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The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry

Volume 7, Issue 1 / 1969
English Article   Japanese Article
  • Please note that metadata of J-type articlesare generated by machine-translation and the original texts are written in Japanese.

Japanese Article The absolute position of each upper lower jaw deciduous tooth in the centric occlusion and relative position
Akinori Ando
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 1-7, 1969.

Japanese Article About the occlusal force of the artificial tooth in the mandibular denture type space maintainer
Koji Nomura
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 8-18, 1969.

Japanese Article Analysis of enamel in the fluorine by X-ray micro-analyzer: Infiltration from the fluorine of the enamel surface by fluorine solution conditions
西田百代*,**, 祖父江鎮雄*,***, 吉田定宏*,***
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 19-22, 1969.

Japanese Article For baby teeth crown fabrication method by enlarged head method
稗田豊治, 森谷泰之, 吉原正彦
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 23-27, 1969.

Japanese Article Fact-finding of the use of toothbrush which we looked at according to the school year of the schoolchild
吉原正彦, 宮崎健, 土居将男, 森谷泰之
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 28-31, 1969.

Japanese Article Study on electric resistance 1 of the deciduous tooth dentin. Relations of the dentinal Atsushi diameter and electric resistance at the cavity preparation
長坂信夫, 長繩弘康, 黒須一夫
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 32-38, 1969.

Japanese Article Radiographic study on foreign body which performed impaction in a deciduous tooth extraction socket
Shogo Kamiya, 戸松功克, Long rope Hiroyasu, Masakatsu Yokoi, Kazuo Kurosu
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 39-46, 1969.

Japanese Article Application to the milk front tooth of the resin jacket crown
阿部節夫, 神山紀久男, 藤井信雅
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 51-54, 1969.

Japanese Article The clinical results of the impact on dental caries inhibiting effect and baby pulp of ammonium fluoride silver
西野瑞穂, 吉田定宏
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 55-59, 1969.

Japanese Article For ectodermal dysplasia about 1 case of a lot of attendant ivy teeth lack
Masao Ito, Hideo Gojima
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 60-64, 1969.

Japanese Article Aging observation of 3 cases that removed the majority teeth of the deciduous tooth, and attached a denture
長友美智子, 小野博志
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 65-71, 1969.

Japanese Article About 1 case of dentinogenesis imperfecta (Dentinogenesis Imperfecta)
藤井信雅, 木村興雄
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 72-78, 1969.

Japanese Article Use experience of fault pilin derivative sedative antifebrile "CB" for children
大森郁朗, 荻野昭夫, 野田忠
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 79-83, 1969.

Japanese Article 1 case of the maxillary left second primary molar which put forth, and caused a disorder
矢郷明, 長坂信夫, 黒須一夫
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 84-88, 1969.

Japanese Article Clinical outcome of the deciduous tooth silver alloy inlay filling
Joji Goto, Masumi Ozaki, Hiroshi Sako paternal blood, Yukio Machida
The Japanese Journal of Pediatric Dentistry 7(1): 89-98, 1969.