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Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health

Volume 7, Issue 1 / 2013
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Two cases of the ovale malaria that occurred after quinacrine hydrochloride
藤谷好弘*1, 加藤康幸*1, 早川佳代子*1, 竹下望*1, 忽那賢志*1, 馬渡桃子*1, 小林鉄郎*1, 金川修造*1, 狩野繁之*2, 大曲貴夫*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 1-4, 2013.

Japanese Article Use fact-finding of the nonrecognition vaccine in the travel clinic
福島慎二*1, 濱田篤郎*1, 尾内一信*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 5-9, 2013.

Japanese Article Examination about poliovirus neutralization antibody titers after the import inactivation oral polio vaccine initial immunity
藤岡一路*1,*2, 飯島一誠*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 10-12, 2013.

Japanese Article The inoculation situation of the travelers vaccine of the specialist in primary care of our country, an inoculation recommended ratio and associated factor
坂西雄太*1, 原めぐみ*2, 福森則男*1, 草場鉄周*3, 田中恵太郎*2, 杉岡隆*1, 日本プライマリ・ケア連合学会ワクチンに関するワーキンググループ*4
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 13-18, 2013.

Japanese Article Health care of the local adoption Japanese resident in Singapore
山田杏子*1, 森淑江*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 19-24, 2013.

Japanese Article Trial of the placebo judgment of the rabies vaccine with the rabies antigen measurement simple kit
菊池均*1, 宮津光伸*1, 後藤泰浩*2, 山本悦子*3
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 25-28, 2013.

Japanese Article The present conditions of travel clinic establishment one year in Wakayama
大津聡子*1,*2, 大棟浩平*1,*3, 久保健児*1, 古宮伸洋*1,*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 29-31, 2013.

Japanese Article Investigation about the foreign tour of the home oxygen therapy introduction patients
栗田直, 福島慎二, 増山茂, 濱田篤郎
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 32-34, 2013.

Japanese Article After exposure to rabies vaccine about an inoculation
宮津光伸*1, 菊池均*1, 後藤泰浩*2, 山本悦子*3
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 35-39, 2013.

Japanese Article One case of the returning home super premature infant from Dubai that supported in the third perinatal medical center
藤岡一路, 上村和也, 梶笑美子, 和田佳子, 坂井仁美, 溝渕雅巳, 芳本誠司, 中尾秀人
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 40-42, 2013.

Japanese Article The case that atrial fibrillation was confirmed, and percutaneous catheter ablation was given by an ambulatory ECG and electrocardiogram data transmission by the Internet
加部勇*1, 古賀安夫*1, 幸地勇*1, 溝上哲也*2, 小沢友紀雄*3
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 43-46, 2013.

Japanese Article The medical circumstances that we can see from the Myanmarese military affairs medical world
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 47-49, 2013.

Japanese Article Start voyage ambulatory service in Kagoshima
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 50-52, 2013.

Japanese Article Problem of the medical advice offer in the Chinese air pollution example
湯井真紀子*1, 内海沙央里*1, 岡由美*1, 小熊妙子*1, 町田由紀*1, 森朋有*1, 山下明子*2, 安藤裕一*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 53-57, 2013.

Japanese Article Present conditions report for the mental health support of the China positive one residence
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 58-61, 2013.

Japanese Article Pacific dengue virus infection class (Third Asia-Pacific Dengue Workshop) in Asia
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 62-67, 2013.

Japanese Article - to review the way of the disaster medical care mainly on nuclear power plant accident medical care and voyage medicine - Great East Japan Earthquake and The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster
原口義座*1,*2, 友保洋三*2, 西法正*2,*3, 星野正巳*2, 酒井基広*2, 津端徹*1,*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 68-73, 2013.

Japanese Article Schistosomiasis - European countries in the voyage medicine and Japanese comparison -
大前比呂思*1, 桐木雅史*2, 林尚子*2, 千種雄一*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 7(1): 74-78, 2013.