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Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College
Volume 8, Issue / 2013
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
The physical therapy reasoning for the lumbago 青木一治 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 2-5, 2013. |
How to read simple radiographic appearance of the four extremities injury and application to kinesitherapy 浅野昭裕 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 6-8, 2013. |
The functional residual capacity drop of the patients is associated with intake muscular strength after heart procedures 伊藤武久, 飯田有輝 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 9-12, 2013. |
The start movement from the floor of elderly people continuing Japanese style life and examination from in relations - time required of a fall sense of fear and a movement pattern― 井戸田学 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 13-16, 2013. |
To make use in study on association between psychological characteristic and self-efficacy factor - smoking cessation instruction of smokers― 稲葉政徳1), 東山明子2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 17-20, 2013. |
Comparison with characteristic - shut stepladder center of gravity unrest digit in the tandem position and the single stepladder rank― 塚田晋太朗, 畑迫茂樹, 村上忠洋 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 21-24, 2013. |
Approach for the short time user by the ambulatory rehabilitation 田中敬大1), 畑迫茂樹2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 26-27, 2013. |
The prevention of fall case that balanced, and trained 岩田淳 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 28-29, 2013. |
One case that came to have difficulty in early ambulation by sharp pain and a sense of fear 中村綾香 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 30-31, 2013. |
One case of left shoulder periarthritis 小川真之1), 村上忠洋2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 32-33, 2013. |
About the effect of NESSL300 on person with stroke hemiplegia - Pay your attention to a function and gait of the ankle - 三浦綾華1), 山内啓2), 海野光信1) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 34-35, 2013. |
The cervical cord injury case that suffered from getting up by orthostatic hypotension 田上治輝1), 村上忠洋2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 36-37, 2013. |
The effect that the lower limbs bending exercise to patients with stroke hemiplegia gives for walking ability - Report by the single case study - 三浦信幸, 瀬戸達也 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 38-39, 2013. |
By cerebral infarction recurrence, it is the action to a case at risk for the aspiration pneumonia 磯兼直道, 海野光信 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 40-41, 2013. |
Using examination - surface electromyogram of the hip joint extorsion muscular strength necessary for a normal gait― 西尾友里1), 堀健一朗1), 石川奈美1), 上村諒太1), 北添翔眞1), 服部允宏1), 村上忠洋2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 8: 42-44, 2013. |