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The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy

Volume 1, Issue 1 / 2002
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article In the opening scene of a play of the new times
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 1-1, 2002.

Japanese Article About a definition of essence and PLAY THERAPY of the play therapy
山中康裕*, 今泉岳雄**
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 2-16, 2002.

Japanese Article VIOLENCE AND CONFLICTS IN SCHOOLS How to empower students to help themselves with the help of Mythodrama
Allan Guggenbuhl
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 17-27, 2002.

Japanese Article Empowerment of the student using violence and the opposition miso drama in the school
Allam Guggenbuhl1), Rock wisteria Hiromi 2)
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 28-38, 2002.

Japanese Article A play therapy for a 2nd-grade boy with problems in speech and acts : To connect the unconnected worlds
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 39-48, 2002.

Japanese Article On a Play Therapy for a Girl who Demanded to be Held Repeatedly
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 49-59, 2002.

Japanese Article Play therapy on a child with mental retardation and self-mutilation.
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 60-68, 2002.

Japanese Article Darkness of darkness, Mio of children
Kazuko Honda
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 71-83, 2002.

Japanese Article "The soul" of "play therapy" and children
Tomoko Yasujima
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 84-92, 2002.

Japanese Article Play, culture, human
岡昌之1), 小澤道子2), 河合俊雄3), 富澤治4), 入江茂5), 6), 安島智子7)
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 93-113, 2002.

Japanese Article Body, image, term
今泉岳雄1), 小林真理子2), 星野恵則1), リース滝幸子3), 岡昌之4), 森谷寛之5)
The Japanese Journal of Play Therapy 1(1): 114-142, 2002.