Milan system of the salivary gland cytodiagnosis
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 1-6, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the inflammatory type leiomyosarcoma
齊藤彰久1, 倉岡和矢1,2, 安村奈緒子1, 菅亜里紗1, 藤澤宏樹1, 戸田環1, 香川昭宏1, 石川洸3, 在津潤一1, 谷山清己1
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 7-10, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the cervical zone anaplastic carcinoma
相馬晶1, 藤本英夫1, 野村奈南1, 中本康介1, 岡本啓1, 松本真平2, 花岡香織2, 池田征幸2, 熊澤鈴子2, 坂本直也3, 安井弥3
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 11-17, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the leiomyosarcoma which showed tumor cells by a cervical zone and lining membrane cytodiagnosis
綱掛恵1, 向井百合香1, 本田裕1, 熊谷正俊1, 柏原倫子2, 御手洗賀代2, 阪本聖2, 松浦博夫2, 金子真弓2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 19-24, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of body of the uterus large cells neuroendocrine system cancer
隅井ちひろ1, 中村紘子1, 山根尚史1, 佐川麻衣子1, 澤崎隆1, 水之江知哉1, 藤澤宏樹2, 菅亜里紗2, 安村奈緒子2, 吉田美帆2, 佐伯由美2, 香川昭博2, 戸田環2, 在津潤一2, 山本英喜2, 斉藤彰久2, 倉岡和矢2,3, 谷山清己2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 25-31, 2019.

Japanese Article A case of choriocarcinoma of unknown primary origin that appeared in the pleural effusion
宮田直樹1, 柏原倫子1, 御手洗賀世1, 坂田かな枝1, 阪本聖1, 金子真弓1,2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 33-40, 2019.

Japanese Article A case of follicular carcinoma requiring differentiation between adenomatoid goiter and follicular tumor
藤澤宏樹1, 菅亜里紗1, 安村奈緒子1, 吉田美帆1, 佐伯由美1, 香川昭博1, 戸田環1, 山本英喜2, 在津潤一1, 齋藤彰久1, 倉岡和矢1,2,3, 谷山清己1
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 41-45, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the parathyroid cancer
山本倫子1, 喜田真理子1, 高木伸治1, 坂田かな枝1, 戸井紳二1, 山崎理恵2, 市村浩一2
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 47-53, 2019.

Japanese Article A case of high-grade adenoid cystic carcinoma in the submandibular gland
青木知恵, 有廣光司, 村上拓也, 越智真悠, 内畠由加里, 丸橋由加里, 清水智美, 金子佳恵, 石田克成, 高井チカ子, 尾田三世, 小川勝成, 森馨一, 織田麻琴, 城間紀之
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 55-61, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of the malignant melanoma with suspected pancreas origin
河本涼助, 多々野友美, 佐々木里菜, 脇本真帆, 大田絢子, 服部結, 山本利枝, 西阪隆
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 63-67, 2019.

Japanese Article Urine cells image of the sigmoid adenocarcinoma case which invaded the bladder lumen
矢口裕子1, 川西なみ紀1, 中村聖1, 井渕真美1, 清水丈明1, 吉田誠2, 橋本邦宏3, 伊達秀二4, 中山宏文1,5
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 69-73, 2019.

Japanese Article One case of muscle epithelia cancer derived from the pleomorphic adenoma which occurred in parotid gland
村上拓也, 越智真悠, 内畠由加里, 青木知恵, 丸橋由加里, 清水智美, 金子佳恵, 高井チカ子, 石田克成, 尾田三世, 小川勝成, 森馨一, 織田麻琴, 城間紀之, 有廣光司
Journal of Hiroshima Society of Clinical Cytology 40: 75-82, 2019.