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Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock

Volume 15, Issue 2 / 2000
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the 41st Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock holding
Masakiyo Fujisawa
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 138-139, 2000.

Japanese Article "Guidelines making subcommittee report about the clinical survey results judgment" blood count
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 140-153, 2000.

Japanese Article (1) Is high HDL blood disease a risk of breast cancer?
Koji Nakazawa, Chiharu Kobayashi, 朝比奈利憲, Norio Nozue, Identification of Koda
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 154-157, 2000.

Japanese Article (2)Comparison between daily clinical survey and test result by the old and new diabetes diagnostic criteria in the overnight clinical survey
笹森斉, 遠藤和弥, 須澤満, 太田史郎, 矢野方夫, 玉置和英, 渡部紳一郎, 笹森典雄
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 158-162, 2000.

Japanese Article (3) Analysis by the Z level of the health guidance effect measurement (I) family (housewife group) and the logistic regression analysis
Masayoshi Akisada 1) 2), Hiroaki Yoshida 3), Keiko Ikeda 4), Tomomi Kobayashi 4), Tatsuya Aoyagi 4)
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 163-166, 2000.

Japanese Article (4) Health guidance effect measurement (Part II): Chi-square analysis was introduced λ value as seen from the state transition based on a clinically acceptable range of insured groups
秋貞雅祥1)2), 吉田裕亮3), 池田桂子4), 小林智美4), 青柳達也4)
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 167-171, 2000.

Japanese Article (5) An upper GI series radiological finding of this hospital multiphasic health screening testee
Toshihiko Arai
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 172-174, 2000.

Japanese Article (6) Abdominal ultrasonography findings of this hospital multiphasic health screening testee
Toshihiko Arai
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 175-178, 2000.

Japanese Article (7) Preventive medicine and living body resonance measuring assembly
Yasuji Horio 1), Ko Ogasawara 1), Motonobu Nakamura 2), Yusuke Shimizu 2)
Official Journal of the Japanese Society of Human Dry Dock 15(2): 179-182, 2000.