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Volume 7, Issue / 2005
English Article Japanese Article
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Basic knowledge of alcoholism Yori Oshige Saburo 1), Hiroyuki Kobayashi 2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 5-5, 2005. |
Basic knowledge of alcoholism Shiro Tsujimoto 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 6-10, 2005. |
To wrestle with a person with alcoholism to the family 坂本満1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 11-16, 2005. |
A role and cooperation of each type of job in the team approach in medical care Takeshi Yamamoto 1), Hiroshi Takeuchi 2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 17-17, 2005. |
A role and cooperation of each type of job in the team approach in medical care Takeshi Nonaka 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 18-23, 2005. |
Cooperation on dealing with a drug problem 沖郁二郎 1), 佐部利了 2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 24-24, 2005. |
Cooperation on dealing with a drug problem Naomi Yamano 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 25-29, 2005. |
Cognitive-behavioral therapy Yukihiko Haga 1), Aya Yamamoto 2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 30-30, 2005. |
Cognitive model of alcoholism that assumed behavioral pharmacology a base Moats 1), Tokutaro Komiyama 1), Takenori Matsumoto 1), Seiichi Harada 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 31-35, 2005. |
Discussion - from efficacy and program enforcement experience in problems -DARC on introducing cognitive-behavioral therapy into a person with alcohol, drug dependence disease in this country 森田展彰 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 35-40, 2005. |
Alcohol-related problem in the new welfare measure Kyoko Nishikawa 1), Junichi Sekiguchi 2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 41-41, 2005. |
Activity and action of the recovery house strawberry Shinki Kishida 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 42-43, 2005. |
The present conditions of the at-home life support of the alcoholic Keiko Matsui 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 44-44, 2005. |
We think about a case having difficulty with treatment Tokutaro Komiyama 1), Moats 1), Takenori Matsumoto 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 45-49, 2005. |
From the experience in the ward specialized in - alcohol about "treatment difficulty" Yukihisa Inoue 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 49-50, 2005. |
Cooperation with internal medicine and the psychiatry in the alcohol medical care 塚田勝比古1), 土川権三郎2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 51-52, 2005. |
About cooperation with internal medicine and the psychiatry in the alcohol medical care from the situation of the medical social-worker 大竹和弘1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 52-54, 2005. |
Network with alcohol center and the community hospital 重黒木一 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 54-56, 2005. |
The issue of alcohol in the primary care Shintaro Ban 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 57-61, 2005. |
The issue of young alcohol 山家研司1), 奥田正英2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 62-62, 2005. |
Alcohol consumption and family, friend of the junior high student Kiyoshi Wada 1), Nobuaki Takahashi 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 63-66, 2005. |
It is ... from the questionnaire results of alcohol fact-finding - primary and secondary student of Yaotsu-cho Hiroko Nagata 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 66-72, 2005. |
The issue of alcohol of the minor 安藤明夫1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 73-74, 2005. |
From a prophylactic program of "issue of young alcohol" -ASK 関口富見江 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 74-76, 2005. |
With the recovery of the family 猪野亜朗1), 田中和彦2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 77-77, 2005. |
About the recovery of the family 橋本隆1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 78-80, 2005. |
About the recovery of the family Mitsusachi Sato 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 81-81, 2005. |
With the recovery of the family 水澤都加佐1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 82-83, 2005. |
Community health nurse workshop 山崎京子1), 河野由理2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 84-84, 2005. |
Alcohol-related problem in life-style related diseases of "health Japan 21" Kayoko Hirano 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 85-87, 2005. |
The effect that the alcohol consumption of the parent gives to children Naoto Okazaki 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 88-91, 2005. |
About reproductive failure by the long-term mass drinking of women (mainly on fetal malformation) 石明寛1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 92-95, 2005. |
The fact and problem of the issue of alcohol in the homeless person support Katsuhiko Fujii 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 96-100, 2005. |
The alcohol problem in Kamagasaki 村松由起夫1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 101-104, 2005. |
Violence as the alcohol-related problem 小久保裕美1), 松田博幸2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 105-107, 2005. |
We think about the issue of violence through temperance society Tetsuo Kobayashi 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 107-110, 2005. |
Recovery ... from DV and I - DV Yukiko Takada 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 110-111, 2005. |
The present conditions and problem of the cooperative workshop for people with alcoholism 天野宏一1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 112-112, 2005. |
The present conditions and problem of the alcoholic workshop Eriko Sako 1), Teruaki Matsumoto 2) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 112-113, 2005. |
It is a cooperative workshop of small day care providing work institution wisteria 近江剛1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 114-115, 2005. |
The present conditions and problem of the cooperative workshop of the alcohol dependence chirp of a cicada 瀬戸陽子1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 115-117, 2005. |
Public health nurse involvement to promote empowerment in the group of alcoholism: Recovery Assist alcohol addiction from the perspective of life 塩川幸子1), 秋山潮子2), 安田美紀2), 吉野淳一3) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 118-123, 2005. |
The actual situation of the domestic violence in the alcoholism family Sekii Tomoko 1), 宗龍啓 2), Chika Ueda 2), Mitsuyo Inouchi 2), Michiko Kimura 2), Friend sect かよ 2), Shinji Shimizu 3) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 124-129, 2005. |
"A trial of the critical path induction in the treatment of alcoholism program" (new Kurihama method) Yukari Endo 1), Yuko Okura 1), One village Mutsuko 1), Yoko Urano 1), 1, Satoni, Masakae), Tomohiro Miyakawa University 1), Junichi Yoneta 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 130-136, 2005. |
Induction of the drug test with the urine in the ambulatory treatment of drug dependence, the abuse Katsuo Aso 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 137-140, 2005. |
Thing - that we see it from behavioral disorder during 3 example - length of stay of the Addiction patients thought to be the transmission between generations Moat Tomoya 1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 141-144, 2005. |
Treatment continuation situation - after a fact and the discharge of family cooperation - family cooperation of the person with female alcoholism 川端恵1), 加藤紘子1), 八木香代1), 山出裕子1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 145-148, 2005. |
Investigation about the family consultation in the medical office specialized in alcohol 橋本淳子1), 木村泰子1), 杉本育美1), 三好弘之1), 小杉好弘1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 149-153, 2005. |
Try interview to - wife in the recovery process of the alcoholism family; and - 高橋たか子1), 竹内玲子1) THE JOURNAL OF THE JAPANESE SOCIETY OF ALCOHOL-RELATED PROBLEMS 7: 154-159, 2005. |