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Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health

Volume 8, Issue 1 / 2014
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article Children of the typhoid paratyphoid fever
天羽清子*1, 外川正生*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 1-4, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions and problem of health care measures of the person of overseas deployment
栗田直*1, 福島慎二*1, 大野ゆみ子*1, 梅村聖子*1, 古賀才博*1, 久保田昌詞*2, 濱田篤郎*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 5-8, 2014.

Japanese Article Problem for the disaster prevention manual preparation for aliens
波川京子*1, 富田早苗*1, 石井陽子*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 9-13, 2014.

Japanese Article Impact of the student price vaccine in the travel clinic
爾見まさ子*1, 堀成美*2, 金川修造*2, 大曲貴夫*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 14-16, 2014.

Japanese Article Examination about the continuation of the neutralizing antibody by the intradermal vaccination method before rabies vaccine exposure
西園晃*1,*2, 八尋隆明*1, 渡辺一平*1, 三舟求眞人*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 17-20, 2014.

Japanese Article It is estimated ... in the fourth inoculation necessity or not from hepatitis B vaccine 2, 3, the antibody titers at examination - third inoculation about the age-specific antibody-positive rate postvaccinal four times
菊池均*1, 宮津光伸*1, 永田俊人*2, 後藤泰浩*3, 山本悦子*4
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 21-25, 2014.

Japanese Article Than the different patients, inventory survey for present conditions and problem - hospital personnel for family of a language and the culture in the university hospital ...
小笠原理恵*1, 中村安秀*1, 小笠原祐希子*2, 史賢林*2, 大川敦子*3, 南谷かおり*2, 中田研*2, 澤芳樹*2
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 26-30, 2014.

Japanese Article Malaysia and Philippine medical tourism and one discussion of the service for Japanese long-term stayers
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 31-33, 2014.

Japanese Article It is ... mainly on present conditions and problem - mental health of Myanmarese Japanese society 2014
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 34-37, 2014.

Japanese Article About the idea culture of 18 times of Japanese travel medical societies meet symposium
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 38-38, 2014.

Japanese Article Summary of the travel clinic
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 39-40, 2014.

Japanese Article Role to be assumed by the university hospital in the community medical care
繁本憲文*1, 渡谷祐介*2, 大毛宏喜*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 41-42, 2014.

Japanese Article Problems until the travel outpatient department establishment second year and the future prospects
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 43-46, 2014.

Japanese Article A problem in the travel clinic administration and the measures
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 47-50, 2014.

Japanese Article The present conditions of the clinic giving medical care in Japanese abroad
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 51-53, 2014.

Japanese Article Correspondence to a general tourist
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 54-55, 2014.

Japanese Article About the health care of the person of foreign service
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 56-56, 2014.

Japanese Article About the studying abroad sending out support of the student in Ritsumeikan University
作田恭子*1, 松永奈央子*1, 中川克*1, 伊東宏*1
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 57-57, 2014.

Japanese Article Verification of hepatitis A vaccine (Aimmugen) twice method
宮津光伸*1, 菊池均*1, 永田俊人*2, 後藤泰浩*3, 山本悦子*4, 森岡悠*5
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 58-63, 2014.

Japanese Article Health medical care of Moscow
宮村和夫*1,*2, 金武和人*1, 仲本光一*3
Journal of the Japanese Society of Travel and Health 8(1): 64-70, 2014.