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Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College
Volume 9, Issue / 2014
English Article Japanese Article
- Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.
Change of the foreword science 澤井一彦 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 1-1, 2014. |
We understand chronic pain 肥田朋子 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 2-5, 2014. |
Questionary survey about "the atraumatic disorder" of the bicycle lover 柘植英明, 杉山省二, 村上忠洋 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 6-9, 2014. |
Examination of the ankle dorsiflexion sthenometry method using Hand-Held Dynamometer 藤井博昭, 中橋亮平, 山田将成 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 10-13, 2014. |
Relations with the line active mass of a physical assistance burden degree in the lifting assistance and the lumbar erector muscle of spine 高崎憲博1), 村上忠洋2), 山中主範2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 14-16, 2014. |
Right lateral corpus geniculatum and possibility - that the presence of one - substantia alba lesion which presented the left hemianopsia and the remarkable left disregard after infarction near the outside after thalamus reinforces a disregard symptom 山下豊1), 和田郁雄1),2), 坪井理佳1) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 17-20, 2014. |
Examination - of the effect continuation with effect on surplus phantom leg - single case design of Virtual Visual Feedback which gave hearing stimulation of the person with high rank cervical cord injury 片山脩1),2), 壹岐英正2), 澤俊二3) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 22-23, 2014. |
The prevention of the aspiration pneumonia for the patients who presented with bedridden by spinal and bulbar atrophy 牧芳昭1), 畑迫茂樹2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 24-25, 2014. |
One case of the total hip replacement with strong excursion restrictions 大萱生有耶 Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 26-27, 2014. |
Usefulness of Functional Reach Test variant 渡邊大輔1), 川端伸明1), 北川知裕1), 野邑篤史1), 山崎智美1), 杉山省二2), 畑迫茂樹2) Journal of Chubu Rehabilitation College 9: 28-30, 2014. |